Meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ________________________________________________ Wednesday, 2 July 2008 at 7.30 p.m. ______________________________________ A G E N D A __________________________________________ VENUE Council Chamber, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG Members: Deputies (if any): Chair: Councillor Shafiqul Haque Vice-Chair:Councillor Denise Jones Councillor Shahed Ali Councillor Helal Abbas, (Designated Councillor Lutfa Begum Deputy representing Councillor Shafiqul Councillor Fazlul Haque Haque, Fazlul Haque, Alex Heslop, Councillor Alexander Heslop Denise Jones and Ahmed Omer) Councillor Tim O'Flaherty Councillor Stephanie Eaton, (Designated Councillor Ahmed Adam Omer Deputy representing Councillor Tim Vacancy O'Flaherty) Councillor Waiseul Islam, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Shafiqul Haque, Fazlul Haque, Alex Heslop, Denise Jones and Ahmed Omer) Councillor Azizur Rahman Khan, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Tim O'Flaherty) Councillor Rania Khan, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Rania Khan) Councillor Abdul Matin, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Tim O'Flaherty) Councillor Harun Miah, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Shahed Ali) Councillor Abjol Miah, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Shahed Ali) Councillor Abdul Munim, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Shahed Ali) Councillor Oliur Rahman, (Designated Deputy representing Councillor Lutfa Begum) Councillor Salim Ullah, (Designated Deputy representing Councillors Shafiqul Haque, Fazlul Haque, Alex Heslop, Denise Jones and Ahmed Omer) [Note: The quorum for this body is 3 Members]. If you require any further information relating to this meeting, would like to request a large print, Braille or audio version of this document, or would like to discuss access arrangements or any other special requirements, please contact: Louise Fleming, Democratic Services, Tel: 020 7364 4878, E-mail:[email protected] LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, 2 July 2008 7.30 p.m. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Chief Executive. PAGE WARD(S) NUMBER AFFECTED 3. UNRESTRICTED MINUTES To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the 3 - 8 unrestricted minutes of the ordinaryth meeting of Development Committee held on 4 June 2008. 4. RECOMMENDATIONS To RESOLVE that, in the event of amendments to recommendations being made by the Committee, the task of formalising the wording of any amendments be delegated to the Corporate Director Development and Renewal along the broad lines indicated at the meeting. 5. PROCEDURE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS To note the procedure for hearing objections at meetings 9 - 10 of the Development Committee. 6. DEFERRED ITEMS 11 - 12 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION 13 - 14 7 .1 Site adjacent to 373 Commercial Road, London E1 15 - 36 St Dunstan's & Stepney Green 7 .2 Site at South of 7 Holyhead Close, London 37 - 88 Bromley-By- Bow 7 .3 14 Fieldgate Street and 7-9 Plumbers Row, London E1 89 - 106 Whitechapel 7 .4 Rochelle Centre Outbuilding, Arnold Circus, London 107 - 114 Weavers Agenda Item 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS - NOTE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE This note is guidance only. Members should consult the Council’s Code of Conduct for further details. Note: Only Members can decide if they have an interest therefore they must make their own decision. If in doubt as to the nature of an interest it is advisable to seek advice prior to attending at a meeting. Declaration of interests for Members Where Members have a personal interest in any business of the authority as described in paragraph 4 of the Council’s Code of Conduct (contained in part 5 of the Council’s Constitution) then s/he must disclose this personal interest as in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Code. Members must disclose the existence and nature of the interest at the start of the meeting and certainly no later than the commencement of the item or where the interest becomes apparent. You have a personal interest in any business of your authority where it relates to or is likely to affect: (a) An interest that you must register (b) An interest that is not on the register, but where the well-being or financial position of you, members of your family, or people with whom you have a close association, is likely to be affected by the business of your authority more than it would affect the majority of inhabitants of the ward affected by the decision. Where a personal interest is declared a Member may stay and take part in the debate and decision on that item. What constitutes a prejudicial interest? - Please refer to paragraph 6 of the adopted Code of Conduct. Your personal interest will also be a prejudicial interest in a matter if (a), (b) and either (c) or (d) below apply:- (a) A member of the public, who knows the relevant facts, would reasonably think that your personal interests are so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgment of the public interests; AND (b) The matter does not fall within one of the exempt categories of decision listed in paragraph 6.2 of the Code; AND EITHER (c) The matter affects your financial position or the financial interest of a body with which you are associated; or (d) The matter relates to the determination of a licensing or regulatory application The key points to remember if you have a prejudicial interest in a matter being discussed at a meeting:- i. You must declare that you have a prejudicial interest, and the nature of that interest, as soon as that interest becomes apparent to you; and ii. You must leave the room for the duration of consideration and decision on the item and not seek to influence the debate or decision unless (iv) below applies; and 1 D:\moderngov\Data\AgendaItemDocs\1\0\5\AI00015501\Notefromchiefexecutiveredeclarationofinterests07010850.doc Page 1 iii. You must not seek to improperly influence a decision in which you have a prejudicial interest. iv. If Members of the public are allowed to speak or make representations at the meeting, give evidence or answer questions about the matter, by statutory right or otherwise (e.g. planning or licensing committees), you can declare your prejudicial interest but make representations. However, you must immediately leave the room once you have finished your representations and answered questions (if any). You cannot remain in the meeting or in the public gallery during the debate or decision on the matter. 2 D:\moderngov\Data\AgendaItemDocs\1\0\5\AI00015501\Notefromchiefexecutiveredeclarationofinterests07010850.doc Page 2 Agenda Item 3 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, 04/06/2008 SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HELD AT 7.30 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, 4 JUNE 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1ST FLOOR, TOWN HALL, MULBERRY PLACE, 5 CLOVE CRESCENT, LONDON, E14 2BG Members Present: Councillor Shafiqul Haque (Chair) Councillor Alexander Heslop Councillor Denise Jones Councillor Tim O'Flaherty Councillor Helal Abbas Councillor Harun Miah Other Councillors Present: Councillor Ohid Ahmed Officers Present: Megan Crowe – (Planning Solicitor, Legal Services) Michael Kiely – (Service Head, Development Decisions) Terry Natt – Strategic Applications Manager Jen Pepper – (Affordable Housing Programme Manager) Simon Ryan – (Case Officer) Bridget Burt – (Legal Services) Louise Fleming – Senior Committee Officer 1. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIR The Committee RESOLVED that Councillor Denise Jones be elected Vice- Chair of the Development Committee for the 2008/09 municipal year. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Shahed Ali, Fazlul Haque and Ahmed Omer. Councillor Helal Abbas deputised for Councillor Fazlul Haque and Councillor Harun Miah deputised for Councillor Shahed Ali. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors made declarations of interest in the items included on the agenda as follows: Page 3 1 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, 04/06/2008 SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) Councillor Item Type of interest Reason Helal Abbas, Alex 8.1 Personal Received a letter from cite Heslop, Denise of London College Jones, Tim endorsing the scheme O’Flaherty, proposed. Shafiqul Haque and Harun Miah Helal Abbas 8.1 Personal Relative lives in the vicinity of the site Shafiqul Haque 8.1 Personal Owns a property approx 500-600 metres from the application site Denise Jones 8.1 Personal Non-Executive Member of the PCT (a consultee on the application) 4. UNRESTRICTED MINUTES th The minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2008 were agreed as a correct record. 5. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee RESOLVED that, in the event of amendments to recommendations being made by the Committee, the task of formalising the wording of any amendments be delegated to the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal along the broad lines indicated at the meeting. 6. PROCEDURE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS The Committee noted the procedure and those who had registered to speak. 7. DEFERRED ITEMS The Committee noted that there were no deferred items. 8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION 8.1 80 Back Church Lane, London E1 1LX Mr Michael Kiely, Head of Development Decisions, introduced the site and proposal for the demolition of existing three-storey educational building comprising educational use (Use Class D1) at basement level and part ground floor level, with 59 residential units (27no. one-bedroom, 23no. two- bedroom, 8no. three-bedroom and 1no. four-bedroom) at ground to fifth floor level at 80 Backchurch Lane, London E1 1LX. Page 4 2 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, 04/06/2008 SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) Mr Alamin Latif spoke on behalf of the residents in objection, on the grounds of the impact on parking and traffic, loss of privacy, overlooking and noise and dust during construction. Mr Nigel Bennett spoke on behalf of the applicant. He informed the Committee that officers had been consulted on the design of the proposal.
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