the Catalyst Official publication of the Philadelphia Section, ACS March 2010 http://philadelphia.sites.acs.org/ Volume 95, No. 3 HIGHLIGHTS Chair's Column 41 March Meeting 42 Speaker's Abstract and Biography 43 MARM Registration 49 Book Review 50 WCC at CHF 52 Celebrate Earth Day 53 Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecture 2010 Calendar 57 Dr. Ronald Breslow ADVANCE NOTICE APRIL MEETING NB: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Scholastic Achievement Awards Speaker and Location TBA See the APRIL issue of the Catalyst for details, call the Section Office at (215) 382-1589 or email [email protected]. March 2010 Page 39 ACS Philadelphia Section the Catalyst Founded April 15, 1899 STAFF CONTENTS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Robin S. Davis AprilAdvanceNotice......................38 Chair'sColumn...........................41 EDITORS News Atoms: Alan Warren MarchMeeting...........................42 Proof Editors: Georgia Arbuckle-Keil Speaker'sAbstractandBiography............43 Marge Matthews Alan Warren NewsAtoms.............................44 DelawareValleyScienceFairs...............45 MANAGERS Business: George Cowperthwaite December 2009 Board Minutes...............46 Advertising: Vince Gale Winning Posters from the January Meeting......47 ChemicalConsultantsNetwork...............48 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE MARMRegistrationInformation..............49 Chair: Marge Matthews BookReview.............................50 Anthony W. Addison George Cowperthwaite ACSCareerExpertsHelp...................50 Robin S. Davis Obama Announces National Lab Day ..........50 Vince Gale Robert Gates Seeking Philadelphia Section Award Nominations 51 Xianlong Ge Georgia Arbuckle-Keil WCCEventatChemicalHeritageFoundation....52 Judy Summers-Gates ChemistsCelebrateEarthDay...............53 Victor Tortorelli Alan Warren DirectoryofServices.......................54 Kendra L. Yoder 2010Calendar...........................57 Published monthly except July, August and December by the Philadelphia Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society. All views expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society. Editorial matters should be sent to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief c/o the Philadel- phia Section ACS, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 231 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323 or [email protected]. Advertising: Vince Gale, MBO Services, P.O. Box 1150, Marshfield, MA 02050 phone: (781) 837-0424 email: [email protected]. March 2010 Page 40 the Catalyst From forthcoming shortly on our to highlight what is of interest The Section website). to ALL chemists in our re- Chair I would also like to ask for gion and share some of the volunteers to coordinate our great activities and resources CCED efforts in the future. that we have in common and Judith Summers-Gates We still sorely miss our dy- collaborate on programming namic past coordinator, Deb in the future. How about Hopefully…. we are on our Kilmartin, and it is time for some of these as suggestions way to Spring!! And what someone to pick up where she for future Catalyst features: better way to get primed for left off and get everyone ex- • Chem Demo of the Month the new season than to mark cited about what can be done • Student Member submis- your calendars for April 22nd by people who are interested sions to participate in Chemists in protecting the environment • “Ask a Chemist”…. Celebrate Earth Day 2010! and being “GREEN.” • Letters to the Editor This year’s theme is “Plants I am also hoping for many • WCC and YCC columns —The Green Machines!” volunteers to judge at the • Grad Students’ Perspec- and I am issuing a challenge Delaware Valley Science Fair tives to our Student Members and th on April 7 . For more infor- • “Seedlings”—items from affiliate groups to see how mation and to register to much we can accomplish lo- and of interest to Project judge, please go to their Seed students cally toward replenishing our homepage at: environment and revitalizing • This Month in Chemical http://www.drexel.edu/dvsf/ . our local section activities. History… Come launch the scientists of More information can be tomorrow and remember why • Name/Identify that Mole- found in this issue of the Cat- you got into science yourself! cule—an analytical prob- alyst andonthiswebsite: lem to solve with a prize www.acs.org_Hlt252265302_ Also in the spirit of re- • Chem Safety column newal…What do you think of Hlt252265303_Hlt25226535 • Puzzles/Games/Chem the new electronic Catalyst? 5_Hlt252265356/BM_1_BM Humor _2_BM_3_BM_4_e_Hlt2522 This new format offers us a • “You Might Be A Chemist 65293_Hlt252265294aBM_5 wealth of possibilities and we If… ” _BM_6_rthday.Asare- would like to hear from YOU minder…. our Section had a on what you would like to see • “Odd” Job of the Month… winner in the Illustrated in YOUR newsletter in the • “Kitchen Chemistry—the Haiku contest last year so we future… For starters, I would chemistry behind cooking” have to defend our “title” this like to inaugurate a “Diver- • Home Brewers/Wine Mak- year when the format will sity” column and I have in- ers Column change to an Illustrated Poem vited fellow Chair of our • Chem Photo of the Month of any structure limited to 40 local NOBCChe Section, Dr. Share your ideas and submit words. The deadline for local James Tarver, to kick it off content that YOU’D like to submissions to me will be with me in both sections’ see in YOUR newsletter! April 16th (more info will be publications. We would like March 2010 Page 41 the Catalyst MARCH MEETING THE PHILADELPHIA SECTION, AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY and THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA present the 2010 Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecture Thursday, March 4, 2010 Dr. Ronald Breslow Department of Chemistry, Columbia University Filling the Gaps in the Likely Origin of Prebiotic Homochirality on Earth 6:00 PM Carolyn Hoff Lynch Lecture Hall Chemistry Building, University of Pennsylvania 34th and Spruce Streets Philadelphia, PA The lecture is free Social Hour: 5:00-6:00 in the Alumni and Faculty Hall of Fame, Chemistry Building, University of Pennsylvania Dinner following the lecture at the Drexel Faculty Club, 5th Floor, MacAlister Hall, 33rd and Chestnut Streets. Dinner cost: $35; Students with reservations and ID: $18 RESERVATIONS should be made by calling Mrs. Harper at the Section office, (215) 382-1589, or emailing [email protected] by 5:00 PM Tuesday, February 25. Cancellations, if necessary, cannot be accepted after NOON on Thursday, March 2. UNCANCELLED RESERVATIONS WILL BE BILLED. PARKING is available for $14 in the Drexel University garage on Ludlow Street. From Market Street go south on 34th; it is the first left. A University of Pennsylvania garage on 34th Street just past Ludlow is $15. Metered street parking may also be available. The Board of Directors will meet at 4:00 in the Makineni Room of the Chemistry Building (Room 260 in the Cret wing), University of Pennsylvania. March 2010 Page 42 the Catalyst SPEAKER’S ABSTRACT AND BIOGRAPHY Dr. Ronald Breslow cently, we have addressed the the University of Science and origin of small excesses of Technology of China. Columbia University D-glyceraldehyde, the sim- In research he has synthesized Filling the Gaps in the plest chiral sugar and the the cyclopropenyl cation, the Likely Origin of Prebiotic likely seed from which the simplest aromatic system and Homochirality on Earth other D sugars could have the first aromatic compound Abstract: With the discovery been formed. We find that prepared with other than six that meteorites such as the some L amino acids can cata- electrons in a ring, established Murchison bring alpha-meth- lyze the formation of the phenomenon of anti-aro- yl amino acids with excess L glyceraldehyde with a small maticity, and discovered the (S) chirality, we have ad- D excess, and that this can be chemical mechanism used by dressed what has to happen amplified. We have thus in- thiamine (vitamin B-1) in bio- next. We find that they can be terrelated the chiralities of chemical reactions. He has used to synthesize normal amino acids with those of the synthesized molecules that im- amino acids under credible sugars, tracing it all back to itate enzymatic reactions, in- prebiotic conditions, and with the meteorites. cluding the development of an excess of L chirality. We Biography: Dr. Ronald remote functionalization reac- also have shown that equilib- Breslow is Professor of tions and of artificial enzymes. rium solubilities can be used Chemistry at Columbia, one Recently he has developed a to amplify tiny excess of 12 University Professors, new group of cytodiffer- chiralities to ratios as high as and a former Chairman of the entiating agents with use in 95/5 in solution, and even Department. He is a member cancer chemotherapy. more when kinetic processes of the US National Academy His scientific awards include are used. Again the systems of Sciences, the American the American Chemical Soci- are credible for the prebiotic Academy of Arts and Sci- ety Award in Pure Chemistry, earth. We also describe the ences, and the American the Fresenius Award, the likely origin of the meteoritic Philosophical Society, a For- Baekeland Medal, the Cente- amino acids. eign Fellow of the Indian Na- nary Medal, the Harrison We have also addressed the tional Science Academy, an Howe Award, the Remsen homochiralities of sugars Honorary Member of the Ko- Prize, the Roussel Prize in Ste- such as ribose that are D in rean Chemical Society, an roids, the James Flack Norris configuration. We have Honorary Member of the Prize, the Richards Medal, the shown that nucleosides such Royal Society of Chemistry Arthur C. Cope Award, the as adenosine with small ex- of Great Britain, a Foreign Kenner Award, the Nichols cesses of D-ribose can also be Member of the Royal Society Medal, the National Academy amplified by equilibrium sol- of Britain, a Fellow of the of Sciences Award in Chemis- ubility processes, in some World Innovation Foundation, try, the Allan Day Award, the cases to as much as a 200/1 an Honorary Member of the Paracelsus Medal of the Swiss ratio of D to L starting again Chemical Society of Japan, Chemical Society, and the US with small excesses.
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