184# situation os being one of disunity at-OUN SA LU TE CUT DOWN Fleischer Home Lake Steel Strike among major steal companies, IN ISR A EL Florida Wildlife Two uf the highest-placed officials T E L AVIV—OP)— Tha Argen­ (Caatlaar* tftmm Pag* Onal i (Ceallawstf r t s a Paw* ICm Nu m grew H a * la*t In the government told reporters tine embassy In the United States Group Holds State which however, were biaekenrd home on the shore of Little Lake point th# board, and said, “I privately that It waa clear the forwarded to Draal a raquait for by smoke. A son, Marvin, was not Mary is Pan Desmond, former trust that you will cooperate . ; steel producers war* not united information on how many gug Meet In Sarasota home at the time of thg fire tourist home operator of Bridge­ Ha aaksd for an answar. i in their position*. salute* art fired hare for laraali •a he was spending tha night at port, Conn, who greatly enjoy* Replying to the companies’ This opinion apparently was President Weisman. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamil­ th* Misting, bathing and fishing argument that ha ought to use not entirely shared by steel exe­ 8T. PETER8BU R0. July tha national emergency provision Actually the new state hasn't ton HI shea, where the Fleischers fscilltics of tha lake. cutives. For example, Frank Pur­ had time yet to work out a lot of (Special)—The Florida Wildlife of th* TaJt-Hartley Act, he eald nell, president of Youngstown Federation meeting In the First went later, after s short stay at John Evans revealed that when these matter*. But its protocol the Holla home. .hr wa* a boy, Little Lake Mary the situation doe* not constitute Sheet A Tube, told a reporter at Conservation District wa* held enough Immediate’ peril to the Cleveland he couldn’t ae* where department set to work, drew up over the week-end In Rsrasnta at Tha one story, nine room, ranch land Lake Mary were connected, type home, constructed by Pick "national health or safaty" to h<* had accented anything. He said a code, and replied: "21 gum, aa the Orange Blossom Hotel, with hut later the water level had gone other states do for their presi­ Elsherry, is of frame construction. down leaving a narrow strip of warrant such action until after there wasn't anything to accept members fmm every corner of a “ptolongad Interruption" has oc­ or reject, and that President Tru­ dents.' 1 tha fltat* attending, representing It was covered by insurance, la k e . In order to connect them, said Mr. Fleischer, who revealed Frank Evans had a canal dug af­ curred. man merely said a board waa be­ I Hut the note added, confidential­ all flva conservation Districts. The Taft-Hartley “health or ing set up. Tha sportsmen were officially that he had Just completed re- fording passage for small boat*. ly, that In fact so far thay’va only modeling the home which he pur­ Over the canal he built a bridge safety" provision, which Includes 'been firing five guns~b*c*ui* of welcomed to tha city by Mayor authority for an 60-day Injunc­ John Flta Rnhartaoii, Millard chased In April from Mr. and high enough to allow the boat* to Pike's Peak was discovered In • the war and munition* supply and Mrs. Elsherry. tion against a strike If necessary, IBM by (leu. Zebulnn M. Pike, all that. I And whether It's flva or Davidson, executive aacratary of pa,* nailer. doea not permit Inquiry boards to tha Chamber of Commerce, and The living room. Including John Evans Is planning to paint and waa first ascended success­ 21, it is the first time military furniture, the dinette mid kitchen, mako any recommendations. The fully In 1HI9 by Majoi H. 11. Lung. censorship has passed the fget that Jeme|Ymmkman, Sr„ chairman hi- liiune where the Evan* family board to be set up shortly by th" of tha Sarasota County Fish and was badly dnmnged, bill the charr­ Israel has that many gum.) ed and broken roof Is still on -i-ttlcil *17 year* ago, and also President would make recommen­ Came Association. after tha In­ plan* porches and additions to the Tlie Mourn* Doctrine was an­ vocation bv tha Rev. F. F. Fnx,j this portion of the house. The dations within 46 days. nounced by President James Mon­ The American flag ehould not lawn near this part of the house house. The grounds now have a Tha President emhaslsed the major nf Hie Halvatlon Army, t Kirro carpet of centipede graas. roe in his message to Congiess be displayed on days when the waa charred by the hrat. companies are not being asked in 1823. weather Is Inclement. Highlight* of tha meeting were! Fire Chief M, N. Cleveland dir­ Hr pointed out that his citrus to bind themselves to accept these report* of the survey* of the' ected operations of the firemen In­ grow was badly damaged during recommendation*. Okeechobee .ind Ft John* fish- cluding Assistant Chief Thomas, the Storms nf 1946 end 19411. The Significantly, Mr. Truman chose aria* experiments, related by Lieut. Ciow and George Harriett grounds ere shaded hy trees nf interpret the position of threr John Oaoulne, Chief Biologist! many varieties. other steel companies—Jonas A for tha Rtate flame A Fresh! Last year, Frank Evana erected Laughlln, Wheeling, and Yuungs-, Water Fish Commission; a reprrt CongreHH Action » neat one story ranch type home flhtat A Tube—as meaning of the cooperative program fort on 'be south shore of Lake Mnrv have accepted his plan and tports hunting on privately own which i* now occupied hy a Frank appear before the board, FOUR BIG REASONS ad cattle ranges ItHRlIiiifil Puff# On# l Amoiirnn artivllles rnmmlttee hr .Saunders Orlando Commercial telegraphed hla thank* l<> detail hr Cecil M. Wehb, Com- Agent of the Atlantic Coastline miislnner of First Conservation left tin- partv in IIMO aflrr 10 years' membership. He named Railroad. Nearby la the attractive along with other govern District end author of tha popu ! new hmne of John Peckham, ACL ment officials, he saw tha present You Should Attend Revival lar Wehb Man; sportsmen's re-' Robeson ns n member assigned commendations for rules and re. [ in work aiming nrllst* and lidrl- shop worker here for many years, (lie Is Imlldlng a new dock on the dilations for the naming hunting lerluals “and middle rlass group, • It Is different from msny so-called revivals. No high pres­ aaason; the plans for the Feder­ the unity was trying to penet­ Inkr. U. I. IIO II ITATIiMAN Bernard M Baruch (le(t) and Britain's wartime Colored Recreation sured finances, appeal*, *lc. No dap-trap method*. 1001* tin the shore of Little Lake ation's annual convention tn hr. rate " Prime Minister Winston Chun MU i wearing Informal "bollar" coat urns) tru* lo Christ and for th* Churches. 4 held late in October- and Mem­ Rnbesnn was assigned, Johnson Mary is the home of Col. W. E. taka a stroll at tha latter'* luunlry bom* In Chartwall, England. Schedule orials to tli late Hen C. Mor­ llikei. formerly of the II.H. Air- said, to ‘Vertaln serrel wink that ChurctuU'a poodle "Hutu*" luUuwa them. (I star national Jladieptota) 0 A musiral program attend to none under tha iaadarahtp of ten. former Director of the was ihterriintinrnt*l--ln rnnnec- force und veteran of World Wars Goldsboro; Friday Game A Fresh Water Fish Com­ lion with Ids conceit work." I and II. Another retired Army of­ Morning LowtR leiatnsr, famad baritone, and Martin Edwards wha mission, the late P, R, Bowman, The singer hi- “ (level oned a ficer in the area la Col. Walter P r C H i d c n t ’H S lH 'C C h 1 l"'n,,d of deficit financing (opera- . A, M. Essr- will thrill you at the grand piano, the solo, and on tna Johnson, -Ir. formerly of Washing­ former Vice President of tty* complex." with ''delusions of gran­ trumpet. Federation and the late Fred ton, I) C. who purchased the ---------- | ;'»« « • » «hp ^ • ;0:00 A. M. - 12:00 A, M.-Tsn- deur sod power,” Johnson added, M'aerieaaa rsa* »s*t " , .1 Collins, former President of the and aspires to "heroine a Mark Federation and one of |ta orig­ of Mr. Truman's charge Ihe re -, ' ^ e »42,000,000,WK> outlay I Aft.rnoon • Th* beat la modern sound gospel film* nightly. inal founders Stalin' among negroes. duct Ion was a blunder: ! *'“ has budgeted for the current) g!0o p. g|. - 3:00 P. M -Bad- Johnson said the Communist Church-State Fight ! •He's got us there all right. Th* rival vear Is not a 'waste of mlnton, Checkers, Marbles The annual convention of the tax reduction was a mistake— j money as lie said the cut-federal- g-oo p. M, • 4:00 P, M. Baiket- • Stirring, striking, Script nrs preaching by Dr. B. J. Denials, Florida WIblllt- Federation . will Pnrtv Is encouraging Rohernn'* ■ (•.alias** rtsa* Paa* Oaal delusions "hersuse liiev ran me one of the very few the 80th Con- [ -pending advncatei charge. Rather,, ball, Volleyball, Softball. whom many have called, “A modern John, the Baptist”, ht held at tha florano Hotel tn fit, bitter figtii again*! church auth-' grets madu. I voted for It, knew he said, It Is an “Investment In | 4:00 P. M. • ft P. M.__Tennis. Petersburg, It waa announced them " As a g>eat artist.
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