July 16, 2009 Newsstand 75¢ The Home-Delivered 53¢ www.theitemonline.com Serving our Community mmunitySince 1888 Item House invasion Stand out Graffiti, spray painting Residents offer hope of Millburn and Short Hills continues. See A2 in downturn. See A3 POLICE TOWNSHIP CHILDREN TAKE IT TO THE COURTS Investigation into a rash of burglaries By Erin Patricia Griffiths to police at 10:24 p.m. on July 7. of The Item Another Taylor Road South resi- dent told police that a pair of sun- Police are reporting five glasses had been stolen from a attempted burglaries in the town- vehicle that was parked in the ship between July 5 and 8. It is not home’s attached garage. yet determined whether the bur- According to Miller, the resident glaries are related or not. reported that a noise was heard “I don’t want to draw any con- coming from the area of the garage clusions yet,” said Capt. James on the evening of July 5 at approx- Miller of the Millburn Police imately 10:30 p.m. Department regarding the nature When the resident went to of the burglaries. investigate the noise, the motion The first incident was reported sensing light in the garage had on July 7 at approximately 8:38 been activated. Additionally, the a.m. door leading from the attached A resident of Silver Spring Road garage into the living area was told police that a rear window found open. screen had been ripped open and On July 8, the owner of a PHOTO BY NICKI KIRSHNER some chairs on a patio had been Hobart Avenue residence returned moved over under the window home contacted police at approx- Camp counselor at the Millburn Recreation Department’s Summer Playground at Taylor Park A.J. O’Leary, right, leads some where the damaged screen was imately 12:24 p.m. after discover- township children in a game of basketball on the court. O’Leary is a rising senior at Millburn High School. located. The window had not been ing a window to a rear door of the opened and it does not appear that home was broken. the unknown actor gained entry According to police, it did not BOARD OF EDUCATION into the home. appear that entry was gained into The estimated time frame for the the home. The incident is believed attempted burglary is between 2:30 to have occurred between 8:30 p.m. on July 4 and 12:30 a.m. on a.m. and 12:15 p.m. A step in the right direction July 6. An incident reported in the July A resident reported a second 9 edition of The Item also involves attempted burglary on July 7 at an attempted burglary. On the 9:53 p.m. on Taylor Road South. morning of July 5, a Blaine Street Search for new superintendent underway with committee’s appointment The resident told police she had resident told police that a masked noticed a lot of flying bugs in the person was at a front window in By Andrea Hughes search firm will seek non-board sor and social studies supervisor Castaldo explained instruction- house and began searching for an her home trying to gain entry. of The Item input, Brunini said there are three for the district. al supervisors at the elementary open window. She discovered that The resident reportedly days set aside in the contract for Assistant Superintendent for school level oversee curriculum the screen from an open first floor screamed, scaring the person, who The Board of Education’s year- interviews with staff and commu- Curriculum, Instruction and Tech- delivery, facilitate interpersonal bay window had been removed. fled the area on a bicycle with long search for a new superinten- nity members, in addition to the nology Elaine Vislocky said inter- relationships among parents, fac- Police have still not determined another person. dent reached its first step at Mon- firm’s appearance in September. views will be in progress this week ulty and students and execute oth- whether or not there was entry The screen from the front win- day night’s board meeting. Formal committees of commu- for both administrative positions. er roles. According to Miron, into the home. dow was found to have a slit in it. The board appointed a search nity members will be put together, Superintendent of Schools Chapman reported, department The attempt is believed to have Township police are asking any- firm, Hazard, Young, Attea and and there will be advertised open Richard Brodow has also recom- supervisors monitor, evaluate and occurred between 3 p.m. on July 5 one with information regarding the Associates, to assist with the dis- day and evening times where the mended that a search for a busi- hire teachers. and 5 p.m. on July 7. incidents to contact the detective trict’s search for a chief school public can be heard, she added lat- ness administrator begin, said Miron explained to the Program The third attempt was reported bureau at 973-564-7017. administrator. er in the meeting. Brunini in the Personnel Commit- Committee that a social studies According to Board of Educa- Those interested in being part of tee report. An advertisement will supervisor is needed; a principal tion President Noreen Brunini, the a formal committee may contact soon be placed and, the start date and vice principal alone cannot DETECTIVE BUREAU search committee reviewed the Brunini or Levy, who is the chair- for the position will be Oct. 1. evaluate all the teachers in such a credentials of three different search man of the search committee. Program Committee Chair- large department. firms, which handle 95 percent of Status reports for three other woman Lise Chapman reported In other board matters, the final superintendent searches in the vacant administrative positions that the committee met with copy of a new student-parent Tips to protect state. The committee, made up of were also given at the meeting. Hartshorn School Principal athletics handbook, which was Brunini, Debra Fox, Samuel Levy According to Brunini, numer- Ronald Castaldo and Millburn drafted by athletics director Ted and Mark Zucker, last met on July ous resumes have been received High School principal William D’Alessio, was recently distributed 2. for the positions of South Moun- Miron about the role of against break-ins Hazard, Young, Attea and Asso- tain School instructional supervi- supervisors. SEE BOARD, PAGE A2 ciates was chosen unanimously by the committee because of its week. national scope, inclusion staff, Vigilance needed “Had that alarm been activated, administrators and community we would have had a much more members in its searches and expe- from residents precise time frame,” he said. rience in other J districts, explained That incident followed a string the president. Livingston, Maple- By Andrea Hughes of attempted burglaries reported wood-South Orange, Westfield earlier in the week. According to and Princeton have all used the of The Item Pollock, some of the victims were firm to fill positions. Detective William Pollock of the returning from vacation and it was “The firm has a superior plan for Millburn Police Department not yet determined whether the including all stakeholders,” Bruni- offered advice last week on pre- burglar entered the house. ni said. venting burglaries after a string of According to the Pollock, all A draft of the contract has been attempted break-ins had been officers are aware of the attempted submitted to all board members, reported in the township. burglaries and will be on increased Brunini reported. A reduced fee On July 8, a resident of the 300 lookout for irregularities around was negotiated, and the amount block on Hobart Avenue contact- town. will be made public once the con- ed police to report that a window “Our patrols are all aware of it. tract is final. The board and firm to a rear door of the home was They’ll be out there. They’ll be vig- will then put together a schedule of broken. ilant,” he said. events. It did not appear that entry was In light of the possible near-bur- Hazard, Attea, Young will be gained into the home, according to glaries, the detective highlighted present at a public meeting in Sep- STAFF PHOTO BY ANDREA HUGHES police. the importance of having alarm tember to field questions from the The alarm system to the house systems on when one leaves the public. Administrators and board members listen as board President Noreen Brunini, third from left, had been turned off at the time of house. Asked by Hobart Avenue resi- discussed details of the new search firm that was appointed to assist in the superintendent the attempted burglary, said Pol- dent Jean Pasternak about how the search. From left, Elaine Vislocky, Richard Brodow, Brunini and Scott Kamber. lock in a phone interview last SEE TIPS, PAGE A8 CLASSIFIEDSD4, D5 MOVIESA7 Vol. 122No. 29 Pleaserecycle, A bit of history At least34% COMMUNITY D1-D3, D6 OBITUARIESB4Mill painting donated to Town Hall. recycled paper For home delivery, COMMUNITY EVENTSA4PUBLIC NOTICESD3See A3 call 888-504-4280. EDITORIAL A4 PUZZLESA6Bringing home the title EDUCATION B1-B3 RELIGIOUS NEWSB4Diamond team wins district crown. ENTERTAINMENT A6, A7 SPORTS C1-C7 See C1 Watch our team currently on the hit HGTV series Joanna Parker-Lentz Jodi B. 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