c Annales Geophysicae (2003) 21: 833–846 European Geosciences Union 2003 Annales Geophysicae Sound speed in the Mediterranean Sea: an analysis from a climatological data set S. Salon1, A. Crise1, P. Picco2, E. de Marinis3, and O. Gasparini3 1Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale–OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C, I-34010 Sgonico–Trieste, Italy 2Centro Ricerche Ambiente Marino, CRAM-ENEA, S.Teresa, Localita` Pozzuolo di Lerici, I-19100, La Spezia, Italy 3DUNE s.r.l., Via Tracia 4, I-00183 Roma, Italy Received: 9 April 2002 – Revised: 26 August 2002 – Accepted: 18 September 2002 Abstract. This paper presents an analysis of sound speed served in the northwestern Mediterranean (Send et al., 1995) distribution in the Mediterranean Sea based on climatologi- and in the Greenland Sea (Pawlowicz et al., 1995; Morawitz cal temperature and salinity data. In the upper layers, prop- et al., 1996). Ocean acoustic tomography has also proved to agation is characterised by upward refraction in winter and be a methodology for the observation of currents and internal an acoustic channel in summer. The seasonal cycle of the tides (Shang and Wang, 1994; Demoulin et al., 1997). These Mediterranean and the presence of gyres and fronts create a successful applications propose ocean tomography as a tool wide range of spatial and temporal variabilities, with rele- for large-scale monitoring of the oceans in the frame of the vant differences between the western and eastern basins. It development of Global Oceans Observing Systems (GOOS). is shown that the analysis of a climatological data set can In spite of this growing interest in acoustic inversion, an help in defining regions suitable for successful monitoring by analysis of the sound speed field in the Mediterranean Sea is means of acoustic tomography. Empirical Orthogonal Func- still lacking. The aim of this paper is to provide a description tions (EOF) decomposition on the profiles, performed on the of sound speed characteristics (and a first guess on the sound seasonal cycle for some selected areas, demonstrates that two speed structure) in the Mediterranean Sea, its seasonal vari- modes account for more than 98% of the variability of the cli- ability and spatial distribution, starting from a climatological matological distribution. Reduced order EOF analysis is able data set of temperature and salinity. Furthermore, the analy- to correctly represent sound speed profiles within each zone, sis of the climatological data set will lead to the consideration thus providing the a priori knowledge for Matched Field To- of the following three issues: mography. It is also demonstrated that salinity can affect the tomographic inversion, creating a higher degree of complex- 1. The climatological sound speed profiles (SSPs) repre- ity than in the open oceans. sent a good quality reference to be used as an initial condition for the environmental parameters in propaga- Key words. Oceanography: general (marginal and semien- tion models and for the solution of inverse problems. closed seas; ocean acoustics) 2. The SSP analysis can help in designing tomographic experiments, while EOF analysis, which estimates the number of significant modes to be taken into consider- 1 Introduction ation for each area, provides a base for Matched Field Acoustic methods have been widely applied for underwater Tomography (Munk et al., 1995). communication and for the remote observation of ocean in- 3. The knowledge of the dependence of sound speed on teriors. The basin-scale ATOC project (Acoustic Thermom- both salinity and temperature climatological profiles al- etry of Ocean Climate; Munk, 1996; ATOC Consortium, lows a more precise inversion than the temperature- 1998) has been one of the major applications of the acous- based one alone. tic tomographic approach for observing climate signal in the deep ocean. In the Western Mediterranean Sea, the nine- months-long experiment THETIS-2 (Send et al., 1997) has 2 Methodology estimated the seasonal heat budget, but this experience re- mains an unicum among tomographic Mediterranean basin- 2.1 Mediterranean Oceanic data base – MED6 data set scale studies. Convective events have been successfully ob- The analysis performed in this work is based on MED6 Correspondence to: S. Salon ([email protected]) (Brankart and Pinardi, 2001), a gridded analysis of monthly 834 S. Salon et al.: Sound speed in the Mediterranean Sea Table 1. Numerical coefficients of the MacKenzie sound speed for- Table 1. Sound speed has been computed for each grid point mula (1981) and for each month of the MED6 data set, and from this field the annual average was also obtained. −1 A 1448.96 m s 2.2.1 Error analysis B 4.591 m s−1◦C−1 −2 −1 ◦ −2 C −5.304 · 10 m s C The error on sound speed computation associated with the −4 −1 ◦ −3 D 2.374 ·10 m s C uncertainty on temperature, salinity and depth, can be esti- −1 E 1.340 m s mated by the error propagation formula: F 1.630 ·10−2 s−1 −7 −1 −1 ∂c ∂c ∂c G 1.675 ·10 m s 1c = 1T + 1S + 1z H −1.025 ·10−2 m s−1◦C−1 ∂T ∂S ∂z J −7.139 ·10−13 m−2 s−1◦C−1 = (B + 2CT + 3DT 2 + H (S − 35) + J z3)1T + = (E + H T )1S + (F + 2Gz + 3J T z2)1z . (2) The contribution of depth uncertainty can be safely ne- estimates of the climatological cycle of in situ tempera- glected, and we consider 1T and 1S to be approximately ture and salinity for the whole Mediterranean and the near one order of magnitude larger than the modern CTD stan- 1 ◦ dard (1T = 0.05◦C and 1S = 0.05), to include the intrinsic North Atlantic area at 4 resolution. MED6 is based on the MEDATLAS historical database (MEDATLAS Group, errors of some historical measurements. In the wide ranges 1994). The data set is obtained using the statistical analy- of 5–30 ◦C and 34–39, the maximum error is slightly more sis scheme developed for the Mediterranean Oceanic Data than 0.26 m/s. Base (MODB; Brasseur et al., 1996), where a Gaussian time Since the MacKenzie formula is nonlinear, the operations correlation function has been introduced to enhance the time of the averaging process and SS computation do not com- coherence of the solution. The main additional information mute strictu sensu. The computations carried out in this work contained in the MEDATLAS data set comes from the in- were instead obtained by first interpolating T and S on the clusion of about 80 000 XBTs, bringing the total number of regular grid and then deriving SS. This can be justified be- temperature profiles from 120 000 to about 200 000. We have cause in this way the information contained in the measure- applied some small adjustments to the data set: in particular, ments can be better exploited also when only temperature or some temperature values in the Adriatic appeared to be too salinity is available. At the same time, this work can take full high and an additional check in the gridded data set for that advantage of the data quality control and analysis carried out region was done. Comparing the mean summer temperature on the T and S fields. Last, but not least, the commutation at 200 m with a recent climatological study of the Adriatic error can be neglected, as is demonstrated hereafter. Sea (Giorgetti, 1999), it was decided to eliminate from the Assuming that the depth measures are error-free, we iden- original gridded data set all the grid boxes in this area with tify the T and S fields of the gridded data set with an overbar, temperature values higher than 14.3◦C. since the gridding adopted is a weighted linear average. In the following we consider that the weights are equal, as the 2.2 Sound speed computation spatial distribution of the samples is assumed to be homoge- neous. This assumption is corroborated by the vast amount Several formulas have been proposed to compute sound of data available. Using Eq. (1) the average SS based on the speed (also referred as SS) from temperature, salinity, and gridded data set (cG) is, therefore pressure or depth in the sea water (Del Grosso, 1974; Clay 2 3 and Medwin, 1977; MacKenzie, 1981; Chen and Millero, cG(T , S, z) = A + BT + CT + DT + E(S − 35) 1977). In the range of interest for the Mediterranean Sea, +F z + Gz2 + H T(S − 35) + J T z3 . (3) differences among formulas higher than 1.2 m/s are found at great depths, while in the surface layers the discrepancy In the case of the SS calculation from the original mea- never exceeds 0.2 m/s. For this work the one from MacKen- surements, the averaged sound speed (cM ) reads: zie (1981) was chosen: it is computationally efficient and 2 3 cM (T , S, z) = A + BT + CT + DT + E(S − 35) has an accuracy of about 0.1 m/s (Dushaw et al., 1993). It is + + 2 + − + 3 more accurate than that from Clay and Medwin (1977), pro- F z Gz H T (S 35) J T z posed as a standard for tomographic applications by Jensen = A + BT + CT 2 + DT 3 + E(S − 35) et al. (1994), and in the meantime it is suitable for analytical +F z + Gz2 + H T (S − 35) + J T z3 . (4) inversion: The error introduced is the absolute difference between the 2 3 c(T , S, z) = A + BT + CT + DT + E(S − 35) average calculated on the measures (4) and that one estimated +F z + Gz2 + H T (S − 35) + J T z3 , (1) directly on the gridded data set (3), and depends only on the nonlinear terms: where c is sound speed (m/s), T is temperature (◦C), S is 2 2 3 3 salinity and z is depth (m).
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