RED WINES TRI MORAVE - Temet, 14,5% - Jagodina, Srbija 0.75l 2250 PROKUPAC - Ivanovic, 13,2% - Župa, Srbija 0.75l 2100 KREMEN - Matalj, 12,5% - Negotin, Srbija 0.75l 2200 CABERNET & MERLOT - Cilić, 13,5% - Jagodina, Srbija 0.75l 2350 CRVENI ZAPIS - Janko, 14% - Smederevo, Srbija 0.75l 2200 ŽIVOT TEČE - Zvonko Bogdan, 12% - Palić, Srbija 0.75l 2400 MONTEPULCIANO - Marina Cvetić, 14,5% - Abruzzo, Italija 0.75l 4650 CABERNET SAUVIGNON - Radovanović, 12,5% - Krnjevo, Srbija 0.75l 2000 TVRDOŠKO CRNO - Manastir Tvrdoš, 12% - Trebinje, BIH 0.75l 2550 ZLATAN PLAVAC GRAND CRU - Plenković, 15% - Hvar, Hrvatska 0.75l 9000 BRUNELLO DI MONTALCINO - Casanova di Neri, 14,5% - Toscana, Italija 0.75l 9200 AURELIUS - Kovačević, 13,5%, Irig, Srbija 0.75l 2250 CHIANTI SUPERIORE D.O.C.G, Santa Cristina, 13% - Toscana, Italija 0.75l 2350 CABERNET - 13. jul Plantaže, 12,5% - Podgorica, Crna Gora 0.75l 1200 VRANAC PRO CORDE - 13. jul Plantaže, 12,5% - Podgorica, Crna Gora 0.75l 1700 VRANAC - 13. jul, 12,5% - Podgorica, Crna Gora 0.75l 1050 VRANAC - 13. jul, 12,5% - Podgorica, Crna Gora 0.187l 390 DINGAČ - Matuško, 14,2% - Pelješac, Hrvatska 0.75l 4800 POSTUP - Matuško, 13,3% - Pelješac, Hrvatska 0.75l 4650 KRATOŠIJA - Tikveš, 12% - Tikvesko vinogorje, Makedonija 0.75l 1050 MALBEC - Chakana, 14% - Mendoza, Argentina 0.75l 2250 MALBEC RESERVA - Chakana, 13,9% - Mendoza, Argentina 0.75l 2900 CABERNET SAUVIGNON RESERVA - Chakana, 14,5% - Mendoza, Argentina 0.75l 2900 FABULA LAGUM - Chichateau 14,5% - Šišatovac, Srbija 0.75l 3400 GRAFFITI - Bjelica 14%, Novi Sad, Srbija 0.75l 2990 BAMBINO NERO - Chichateau 13% - Šišatovac, Srbija 0.75l 1900 REGENT - Aleksandrović 13,5% - Topola, Srbija 0.75l 2700 VLADIKA - 13, Jul Plantaže 14% - Podgorica, Crna Gora 0.75l 2250 TGA ZA JUG -Tikveš 12,5% - Tikveš, Makedonija 0.75l 1200 DAILY MENU 1. STEWED CHICKEN LIVER WITH MASHED SPINACH PUREE 580 2. ZUCCHINI MOUSSAKA 420 3. STUFFED PEPPERS 580 4. STUFFED CABBAGE 580 5. MEATBALLS IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH MASHED POTATOES 420 6. BEEF STEW WITH POLENTA OR MASHED POTATOES 420 7. VENISON STEW WITH GNOCCHI 1150 8. BEANS 420 9. PORK KNUCKLE WITH SAUERKRAUT AND BOILED POTATOES (1KG) 1150 Prijatno / Bon apettit / Enjoy your meal / Kali Orekis COLD SIDE DISHES Beef tatare 1800 Bohemian starter ( for 2 persons ) 1800 Ham and Cheese from Livanj, Prosciutto, Italian bacon, Parmigiano, home made beef pate, meat scaps, dried olives TABOR plate ( for 2 persons ) 1650 Njeguš ham, sirloin, corn bread, kajmak, cheese from Zlatar, Urnebes salad, dry plums rolled in bacon “Njeguš” ham 1100 Beef ham 1100 Cheese from Zlatibor area 490 Serbian white cheese 420 Kajmak *Serbian butter cream 490 Goat cheese in oil 550 Urnebes salad 410 Pihtije 460 Olives 310 Cheese selection 1100 Camembert, Livanj Cheese, Parmesan, Maasdam, Gorgonzola HOT SIDE DISHES Breaded mozzarella cheese with rocket 640 Prunes rolled in bacon 490 Grilled vegetables Zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, onions 600 Mushrooms fried 520 Mushrooms breaded 540 Breaded cheese 560 Breaded red peppers with cheese 560 Proja with cheese Maizecake with cheese 240 Spinach pie 280 Prebranac National dish, oven baked beans with onion 470 Picant potatoes TABOR Potatoes rolled with bacon in white pepper sauce 600 SOUPS Veal soup 290 Beef soup 280 Vegetable creamy soup 290 Tomato soup 270 GRILL SPECIALITIES Ćevapčići Sausage shaped grilled minced meat 750 Ivanović ćevapčići Sausage shaped grilled minced meat on “Urnebes” salad 950 Ivanović small burger Burger on “Urnebes” salad 640 Pljeskavica Serbian grilled burger 750 Gourmand pljeskavica Serbian griled burger with bacon, onions and cheese 790 Pljeskavica with kaimak 850 Gourmand dumplings Onion, red paprika, Zlatibor cheese 870 Leskovac dumplings Small stakes of minced meat, red peppersand cheese, very spicy 820 Home made sausages 750 Grilled pork fillet 940 Vesalica (pork steak) 940 Filled pork steak Grilled pork steak lled with ham, cheese and mushrooms 1030 Smoked pork steak 870 Raznjici (Kebabs) 780 Muckalica Casseroled pork on veal, very spicy 790 Gourmand pork steak Pork steak with cheese, rolled in bacon 1010 Mixed grill meat 1150 Grilled meat, sausage, stu ed pork llet, rolled chicken liver, smoked pork, grilled bacon Chicken liver wrapped in bacon 790 DISHES GRILLED ON VOLCANIC ROCK Fillet steak 2100 Bake llet steak on a hot volcanic stone, according to your taste, and add the sauces of your choice.(Pepper, Barbique, Mustard and egg sauce ). Enjoy your meal STEAKS Grilled steak 1700 Steak in blueberry sauce 1800 Pepper steak Best beef llet topped with a spicy sauce of pepper and spices 1900 Filet mignon with mushroom sauce 1800 Steak in gorgonzola sauce 1990 Steak in vrganj sauce 1900 Steak in curry sauce 1750 Steak in truffle sauce 2200 Steak in 4 peppers sauce 1900 Teriyaki steak Steak with grilled vegetables in Teriyaki sauce 1800 Steak in 4 cheese sauce 1990 TURKEY SPECIALITIES Grilled turkey fillet 1000 Turkey medallions 1070 Turkey in gorgonzola sauce 1170 Turkey in curry sauce 1050 Turkey in vrganj sauce 1170 Turkey in 4 peppers sauce 1130 Four kinds of pepper, cream, mint, basil, tagliatelle Turkey in cream sauce 1200 Turkey in truffle sauce 1400 Turkey rolls in tomato sauce 1130 Turkey llet stu ed with white cheese, tomatoes, basil, oregano, tagliatelle CHICKEN SPECIALITIES Grilled chicken fillet 830 Chicken kebabs 830 Chicken kebabs with bacon 900 Chicken medallions 940 Chicken fillet in gorgonzola sauce 1040 Chicken fillet in curry sauce 880 Chicken fillet in 4 peppers sauce Four kinds of pepper, cream, mint, basil, tagliatelle 960 Chicken fillet in vrganj sauce 1030 Chicken muckalica 880 Breaded chicken in sessame and 3 sauces 880 Chicken fillet with spinach, dried tomatoes and hazelnuts 990 Chicken fillet in 4 cheese sauce 980 Crispy chicken wings and drumsticks 700 VEAL DISHES Veal roast meat with baked potatoes 1400 Veal cutlet with spinach and young potatoes 1150 Veal rolls 1350 Veal steak rolled with mushrooms, baby spinach and cheese provalone. Mashed potatoes with turmeric as a side dish. Veal natur steak with baked potatoes 1150 HOUSE SPECIALITIES Mowers kebabs Chicken liver rolled white hangers and bacon, topped with cream cheese, onions and roasted 1200 TABOR pork steak Pork stake stu ed with ham, mushrooms and cheese, french fries and baked with cream 1250 Cacak dumplings Spicy dumplings, baked with cheese and roasted peppers 1050 Gourmand fille Pork llet stued with cheese, prosciutto, roasted peppers 1300 Trio kebabs Kebabs from steak, chicken and pork llet with vegetables, barbecue and honey-mustard sauce 1150 Gourmand plate Gourmand llet, gourmand pork, gourmand dumplings, spicy potatoes, summer beater 1250 DISHES TO ORDER Sauteed escalope 920 Parisian escalope (fried in butter) 920 Weinner schnitzel 920 Pork medallions with mushrooms 1030 Uzice medallions 1030 Escalope Karadjordje 1040 PASTA / RISOTTO Pene / Tagliatelle Arabiata 610 Pene / tagliatelle in carbonara sauce 750 Pene / tagliatelle in truffle & mushroom sauce 930 Pene / Tagliatelle in 4 cheeses sauce 790 Pene / Tagliatelle with mushrooms and chili peppers 670 Risotto with vegetables, chicken and cashew nuts 850 Risotto with prawns 1100 FISH Grilled squid 1550 Breaded squid 1550 Smoked trout 1150 Teriyaki Salmon 1450 Sicilian Salmon Baked potatoes, tomatoes, dill sauce and capers 1450 Sea bass fillet 1600 SALAD MEALS Mixed salad with turkey 750 Green salad mix, turkey, grapefruit, white wine and orange dressing Tabor salad 550 Lettuce, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, olives, croutons, red onion, gorgonzola dressing, yogurt and mustard Steak salad in sweet chilly sauce 750 Beefsteak, lettuce mix, paprika, carrot, cucumber, cherry tomato Ceasar salad 700 Steak, mixed green salad, pepper, carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes Caprese salad 610 Tomato, mozzarella, basil, rocket, olive oil Greek salad 430 Tomato, cucumber, olives, feta cheese, red onion, oregano SALADS Sopska salad 350 Serbian salad 310 Greek salad 420 Tomato salad 300 Tomato salad with cheese 330 Cucumber salad 280 Tarator salad (cucumber and yogurt) 330 Green salad 230 Green salad, parmesan, cherry tomatoes, pinjolas 460 Mixed green salad 330 Rocket salad 370 Spring salad Green salad, radish, spring onions 240 Cabbage 220 Mixed salad Cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce 290 Vitamine salad 330 Seasonal salad 210 Grilled red peppers 310 Sauercraut 280 Tursija (pickled vegetables) 280 Green peppers in oil 110 Ajvar 330 SIDEDISHES Slow baked potatoes 240 French fries 230 Sauted sauerkraut 250 New potatoes 270 DESSERTS “Reform” cake 350 “White queen” cake 350 Moscow schnit 390 Hot chocolate kisses 270 Apple pie 300 Serbian walnut pie 320 Cream pieed pie 320 Serbian walunt meringue 280 “Orasnice” 270 Pancakes “Tabor” (for 2 persons) 690 Pancakes au gratin (for 2 persons - 40 minutes preparation time) 800 Various pancakes 290 Tabor fruit salad 320 Nougat cup 300 Svarcvald cup 300 White chocolate parfe 320 Ice cream (4 scoops) 270 Fruit salad 300 Seasonal fruit 320 Icecream (1 scoop) 90 Cream 90 Coover (brusketi sa maslinovim uljem i origanom, sirni namaz, lepinja, proja od raznog brašna) 130 Bun 20 Corn bread (corn, wheat, buckwheat and rye flour with olive oil and sunflower seeds) 35 * Half portions are charged 70% of the cost of serving SIDEDISHES WHITE WINES Slow baked potatoes 240 PINOT GRIGIO - Temet, 13,7% - Jagodina, Srbija 0.75l 2000 French fries 230 MORAVA - Vinarija Jelić, 13% - Valjevo, Srbija 0.75l 2300 Sauted sauerkraut 250 New potatoes 270 TERASA Chardonnay - Matalj, 13.4% - Negotin, Srbija 0.75l 2100 FUME BLANC - Cilić, 13,5% - Jagodina, Srbija 0.75l 2300 DESSERTS TRI MORAVE - Temet, 12,5% - Jagodina, Srbija 0.75l 2000 TREBBIANO - Marina Cvetić, 14,5% - Abruzzo, Italija 0.75l 4800 “Reform” cake 350 SAUVIGNON BLANC - Zvonko Bogdan, 12,6% - Palic, Srbija 0.75l 2200 “White queen” cake 350 Moscow schnit 390 TRIJUMF - Podrum Aleksandrović, 13,5% - Topola, Srbija 0.75l 2700 Hot chocolate kisses 270 HARIZMA - Podrum Aleksandrovic, 14% - Topola, Srbija 0.75l 2300 Apple pie 300 CHARDONNAY - 13.
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