215, Tiruchendur Assembly Constituency - PS List for Election 2021 PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.Mavadipannai (R.V), Kurangkani (p) Sannathi street block 1 , 2.Mavadipannai (R.V), Kurangkani Hindu Primary School, (P) Kurangkani Block 2 , 3.Mavadipannai (R.V), 1 336 387 0 723 Kurankani Kurangkani (P) Manjal vilai Block 3 , 4.Mavadipannai (R.V), Kurangkani (P) Thottiyan kudiruppu Block 4,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu North Street , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Padara Street , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) NaduStreet , 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) SanathiStreet , Govt Higher Secondary 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kelamadaveethi , 2 School west Building, 587 0 0 587 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North MadaStreet , Maveedupannai 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North rathaveethni , 9.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) South Street,ward-10, 10.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kasbha Maveedu pannai , 11.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) West Street,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu North Street , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Padara Street , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) NaduStreet , 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) SanathiStreet , Govt Higher Secondary 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kelamadaveethi , 2A School East Building, 0 611 0 611 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North MadaStreet , Maveedupannai 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North rathaveethni , 9.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) South Street,ward-10, 10.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kasbha Maveedu pannai , 11.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) West Street,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page 1 of 59 215 Tiruchendur PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) PuliamaraStreet , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Arundhathier Street , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kaliamman Kovil Street , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Yadavar Street , 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Thevar Street , 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Pillaiyar Kovil Street , 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kurangkani Road , 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Arignnar Anna Street , Panchayat Union Primary 9.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Mahathma Gandi Road 3 School New Building North , 10.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kaleyammankovil 436 404 0 840 Portion Ist Room Street Ward - 1 , 11.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Yadavar Street Santhu -1 Ward - 1 , 12.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Yadavar Street Santhu - 2 Ward - 1 , 13.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Yadavar Street Santhu - 3 Ward - 1 , 14.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Yadavar Street Santhu - 4 Ward - 1 , 15.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Thevar Street - 1 Ward - 6,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Sundarapandi vinayagar Street , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Sivan Kovil Street , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) marthandam pillai Street , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) PuduStreet , 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) TheradiStreet , 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Authour road , 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Panchayat Union Primary Subbiyar Street , 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) 4 School New Building Middle Marthandampillai Santhi South Street , 439 434 0 873 Room 9.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Merasupillai Street , 10.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Maruthuvar Street -1 Ward - 6 , 11.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Maruthuvar Street - 2 Ward - 6 , 12.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Pandither nadu Street , 13.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) New Athuor road , 14.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Melarathaveethi,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page 2 of 59 215 Tiruchendur PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Rajapathy kasbhanorth Block 1 , 2.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Sethu Subramaniyapuram Block 2 , 3.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Thiruvela vattam Blocl 3 , 4.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Rajapathy Naduvoor Southuvoor T.N.D.T.A Primary School, 5 Block 4 , 5.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Manathi 598 0 0 598 Block 4, Rajapathy Melauvoor Block 5 , 6.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Karavelai Block 6 , 7.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Karutthankudiruppu Block 1 , 8.Rajapathy (R.V) And (P) Manathi keelauvoor Block 5,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Manalmedu North Street , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Padara Street , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) NaduStreet , 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) SanathiStreet , T.N.D.T.A Primary School, 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kelamadaveethi , 5A Block 4, North Portion, 0 573 0 573 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North MadaStreet , Rajapathi 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) North rathaveethni , 9.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) South Street,ward-10, 10.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kasbha Maveedu pannai , 11.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) West Street,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) Thottiyankudiyiiruppu Block 1 , 2.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) Erandam Pannavellai Block 2 , 3.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) TN.D.T.A Primary School North Kottuor Block 3 , 4.Kurukattur (R.V) And 6 East Portion, Kulaikkangudi 598 573 0 1171 (P) Muthuramalingapuram Block 4 , 5.Kurukattur Block 5, (R.V) And (P) Kuttiyalaganoor Block 6 , 6.Kurukkaatoor (R.V) And (P) Kurukkaatoor North Street Block 8,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) Rasaangapuram Block 5 , 2.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) South Kottuor TN.D.T.A Primary School Block 7 , 3.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) Kurukattur 7 West Portion, 318 357 0 675 Melauvor Block 9 , 4.Kurukattur (R.V) And (P) Kulaikkangudi Block 5, Kurukattur Keelauvor Block 10,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page 3 of 59 215 Tiruchendur PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) ManathiKutti Thottam Ward 3 , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Mela Aganwadi Center, 8 kallaampaarai , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) 381 404 0 785 Keelakalaamparai. Keelakalamparai , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Pandimaar Street,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Melakadamba vadakkuoor , 2.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Melakadambha Therkkoor Ward 4 , 3.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Muthukrishnapuram , 4.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Kuttakarai , Panchayat Union Primary 5.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) 9 346 349 0 695 School, Mela Kadmba Sivasubbramaniyapuram , 6.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Annanagar , 7.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Sivasubbramaniyapuramsendhu-1 Ward - 5 , 8.thenthiruperai (S.G.T.P) Siva subramaniyapuram sendhu 2 Ward - 5,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Pandaravelaiuvor Block 1 , 2.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Alauvkkaran colony Block 1 , 3.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Palaniyandi colony Block 1 , 4.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Vannar villai Block 1 , 5.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Paneermaadan colony Block 1 , 6.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Annaiyappa pillai Sathiram block 1 , 7.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Melastreet Block 2 , Panchayat Union Primary 8.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) North Street Block 2 , 10 School East Building, 9.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Odaikkarai Block 2 , 385 398 0 783 Puraiyoor 10.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) ChinaStreet Block 3 , 11.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Parather Street BLOCK 3 , 12.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) KammangkudiStreet BLOCK 3 , 13.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Salaiyadi Street Block 5 , 14.Puraiyoor (R.V) And (P) Palli Street Block 3 , 15.Puraiyur (R.V) And (P) Kattapulitheradu Block 1 , 16.Puraiyur (R.V) And (P) Nettaiyan Colony Block 1,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page 4 of 59 215 Tiruchendur PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valadi Street 1 , 2.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) ValaiyadiStreet 2 , 3.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 3 , 4.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 4 , 5.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 5 , 6.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 6 , 7.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 7 , 8.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 8 , 9.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 9 , 10.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 10 Jabagnanapuram Ward 8 , 11.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agapaikkulam Street 1 , 12.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Hindu Primary School West 11 Agaipaikkulam 12 , 13.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) 474 0 0 474 Portion, Agapaikulam Agaipaikulam Street 11 , 14.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 2 , 15.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 3 , 16.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 4 , 17.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Steet 5 , 18.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam street 6 , 19.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 7 , 20.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 8 , 21.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 9 , 22.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 10,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS Page 5 of 59 215 Tiruchendur PS Third Polling Station Name Polling station Area Male Female Total NO Gender 1.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valadi Street 1 , 2.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) ValaiyadiStreet 2 , 3.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 3 , 4.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 4 , 5.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 5 , 6.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 6 , 7.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 7 , 8.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 8 , 9.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 9 , 10.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Valaiyadi Street 10 Jabagnanapuram Ward 8 , 11.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Hindu Primary School Agapaikkulam Street 1 , 12.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) 11A East Building, West Agaipaikkulam 12 , 13.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) 0 511 0 511 Portion, Agappaikulam Agaipaikulam Street 11 , 14.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 2 , 15.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 3 , 16.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 4 , 17.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Steet 5 , 18.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam street 6 , 19.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 7 , 20.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 8 , 21.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikulam Street 9 , 22.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Agaipaikkulam Street 10,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Draviyapuram , 2.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Brotherton Street , 3.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Margochis Higher Jubilee Street , 4.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Nattaiar 12 Secondary School Room No 455 464 0 919 Street , 5.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) East Street , 6 Standard XI C, Nazareth 6.Nasrath (S.G.T.P) Masilas Street Ward 12,99.OVERSEAS ELECTORS 1.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Market street ward 6 , 2.Nazareth (S.G.T.P) Thirumaraiuoor , 3.Nasrath Margochis Higher (S.G.T.P) Y.M.CA Sadukam 1st Street Ward 12 , Secondary School Class 4.Nasrath (S.G.T.P) Y.M.CA Sadukam 2nd Street 13 586 0 0 586 Room XIIA Standard, Ward 12 , 5.Nasrath (S.G.T.P) Y.M.CA Sadukam Nazareth.
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