Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 1969 4-15-1969 Daily Eastern News: April 15, 1969 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1969_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 15, 1969" (1969). April. 4. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1969_apr/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1969 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Eastern News ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS TUES., APRIL 15, 1969 Faculty Senate Loses In Constitution · Vote By Dave Kidwell ate to _get the by-laws finished the first committee which began prior to the constitution, oppo­ formalizing the constitution two The Faculty Senate constitu­ sition to making faculty councils years ago, said; "There are many tional . referendum w t down to subordinate to senate, and an reasons why it was defeated. I defeat Friday as /ft eked 44 unexpected high number of non­ can't put my finger on just one." votes from reacp.1n he quired voters. #) SHE THOUGHT possibly two-third majority'- �'\4e for there was a feeling thB.t the Fa­ · W:hen asked �f the fear of ad- passage. ,, ( " �., . / · " ,• mm1strators bemg excluded from culty Senate was seeking power, .. the faculty constitution swayed "which we weren't. Some seem­ 536 possib.JP.- yotes��e were 2 " �· vol:M,',Y.91 "��A e vote, White said, "I don't ed to feel the senate itself was votes an �ff''. f{lcult� ni.emb�.!:.1li k so. There are on�y about looking for power. We don't have failed to vo 'i«,�1, wbicb act- "�� o them. I don't thmk they time to operate a powe.r move. sympathy." ually constitu d ·a aU"e Vjte �{Ju.ll)tli much �} , "Also there was a misunder­ because the tw th,.._�,.,vo w--._ri I , standing of the senate's trying to quired was based on' toMI E INDICATED the sen- 1:.� have a liason with the other fa­ faculty members. , ould decide what to do at • /,;._ ...... '' ednesday morning meeting. culty committees," she said. <.. /?# A NUMBER of Facult enate Don Tingley, a member of the \.. members were unable to pi oint senate, also was unsure of the "Tn Photo By Jeff Nelson a reason for its defeat. reason for the defeat. "I suppos.e Jan Yerkey was absolutely inadequate sup- faculty apathy and some misinter­ port," said Robert White, chair- pretation of what it was by the man of the Faculty Semite. department heads and adminis­ Crowned Miss 1d grin from Jan Yerkey, the new Miss Delta Chi, illu· trators who saw their interests White listed a number of rea­ r feelings just after emcee Gary Schneider made the an· threatened." nt during Friday .night's annual pageant. sons which probably affected the­ Delta Chi vote_ including failure of the sen- Catherine Smith, who headed Jan Yerkey, a freshman from C.rystal Lake, was crowned Miss Delta Chi at 'Friday �ght's an­ ate nual pageant in McAfee Gym. Motion Calls For Student Moiority Miss Yerkey was sponsored by Lincoln Hall. Due to the fact Financial Vice-President Tom "one of the reasons" he was not would not become a "paper god." that the pageant was held late Wetzler also expressed regret approved at the first screening. In other action, Elect;ions this year, �he will not be able to that the proposed summer bud­ When asked which he would Chairman Sue Rice presented the represent Delta Chi social fra· get was rejected by the adminis­ choose if the welfare of the stu­ proposed election rules regarding ternity in the Miss Charleston tration. He claimed that the ad­ dent body and an explicit state­ Who's Who elections, and Mears Pageant which will be held Sun­ ministration's view that the ment in the Constitution. were in moved that a letter be sent to day, April 27. summer reserve fund be used conflict, Anderson reportedly the Faculty Senate requesting only in an emergency was "in­ chose the student body. that its meetings be made open FIRST runner-up was Donna a consistent." Swim claimed that he. himself to the student body and the date, Winslow, a senior from Spring­ The liveliest exchange of the agreed with Anderson's choice, time, and place published. field, who was representing Del· evening took place during the but that the manner of the ques­ ta Zeta social sorority. ROVED this week, this Standards Committee report tion and the way it was answer- Speaker Ken Midkiff also was would take effect with ap­ when Chairman Alan Swim re­ ed "implied other qualities that asked to appoint a special com­ Second runner-up. was Janet ·ons for the year 1970- vealed that his committee found . might be in the candidate," and mittee to work on the as yet un­ Broady, a freshman from Tus­ it necessary to discuss more felt that "more discussion should formulated judicial system. cola, sponsored by Weller Hall. 11 made the motion as thoroughly the ·appointment of · take place before the committee · tive measure against the Jett Anderson as a. Supreme made a recommeridation." \.. taking over the boards Court Justice. MEARS CONTENDED that '8ture. they were "asking the Supreme n claims that at least SWIM responded to a question Court justices to pray to some Irish Ambassador Slated · istrative sources have by Harold Mears that the way piece of paper instead of looking him that the faculty Anderson had answered· one ·of out for the welfare of the student h a move next year. the committee's questions was body" and hoped . the Constitution Of · \, For Series Activities The Irish ambassador to the sity who is recommended by the First Edition United States, William Patrick participating department at a Recruiting Students Fay, will make a series of ap­ Eastern. pearances here on Monday, May Fay's visit to Eastern is be- Concert Set 12. Campus Next Week The First Edition, popular re­ Fay will accept an hoilJ)rary cording group of "But You Know membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, , a ·program designated and Puerto Rico. It also is a I Love You," will appear in con­ national political science honor with impoverished peo­ division of the Office of Econom­ cert at 8 p.m. Sunday, in Lantz society, at a luncheon. He will be the U� States, will be ic Opportunity with approxi­ Gymnasium. the guest of honor at an Inter­ pus tecrµiting Monday mately 4,500 people working in The concert is being sponsored national Week Banquet that lhursday, April 21-24. Vista now. by the · Interfraternity and Pan­ evening. Following the dinner, Fay will deliver a public address table will be set up in the The basic committment. is for hellenic Councils. Tickets priced on "The Role of a Small Nation lobby with materials and one year, but they may sign up at $2.50 for reserve seats and in the World" in the Laboratory ets 'about the organiza, again for two years. Vista also $2 for general admission go on School Auditorium. but interested students has a summer program. Any sale today in the Union lobby. member receives a living allow­ see the Vista representa­ THE FIRST Edition has ap­ THE AMBASSADOR also will ance and a small personal allow­ 'tho will be located from peared on the Smothers Brothers meet with faculty and students ance. to ·5 p.m. in the Shawnee Show, the Johnny Carson Show involved in the Summer Study He also receives a $50 stipend On Thursday, April 24 and the Today Show as well as Project in Ireland, a program of per month which is given once entati\·e will be in the making personal appearances a­ research and independent study the service is completed. e Room. cross the country. in Ireland June 23-August 25. PRESENTLY Vista is work­ o\·j�, depicting some pro- The four members are all for­ Fay will meet with participating ing in urban ghetto areas, Appa­ lrhich Vista is presently mer New Christy Minstrels, and departmental staff members and lachia, Indian reservations and with, will be shown at the drummer has worked with with students who are interested William Fay among migrant workers. This each night through Sun­ Bob Dylan, Trini Lopez and in the project. summer a new program will be­ the Shawnee Room. Johnny Rivers. gin in which volunteers will be r Eligible for the summer. study ing sponsored by Pi Sigma Al­ MEMBERS are Mickey Jones, A, WHICH means Volun­ working with migrant workers, progrjlm are any junior, senior pha. He will be accompanied by drummer; Terry Williams, �i- ln Service To America, is traveling with them in order to or graduate in good standing at Brian O'Kelly, Irish consul gen­ only in the United States maintain continuous contact. (Continued on page 8) an American college or univer- eral in Chicago. Page 2 Eastern News Tues., April 15, 1969 Progress, Some· Displeasure, On Block Recruitment By Dave Kidwell Negro schools. 44 students visited Eastern for a invitation to visit black high person has to write three diffe r• TWO NEGRO students, Bill weekend. This was accomplished schools; "When you want some­ ent letters before getting fi nan• . The recruitment of black stu­ Wooten and Sandra King, made through Silas Purnell,· the coun­ thing real bad, you could ask to cial aid and, "this isn't going dents has been almost the full­ a few trips with Choate and his selor for the Ada McKinley come to the high schools." to 'do' with anyone,'' he said.
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