NEW SPECIES OF CANCELLARIOIDEA (MOLLUSCA:GASTROPODAl FROM THE LOWER MIOCENE CANTAURE FORMATION OF VENEZUELA B.M. LANDAU1 ALGARVE, PORTUGAL and R.E. PETIT2 NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION Subgenus CANCELLARIA sensu stncto The neogastropod superfamily Cancel­ CANCELLARIA (CANC~L~.AR A) HODSO!'<A •: larioidea is well represented in the Landau and Petit, n. sp Cantaure Formation, exposed in a series of arroyos about 500 meters south of "Casa Cancellaria (Canct>llana; aff ro" ttlz IJa '. Cantaure," 14 km west of Pueblo Nuevo, JUNG, 1965, Bulls. Amn Paleor tolo" v 19, Paraguana Peninsula, Falcon, Venezuela. no. 223, p 551, pl. 't5, figs. 7, ~. Eight species of the superfa m ily were reported and figured by Jung (1965), two Description: Protoconch <.;moot", ot abo"Gt of which are here described as new. Three three volutions Teleoccnch 1f about •he \V r orl· additional new species and one previously Sculpture beginnin~ with rdtrer st•·or p- ax 1 ;; unrecorded from the Cantaure Formation, soon crossed by four or five ·p.ral cord& weako collected by one of us (BML) on two field than ribs. On body \\horl some ax ct nl)>; tl)ic.­ trips in 1992 and 1995, brings the total ened like varices. On telcoconcr whu s .\\o &yi­ number of Cancellariidae known from the ral cords at shoulder more prum n• rt ~~ .ure Cantaure Formation to twelve. These are impressed. Outer lip thtrkt. '1ed, w1tr abou• placed in eight genus-group taxa, of which eight lirae within. S1phonal fd~c·oh \\>11-rte'v· I three are previously unreported from this oped, rounded and formmg d sm ll umb1 1..::u formation (Table 1). With the exceptions of partially covered by a thm colum 'Jar Cd I· · Cancellaria (Charcolleria) terryi Olsson, Columella with three fold:>, adapicdl onr 'drgr ·t 1942, described from the Pliocene Charco and abapical one formmg edge of s.hort, &l·ghtlv Azul beds of Panama and later recorded recurved siphonal canal. from the Pliocene Esmeraldas beds of Holotype: Naturhistoriscres \1uo;;~um tid-. I ~~ Ecuador (Olsson, 1964, p. 124) and Narona 13761; height 21 3 mm., d•a~etPr 10 D mr barystoma Woodring, 1970, described from (Jung, 1965, pl. 75, fig. 7 l. the Pliocene Gatun Formation of Panama, Type locality: NMB 17516, C antaurP ForYYJ.a the other ten species are endemic to the tion; series of arroyos about 500 "1e•er..; ..;outh of Miocene of Venezuela. "Casa Cantaure," which I& 14 km (b'r roL dJ we;;• of Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguana Pe'1in..;ula, Fakor, SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Venezuela. Class GASTROPODA Paratype: Naturhistonsches \1t..seum Ba.-tl Superfamily CANCELLARIOIDEA H 13762; height 19 3 mm, diamet r 10.2 mm Family CANCELLARIIDAE Forbes and (Jung, 1965, pl. 75, fig ~,. LocaJ•t'r • TMB 17516, Hanley, 1851 Cantaure Formation, Pardguana Peninsuld, Genus CANCELLARIA Lamarck Falcon, Venezuela. Etymology: Named for Hele'l King Hod.-on, 1r Cancellaria LAMARCK, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. recognition of her work on the Cantdure Paris, Mem. 1, p. 71. Formation. Type speci es: Vol uta reticulata Linne, 1767, by monotypy. Discussion: This species was fully de­ scribed and discussed by Jung ( 1965, p. 1 International Health Centres 551). He compared Cancellaria aff. ror.mdli Avenida Infante D. Henrique Lote 2 RJC with C. rowelli Dall, 1896, from the Baitoa Areias Sao J oao Formation of the Dominican Republic, but 8200 Albufeira pointed out consistent differences between PORTUGAL the two. Jung and Petit (1990, p. 99) also did not accept the Cantaure specimens as 2P.O. Box 30 being C. rowelli. Cancellaria hodsonae is North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 smaller and proportionally narrower than 145 146 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 29 C. rowelli and has much stronger sculp­ (Jung, 1965, pl. 75, figs. 1, 2). ture at the shoulders formed by very Typ e locality: NMB 17516, Cantaure heavy spiral cords. The opportunity to Formation; series of arroyos about 500 meters study additional specimens from both south of "Casa Cantaure," which is 14 km (by Venezuela and the Dominican Republic road) west of Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguana has convinced us that the two species are Peninsula, Falcon, Venezuela. distinct. Etymology: Named for Peter Jung of Basel, Switzerland, in recognition of his work on the Subgenus BIVETIELLA Wenz Cantaure Formation. Biue tiella WENZ, 1943, Handbuch der Palao­ Discussion: This species was fully zoologie, v. 6, Gastropoda, pt. 6, p. 1356. described by Jung (1965, p. 548-550), who Type species: Cancellaria similis Sowerby, had only one adult specimen and nine 1833, by original designation. juveniles. In his remarks, Jung mentioned that the Cantaure specimens differed from CANCELLARIA (BIVETIELLA) J UNGI the Dominican Republic specimens of Landau and Petit, n. sp. Cancellaria epistomifera Guppy, 1876, which have more inflated body whorls, less Cancellaria (Ca ncellaria) epistomifera. Guppy. conspicuous varices, no secondary spirals JUNG, 1965, Bulls. Amer. Paleontology, v. 49, on the body whorl and a slightly thicker no. 223, p. 548, pl. 75, figs. 1, 2. Not of Guppy, parietal callus. A larger series collected by 1876. one of us (BML) confirms that these differ­ ences are consistent. Jung and Petit (1990, Description: Protoconch smooth, of about two p. 103) removed Jung's 1965 reference and one-half volutions. Postnuclear whorls from the synonymy of C. epistomifera and about six in number. Sculpture beginning with placed both C. epistomifera and the weak spiral cords soon crossed by heavier axial Venezuelan species in the subgenus ribs. On later whorls spiral cords and axial ribs Bivetiella. about equal in strength. Varices developed as Cancellaria jungi differs from C. bajo­ teleoconch increases in size, usually with three nensis Jung and Petit, 1990, in being more per whorl. On body whorl a few secondary spiral attentuate and possessing less angular cords appearing in interspaces between primary features. cords. Suture very deep for subgenus. Outer lip prosocline, slightly everted at stromboid notch, Subgenus CHARCOLLERIA Olsson with about a dozen lirae within. Parietal callus weak. Columella with three folds, center one Char~olleria OLSSON, 1942, Bulls. Amer. Pale­ sometimes slightly bifurcate, anterior one form­ ontology, v. 27, no. 106, p. 61. ing edge of recurved siphonal canal. Type species: Cancellaria (Charcolleria) Holotype: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel H perdiciana Olsson, 1942, by original designa­ 13757; height 30.1 mm, diameter 18.4 mm tion. Table 1. Cancellariidae occurring in the Cantaure Formation, Venezuela. Cancellaria (Cancellaria) hodsonae, n. sp. Cancellaria (Cancellaria) lavelana H.K. Hodson, 1931 Cancellaria (Bivetiella) beata Jung, 1965 Cancellaria (Biuetiella) jungi, n. sp. Cancellaria (Biuetiella) paraguanensis H.K. Hodson, 1931 Cancellaria (Euclia) werenfelsi Jung, 1965 Cancellaria (Charcolleria) terryi Olsson, 1942 Cancellaria (Charcolleria) emilyvokesae, n. sp. Cancellaria (Massyla) cantaurana, n. sp. Trigonostoma woodringi Jung, 1965 Axelella yara, n. sp. Narona barystoma Woodring, 1970 No.4 Cantaure Formation Cancellarioidea 147 CANCELLARIA (CHA..'\COLLERIA) EMILYVOKESAE CANCELLARIA (MASSYl A.) CAN1A: tA 'A Landau and Petit, n. sp. Landau and Petit, n. sp. Plate 1, figure 1 Plate 1, figure 2 Description: Protoconch eroded, of about two Description: Protoconch '~""'ooth, o! abvut two volutions. Four teleoconch whorls, well-rounded to two and one-half volut'rms. l.ihell srna 1 ", r with deeply impressed suture. Shell fusiform, subgenus. Four well-roundPrl telt v~o tch whorl" solid, with a high spire. Body whorl slightly with deeply impressed suvure. B 1dy v.horl w •h angled at periphery. Spiral sculpture of numer­ 14 to 18 irregularly spaced so•rq] cord , "n e ous fine, evenly spaced cords. Axial sculpture weaker cord in some in erspau . Axtc.l cui,.~ consisting of rounded ribs, about 20 in number ture of prosocline growth hnes ::.nd " ven to on penultimate whorl, becoming obsolete on eleven rounded rib~ increas ng 1r prommence body whorl, being gradually replaced by broad with age. Outer hp prosoclme ·t~ongly wd axial folds increasing in strength towards outer deeply lirate within. Co'umella 'ver•tcal, v..th lip. Outer lip prosocline, lirate within. three folds, adapical one 'arge'-'t ~nrl t xterdi r Columella with three folds, adapical one largest to edge of parieta' c::.l'us, navmg 'wh.nrl ·t a and extending to edge of weak parietal callus, small but deep umo•lic II:> Anter1 1r f ·ld obh !U• having behind it a small umbilicus. Oblique and forming edge of "hort sip~"wra, L. Pa . anterior fold forming edge of pronounced Adapical portion of outer l•p be ... r ng a we~k siphonal canal. fold, having withm a Sirall, s'l, llow p• ·t n 1 Holotype: Naturhistorisches Museum Basel H canal. 17787; height 26 mm, diameter 18.4 mm (Plate Holotype: Naturhistonsche" Mu ·eum Ba e I 1, fig. 1). 17788; height 21 mm, diamrtrr 1) b mm P'atE Type locality: NMB 17516, Cantaure Forma­ 1, fig. 2). tion; series of arroyos about 500 meters south of Type locality: NMB 17516, ( antaurP I or""la "Casa Cantaure," which is 14 km (by road) west tion; series of arroyos about 500 ~e•er outh f of Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguana Peninsula, Falcon, "Casa Cantaure," which is 1 t ~...., (by ~o~ d WP Venezuela. of Pueblo Nuevo, Paraguara Penin-.ula, Falco'1, Etymology: Named for Emily H. Vokes of Venezuela. Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, for Unfig ured para type 1: Berrard Larda. col her help and encouragement. lection; h eight 20.5 mm, dtamr ter 1 i ..,..,m Locality NMB 17516, C\mtaure For'11 .twn, Discussion: Cancellaria emilyvokesae is Paraguana Peninsula, Falcon, Verez u+ closest to Charcolleria distinguenda Petit, Unfigured paratype 2: Bernard Larda. col 1970, from the Chipola Formation of lection; heigh t 19 mm, dwmetPr L L 1 rnm northern Florida but differs from that Locality NMB 17516, Ccmtaure Fo ~qtioP species in having a sharply angled periph­ Paraguana Pemnsula, Falcon, VenpzuPla ery, weaker and more numerous spiral Etymology: Named after th( Cant' ..Ht cords, and more pronounced axial sculp­ Formation.
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