/ INSIDE "Hello, Dotly!'' In Oakley1 ' ' i ; ;Nell.SlDionatCSI ' .... a Polish btottwralooklng up i cash In i HHappy Undlngs at Joslln- Tho art of numbers -JHURSDAVL-__ Match 1,2007 es^ 50 cents ! ------------- IbghsVileyMm - 'JCA ten the Dead e) m ^ ( quandftr“last w im J ~ blows I ldiIdaho th e w o rst a t Power companany ovoverseeing diild care examines according to newf i o & i new industryI ;:g^«a!S22i! nationwide survey - B fD n U C raiy ByHmCbristeom Associated Press writer_______ ■ Tlme»NBW» w rttB t______ __ ■ - - ' NB'^rYOHK — M any st;llt•^ TWIN, FALLS - In ill are distressingly lax in theirr alSt-'':; regulation and oversight off years, a n cnUrcly new ‘■“'find - '■ l4riiildnlwBeliiilil9 diikl care ccnters. arcordinj; try to the state has foun)unda AoiMrtdonpmoimtefii to a new niiiionwide sunuy h o m e in M ngic Valley::w \vi in d . tiirbtoe dliriaces'atioirX H rt.:-,.' y wiiich [^vesiis lowest in u ib . i«) k doesn't em ploy m any'y Pp ‘f ‘ . 2 ,o6o m o t . < i r t mJftdiox* c ' Idaho and !.ouisiana and its pie. It doesn't have a “Ha: 'V ld.:.kl,'y.s,r-<«tj«utalen t higltesi grade to the far-flnni; corporate imase. It doelocsnl ;tojli(irt'oil.«*OTm get talked about much. -I'''-. system run by the U.S. mili­ But tliat's oil changing tary. A ' VVr’ IC.-Vi handful of low-key south Among the common prob­ . w n v R H O i i t t i Idaho lems in the,States are iiilrc- Idaho wind producers n Ew».nv!i!i^:UA!B queni inspections, deficientI be the state's next ene'""sy mimiaiorASMio.:' pioneers — especiallyIlly a s - I • safely requirements, and iiiwV Idaho works toward devel-dc' hour. hiring standards — indiidiii};K ----------oping'lowemissiorr^cenergy------- But-PURWHilso-br•brought— --------------- luck. .of-fulL crimliuiL.biu:k-.. sources. troubles to udlities in places ground checks — for centerr Idaho Pwvcr Co. finoli::iaii/cd like soutliem Idalio. employees. deals with two newr windw In the first 18 mm o n th s “State cliild can? standards's' pro d u ce rs la.st w eek, liribring- since the tax break and overslglit In this nationII Ing th e total a m o u n t o)f f wwind effcct, Idolio went fror am not protecting our chil­ ; energy In itff system to 400 wind farms to sU. f dren ,ind are not preparingK megawatts. Tlirec yearsirsa t g o . w hich w ere in ‘IWinvin Falls them for success In school." th a t nu m b e r w;is zero. Colimy. The rapid influx said Unda SmiUi. uxccutjvee Since 2001. when thelie Ifed- caused problems for diri’i'ior of the Nationalil oral government ' hejbegan Po\ver. which was no pre- Association of Child Carec o^cring tax breaks to> ali(,*r-al pa re d to in c o rp oirate ra t the Kesniirct. and Hefcrralil . native-encrgy producers,ers, 19 energy into its grid 3 wind farms — tltat’si e\every power company aski th e Please see DAY CARE. Page A3 wind farm now Iji thele sista te II’UC — Ihc state’s e< nergy - • have signed deols ;o0 op0 | e n n-guluiory body — InIn August J Grading child care In Idaho. 2005 to pass an emein(‘rgcncy Analionwiil* ehJd cat# ^iifvoy Most of the new opiopera- moiuiorium on new glvoft tho lowmt orndo to IdAho ( tlons are popping up in farms until the companycor • ■ and thohighosi,n wore ol ti7, 10 tha military's own sytiom, southern Idalio. llicalluiillureis could study how bestb to MmFiidta I Qoodinf nddiirt, tpeilii lojionwsftloaefaprepoiedcMllDedft ( ao Topflvaittla* Score a moderately windyf a:area, incorporate tlicsurgege inI new eperationOD hnA mm* In CoeilBC Ceostjr WtdniInitdiTitamM tliifM dbTtiieceiiil r w \s o - lots o f op e n la n d a n d a uutiii- energy sources. ’Hielie com- zedflibetrbetrd. na ty company diat’s requijquircd mission agreed,1. a n d flW Nir/.','.- '.r : : 9 o Byt by law to buy wlnd-fid-pro- imposed a temporary 1 an obscenity-laden sh ' m d u c ed energy. w ind farm s Uiat qual Tempiipers flare over Wednesday evening at C o a n ty Fairgrounds. Since tlie energy crisi:risis of PUIll’A until Idaho Low w M the 1970s. the federalal {gov- could study the'“i I " contrctroversial ordinanceC llie meeting — held i emment has required1 ututility effecis. Severul w indd farms fa In . ^ p la n n in g a n d zoning bo: areBottom tivo »tet»a* rug companies to buy powerpo development beforifore the HI (jQ( proposed ordinance tiiai iooding County d ii produced by alternatnative- moratorium have sincin c eb e en dairy operators— becan m A Z ’r u to energy suppliers, suchuch as grandfathered Intoi t htl; e s y s - ByMattCtiICtristiua L w h e n Judy Davis, th e coi wii wind farmers. Theic [p ro - tem . Tltne»Ww■fiewt Witter______________________ and zoning administi Ida •■'.49 bncaum g n u n . th e Public UtUtility Tlie power comparp any fin- Icngiliy letter submitted hig \ Regulatory Policies:iesAct. ished Its BS-page repccport last . GOOD!ODING — It took just six mlnuuutcs a d a iry opponent, sys Idaho ____ \ o r PURPA. saysfs uutili- month. It identifiedfd several: for a tow:towii hall-style meeting conccnum- Tliosc present had b( ta r \ tics must buypof power obstacles to Incorpcrporating ingaprofproposed confined animal fecdlriing SOUnCE NiMnil Atsocuton AP cJCn«f\ C«r» (X«»ouiC9 »na \ from alternam o tiv e w ind farm s Into itsits grid, operatiortion ordinance to d e terio rate intoini Please see HE len \ producers> ata a Most significantis isw ind's qui ra te ciqual q u t to unreliability: Windd simi ply • safi th e doesn't blow all th etime.llie tin • _ hlrl I i t y com pany falls back ______ , . l a c w o) u I d hydro sourccs w henI?!*:: tu Insurer!r offers discoulints to those w mass indexesS gro nd if It don't spin liy adjustiniting cm 0 u I d at dams — and Iiadiai t costs By Stephen StaterSer index. a DMI thought we'd be able to10 ave to money. H ic pow ercompany coi Awoclatad PrwMS writer T lie pro{rogram by Phoenix l)ctwee reward those people." urn ;e n e r • proposed to th e comm m n i^ Io n Cus. Inc. oloiTers d isc o u n ts up ered ov Cu.stomer» who qualify for)r ' an; ate the paying wind proijroducers IIAin'FORD.C), Corm . — A m id to 20 perceirent o n life in su ra n ce 'W c i the program can start seeing tlrt power S10.72 per megawatvatt h o u r a grow ing obesity e slr epidemic In policies :oto customers whose' progra reduced rate s after five y e a rs 'i^if the [vB lncIf orlnr buy it less than the $62 rateate to off- the United Statijtates, an insur* BMI is verilirified by a doctor to factors th e ir IlMI rem a in s in th e 19-J- sai f>^Hfrom anomother set tlic costs and sa\save cus- ancc comifanymy has started beI9to25.;S. h e lp t to-25 range, C u sto m e rs willill dir source.a. In tom ers fronl lilglierr rates.ra giving customer:ners a n o th e r rea- DMI is aa ratio of body fat health) see their premiums drop by 5 As- Idaho,I. th a t Hydro facilities arere alreadyt son to slim dow3wn n by being one that takess heightI and weiglit they a percent for every five yearsn> Re: ro te is5 aabout t stretched to capaciticity, and of the first in thei nation to into accourunt. The Centers for said lo th a t they ke ep a h e a lth y IlMIil ratio, up to a niiixlmum of 20!0 p e r olTer d isc o u nIts ts to customers Disease Control and preside PI [ ^ ^ ^ m e g agawatt v Please see WIHD,). PageP A3 ^ v h o keep d lowlo\ body-mass Preventionm defines obesity as ‘officer percent after 20 years. G Al qK Good Morning ■ God’ssword^pluUS Static, 0jnCalvarjdudmilfMdhii g Network Jc 3 4 »nrtr^|i(uinlntitid ireas across the nation, "rr'l it was just time lo turn Kestlerer in ■ W S U itS Calvary, ClChapeb proliferated. over to Satan." T.E pastoror embroiled in lawi shouting match iVI . B ut reljclations between the Smith opened the firstSt at the Gooding )UI Cold, breuy and Mattered stors deteriorated. In CaU-ary Chapel on a Costata ihowert-DetaSKBS over sex, moneyI and contro nlth cut off funding for tilH Mesa0 lot In 1965 with a hand­J- rolot K Id l)y th e c o u n ty ’s lo network, precipitat- ful ofcongrcgants. C om b in in g b oard to discuss a ^ miiltitniHiJlion-doUar radio nenetwork SgaSs;risis d ia t c o n tin u es to C literallst Bible teaching withth ija t largely affects iP roll Calv;Ivary's leadership. It _ casual dress, contemporaryry ame chaotic early !K Comuniaad..................................... D4 ByChristopiKrGollBoRird S m ith htiad a d presided at sparked I □a war for control of . m usic a n d a n aversion to rituu- ­ county's planning Business and seortce directory^«y • l o t AngrtM TimeImei___________ Itoller’s weddisdding.
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