d x m KEY: CLIENT: SIZE: TITLE: . m a h l u Oxfordshire County Council A4 Site 217: Number 4 Site, Culham C Potential Site Boundary e t i S 4 o N \ D ERM X M Eaton House \ 0 1 Wallbrook Court e s a North Hinksey Lane h P \ Oxford, OX2 0QS S DATE: 27/07/2007 CHECKED: PROJECT: 0051809 L _ S Telephone: 01865 384800 I G d Facsimile: 01865 204982 DRAWN: IG APPROVED: SCALE: 1:10,000 r o f x . O 0 200 Reproduced from Ordnance Survey digital map data. © Crown 9 SOURCE: DRAWING: REV: 0 8 copyright, All rights reserved. 2007 License number 0100023343. 1 5 0 British National Grid No4SiteCulham.mxd 0 0 PROJECTION: : e l Metres i F SITE 217 NUMBER 4 SITE, CULHAM GRID REFERENCE: 453417, 196286 Criteria Description Site Description and An open site. Well established trees are located on the northern boundary of the site Existing Use along with a number of unused hangars in the middle. Several piles of felled trees lie in the north eastern section of the site, where there is also an area of hard standing. Pylons and cables cut through the middle of the site. Site Area 6.22 ha. Surrounding Land Uses Sites 215 and 216 are located to the south and south west of this site. The site is separated from the Culham Science Centre by security fencing. To the north of the site is a thick wooded area. The site is otherwise surrounded by agricultural land. Traffic and Transport The site access is via a private perimeter road belonging to the Culham Science Centre. This access road does not have a security barrier and is suitable for HGVs but has a speed restriction. The internal access road joins the A415 and has a good junction with high visibility. Proximity to Waste The site is located within 6 km of the centre of Didcot and within 4 km of Abingdon. The Arisings villages of Culham and Clifton Hampden are with close proximity to the site. The site is 10 km from the centre of Oxford. Planning Policy The site lies within the Oxford Green Belt. Planning History In 2003, temporary planning permission was granted for use of an existing building for research and development purposes, after which time, use of the site will cease and the building (Unit 2) shall be demolished. In 2007, an application was received for re-use of an existing building for, handling approximately 3,500 tonnes of waste tyres per year. Committee has resolved to grant permission, this has been referred to GOSE as a departure from the development plan. Landscape Designations There are no landscape designations for this site. The site lies within the landscape character area of Midvale Ridge. Landscape Character Land Stability There is no information to suggest that the site would be subject to land instability. Ecology and Nature The northern edge of the site is within 450 m and the southern edge within 950 m of a Conservation conservation area. This site lies within 2-5 km of the Little Wittenham SAC and 5-10 km of the Cothill Fen SAC. Agricultural Land The site is designated as an urban area. Classification Flooding (potential) The northern boundary of the site lies within 700 m from flood zone 2.The southern boundary lies within 750 m of a flood zone 2. The southern edge is also within 1.2 km of a flood zone 3. The site is also within 650 m of 2 historic flood areas. Groundwater Quality The site is located within a minor aquifer with groundwater at high vulnerability to pollution. The site is not located in an SPZ. Historic Environment There are no archaeological constraints for this site. Recreational Activities A Kids Corner crèche is situated on the entrance to the access road (Thame Lane). There are public rights of way in the vicinity of this site. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OCC 98 Criteria Description Air Quality/Noise/ The site is on the periphery of the Culham Science Centre. Otherwise it sits within a Issues of Environmental rural setting. Nuisance Proximity to Existing Non inert facilities Waste Facilities Proximity to Landfill: Radley PFA Lagoons, 1.3 km Proximity to Treatment: Oxford Sewage Treatment Works, 5.7 km Proximity to Recycling: No non-inert facilities within 10 km. Proximity to Transfer Station: Drayton Depot Transfer Station, 5 km Proximity to Composting: Old Sewage Works, 0.5 km Landscape/ Visual Impact The site is well screened by trees to the northern boundary. It is very open on all other aspects and is separated from the built development of the Culham Science Centre. Site Ownership The site is owned by Leda Properties. The owners views are in the process of being clarified at the time of publishing this report. Site 217 Number 4 Site, Culham Preliminary Conclusions This site is also characterised by war time hangar buildings. Whilst it is in close proximity the Culham Science Centre, it sits quite separate from it. Access to the site is gained by using the access track that leads around the Science Centre. Oxfordshire Countryside Services advises that this access track runs along a restricted byway, which is not considered to be appropriate. The rights of way network within this vicinity are not over used, but provide a good, largely traffic free access from Clifton Hampden to the south of Abingdon. It also comprises part of the Oxford Green Belt Way. Furthermore, a Kids Corner crèche is situated in close proximity to the entrance of the site. Vehicle movements would have to pass by this facility in order to avoid the security gate. Development of a strategic waste management facility is likely to generate a significant number of vehicle movements. The location of the restricted byway and crèche could constrain development. This site is within a 2-5km range of the Little Wittenham Special Area for Conservation (SAC). ERM considers that waste management involving incineration, gasification and pyrolysis would be likely to have a significant effect on the identified SAC. The site is well located within the County, close to both Didcot and Abingdon; significant sources of waste and towns that are due to grow over the plan period. Additionally, the adjacent industrial, commercial and research uses would be a ready market for energy recovery. However, ERM concludes that this site would not be suitable for development of a strategic waste management facility. The existing buildings lie beyond the perimeter of site 216 and are required to be demolished. ERM would agree that development at this location is inappropriate as it would extend the footprint ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OCC 99 of substantial permanent development. This is considered a particular constraint when there is potential for redevelopment within site 216. Figure 217.1 Site 217 Number 4 Site, Culham Figure 217.2 Site 217 Number 4 Site, Culham ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OCC 100 d x m . P KEY: CLIENT: SIZE: TITLE: B s s o r Site 218: Land at Banbury Cross C Potential Site Boundary Oxfordshire County Council A4 y r u Business Park, Banbury b n a B \ D ERM X M Eaton House \ 0 1 Walbrook Court e s a North Hinksey Lane h P \ Oxford OX2 0QS S DATE: 30/07/2007 CHECKED: PROJECT: 0051809 L _ S Tel: 01865 384800 I G d Fax: 01865 204982 DRAWN: IG APPROVED: SCALE: 1:10,000 r o f x . O 0 200 Reproduced from Ordnance Survey digital map data. © Crown 9 SOURCE: DRAWING: REV: 0 8 copyright, All rights reserved. 2007 License number 0100031673. 1 5 0 British National Grid BanburyCrossBP.mxd 0 0 PROJECTION: : e l Metres i F SITE 218 LAND AT BANBURY CROSS BUSINESS PARK, BANBURY GRID REFERENCE: 446945, 241855 Criteria Description Site Description and An undeveloped parcel of land, currently covered with scrub, some mature trees and Existing Use small shrubs. The site is lower than the M40, which runs adjacent to its north eastern boundary. Site Area 3.14 ha. Surrounding Land Uses Beyond the M40 to the east, lies agricultural land. Industrial, commercial and office development lies to the north and south of the site with adjacent units including DHL and Alex Lawrie Factors. Housing lies to the south west, separated from the site by Hennef Way and a roundabout. Access to the land exists but is allocated and undeveloped. The industrial estate within Traffic and Transport which this site is located benefits from a controlled access onto Daventry Road, this leads off the A422 which adjoins Junction 11 of the M40. Proximity to Waste The site lies within 1 km radius of Banbury centre. The site is 36 km from the centre of Arisings Oxford. Planning Policy Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2001 EMP1. Employment generating development. Planning History In 2002, permission was granted for an extension to the period for submission of a reserved matters application (98/00160/OUT), for development of land for employment generating purposes within classes B1, B2 & B8. Planning permission was granted in 2003 for erection of premises for a motor dealership with ancillary uses. Also in 2003, permission was granted for a variation of condition 22 of 98/00160/OUT, to reduce the scale of the approved B1, B2 & B8 development. In 2004, another application for the same motor dealership was submitted with revised plans, the application was again granted STC. Landscape Designations There are no landscape designations for the site. Landscape Character The site belongs to the character area of Midland Clay Pastures. Land Stability There is no information to suggest that the site would be subject to land instability.
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