ICEAFIII Preliminary Registration Form International Scientific Committee 2nd Announcement Antypas G. Airbus France TITLE Prof./ Dr./ Mr/Mrs/ Other_________________________ Aravas N. University of Thessaly Greece 3rd International Conference NAME ________________________________________ Atapek H. Kocaeli University Turkey of Engineering Against Failure INSTITUTION __________________________________ Berto F. University of Padova Italy http://ltsm. mead. upatras. gr/ Bleck W. RWTH Aachen University Germany _____________________________________________ Bouzakis K. Aristotle University Greece ADDRESS _____________________________________ Chamis Ch. NASA USA Charitidis C. NTUA Greece _____________________________________________ Dafnis Ath. RWTH Aachen University Germany TEL _________________________________________ Gibson G. University of Newcastle UK E-MAIL _______________________________________ Guadagno L. University of Salerno Italy Guagliano M. Politechnico di Milano Italy I intend to participate in the Conference Gürdal Z. Delft University of Technology The Netherlands I intend to make a presentation Haidemenopoulos Gr. University of Thessaly Greece I intend to submit a paper Horst P. University of Braunschweig Germany 26-28 June 2013 The provisional title of my presentation/paper is: Kermanidis Al. University of Thessaly Greece Kos, GREECE Klocke Fr. Fraunhofer‐Institut IPT Germany ____________________________________________ Kotsikos G. University of Newcastle UK ____________________________________________ Conference Chairmen Lados D. Worcester Polhlytechnic Institute USA Please return by mail to: [email protected] or Lapcik L. Tomas Bata University in Zlin Czech Republic Prof. Sp. Pantelakis – University of Patras, Greece Prof. G. Gibson - University of New Castle, UK by Fax to: + 30 2610 997 190 Lekatou Ang. University of Ioannina Greece Mines R. University of Liverpool UK The registration fees can be paid by: Nobile L. University of Bologna Italy Ostachowicz W. Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk Poland Organized by Direct bank transfer (pleasedonotforgettomention the explanatory code B.034). The bank slip should be Papadopoulos Chr. University of Patras Greece sent to the Conference Secretariat. Ritchie R. University of California, Berkeley USA Ruzek R. VZLU Account Holder: RESEARCH COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY OF Czech Republic Rustichelli Fr. Polytechnic University of Marche PATRAS Italy Laboratory of Technology Hellenic Metallurgical Society Bank Name: NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE Soutis C. University of Sheffield UK & Strength of Materials, Account Number: 229 54000232 Vu Khanh T. University of Sherbrook Canada University of Patras IBAN: GR60 0110 2290 0000 2295 4000 232 Yaman Y. Middle East Technical Yniversity Turkey Swift Code: ETHN GRAA Zheludkevich M. University of Aveiro Portugal Bank Code: BBRU-BE-BB Under the auspices of Zschech E. FEMS, Fraunhofer‐Institut Germany On desk by cash OOiirganizing CCittommittee Sp Pantelakis (Chair) University of Patras In case you wish to pay by credit card please contact N Anifantis University of Patras [email protected] prior to the conference G Labeas University of Patras K Tserpes University of Patras Ap Chamos University of Patras Accomodation Scope and Topics Abstracts and Papers TheConferencewilltakeplaceattheKipriotisVillage ThescopeoftheConferenceistoattractinterdisciplinary Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract (2 Resort and the Kipriotis Panorama Hotel & Suites in Kos, work dedicated to the design against and prevention of pages maximum), as a WinWord files. They should contain Greece, from 26-28 June 2013. engineering failure. Works are expected to cover a number the title of the paper, author names and affiliations, scope of different technological areas including Aeronautics, of the work, method, basic findings and conclusions. A CD- Construction, Automotive, Bioengineering, Recycling, etc. ROM containing the full papers and a book of abstracts will The conference topics cover but are not limited to: be handed upon registration. Papers presented at the •Engineering alloys & metals for aerospace, land Conference may be submitted for publication, after peer- transportation, marine, power and bioengineering review process, in special issues in one of the following applications scientific journals: •Novel engineering composites •Bio-bdbased engiiineering composites -ItInterna tiona lJlJournal of Struc tura l ItIntegr ity (IJSI) •Recycling of structural composites -Journal Plastics, Rubber and Composites (PRC) The Local organising committee has already made •Nanomaterials: technology, properties and modeling arrangements to obtain special prices for the following fracture behavior recommended Hotels (nearby the Venue): •Smart materials and structures Conference Fees KIPRIOTIS PANORAMA**** •Multiscale (nano, meso, micro and macroscopic) The Conference fees are: approaches to understand mechanical behaviour and Single room 90 €, double room 100 per night fracture of engineering materials and structures Early registration 330 € (EASN, HMS members 300 €) incl. breakfast •Damage tolerant microstructures Late registration: 430 € (EASN, HMS members 400 €) Τel: +30 22420 55300, Fax: +30 22420 23590 •Damage tolerance of stiffened structures E-mail: [email protected] / http://www.kipriotis.gr Students: 230 € (EASN, HMS members 200 €) •Structural integrity and structural health monitoring KIPRIOTIS VILLAGE RESORT****superior •Fracture and fatigue of materials and structures The fees cover: •Surface Engineering and Coatings Sin gle room 115 €,dou ble room 135 € per night Registration, Technical Program, CD Proceedings, Book of incl. breakfast •Experimental studies on the relation between abstracts, Lunches, Conference Dinner, Wi-Fi Connection Τel: +30 22420 55300, Fax: +30 22420 23590 microstructure and mechanical fracture processes in the Conference Centre, Coffee, Tea, light drinks, E-mail: [email protected] / http://www.kipriotis.gr •Testing and Control Systems refreshments and sandwiches. •Computational mechanics and analytical methods KIPRIOTIS PANORAMA HOTEL & SUITES***** •Characterization of fractures Accompanying Persons: Single room 125 €,double room 145 per night •Environmentally assisted fracture 40 Euros: Includes Conference Dinner & Bus Transportation incl. breakfast •Integrated approaches for design, manufacturing and 130 Euros : Includes Conference Buffet Lunches, Coffee Τel: +30 22420 55300, Fax: +30 22420 23590 reliability of engineering structures Breaks, Dinner & Bus Transportation E-mail: [email protected] / http://www.kipriotis.gr •Joining technologies •Non-destructive testing Venue Important Dates Secretariat Kos is the third largest island in the Dodecanese. It is the Abstract due: 30-11-2012 Mrs El. Sotiropoulou, [email protected] birthplace of the father of medicine, Hippocrates, which Notification of acceptance: 15-12-2012 was born on the island around 460 B.C., and founded the Laboratory of Technology & Strength of Materials Paper due: Great School of Medicine of Kos 31-03-2013 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics Early registration: 31-03-2013 University of Patras Conference: 26-28 June 2013 Patras, 26500 GREECE Tel. +30 2610 969498 Fax: +30 2610 997190.
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