P Planning Committee Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford on the 20th May 2009 Present: Cllr. Mrs Marriott (Chairman); Cllrs. Mrs Blanford, Burgess, Clokie (ex officio), Davison, Mrs Heyes, Heyes, Mrs Hicks, Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Martin, Norris, Packham, Smith In accordance with Procedure Rule 1.2 (iii) Councillors Mrs Heyes and Mrs Martin attended as Substitute Members for Councillors Clarkson and Wedgbury respectively. Apologies: Cllrs. Clarkson, Wedgbury, Wells Also Present: Cllrs. Mrs Hawes, Link, Wood Strategic Sites and Design Manager, Development Control Manager, Transport Planner (Kent Highway Services), Senior Solicitor (Strategic Development), Member Services and Scrutiny Support Officer. 17 Declarations of Interest Councillor Interest Minute No. Mrs Blanford Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Member of the Weald of Kent Protection 06/01473/AS, Society 08/01009/AS, 09/00240/AS, 09/00249/AS and; Code of Conduct – Personal and Prejudicial – 06/01473/AS, spoke on the applications as Ward Member and 08/01009/AS then withdrew from discussion and the vote. Burgess Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Member of the Weald of Kent Protection 06/01473/AS, Society 08/01009/AS, 09/00240/AS, 09/00249/AS Clokie Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Member of the Weald of Kent Protection 06/01473/AS, 11 P 200509 Councillor Interest Minute No. Society and Tenterden and District Residents 08/01009/AS, Association 09/00240/AS, 09/00249/AS Davison Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Member of Ashford Rural Trust and 06/01473/AS, Campaign to Protect Rural England 08/01009/AS and; Code of Conduct – Personal and Prejudicial – 08/01452/AS friends with a landowner who owned an orchard that adjoined the site – withdrew from discussion and the vote Mrs Hutchinson Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Member of the Weald of Kent Protection 06/01473/AS, Society and Tenterden and District Residents 08/01009/AS, Association 09/00240/AS, 09/00249/AS Mrs Marriott Code of Conduct – Personal but not Prejudicial 19 - – Council appointed representative on the Kent 09/00173/AS Downs (AONB) Joint Advisory Committee and Executive Committee – had retained an open mind Norris Code of Conduct – Personal and Prejudicial – 19 - had attended meetings of the Swan Centre 09/00360/AS Board – withdrew from discussion and the vote. Smith Code of Conduct – Personal and Prejudicial – 19 - had attended meetings of the Swan Centre 09/00360/AS Board –spoke on the application as Ward Member and then withdrew from discussion and the vote. 18 Minutes Resolved: That the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on the 29th April 2009 be approved and confirmed as a correct record. 12 P 200509 19 Schedule of Applications Resolved: That following consideration of (a), (b) and (c) below, (a) Private representations (number of consultation letters sent/number of representations received) (b) The indication of the Parish Council’s/Town Council’s views (c) The views of Statutory Consultees and Amenity Societies (abbreviation for consultee/society stated) Supports ‘S’, objects ‘R’, no objections/no comments ‘X’, still awaited ‘+’, not applicable/none received ‘-’ decisions be made in respect of Planning Applications as follows: - 13 P20052009 ____________________________________________________________________ Application Number 06/01473/AS Location The Barn, Goldwell, Etchden Road, Great Chart Grid Reference 96858 /42441 Parish Council Great Chart Ward Great Chart with Singleton North Application Conversion of barn to residential use, erection of a garden Description shed and erection of a 900mm high wattle screen fence on top of existing boundary wall. Applicant Mrs G M Wynn Green Agent Mrs Ann Brannan, Mason Brannon Architects, Wissenden, Bethersden, TN26 3EL Site Area 0.18 Hectares (a) 1 X (b) PC S (c) KHS X, PROW X, EHO X, OSS X, NE X The Development Control Manager drew Members attention to the Update Report. The applicant’s agent had submitted an artist’s impression of the barn as converted, it was attached to the Update Report as an annex and colour copies had been provided to Members. In accordance with Procedure Rule 9.3 Mrs Wynn Green, the Applicant, spoke in support of the application. She advised Members that her husband and herself had lived at Goldwell for 32 years and wished to convert the barn for their own occupation. They had made amendments to alleviate the concerns of the Conservation Officer. The addition of a window into the weather boarded area would result in a loss of only 4% of the weather boarding. Without the addition of the window two rooms of the dwelling would be uninhabitable. Windows to the eastern elevation had been sacrificed at the request of the Conservation Officer. In accordance with Procedure Rule 9.3 Mr Hammett, from Great Chart with Singleton Parish Council, spoke in support of the application. He advised Members that the Parish Council supported the application and had done so previously. The barn was full of local character and would create a quality home. He asked the Committee to consider the application. The Ward Member spoke in support of the application and then withdrew from the discussion and the vote. 14 P20052009 ____________________________________________________________________ Resolved: That for the following reasons the Planning Committee permit this application: 1. The development would respect the context of the site and would not be harmful to the character of the area. 2. The development represents an appropriate means of preserving this listed building for posterity. 3. The proposed shed would not adversely affect the character of the area nor the setting of the listed buildings. 4. The fence would protect the amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring property and would not detract from the setting of the listed buildings. Permit Subject to the following conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, or any other Order or any subsequent Order revoking or re-enacting that Order, no further development whether or not permitted by Article 3 and Schedule 2, Part 1 Classes A, B, C, D, E, G, H of that Order shall be carried out without the prior permission of the Local Planning Authority in writing. Reason: To protect the character and setting of the converted building and the adjoining listed buildings. 3. The privacy screen shown on drawing 776/A4/01/A shall be erected in accordance with the approved drawing prior to the first occupation of the dwelling and thereafter maintained. Reason: In order to safeguard the privacy of the occupants of the adjoining Oast House. 4. The dwelling shall not be occupied until works for the disposal of sewage have been provided on the site to serve the development hereby permitted, in 15 P20052009 ____________________________________________________________________ accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To avoid pollution of the surrounding area. 5. The approved motor vehicle parking vehicle facilities shall be provided before the development to which they relate is brought into use and they shall thereafter be retained available for ancillary parking of motor vehicles and access to the facilities shall not be precluded. Reason: To ensure the provision and retention of adequate parking facilities in order to avoid obstruction of the footpath by parked vehicles. Notes to Applicant 1. Public Right of Way AW209 passes within the boundary of the site and bridleway AW243 passes along the southern boundary of the site. At no time should the proposed development encroach upon the rights of way and the rights of way should not be obstructed or diverted without consent. To do so is an offence under Highway Law. 2. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that, where any aspect of the proposal directly affects bats or their roosting sites, work must be undertaken under licence, which mist be obtained from Natural England. ___________________________________________________________________ Application Number 08/01009/AS Location The Barn, Goldwell, Etchden Road, Great Chart. Grid Reference 96858/42441 Parish Council Great Chart Ward Great Chart with Singleton North Application Conversion of existing barn to residential. Description Applicant Mrs G Wynn Green Agent Mrs Ann Brannan, Mason Brannon Architects, Wissenden, Wissenden Lane, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent Site Area 0.18 Hectares 16 P20052009 ____________________________________________________________________ (a) 1 1X (b) PC X (c) For Update Report, Speakers and Ward Member please see previous application. Resolved: That for the following reasons the Planning Committee permit this application: 1. The development would respect the context of the site and would not be harmful to the character of the area. 2. The development represents an appropriate means of preserving this listed building for posterity. Grant Consent Subject to the following conditions: 1. The work to which this consent relates shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. No sandblasting or other abrasive method is to be carried out to clean any timbers. Reason: To ensure the preservation of the structure, features and detailing that form part of the architectural historic character of the barn. 3. Before any works are carried out the following details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the works thereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
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