THE SENTINEL Veteran Drum First Grand Ball of Lawndale Civic Center Corps Plays at Eisen- F. Post, Assistant Secretary of the steadt Golden Wedding. United States Department of Labor; The Lawndale Civic Center, which Albert Parlin, Mr. Abe Salzman, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Eisenstaedt of Hon. James A. Reed, Assistant United has enjoyed a very successful season Leon Shellow, Dr. J. A. Woolf, Dr. V. 5204 Ingleside avenue, celebrated their States Secretary of State; Hon. Ellison in educational and civic activities, is Josephson, Dr. Wm. Kamin. golden wedding at the Standard Club D. Smith, United States Senator from about to make its initial bow in the last Sunday. The clubrooms were South Carolina, and Chairman of the social world at a grand ball, to be given decorated with a profusion of yellow Senate Committee on Immigration; Sunday, February 27, 1916, at 8 p. m., flowers, which, with the gold service Hon. Adolph J. Sabah, arnking mem- at the Hall de Luxe of the Douglas of the tables, carried out the color ber of the Committee on Immigration Park Auditorium. scheme of the afternoon. and Naturalization of the House of All the principal arrangements have Mr. and Mrs. Eisenstaedt were pre- Representatives; Hon. William S. Ben- been completed and the friends of the ceded in the procession to the refresh- net, Hon. Meyer London, and Hon. Center are now given a chance to make ment tables by their ten grandchildren Isaac H. Siegel, member of the House the affair a social and financial suc- and their eight children with their hus- of Representatives; Hon. Jacob H. cess by coming to the dance and by bands and wives. Schi of New York; Hon. Simon Wolf, bringing all their friends with them. A surprise for the couple occurred of Washington, and Rev. H. Maslian- Davidson's well known orchestra will when the drum and fife corps of the sky, of New York. furnish the music, and efficient recep- U. S. Grant Post, No. 38, G. A. R., The gathering will be a noteworthy appeared. Mr. Eisenstaedt, who was one, for besides the activities at the formerly commander of this post, was headquarters of the society at 229 East much touched at this proof of affection Broadway, interesting data will be read on the part of his old comrades. of the work done at the new branches Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs. opened at San Francisco and Seattle, Tobias Schanfarber, Dr. and Mrs. Emil to provide for the Jewish immigrants G. Hirsch, Dr. and Mrs. Stolz, Bishop at the new port of entry, and to meet Fallows and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosen- the situations that arise as a conse- wald. Those from out of town were quence. The newly established Foreign Mr. and Mrs. Max Richter of New Relations Bureau, through whose ef- York, with their daughter, Helen; Al forts those seeking their relatives in Miss Gertrude Weisberg Eisenstaedt of New York, and Joseph the belligerent countries are brought Photo by Bloom, DeHaven Studio Daube of Berkeley, Cal. into communication with them, will Dr. Schanfarber gave the blessing. also prove to be of more than passing The officers of the Lawndale Civic Col. Eistenstaedt is a pioneer resi- interest. Center are: dent of Chicago, having come here in 1867 to engage President, Dr. M. L. Aren; in the manufacturing vice- business. He president, Dr. Win. Kamin; secretary, was the first man to in- Sinai Concert Nathan troduce the manufacture of men's neck- J. Kaplan, treasurer, Hyman wear The following is the program for the Bolotin; financial secretary, in Chicago. The firm he organ- Miss Lil- ized is now fourteenth concert of the fourth sea- lian Narensky. known as Eisenstaedt son of the Sinai Brothers & Co., Orchestra, to be given 320 South Franklin Sunday evening, February street. He is a member 20, at Sinai of the Board Temple, corner Grand boulevard of Trustees of K. A. and M. Temple. Forty-sixth street, at 8:15 p. m., Mr. Arthur Dunham conducting. Minna Mrs. Leon Shellow Annual Convention of Sheltering-Aid Spiesberger, soprano, will be the so- Immigrant Aid Society loist. Program-Overture, "Maritana," tion and floor committees will care for Wallace; adagio pathique, Godard; Ta- the comfort of the guests and insure The annual convention of the He- rantelle, Cui; overture, nocturne and their having a good time. The pro- brew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid So- scherzo, "Midsummer Night's Dream," ceeds of the affair are to be applied to ciety of America, will take place Sun- Mendelssohn; waltzes, "Voices of the purchase of quarters, which are day, February 27, in the Auditorium of Spring," Strauss; organ solo, Arthur badly needed. Public School No. 62, Essex and Hes- Dunham; aria, "One Fine Day," from ter streets, The following committees New York City. Among the "Madame Butterfly," Act II, by Puc- are in speakers will charge of the ball on February 27: be Judge Leon Sanders, cini, and a group of songs, Minna President of the Society; Hon. Louis Arrangement 'Committee-Mrs. M. Spiesberger, soprano. L. Aren, chairman; Miss Bessie Bush, secretary. Publicity Committee-Mr. Max Low- enberg, chairman; Mr. Samuel M. Ash, Mr. Mordecai Shulman. Advertising Program Committee- Mr. Louis E. Woolf, chairman; Mrs. Leon Shellow, Miss Gertrude Weis- berg. Membership Committee-Mr. Louis Newberger, chairman; Mr. Samuel Druck, Mr. Nathan J. Kaplan. Reception Committee--Mrs. Leon Shellow, chairman; Dr. Rose Aron, and the Misses Birdie Aronson, Celia Dr. M. L. Aren Cohen, Bertha Forman, Mary Kaplan, Dora Katz, Dorothy Minner, Lillian Board of Directors-Dr. Rose Narensky, Anna Newberger, Aron, Emma Samuel M. Ash, Dr. J. W. Bolotin, Dr. Reinshreiber, Edith Samilson, Mary Hyman Cohen, Uritz. Samuel Druck, A. A. Freedlander, Dr. V. Josephson, Mau- SAVOY Floor Committee-Mr. Edward Chaves, rice Lipman, M. L. Lowenberg, Louis chairman; Mr. Hyman Bolotin, Dr. J. Newberger, Mordecai Shulman, J. A. W. Bolotin, Mr. Maurice Lipman, Dr. Woolf. CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Judge Fisher on Boy Problem Young Men's Federated Charities Large, juicy, delicious Royal Anne Cherries from Califor- The Lawndale Civic Center has hon- "For a Greater Young Men's Feder- nia's best orchards. ored last week by a visit from the Chief ated," is the new slogan adopted at an Executive of the city. During the enthusiastic meeting of the Young Savoy California Cherries are put up in sanitary tins in course of a debate on "Preparedness," Men's Federated Charities, on Febru- immaculate preserving kitchens, retaining nature's own Mayor Thompson came into the as- ary 3, at the Hotel Morrison. This delicious flavor. sembly hall and was escorted to the will be the theme of discussion at the platform. He addressed the audience next general meeting to be held in the If Mother Nature knew how to produce better cherries, upon the subject of "The Need for a Lawndale Club, Douglas boulevard and or if modern science knew a better way to preserve them U. S. Merchant Marine." Turner avenue, on Wednesday, March -both would be embodied in Savoy Brand. Next Thursday, February 24, Judge 1st, at 8:00 p. m. The meeting will be Harry M. Fisher of the Boys' Court open to everyone, members and non- Let your grocer send you a tin of the finest fruit that will lecture before the Center on "The members. An excellent program of California air and sunshine can bring forth. Delinquent Boy Problem," at the home talent is being arranged. Douglas Park Auditorium, Ogden and There are two hundred varieties of good things to eat Kedzie avenues. No person at the pres- packed under the Savoy Label. ent time is better equipped with first- J. E. A. Concert Good grocers will sup- hand information about the so-called The fifteenth weekly concert of the ply you. "baby bandits" than Judge Fisher, and Jewish Educational Alliance will be "By actual test, they taste the Best" few men can discuss the subject as in- held at the Alliance Auditorium, 1243 telligently as he. North Wood street, Sunday evening, February 20. The soloist for this con- Steele-Wedeles Company Rabbi S. H. Album has just returned cert will be Mr. Sebastian Shender, CHICAGO from a trip in the west. He spent five tenor. Last Sunday many people were U. days in Gork, Neb., to superintend the obliged to return home without hear- S. A. manufacture of kosher flour for mat- ing the concert, owing to the huge de- Established 1862 zos. He also visited Denver, Colo., mand for seats. Doors open at 7:30 OW-) where he visited the Jewish Sanitarium and the concert starts at 8:15. Dancing for Consumptives. after the concert. e~H.
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