4-Wil...Ari:e42•11:111,,,,,,W ',ZVI" THE WORLDS. PROPHETIC WEEKLY . 47.1-4". 4 Oro! '-sgit;421.'" Vol. 75, No. 2S Whose Palestine. See page July 20, 1948 CORRESPONDENCE SIGNS Life Changed DEAR SIR: Since I started with your Bible studies; I am quite changed in life. My heart is beating TIMES so east for Jesus, and I can say you have com- forted me so much with your Bible course. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 T. M. Johannesburg, Africa. ED TOR ARTHUR S. MAXWELL ASSOCIATE EDITOR . MERLIN L. NEFF ASSISTANT EDITOR FRANCIS A. SOPER Methodist 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DEAR SIR: Through the kindness of some friend I am receiving Signs of the Times each week. I have been a Methodist for fifty years, and yet VOL. 75, No. 28 JULY 20, 1948 I read this little paper and am spiritually up- CONTENTS lifted. I trust it will be received in like man- ner in every home into which it may go. F. B. M. CORRESPONDENCE 2 Lodi, California.' EDITORIALS: WHERE FEAR STILL REIGNS 3 Baptist IS THERE VALUE IN PAIN ? 4 DEAR SIR: I am a reader of your paper and get so LESSONS IN MURDER 4 much spiritual food from it that I don't want WHOSE PALESTINE ? A. W. Anderson 5 to be without it any more. I pray that God will bless you in your work. THE CHANGELESS WORD (POEM) Julia H. Johnston 6 I am a Baptist. I pass the papers on to others when I have read them. ON AFRICA'S HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS E. L. Cardey 7 J. A. B. Doniphan, Missouri. ROME'S SUPREMACY PREDICTED . Taylor G. Bunch 8 WHEN ISRAEL INVADED PALESTINE W. L. Emmerson 10 Marine PROOF POSITIVE CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD DEAR SIR: I am a young man twenty-five years old, W. E. Read 12 but love the Bible. The Signs of the Times TEACH US TO PRAY Mrs. E. E. Andross 16 has done me so much good after returning from four years in the service as a Marine. L. H. Leavenworth, Kansas. OUR COVER Self-Supporting Missionary DEAR SIR: The call to prayer, sounded daily from every Moslem I am one of the regular readers of the Signs, mosque, has become virtually a call to war throughout and I want to congratulate you on the March 16 issue. Keep it up. the Arab world, where strong feelings prevail against This letter is to tell you a little of our plans the setting up of a Jewish state in Palestine. to go to South America to take the Lord's message to those who have never heard it. We are going in our own boat and will take necessary machinery to build houses and other buildings necessary for the work. We CIRCULATION MANAGER H K. CHRISTMAN intend to be self-supporting there and teach the natives modern self-supporting civilized methods. Printed and published weekly (50 issues a year) by the Pacific Press L. B. G. Publishing Association at Mountain View, California, U. S. A. Entered as Hammondsport, New York. second-class matter September 15, 1904, at the post office at Mountain View, California, under Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at Dear Friend special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, and authorized September 18, 1918. DEAR SIR: I see my subscription expires sometime this RATES in U. S. A.: Single copy, one year $2 00 month. So I am enclosing $2 to pay for the Clubs of five or more to one address, each 1 75 To Canada and other countries taking extra postage: Signs of the Times another year. It is just Single copy, one year (U. S. funds) $2 50 like a dear friend coming to see me every week. Clubs of five or more to one address, each, (U. S. funds) . 2.00 Mrs. C. A. L. Please make all checks and money orders payable to Signs of the Times, Tunbridge, Vermont. Mountain View, California. In requesting change of address, please give both old and new addresses. Lost Without It No papers are sent except on paid subscriptions, so persons receiving the DEAR/SIR: Signs of the Times without having subscribed may feel free to accept it. The Signs is certainly a wonderful magazine. My husband and I both enjoy it. We would be lost without such a Christian help, as this— a God-sent visitor. E. W. S. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1110111111111111111111111111111111111 Phoenix, Arizona. Page Two SIGNS of the TIMES ACME Paratroopers line up to board a C-82 plane for maneuvers at Camp Campbell, Kentucky— largest operation of its kind since World War II. tional News-letter" for May 6, 1948, Ste- people are justified, we will not discuss phen King-Hall reports a recent inter- now. But the fact that the fears exist, view with an "enlightened and high- and on such a wide scale, is a matter of principled family" in that country—one great significance. When so many peo- Where Fear Still Reigns which "endured the German occupation ple, in so many countries, are, as this correspondent suggests, "verging on hys- ARTLY because of the wave of post- with fortitude and resource, helped the war prosperity now sweeping Amer- Dutch underground, outwitted the Ger- teria and panic," one cannot but ask if P this may not be a fulfillment of the ica, partly because of growing interest mans on many occasions, and never lost prophecy of Christ concerning the state in the forthcoming election, there has of heart." Now, at last, they are frightened. late been a definite easing of tension in The son admitted negotiating privately of mind to prevail among the masses just prior to His second advent. In those the matter of another war. Scare head- for an airplane to carry his mother, fa- days, He said, men will be "swooning lines are not appearing so frequently in ther, sisters, and bride to England "at a with panic and foreboding of what is to the newspapers, and the general opinion 'moment's notice." The mother and befall the universe." Luke 21 :26, Moffatt. seems to be that, though war may come daughters openly discussed committing We would not suggest for one moment again, it will not be for some time yet. suicide rather than fall into Russian that this is the only sign, or even the As Time said on June 7: "Many a U. S. hands. All seemed to be living in a state most important sign, of the imminent citizen felt as though he had just walked of semipanic, despite an outward appear- return of Jesus. It is not. But it is one out of a triple horror feature, and had ance of poise and calm. of the signs and, taken together with the found the sun shining and- the streets Whether or not the fears of these poor crowded with sunny people. As spring merged into summer the world seemed to have become, at least for the present, an astonishingly cheerful place. "Just at the moment, it looked like a beautiful morning." But if we think that this feeling of un- concern is shared by the people of other nations, we are much mistaken. The fact is that all who live close to the iron curtain are filled with desperate fears which they cannot shake off. A well-known diplomat who recently visited Scandinavia reported that "the fear of war is now verging on hysteria and panic." In Sweden people are laying bets on whether war will come this sum- mer or not. In Norway there is apprehen- sion of Russian pressure for "facilities" in Finnmark or Spitzbergen. In Finland it is feared that the communists may precipitate a crisis which the Russians would use to justify intervention. Even, Holland, usually so sedate and HLASETTI, ACME level-headed, is much agitated over the Italy's first freely elected parliament since Fascism came into power twenty-five years ago, possibility of another war. In his "Na- meets for the first time in Rome. for JULY 20, 1948 Page Three many other fulfillments of prophecy now in any other way. Pain and trial are a shot it out with the police in another evident in so many phases of modern life, part of the course of study in the school Western city—all of which they learned it adds emphasis to the warning words of Christ. Pain warns us of our weak- in the comics. of the Master: "When ye shall see all ness; it proclaims that we are not self- Surely it is high time for all parents these things, know that it is near, even sufficient. to give more attention to the reading at the doors." Matthew 24:33. A. S. M. In times of suffering God is never far matter which is coming into the hands from us. When human resources fail, of their children. Too many fathers the resources of heaven are unlimited. and mothers who would cry out in Is There Value in Pain? If we take pain and suffering from our horror and indignation if someone were EVERLY SMITH is a baby who sel- lives we take away forces that are used so to offer their children poisoned candy, B dom cries. According to the news often to strengthen and enrich character. stand by indifferent while unscrupulous God help us to see the value of pain and dispatches, she did not cry when she publishers feed poison to their minds suffering and to learn the lessons from bumped her head, and she did not even under the camouflage of "comics." them that He desires to teach us.
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