NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of December, 1928 5,209 Member of the Aadit Bureau ot Ctrcolatlona VOL. XLIII., NO. 76. (Classified Adrittising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929. TIP ON MOONSHINERS LEADS POLICE TO GAVE; EIGHT KILLED FIND DUGOUT OF BOYS SENATE TURNS Eight Mile Tunnel BERLIN STORY LEGISLATIVE POSTS Chippewa Falls, Wis. Jan. 12. 1 AS BIG PLANE — The discovery of a gallon of AHENTION TO ONWAR DEBTS kerosene after receiving a “ val­ Ready For Traffic NOT YET SELECTED uable tip,’’ was the experience police had here when the/w ent IS DEMOLISHED out on a search for moonshine. BIG CALENDAR CAUBALIE ■ An inmate of the county asy­ .i_______ lum, while taking a “ stroll," COUNCIL LOCKS UP Judge F. M. Peasley, of had been ordered away from a White House Denies That Machine Could Not Gain Al­ dugout at the city’s gravel pit Bills Keep Piling Up as Mem­ Cheshire for the Senate and reported to the police that CAPTAIN OF ARMY a moonshine still was in opera­ bers Debate on Kellogg President Said Amount of titude; Pilot Tries to Land tion there. and Judge Raymond A. Police hurried to the gravel But Wing Hits Tree and pit only to find a group of boys Pact— Vole on This to Be German Reparations Had who fled to the nearby woods. Capt Hart Wished to Inter­ Johnson, of This Town A search of the dugout revealed Already Been Fixed. Plane Crushes Occupants. a small stove burning, but the Taken on Tuesday. for the House Are Certain only thing the officers found cede for Head of the Sal­ worth confiscating was a gallon Middletown, Pa., Jan. 12.— The of kerosene. Washington, Jan. 12.— With the Washington, Jan. 12— The White to Head Judiciary Com­ House vigorously denied today re­ vation Army. death toll in the tragjc crash of the Kellogg-Briand peace treaty near ports published abroad that Presi­ Army transport plane C-2 near here ratification, administration leaders dent Coolidge had declared the mittees— Other Selections yesterday mounted to eight today in the Senate today turned their total amount of German reparations Sunbury-On-Thames, Eng., Jan. STOECKEL WANTS attention to the rapidly growing had already been fixed by the inter­ 12.— Resumption of the delibera­ when Sergeant Patrick Conroy of allied commission. for the Various Commit­ Somerville, Mass., the one soldier calendar of legislative business in The erroneous probably arose tions of the Salvation Army High who had survived the disaster, the hope of clearing it in .time to from reparations discussions the Council were marked today by a l\ MOTOR SLEUTHS tees. passed away at Polyclinic hospital avoid a special session directly aft­ President had yesterday with sensational incident when Captain callers, the White House said. Dr. Herbert Hart tried to gain ad­ in the nearby“ city of Harrisburg. er March 4. Among the President’s visitors Conroy, who had received a frat- The Senate’s calendar includes were Owen D. Young, who has been mission to present a compromise in Hartford, Conn., Jan. 12.— Legis­ tured skull and internal injuries, State Commissioner Asks the new cruiser bill, the farm re­ asked to serve as American dele­ the struggle to depose General lative committees will be announced gate on the interallied commission Bramwell Booth as supreme head here on Thursday when the General died at 1:50 o’clock this morning. lief bill, the first deficiency appro­ and Secretary of State Kellogg. Five of the other seven men in i for Small Force of Special priation bill, with its $25,000,000 President’s Opinion of the organization. Assembly hold its next session. the plane were killed instantly, and i increase in prohibition enforce­ Workmen are sho^vn operating a locomotive and steam shovel in the In discussing th3 general aspects Declaring he was tlfe bearer of a Meanwhile signs of a scramble for Cascade tunnel. of the reparations question. Presi­ formula which would provide a way positions are apparent, for today two died in Harrisburg hospitals Accident Investigators. ment funds and a $75,000,000 item dent Coolidge declared two main out of the present difficulties. Staff soon after the crash. for tax refunds, the report of the Seattle, W’ash., Jan. 12.— Thes.trification and the elimination of problems faced the commission. Captain Hart, who was once private few of the committee selections west is to be brought closer to the I the many long stretches and turns Two investigations into the dis­ special committee which investigat­ The first, he believes, is to deter­ secretary to General Bramwell seem certain, anl perhaps only the The creation of a small force of east, in time and distance, with the ' that had to be made heretofore in mine, on a ba.iis of equity and fair­ Booth’s father, appeared at the Senate and" House chairmanships of aster are under way. ed forged Mexican and Russian opening today of the new Cascade order to negotiate the pass at this Crushed to Death special investigators within the documents, the Caraway cotton and ness, the total of the reparations gates of the Army Training College the judiciary committee are actual­ tunnel, the longest railway tunnel point. payments. The second, if it should shortly after the session began. He The bodies of all eight men .m State Motor Vehicle Department is grain future act, the House reap­ in the western hemisphere and thej More than six miles of massive ly in sight. Judge Frederick M. the plane were crushed when the be determined by the commission requested an interview with the proposed in the annual report of portionment bill and a dozen le.ss fifth longest in the world. isnowsheds, maintained at enormous Peasley, of Cheshire, is the un­ big ship rolled over three times in that Germany' 1s capable of main­ High Council, but admission was re- Commissioner Robbins B. Stoeckel Important measures. There are but This giant bore through nearly annual e’xpenditure, and the almost taining the present Dawes Plan pay­ a yard nfear the post office at Roy- seven weeks before adjournment. eight miles of rock runs on a 2.2 constant work at snow removal will fnsed him. doubted head of the Senate judi­ submitted to Governor John H. ments of approximately 2,500.000.- Locked In Room ciary committee and Judge Ray­ alton, near here, after a wing Hopes Doonied" per cent, down grade from the east be practically eliminated by this 000 marks annually, is to ^decide caught in a tree. The three motors Trumbull today. This new organ­ The hopes of administration lead­ side of the Cascade range at! change. The new tunnel is more Captain Hart started away, but mond A, Johnson, of Manchester, how long these payments shall con­ the head of the House judiciary of the huge Pokker machine, a sis­ ization would augment the service ers for a vote today on the Kellogg Berne, Wash., almost to Scenic on than 500 feet below the old one. was overtaken by Army officers who tinue. returned with him. According to the committee. Both men, while acting ter ship of the famous “ Question pact appeared doomed in the face the west side and 97 miles from which was a little over two and a given by members of the Depart­ The White House said the Presi­ Central News, Hart was locked in unofficially, filled those posts when Mark,’’ apparently had gone dead of the desire of Senators to prolong Seattle, It reduces the running half miles long. ment of State police, now assigned dent did not suggest any definite a lodgeroom for thirty minutes. He the Legislature opened on Wednes­ and the pilot could not find a large debate. There were indications lime for passenger trains one hour With an easier climb to a lower arbitrary figure for the total but to inspection with the Motor was released with the intimation day. open field in which to make a safe though, that an agreement might and for freight trains three hours, height than heretofore was neces­ merely pointed out the problems Vehiclfe Department. while the distance is cut down by sary, the journey is made more that the. president of the High To act with Judge Peasley on landing. “ Admittedly, the State Police be reached to vote Monday al­ the commission must tackle. what is often called the most im­ nearly eight miles. pleaaant by the electrification of Mr. Coolidge spoke highly of the Council meeting could not receive The plane had just left the Army Department is undermanhed,” says though that day has been set aside him. portant of all committees there are air depot here on a return flight to Expect Big Savings. the line. For 75 miles huge elec­ successful operation of the Dawes the report. “ There is insufficient for action on the deficiency biU*and tric locomotives take the passen­ “ I came with a plan to settle this eleven lawyer’ in the Senate and of its base at Bolling Field, Washing­ The entire cost of this project Plan. policing of the highways and lack of on the report on forged documents, — tunnel, electrification arfd all— ger and freight trains over the unfortunate business, but they the eleven one only is to be picked. ton. Unable to gain altitude, ac­ so a vote on the treaty may be post­ an adequate force of examiners and is $25,000,000. The tunnel Itself new route and through the tunnel. Berlin, Jan. 12 — Weakness pre­ would not allow me in,” Captain Of the eleven lawyers six are Demo­ cording to spectators, the plane investigators in connection with the poned until Tuesday.
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