Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-15-1967 The B-G News March 15, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 15, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2071. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2071 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. i^m^^^^ H Postmark: Tours, France...See Pg. 5 WfflfflR The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 e. Wednesday, March 15, 1967 Bowling Green State University, Bowlina Green, Ohio Volume 51, No. 79 Senate Rejects Council Bill Grade Plan Vetoed Faculty Senate yesterday de- the feeling was then that the Un- ther. feated a resolution Initiated by Stu- iversity would be vulnerable to The resolution concerning the dent Council that would have el- adverse comment If it failed to abolishment of the current grad- iminated all but the most recent discourage capable, full- time stu- ing system for required physical recorded grade If a student re- dents from taking as many as five education courses Is now being peats a course. or more years to complete a four studied by the Committee. If the proposal had passed, the year program. grades used In computing a stu- The Committee also recom- Concerning the resolution about dent's accumulative grade average mended that the resolution con- students receiving academic credit would have Included only the most cerning student service on com- fer extracurricular activity, the recent grade for a course If the mittees that make recommenda- comminee said that departmental student was required to repeat tions about the selection of aca- channels are In existence to handle the course. demic deans be pursued no fur- this request. As presented by the Senate's Academic Policies Committee, the system would have been changed so that only the last grade would count and it would have been the student's responsibility to Inform Witness Claims Trio the registrar's office that his ac- cumulative was to be figured "by hand." Also, all grades would have been Plotted JFK's Death kept on the student's permanent NEW ORLEANS (AP)— Dis- others discuss assassination of IT WAS that kind of a game as Roger Buehrer of the B-G News record, due to restrictions con- trict Attorney J im Garrison pro- President Kennedy. The witness Agates seems to be handing the ball to Dick Seaman of the cerning the Universities accredid- duced a witness yesterday who was Perry Russo, an Insurance Student Council Gavels. The Gavels won last night's charity atlon. testified he heard Clay Shaw and salesman from Baton Rouge. He game, 58-49. Photo by Dove LaBriere. The system will continue as In said he heard the conversation the past, where all grades re- In the apartment of David Ferrle ceived in a couse, no matter how In New Orleans In September, 1963. many times the course Is repeated, AWS Officers Russo testified at a preliminary The Issue Brews will be used In computing the ac- hearing for Shaw before a three- cumulative point average. Judge panel. Streets are "giving councilmen On Ballot Today The relationship between a BGSU Although there was little oppo- Garrison has maintained that student and his beer Is In the a hard time." sition to the proposal during the Voting for Association of Wo- Shaw used the name Clay Ber- balance as Student Council pushes Dean Taylor said the system that discussion period, It was easily men Students officers Is being trand as an alias. Shaw has de- the right to serve beer on the Un- has been suggested Is similar to defeated in a raised-hand vote. held today from 8 ajn. to 4:30 nied any part In a conspiracy to iversity campus and city council one newly Initiated at Kent State A resolution to reduce the teach- pjn. Women students may vote assassinate Kennedy. Russo said discusses the possibility of re- University. Cards there cost $1.25 ing load of all faculty members in one of four places: the Union he knew Shaw as Clem. quiring drinking cards. and is required In all the area's from the rank of Assistant Pro- lobby. Founder's lobby. Harsh- Russo quoted Ferrle as saying The beer bill has already won 80 bars. fessor and above was Introduced man C's lobby and McDonald two or three people would be In- the overwhelming approval of Stu- In letters to the Kent student late In the meeting, but action North's lobby by the cafeteria. volved, one shooting so-called di- dent Council, and awaits the dec- newspaper, students are protesting was postponed until the next meet- An ID card must be shown ision of the administration. the ID system as "unfair and Im- versionary shots, the other shoot- before a woman will receive Farrar M. Cobb, director of practical, and an Invasion of priv- ing. ing what Ferrle allegedly called The Senate also adopted an am- a ballot. A sheet at each poll'' the University Union and Howard acy." "the good shot." endment to the Faculty Charter must be signed by each voter C. Parker, manager of the Rath- Costs and procedures for Russo Identified the "Leon Os- which brings the Charter Into line with her name, class and ID skeller, refused to comment yes- distributing the cards, and retriev- wald" he mentioned as Lee Os- number before voting. terday when asked what they ing them In case of bad conduct, with a report Issued In 1965 con- wald from a picture shown him cerning the organization, functions thought of serving 3.2 beer In the have not been discussed In detail. In the courtroom. and selection of members for Un- Carnation Room and In the Rath- "We're sounding out people right iversity committees. skeller. now," Mr. Roper said. "We want Both men said they would go to get people talking about It and President William T. Jerome, along with whatever the admin- learn of their opinions." speaking about the capital Im- provements and operating budgets istration decides on the Issue. "I'm not even sure how I feel of the University, said that If the City councilmen met last night about it, yet," Dean Taylor said. for an Informal discussion of the Mr. Roper said that 16 of the University has to operate within the budget proposed by Gov. subject. 18 taverns and carryout owners Of the eight councilmen, four, met with the mayor for discus- James A. Rhodes, there will have are members of the University» sion of the issue last week. to be some "drastic" cuo made faculty and administration. "I doubt If action will be taken In spending. Councilman Wallace Taylor, who this semester," the bursar added, Salaries of faculty and staff, however, will not be cut, he said. Is also BGSU dean of men, said "but then, I'm not sure. If you the meeting was purely discussion. go downtown and mess up our At an earlier Senate Executive "Nothing concrete was arrived streets tonight, you may find your- Committee meeting. Dr. Virginia at. Mayor Sklbble reported on self required to get a drinking Plan, Chairman of the Senate Ac- the meeting he had last week with card tomorrow." ademic Policies Committee, ; ; ; : : : : : -:-: reported on the status of four the tavern owners, and we dis- :;::-:-:::::::::::::::::::y:>::-:<->: :-:-:-: : :W: : : : : >W" :;:j cussed pros and cons of the Idea," other Student Council resolutions he explained. I Deadline Near | to the Senate. According to Councilman Robert The resolution to permit with- Roper, who Is bursar at the Un- The Student Leadership and :>• drawal from classes up to and In- iversity, tavern owners are push- :£ Service Board has announced » cluding the tenth day of classes ing the Idea of drinking cards. Sthat applications for student :•:■ after the midterm grades have been "They are afraid citizens will ;-;body boards, University comm- :•:• reported without the student try to get action and prevent al- :;:lttee«, Student Court and Traf- x receiving a WF in the course cohol In town altogether," hesald. Sjflc Court are new available g died In committee. ■•It's not that they want to know a either from the UAO office or :•;: Also Included in the resolution how old you are. They Just want S Individual counselors. was the stipulation that the stu- the threat of loss of the drink- All applications should be re- :•:■ dent dropping a course In this man- ner must remain a full-time stu- ing card." x; turned to the UAO office HO :;•: dent, which means carrying 12 Mr. Roper said the threat. It Is Slater than 4 p.m. March 18, :•:■ THE GAVEL cheerleaders at last night's game were, left to- :: according to Sally Williams, :•: hours of credit. hoped, would have an affect on ■ ■ ■ right. Sue Schaefer, Ann McCullough, Sue Williamson, Jean Scho- S assistant coordinator of student j| Dr. Platt said a careful study the behavior of students In the ber, and Judy Debelak. A complete writeup of the game will ap- S activities. of this matter was made by the downtown area. He added that pear in tomorrow's B-G News. Photo by Dave LaBriere. residents on Wooster and Court Academic Council in 1962-63, and Page 2 TTi«.&£Hews, Wednesday, March 15, 1967 CAMPUS HART-LINE Parties Omit The 'How' ByJACKHARTMAN Idealistic In Its concepts, yet students who put It together.
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