VOLUME 372 NUMBER 6 WHOLE NUMBER 1021 15 SEPTEMBER 2019 AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY EDITED BY Alejandro Adem, Managing Editor Vitaly Bergelson Richard Canary Lucia Caporaso Ted C. Chinburg Henri Darmon Patrick J. Fitzsimmons Noam Greenberg Jim Haglund Ailana M. Fraser Michael Hill Radha Kessar Joachim Krieger Alexander A. Kiselev Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu Svitlana Mayboroda Ian Melbourne Irena Peeva Robin Pemantle Lillian B. Pierce Stefaan Vaes Monica Visan Transactions of the American Mathematical Society This journal is devoted entirely to research in pure and applied mathematics. Submission information. See Information for Authors at the end of this issue. Publication on the AMS website. Articles are published on the AMS website in- dividually after proof is returned from authors and before appearing in an issue. Subscription information. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society is published monthly and is also accessible electronically from www.ams.org/journals/. 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Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (ISSN 0002-9947 (print); ISSN 1088-6850 (online)) is published monthly by the American Mathematical Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2213 USA. Periodicals postage is paid at Providence, Rhode Island. Postmaster: Send address changes to Transactions, American Mathemati- cal Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2213 USA. c 2019 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. This journal is indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, Science Citation Index , Science Citation IndexTM–Expanded, ISI Alerting Services SM, CompuMath Citation Index ,andCurrent Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences. This journal is archived in Portico and in CLOCKSS. Printed in the United States of America. ∞ The paper used in this journal is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. 10987654321 242322212019 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY CONTENTS Vol. 372, No. 6 Whole No. 1021 15 September 2019 Giuseppe Da Prato, Arnulf Jentzen, and Michael R¨ockner, A mild It^oformula for SPDEs ............................................... 3755 Valentina Disarlo and Hugo Parlier, The geometry of flip graphs and mapping class groups ................................................ 3809 Makhlouf Derridj, On Gevrey vectors of L. H¨ormander'soperators . 3845 Adela Latorre, Luis Ugarte, and Raquel Villacampa, The ascending central series of nilpotent Lie algebras with complex structure . 3867 Masayoshi Takeda, Compactness of symmetric Markov semigroups and boundedness of eigenfunctions ....................................... 3905 Chelsea Walton and James J. Zhang, On the quadratic dual of the Fomin{Kirillov algebras .............................................. 3921 Alex Chirvasitu, Ryo Kanda, and S. Paul Smith, New Artin-Schelter regular and Calabi-Yau algebras via normal extensions . 3947 Alexander Grigor'yan and Meng Yang, Local and non-local Dirichlet forms on the Sierpi´nskicarpet ....................................... 3985 David Kalaj, On Riesz type inequalities for harmonic mappings on the unit disk ................................................................. 4031 Michael Handel and Lee Mosher, The free splitting complex of a free group, II: Loxodromic outer automorphisms . 4053 Dimitar K. Dimitrov and Yuan Xu, Wronskians of Fourier and Laplace transforms ........................................................... 4107 Vincent X. Genest, Luc Lapointe, and Luc Vinet, osp(1; 2) and generalized Bannai{Ito algebras ...................................... 4127 Tomasz Brzezi´nski, Trusses: Between braces and rings . 4149 Mathav Murugan, Quasisymmetric uniformization and heat kernel estimates ............................................................ 4177 David Futer, Jessica S. Purcell, and Saul Schleimer, Effective distance between nested Margulis tubes ....................................... 4211 Asaf Ferber, Gal Kronenberg, and Kyle Luh, Optimal threshold for a random graph to be 2-universal ...................................... 4239 Gabriel Navarro and Pham Huu Tiep, Sylow subgroups, exponents, and character values ..................................................... 4263 William J. Haboush and Donghoon Hyeon, Conjugacy classes of commuting nilpotents ................................................ 4293 Svitlana Mayboroda and Bruno Poggi, Exponential decay estimates for fundamental solutions of Schr¨odinger-type operators . 4313 Ethan Akin and Jim Wiseman, Varieties of mixing . 4359 Stephen E. McKeown, Exponential map and normal form for cornered asymptotically hyperbolic metrics .................................... 4391 Christoph Aistleitner, Ver´onicaBecher, and Olivier Carton, Normal numbers with digit dependencies ..................................... 4425 R. Kramer, D. Lewanski, A. Popolitov, and S. Shadrin, Towards an orbifold generalization of Zvonkine's r-ELSV formula . 4447 Amaury Freslon, On two-coloured noncrossing partition quantum groups 4471 Editorial Information To be published in the Transactions, a paper must be correct, new, nontrivial, and significant. Further, it must be well written and of interest to a substantial number of mathematicians. Piecemeal results, such as an inconclusive step toward an unproved major theorem or a minor variation on a known result, are in general not acceptable for publication. Papers submitted to the Transactions should be 15 or more published journal pages in length. Shorter papers may be submitted to the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Published pages are the same size as those generated in the style files provided for AMS-LATEX. Information on the backlog for this journal can be found on the AMS website starting from http://www.ams.org/tran. In an effort to make articles available as quickly as possible, articles are electronically published on the AMS website individually after proof is returned from authors and before appearing in an issue. A Consent to Publish is required before we can begin processing your paper. After a paper is accepted for publication, the Providence office will send a Consent to Publish to all authors of the paper. 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