THIS WEEK IN· S TWTNEWS TllEATRE Dallas' Miller Phantom of Boycott Ends the Opera VIEWPOINT COVER FEATURE Sexually Hearts and Oriented Flowers Buslness,es by Dallas Threatened lfA~IK Artist Tank ~ February 8-14, 1991 rite Pallas Taye~1t'laUdlias itI TH • • • • • : ~ • • • THE WILL • • DONATE 1 LL DAY • J!fJ • • VALENTI • FEBRUA •••••• All clubs will accept_ additional contributions of food, paper products, toiletries, checks & cash Participating D~G Members WE'RE PART OF THE DALLAS TAVERN GUILD'S 10% SOLUTION BAMBOLEO'S • BIG DADDY'S • B-LO DRO • BLUE PABBOt WE'LL BE DONATING 10% OF OUR TOTAL SALES THIS THURSDAY, BUDDIES. !HE COVE • CREWS IIflf • DESERt MOON • EIGHtH DAY FEBRUARY 14, TO THE AIDS RESOURCE CENTER'S FOOD PANTRY HIDDEN DOOR • HIDEAWAY • JOHN L'S • JR.'S BAR Ie GRILL • JUGS MICHAEL'S • RAPS • RIPCORD • ROUND-UP SALOON • SUE ELLEN'S !BROCKMORtON MINING CO. • VILLAGE SU!rION • tHE WAVE • ZIPPERS 4025 MAPLE DALLAS 214/522·WAVE Ire ttl'f}e ere~II"Jte to""ink lPise/t! II I all" please plat! sate! A 11 PM • THURSDAY €,,~·'···L,·····,············,~@····'l ~ FEBRUARY 14 4~.\ .IM · ~/l; bJ ~ ~g NAOMI SIMS • DONNA DAY plus Special Guests LADY SHAWN and Direct from Florida TIFFANY ARIEAGUS plus ... Two Gorgeous Male Dancers $1.50 Well Drinks, Frozen Margaritas and 19 NEWS Dallas' Miller Boycott Ends Longnecks All Night Long. 33 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 39 VIEWPOINT Sexually Oriented Business Are Threatened by Ray Hili 45 CLASSIC TWT 7 Years Ago This Week in Texas by Bob Dineen 49 BACKSTAGE Storing Memories In Beaumont & Galveston by Marc Alexander 53 THEATRE Phantom at Houston's Music Hall reviewed by Xavier Tamez 59 HOT TEA Valentine's Day Across Texas 71 SPORTS Conoeo 10K Run in Houston by80bbyMlller 73 STARSCOPE Your Valentine's Lovescope byMllfon vonSfern 76 COVER FEATURE Hearts and Flowers by Dallas artlsf TANK 79 CALEN DAR Special One-Time Only and Nonprofit Community Events 90 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices 810 PACIFIC • HOUSTON 98 OBITUARIES 100 GUIDE Texas Business / Club Directory 713.521.9123 TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co ..at 3900 Lemmon A ve.ln Dallas. Texas 75219 and 811Westheimer in Houston Texas 77006. Opjnions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the nome or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In TWT is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization Subscnption rate is$26 per year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copynght © 1991 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or compjete reproduction of any SAT U R DAY S advertisement. news. article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT Isspec~ical~ prahib;ted by federal statute. House Music by Scooter ... "It's the Rage." TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1991 PAGE 9 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14 VALENTINE'S DAY '" ,f~~.~ 50's & 60's PAR~ ,{t. ~<\~. TWIST U,,,,(~,, CONTEST ~~. ~-, ,~ $5000 . " CASH PRIZE • a' HULA HOOP CONTEST $2500 CASH PRIZE WE'RE PART OF THE DALLAS TAVERN GUILD'S 10% SOLUTION WE'LL BE DONATING 10% OF OUR TOTAL SALES THIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, TO THE AIDS RESOURCECENTER'S FOOD PANTRY Member Member Dallas Bar Owners Tavern Association Guild of Texas Commercial Member of T.G.R.A 4OiO Maple Avenue· Dallas· (i14) Sii·4814 CLUB BODY THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation: 20,000 Founded 1975 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 CENTERS Hours: 9 a.m.-5 pm. Weekdays Closed Saturday and Sunday 3900 Lemmon Ave. Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax Line (214)520-TWIT DALLAS HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Weekdays 2818 SWISS AVE. Closed Saturday and Sunday 811West heimer, Suite 106 (214)821-1990 Houston, Texas 77006 Houston Fax Line (713)527- TWIT PUBLISHER Alan Gellman DIRECTOR Shone Ruff l-MONTH GYM ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS Richard Bong / Kent Edson Smith GRAPHIC ARTISTS CARD• ONLY S40 William Parr, Steve Pardue. Gory Uribe ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Marc Alexander SPORTS EDITOR Bobby Miller • NO CONTRACT CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Bob Dineen, Phil Johnson. Brion Keever. • NO START-UP FEE David Meunier, Milton von Stern. Xavier Tamez. W.w.Wellslli • NOTHING TO SIGN TYPOGRAPHERS Richard Hebert. Bobby Miller DISTRIBUTION Clifford Plummer COMPTROLLER Steve Miles STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Borry Boss.Carl Davis. Julie HOllingsworth, Andrew Kyle. Michael McKinney, John Ondrusek. Roger Stobel, Chris Zimmerman SALES NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 • FAX 520- TWIT Advertising rates are available on request by tele- phoning the salesperson In your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Chris Zimmerman . Digitol Beeper (512) 320-6249 DALLAS / FORT WORTH Steve Miles . (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON I GALVESTON Steve Nally . (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO I CORPUS CHRISTI Joe VlrJan . (512) 828-7072 TWT © 1991 HOUSTON Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company 2205 FANNIN • 013)859-4998 TWT FEBRUARY8 - FEBRUARY14 1991 PAGE 13 FRIDAY • FEBRUARY 15 • 10 PM LIVE! IN PERSON! A HOUSTON EXCLUSIVE! ,h" 4 &A&A_ .. i ONE ENCHANTED' EVENING WITH JANE OLIVOR After 5 years in retirement, the return of perhaps the I Finest Female..•. Vocalist of Our Time. I I Tickets Available at All Ticketron Outlets & TOMORROW NIGHT: SATURDAY FEB. 9 The SLEEZE BALL '91 featuring: Free Mardi Gras Beads & Favors Plus a CASH & PRIZE-FILLED BALLOON DROP The unique, intimate community * Swimming Pool * Skyline Views WEDNESDAY, CEDAQ * Bay Windows * Fireplaces in all units FEB. 13 (Bdrm Fireplaces Avail.) * Washer & Dryer Jimmy Emerson A.K.A. in every unit 4242 * Built-in Microwaves ROXIE STARR * Covered Parking * Limited Access Gates Direct from Harrah's, * Intrusion Detectors Lake Tahoe with his 0PRING0 * Storage Areas Avail. * On-Site Management Live Impressions of 4242 Cedar Springs 0 Dallas, Texas 75219 ROSEANNE BARR (214) 747·4242 Coming Sunday Feb. 17 Professionally managed by International Property Management Miss Camp America's TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1991 WILD, WILD PAGE 16 BEST MILLER BOYCOTT FRIDAYS/ DECLARED OVER Miller Owner White Meets with SATURDAYS Dallas Bar Owners, Agrees to ConsiderDonations to Area Groups. DALLAS - Tom White, owner and president of Miller of Dallas, met with 19 bar owners in a closed-door session on mote their product, but they realize they REDUCED COVER Tuesday, January 29. "The boycott is over, won't get all of their business back. and Miller beer is back in the bars," said Alan Ross, spokesman for the group. Ross, executive director of the Dallas 50~Well Dtinks Tavern Guild, told Michael McKinney of OLIVOR TO PERFORM TWT NEWS that he expected the organiza- tion to vote to ratify the group's decision. FOR RESTART before 10 pm Ross explained that White has agreed to meet with representatives from the Valentine's Night Concert AIDS Resource Center, AIDS Services of To Benefit Group Which Dallas and the Oak Lawn Community Serv- ices to determine their funding needs. Trains Homeless in Life Skills. Miller has already committed to a total DALLAS - Jane Olivor is ready for a AFTER HOURS 18+ donation this year of $9,000 to the food comeback, even if she is still a little anx- pantry. ious about the possibility. After five al- bums and performances at Carnegie Hall, Olivor just felt unsatisfied. "I was somewhat out of control. I was unhappy early in my career," Olivor said in an interview with Michael Spies of the H~"~R~ Houston Chronic/e. "I couldn't take the adulation, the success of it." Alan Ross, executive w/Coco director of Dallas In 1983, Olivor met and married a psy- Tavern Guild. i FtidQys • 11pm "We as a community have not really asked Miller for their wholehearted sup- port before," Ross said. "We are lo:oking beyond [Miller] simply donating 30 kegs of beer to Razzle Dazzle Dallas." Ross said Miller's parent company, Miller of Mil- waukee, had made large donations to gay groups in Chicago, Fort Worth, San Fran- cisco and New Orleans. "We are looking forthe local distributorship to help us this year," he added. Miller said that it would begin an ag- gressive campaign in the gay community We're part of the Dallas Tavern Guild's 10% SOLUTION to let everyone know that Miller products are back in the bars. The company will con- We'll be donating 10% of our Total Sales this Thursday, duct promotions and run ads in local gay publications explaining its involvement February 14, to the AIDS Resource Center' Food Pantry. with the community. ,j "Miller knows that boycotts work," 4001 Cedar Springs · Dallas · (214) 380-3808 Ross said. "They must now go out and pro- Jane Oll.or to perform at benefit for Restart February 14. TWT FEBRUARY 8 - FEBRUARY 14 1991 PAGE 19 chiatrist from New York. She spent the following years supporting him emotion- ally in his battle with cancer. His subse- quent death simply compounded her dilemma, so she decided to make a break with the Big Apple for life in Miami. Olivor's return to performing has been gradual, with only a few dates such as an AIDS benefit in 1988 and a show at Rock- efeller's in Houston and Poor David's Pub in Dallas last year. "I'm scared to death," she said. She is working on new arrangements for her older songs, as well as new songs by art- ists like Mary Chapin Carpenter. Olivor's performance in Dallas will be on Thursday night, February 14, at the Stem- mons Auditorium in the Loew's Anatole Hotel. The show is a benefit for Restart, a nonprofit organization that works with the homeless in teaching them life manage- ment and job search skills.
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