S6404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 16, 2016 total to twenty-six (26) GLTAs, twelve (12) flight. When the classified HCC is not in use, boosting bioenergy. Supreme Court LSPRs, and fifty-four (54) UVMWS Sensors it is removed from the CIUR and placed in Justice Louis Brandeis once called AN/AAR–54. onboard secure storage. LAIRCM Line Re- States the ‘‘laboratories of democ- The sale also includes the following non- placeable Unit (LRU) hardware is classified racy,’’ and when it comes to Minnesota MDE items: CIURs, SCAs, HHCs, UDM Cards, SECRET when the HCC is inserted into the initial spares and repair parts, consumables, CIUR. LAIRCM system software, including being a laboratory for renewable fuels, support equipment, technical data, engineer- Operational Flight Program is classified SE- we have Doug Peterson to thank. ing change proposals, minor modifications, CRET. Technical data and documentation to While he was in the Minnesota House publications, Field Service Representatives’ be provided are UNCLASSIFIED. of Representatives, he authored the (FSRs), repair and return, depot mainte- a. The set of UVMWS Sensor units (AN/ legislation that established a State- nance, training and training equipment, con- AAR–54) are mounted on the aircraft exte- wide ethanol fuels requirement. Be- tractor technical and logistics personnel rior to provide omni-directional protection. cause of Doug’s work at the State level services, U.S. Government and contractor The UVMWS detects the rocket plume of in steering us toward energy independ- representative support, Group A and B in- missiles and sends appropriate data signals stallation support, flight test and certifi- to the LSPR for processing. The LSPR ana- ence, we have seen Federal renewable cation, selective availability anti-spoofing lyzes the data from each UVMWS Sensor and energy policy being modeled after the module (SAASM) Global Positioning Sys- automatically deploys the appropriate coun- groundwork he laid in Minnesota. tem, and other related elements of logistics termeasure via the GLTA. The CIUR dis- In addition to writing landmark leg- support. The estimated cost is $141 million. plays the incoming threat. islation and advocating on behalf of The ROK is procuring the LAIRCM system b. The AN/AAR–54 UVMWS Sensor warns of greater Minnesota, what some people to defend and protect its future aerial refuel- threat missile approach by detecting radi- may not know about Doug is that he is ing and troop transport capabilities. This ation associated with the rocket motor. The also an accomplished artist and former helps the ROK Air Force become more capa- AN/AAR–54 is a small, lightweight, passive, art teacher. My office in Washington ble of sustaining and projecting air power electro-optic, threat warning device used to across large distances and transporting its detect surface-to-air missiles fired at heli- even has one of Doug’s paintings on forces and fighter aircraft for both oper- copters and low-flying fixed-wing aircraft loan and prominently featured. The ational and training missions with less reli- and automatically provide countermeasures, painting is a depiction of several fresh- ance on foreign partners, such as the United as well as audio and visual warning messages ly caught fish, tessellated in shades of States. The ROK will have no difficulty ab- to the aircrew. The basic system consists of orange, purple, and blue. Doug called sorbing this equipment into its armed forces. multiple UVMWS Sensor units, three (3) the artwork ‘‘Dead Fish,’’ and I always This proposed sale contributes to the for- GLTAs, a LSPR, and a CIUR. The set of joke with his members that the paint- eign policy and national security of the UVMWS units (each A–330 MRTT has six (6)) ing is much more attractive than the United States. The ROK is one of the major are mounted on the aircraft exterior to pro- political and economic powers in East Asia vide omni-directional protection. Hardware name suggests. and the Western Pacific and a key partner of is UNCLASSIFIED. Software is SECRET. During my time in the Senate, I have the United States in ensuring peace and sta- Technical data and documentation to be pro- had the great opportunity to work on bility in that region. It is vital to U.S. na- vided are UNCLASSIFIED. two farm bills with Doug leading the tional interests to assist our Korean ally in 2. If a technologically advanced adversary Minnesota Farmers Union: the Food, developing and maintain a strong and ready were to obtain knowledge of the specific Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 self-defense capability. This sale increases hardware and software elements, the infor- and the Agricultural Act of 2014. I have the ROK’s capability to participate in Pa- mation could be used to develop counter- cific regional security operations and im- seen the dedication he brings to lead- measures or equivalent systems which might ing the discussion about how to keep proves its national security posture as a key reduce system effectiveness or be used in the U.S. ally. development of a system with similar or ad- agricultural producers competitive, The proposed sale of this equipment and vanced capabilities. and I will miss his guidance and friend- support does not affect the basic military 3. This sale is necessary in furtherance of ship. balance in the region. the U.S. foreign policy and national security Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, today, This sale includes provisions for one (1) objectives outlined in the Policy justifica- on behalf of all Minnesotans, I rise to FSR to live in Korea for up to two years. Im- tion. Moreover, the benefits to be derived thank my good friend—and a real jewel plementation of this proposed sale requires from this sale, as outlined in the Policy Jus- multiple temporary trips to Korea involving in the crown of Minnesota agri- tification, outweigh the potential damage culture—Doug Peterson, as he retires U.S. Government or contractor representa- that could result if the sensitive technology tives over a period of up to six (6) years for were revealed to unauthorized persons. as president of the Minnesota Farmers program execution, delivery, technical sup- 4. All defense articles and services listed in Union after 14 years of leading that im- port, and training. this transmittal are authorized for release portant organization. The principal contractor is Northrop and export to the Government of the Repub- To say family farming is important Grumman Corporation, Rolling Meadows, IL. lic of Korea. to Minnesota is an understatement. At this time, there are no known offset One in five jobs in our State is con- agreements proposed in connection with this f nected to agriculture, and as Doug potential sale. RECOGNIZING DOUG PETERSON There is no adverse impact on U.S. defense often told me, when Minnesota farmers readiness as a result of this proposed sale. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I and ranchers succeed, prosperity fol- TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–43 wish to congratulate Doug Peterson lows. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of today as he retires as President of the In all, Doug spent four decades as an Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Minnesota Farmers Union. I join the influential voice on farm policy, as a Arms Export Control Act thousands of farmers, ranchers, small family farmer, a State legislator, and, Annex Item No. vii businesses, and residents of rural Min- since 2002, as head of the Minnesota (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: nesota in thanking Doug for his leader- Farmers Union. It is fair to say that a 1. The AN/AAQ–24(V) Large Aircraft Infra- ship over the years and for being such great many national, State, and local red Countermeasures (LAIRCM) is a self-con- a tireless advocate for Minnesota farm- leaders have looked to Doug not only tained, directed energy countermeasures sys- ers. for advice and counsel, but also to pub- tem designed to protect aircraft from infra- Doug has made agriculture, advo- licly lead the fight on behalf of our red-guided surface-to-air missiles. The sys- cacy, and public service his life’s work. tem features digital technology and micro- family farmers, ranchers, and rural miniature solid-state electronics. The sys- Prior to his election as State president communities. And I have to tell you, tem operates in all conditions, detecting in- of the Minnesota Farmers Union in after going through the last farm bill coming missiles and jamming infrared-seek- 2002, Doug served in the Minnesota debate, he is one hell of a fighter, and er equipped missiles with aimed bursts of House of Representatives for 12 years, our State and our farmers have reaped laser energy. The LAIRCM system consists representing a district comprised of the benefits of his work many times of multiple Ultra-Violet Missile Warning Big Stone, Chippewa, Lac Qui Parle, over. System (UVMWS) Sensors AN/AAR–54, and Swift Counties in western Min- For me, as a Senator, Doug was an Guardian Laser Turret Assembly (GLTA), nesota. important mentor. He helped teach me LAIRCM System Processor Replacement (LSPR), Control Indicator Unit Replacement Minnesota has taken an incredibly what it takes to put crops in the (CIUR), and a classified High Capacity Card proactive and innovative approach to ground and to get that same crop to (HCC), and User Data Memory (UDM) card. energy use and sustainability. In fact, market. He also invited me to visit The HCC is loaded into the CIUR prior to we are considered a national leader for farms across the State to see firsthand VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Nov 17, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO6.028 S16NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with SENATE November 16, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6405 the time, expense, and hard work re- TRAIL OF TEARS NATIONAL success in the batter’s box throughout quired to raise a bushel of corn or soy- HISTORIC TRAIL his career.
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