On the Inside ~ The Weather Btookl~ Blanke Pittab\IrQh, 9.{) ... Pave:l Fair cmd pleaaant Iaday. Partly cloudy Fin Appointed to Commerce CoUeqa and warmer tomorrow. High today 80: ... PaV8 8 al owan low 57. Yeslerday's h10h 82: low 61. PO\¥lI Riae to 33 I ActiveS' ••• Paq. 8 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wue. AP Wuepbolo. UP Leased Wue -- Flve Cen.. Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. Augusl 2. 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 207 UiS. Forces in Germany May form Part of Pact Defenses Marshall Urges Arms HEIDELBER G, GERMANY (UP)-American war planes and troop ba ed in Germany may become part of westel'n Eu­ to Spray_ rope' permanent defense organization under tbe Atlantic pact, For Europe officers of Ule United States joint chiefs of staff indicated yes­ Aid Now of lIies and we have tbt Imlay. - corne In Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chief of staff of the army, said that us about il­ Hot-Rod Cyc]sf Rides 'Hof' Bike the mi ion of German-based Warns Funds friendly plact Amp I' i c an tl'OOPS probably MI WAUKEE!Il"f-A Milwaukee cyclist went throueh a traf­ would be worked out on the U,S, AmbassadQr fic slsn recently and \Vas arrested. basIs of information gathered dur­ James Smith, 26, was given a suspended term for breaklng Cut·Harmful Shop ing the tour he, Adm. Louis Den­ feld , navy chief of operations, and Implicated in ''Five traCtic rules. Bu t he was scntenced to three months in the house LUUIDU'OU!' St. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, alrforce of con ection when pol :ce found t.ha t the bike was stolen and To Pact Plans chief of staff, are making in that he was carrying a loaded revolver. WASHINGTON (,4» - General DJropc. Pe(center' Inquiry George Marshall urged ( On ll re-; Vandenber!!' said tha.t Get'· WASHINGTON IU'I - John yestr rday to SEnd arms to west­ man-based American air )lOw. Mangon, a key figure in the ern Europe nallol'.' l1uicklv. "1 pm , t1" p~obabl, would play a part senate's "five percenter" inquiry, Private Manufacturers very fearful of delay," he said. Ilmllar tI\ lhat 01 the army lJ) yesterday urged an investigation Backlng the full $1,450.000,000 • Ihe western EUropean detenae of fonner Democratic Nationul administration pr(l~l'am of mili­ ... pnl.aUon. Put Out New A-Bomb tary assistance to frien~I'y nations. Commanders of the American ' he wartime army chicf of s' aft , forces in Europe gave facts and WASJJJ NO'I' (A p )- 'rhe nited " tates has gonl' into in- 'old the house foreign affai".' rc,m­ TreaSU!l'er G~. rge Killion and til/UTes regarding American anny 'l1iUeo It Is "just a beginning" Henry. F_ Grady, present U.S. am­ dustl'ial pI'oduction of the mol' ff ctive atomic bombs test('d at and alrforce strength in ~nnany - In establishing a firm front I" Eniw('tok in 19+8, and h,11'; made advances on othel' atomic £I'onts, Bnd it was believed they were bassador to Greece. for!'stall any RussIan pu"h. KaIlll&S CongI'P8.'l WR'l told yt'Strl'day. given intelligence reports on the The former City boot­ Committee m em '~ ers hav in­ strength of Russian forces in black who once was a familiar Y['he in formation Willi pr!'scnll'rl by the atomic energy com­ ,Istl'n tJy asked wit'lesses how eastern Europe and especially in White Roullfl visitor, said the miss ion in it:; '(,lUi -annual l'PPOI't. President Tl'llman f!!tid in 8 much cooperation [or mutual 0"­ eastern Germany. Itna&e • sUbc'ominUtee checklnR' CAP "'lreub. '., I'; talt:'mrnt that t hI' nat ion ha r. rpnse could be expected from r~­ Bradley, Denfeld and Vanden· his atraln should look Into their "1'P II~()n for rl'll~!; \lI'~llC l' ann IN t P 'd' d ciplent nations. Some Republl -B n ~ btrc o~ned talks wl\b milltary part In the 1911 reor,anlzaUon Maragon Holds Press Conference fRith" that the atomi c program is OVO ny re JU Ice , have spoken for positive asslIr­ OR leaden of western Europe at ot tbe old Dollar sieamship being effectively presscd. h')th tor ance before supporting even a TE'­ Frankfurt yeAterday mornln!!' on lines, San Francttl(lo_ rtuced armed pro~ram . FORMER KANSAS CITY bootblack, John Mara,on (center, faclnr camera) told newsmen In Washln,­ and human welfare pur- the orranbatlon or the militarY H~ made . the statement at an­ ton yesterday that a senate commlttce Is checklnC" bank account I\e had three years al'O In San A.n · ~~~:~ .se Spoke for Hanging, Marshall 181d It woul" \)A "~ mlgM of Allantic pact ceuntrles other impromptu news confer­ very dan,eroul thing" 10 hnld Into " unified defense force, tonlo, Texas_ 'i;IC c"mnlittee Is 1I\v~8tlgat1nl' "five perccnters"-arrents w-.o arranre for contracts with the ence during which he also accused R'ovcrnmenl. This apparently was his answer 3 W't T f'f up on Ute prO!l'ram until " OD ­ The talks were held il\ what to the charges of "incrcdlble mis- I nesses es I y I're.. 1111 &allured western Eurone some members of a 1946 U.S. anagement" which Sen. Bourke 2 was once lhe "war room" or Gen. mission to Greece of "disgraceful" haa a pnJnm workfd out H~ Dwight D. Eisenhower. lIllled Hickcnlo ''Pcr (R - Iowa) made CEDAR 'RAPIDS (IP) - Three said be doeln't betlev.. :hrre commander in chiet, In the build­ conduct, .including drunkenness against AEC Chairman David E. men yesterday testlfied on many and fraternlzltt~on with Com­ Sfreetlighfing Action will be any difficulty 'n gd­ Race Can, Ing of the former 1.G. F'arben Romanian Catholics Ordered Lilienthal. occasions they heard a man wh!l tinr European nalLons to COOII ­ munists. Maragon served on the , , chemical trust. The great battle :The AEC reported: later served as a jul'lCl[' In the erate. Free Display maps, showing the high-point of missipn. Oelayed for Further 1. Its Enlwetok-tes\cd bombs - murder trial of Dr. Robert C- Rut­ Grady, wlJo headed the mission "Couldn't the program :- e rllt the American advance to the Elbe more elfecti ve th 0 n those used ledge Jr., say Rutledge should be until cooperation is /luaranteE'(!?" river, were discreeUy curtained. and who now is in this country To End Charity Work Aug. 15 before )9048 - are being pl'oduced hanged. Rep. Walter Judd (R-Minn) (lsk·d. temporarily to work on the ad­ Study by Merchants 01) an "industrial basis." This They said the remarks were Marsha1i advised no. rrunistration's $1,450,000,000 arms BUCHARE T (AP)- Romnni.a's ommunist-led govern- means that they have progressed made by Emil.Novotny, Cedar Ra­ R,ep. Ja ~oQ Javits (R - NY) aid progrllll\, said he had "no ment ycstol'day gave alJ Roman athoLic welfare ol'del's in t!lr Iowa Qlfy ald ~ rmen last night pids, during daily bus rides to Howley Quits Berlin postponed action on downtown beyond the laboratory-made stage, told Marshall he plans an amend­ idea what M'aragon was driving country until Aug. ] 5 to wi.nd up theil' affairs. and are being turned ( ut by pri­ work. They further testHied No­ ment requiring President Trum9n at," lit~'eet1ightlng untll next Monday's An official announcement said CathoLic monks and nuns are vate manufacturing companies votny expressed the opinion the to reach agreements with s i ~n e r ~ "He neve:- talked to me about council m(eting to give buslneE< defendant was gullty. Job; Taylor Hinted no longt'l' need d £01' wclfal'P work, because tbe state now takes property owners time to insppc( working for the AEC, and In AEC of the Atlantic treaty lhat th er~ anybody on the mission drinking John R. Parker, 45, Cedar Ra­ be a unified command in defense cal'e of all their former functions. fighting systems in nearby towns. plantg. d excessively," the veteran diplomat , ~. Fissionable uranIum and plu· pids draftsman, said he and the of western Europe and oth!:r unI­ As His Successor said. It said the per onnel of The hearlnr last night was Lo other men tried be, change Novot­ fication steps. determine wbefher properly tonium - the sources of atomic Grady said be waa equally at some 15 ol'~aniza ti ons devot~d energy for <all purposes - are ny's mind and made something of Marshall advised Javits such a BERLIN (JP') - Brig. Gen. Frank owners wanted to repaIr or re o a 1058 over'Mara'lIn's reference t<l charity, hospital apd other so­ being produced In greater amounts a "who dunit I(murder myslery)' requirement "may lead us inl') L. Howley, the square-jawed Phll­ to tbe Dollar steamshIp iJnes. cilll work among Romanian Oath­ place and extend the present joke of the dIscussions. something we're not anxious tor Meet 10 Settle IIJrhtlnl' system, The council t.ha never beLere. adelph ian who jousted with the When the Dollar lines were re­ ollcs were dissolved as of yester­ 3. lncreasinr aUentlon was R'lv­ Walter C. Aanawalt, assistant . .. I can't express mysell." Rysslans for ~ , ur years as Amer­ day. Their members are given 15 July 1~ decided property Qwn­ Other wltnuses before l11n orranlled. by tbe U_S_ mart time era should pa.y tor wha.t ;m­ en In the past six months "to re­ Cedar Rapids po&tmaster, sa id he ican milita ry commandant of Ber­ comml_lon In 1941 as Ihe Am· days to decide on : heard EmiJ Novotny - before his' commUtee ba.ve declined public lin, is quitting to go back to civi­ provement! .
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