John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-1945 The aC rroll News- Vol. 26, No. 3 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 26, No. 3" (1945). The Carroll News. 286. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/286 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NOVEMBER • 1945 111 JIM DINDIA &SONS Sincerity of our efforts to produce the • best has made us ho ts of friends. FRUITS AND We solicit you r patronage. VEGETABLES • Harten's Dairy Products 3016 CEDAR AVE. PHO E MElro e 1080 and 1081 PRospect 5190 Serving 13etter M illz Products for 45 Y ear OVERCOATS and TOPCOATS Large selections! Interesting variety of fabrics, color for men and young men. Famous Season 'Skipper' Coats $4 5 and $50 (extra lining $10 ). Society Brand 'Budder' and 'Hudderford' Coats $50 and $55 . Hickey-Freeman' lux urious customized outercoat $7 5, 85and up. M en 's Clothing, Second Floor THE MAY COMPANY We Give and Redeem Eagle Stamps 2 PETER BYRNE ROOFING CO. EST A BUSHED 1921 CERTAIN-TEED BONDED ROOFERS Industrial Compliments of Commercial • Residential Slate - Tile - Asbestos THE CAFETERIA AND TilE Tar - Gravel - Asphalt CANDY STORE Re- Roofin g - Repai ri ng We Guarantee All Work Co mpl ete In surance Protection Call DAY or NIGHT Glenv ill e 0473 Res. Ph one Call Glenvi ll e 2199 1 371 4 EARL WOOD ROAD ALLEN E. GHA VIER Real E lnlt• with G. I. HOME LOANS H eigh l s Rt·all y Co. '13210 Ccdat· Uuad . are being made YE :1000 by The Cleveland Savings and Loan Company. Information regarding these loans gladly given to veterans or their representatives. Compli tiiPnts of Extending a Conservative Sav ings and Loan erv ice to CleveLanders for 45 Yem·s. ANTHONY PROVENZALE THE CLEVELAND SAVINGS & LOAN CO. 510 SUPERIOR AVENUE AT EAST SIXTH STREET • 20610 N. Parh. Blvd. MERIT CLEANERS Tailors and Furriers Cu 111 pli m e 11 t.~ c~f " A Safe Place lo end Your Clothe " UNIVERSITY SQUARE BARBER SHOP 8326 Hough Avenue GA 2020 ] 3932 Cedar Road (ne xt to the bowling all•·y) 3 Smooth Sailing Navy Good Luck CARROLL NEWS 4 Koch Comt)liments ToYour Measure: of Furniture SUITS Mayor Company Earl W. Aurelius INCE 1872 O'COATS a ncl Councilmen UNIFORMS Robert M. Davi * George I. Goodman B. Vincent Haley Kenneth F. Wil on 1000 Hamilton Ave. of CLEVELAND 14, OHIO UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Telephones : CHerry 7734 • CHerry 7735 Compl iments of Fairmount Theatre Compliments of JOSEPH H. MILLER THE CANNON Compliments of TAILORING CO. The JUDSON Printing Co. 1009 Rockwell Ave. 124 T. CLAIR AVE. CHerry 5320 CHerry 4990 5 GOOD LUCK NAVY BOYS! IT'S BEEN AN HONOR and a great plea­ sure to have you with us ... and, in parting, we extend to each and every one of you our very best wishes and the hope that good fortune and success may crown your progress and achievements in the months and years ahead. WA S M E R B 0 LT & S C R E W C 0 R P. 13100 ATHENS AVENUE • CLEVELAND, OHIO IJucli· .from Service Com'p limen l8 of VINCE PATTIE " " " lr.i .~ HORRIGAN'S GRILL ORCHESTRA • W{// wgem ent, :110:1 Wurrcns vi ll c C<'ntcr Hu. Noble-Hcrgne r Orch cslras WA sh inglon 9805 Complil'nents HOTEL STATLER of M in 80 19orPRropccL6800 HARRINGTON ELECTRIC Auto-Glass Specialists COMPANY Buckeye Co mplim e n ts o.f Windshield Co. Cleveland Blueprint Co . 7806 LORAIN A VENUE wo 5200 6 Compliments c( .... of z Ill ~ Hudson Fuel Co. :) ....~ V) • -z Coals of Established Dependability • 5052 GLAZIER Michigan 8200 7 About This Issue In this "Farewell avy" i sue of th Carroll N ews the civilian and Navy tafT have done their I vel be. t to pre­ sent a comprehensive and interesting PRINTERS for outline of happenings, present and pa t, since V-12 ha been at John Carroll ni­ ver. ity. John Carroll University, Case School of Applied Our primary aim and purpose has been to compile a magazine worthy of the unit; Science, The Play House, Western Reserve Uni­ a magazine that will alway bring back versity, Flora Stone Mather College, Fenn Col­ m mories and fri endships. ames, pic­ tures, and articles of general interest lege, Hathaway Brown School, Cleveland have found their way in to thi i ·sue in great abundance. Each page, column, and Community Fund, Cleveland Foundation, Citi­ line of type has a real and sin ere mean­ ing to you, the reader. zens League, City Club, Federation of Women's In the ew ·' two years of publication Clubs, Junior League, and many other organi­ in this format there has never been an i ·ue with a many stories, as many pic­ zations and institutions that are making notable ture ·, or as many adverti ements as thi ed ition embrace . contributions to the community. The William Feather Company, print­ er of the ews, has clone a marvelous job publishing this issue, in the short time allowed and under very difficult postwar conditions. Thanks al. o go to the Mugler THE WILLIAM FEATHER CO. Engravin g Company, who handled over fifty cuts, forty more than have ever ap­ 812 HURON ROAD peared in an issue of the News prior to this time. And to the man behind the scenes, Fr. Hugh Rodman, S.J., moderator of the N ews, go compliments of the highest OUR ADVERTISERS order. His patience and perseverance have made possible this final tribute to Page Page those men who have been trained in the Atlas Laundry 4 Kenny, John J. 49 avy program at John Carroll. Baum I ce Cream Co. 50 Koch Furniture Co. 5 Tho ·e men who d sire more copies Betty Butte Hair hoppe 50 Land O'Lakes Creamery 42 after close inspection of thi copy, if still Bolton, Frances P., Congres·woman 44 Laub Bakery 4 at J'.C. ., can co ntact the circulation Borgiorno, George C. 47 Leonard Electric Mfg. 44 manager or any of the avy taff, or, if Buckeye Garment Rental Co. 49 May Co. 2 at another port of call, copi may be ob­ Buckeye Wind ·hield Co. 6 McGorray Bros. o. 42 tained by writing car of the circulation Burke, Mayor Thomas A. 4 1 Merit Cleaners 3 manager. There i a limited supply and Campus Drug 49 Miller, Jo·eph H. 5 t he demand is great. If you do want Cannon Tailors 5 Murphy Oil oap o. 4 more copies get them immediately. Cleveland Blueprint Co. 6 Mu:ical Bar 49 Cleveland a vings and Loan Co. 3 Norton Bros. 9 C ross-Roads 4 Ohio B II Telephone Co. 52 Dand e Pr tz I Co. 51 Paolucc i, F. M. 48 Carro ll News, Jr. DelicatesEen, Lou and Paul's 49 Patti, Vince, Orchestra 6 Words of praise are voiced to Joe Dindia and on 2 Pi adilly Inn 50 Koach who realized the need for an ex­ Dougherty Lumber Co. 50 Pioneer Chemical Co. 48 pres ion of Navy V-12 views at John Fairmount Theater 5 Proha ·ka, L. V . 47 Carroll and with this in mind establi heel Feath r o., Th William 8 Prov nzale, Anthony 3 the Carroll News Jr. which contained Gorman-Lav 11 42 Radio Station, WAKR . 10 new· of the co ll ege and more especially of Great Lak s Food up ply . 50 Roofing Co., Peter Byrne 3 the avy students and their actions at Guinta's Mark t 4 Root Co., A. I. 48 John arroll. Harrington E lectri c Co. 6 ervice Barber Shop 4 Heights R alty o. 3 ullivan Bros 51 Koach was assisted in thi enterprise Higbee o. 41. Taylor Bros. 51 by Bob Marble, "Doc" Manner, Joe Hildebrandt Provision o. 49 Telling Belle Vernon Co. 47 Vosmik, Red O'Connell, Tom Cudnik, Horrigan's Bar and Grill 6 Univer ity Barber Shop 3 Ed Smith, Emery Busch, Joe Law, Bob Horten's Dairy 2 University Cab Co . 4 Vaughan, Dick Wonka, Tom Spackman Hudson Fuel Co. 7 Univer ity Heights Candidates 47 and Dan Birmingham. Insurance, AI J. Burens 50 Univ r ity Heights Incumbent 5 John arroll Book. tore 51 University Height Service Station 50 John Carroll Cafeteria 3 Wasmer Bolt & Screw Co. 6 Did you know that thi. and every John arroll Confectionery . 3 White Co., H. N. 7 1 ue of t h arroll News goe · to 47 John Carroll niversity 39 West Side Saving and Loan Co. 42 states, 2 territories, and 2 foreign coun­ Judson Printing Co. 5 Zell Candy Co. 4 tries? 8 Index of Features PagP Activities . 13-2 -46 THE Alumni Directory 40-45 Alumni ews 38 Campus to Campu 12 NORTON 33-34 37 11 BROS. 35 From the Bridge 17 G. I. Bill 22 co. Looking On 36 ews 20-23-28 avy Review -19-31-32-46 ed We ay More 13 Ov r the Fantail 30 Salt pray 24-25 hip's ompany 21 por 14 -15-1 6-29 Roofing V-1 2 Personnel 42-43-44 Contractors Stoff F:ditor-in- hief . Rf 'HARD F. MIC HALAK Business Manager . DO ALD J. H TT irculation Manag r ROBERT J.
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