163_06_SD01 Version 1 Issue Date: 10/04/2006163_06_SD01 Version 1 Issue Date: 10/04/2006 Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Strategic Environmental Assessment: Environmental Report Environment MayAgency 2019 Title We are The Environment Agency. It's our job to look after your environment and make it a better place - for you, and for future generations. Your environment is the air you breathe, the water you drink and the ground you walk on. Working with business, Government and society as a whole, we are making your environment cleaner and healthier. The Environment Agency. Out there, making your environment a better place. Published by: Environment Agency Kingfisher House Goldhay Way Orton Goldhay Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 5ZR Tel: 0870 8506506 Email: [email protected] www.environment-agency.gov.uk © Environment Agency 2019 All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced with prior permission of the Environment Agency. Notice This report has been prepared by Jacobs for the Environment Agency. It shall not be used by any person without the Environment Agency’s express permission. In any event, Jacobs accept no liability for any costs, liabilities or losses arising as a result of the use of and/or reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than the Environment Agency. Document History JOB NUMBER: DOCUMENT REF: ENVIMAN002226-CH2-DZ-L00-TN-Z-10141-S3- ENVIMAN002226 P01.00-D001-EA1-LOD0-SGPS_SEA_Env_Report Revision Purpose Description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date 0.1 Draft for initial Client S Duggan S Isaac M Cali For internal 27/4/2018 review with draft EA review WFD and HRA 0.2 Updated draft for S Duggan S Isaac/ M Cali For EA 02/8/2018 client review C Morgan review 0.3 Final draft issue S Duggan S Isaac/ M Cali For EA 22/3/2019 C Morgan approval 1.0 Final issue for S Duggan C Morgan M Cali For public 13/5/2019 consultation consultation Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page i SEA Environmental Report Contents Section Page 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Strategic Environmental Assessment 1 1.3 Purpose and content of this report 2 1.4 Consultation and how to comment on this report 3 1.5 Related assessments 3 2. The proposed strategy 5 2.1 The strategy area 5 2.2 Background 7 2.3 Need for the strategy 8 2.4 Strategy objectives 11 2.5 Development of the strategy 12 2.6 Description of the proposed strategy 16 2.7 Environmental opportunities 22 3. Baseline conditions 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 Data sources 24 3.3 Baseline environmental characteristics 25 3.4 Links to other plans and strategies 37 4. Approach to the SEA 43 4.1 Overview 43 4.2 Scope of the SEA 43 4.3 SEA objectives and assessment criteria 46 4.4 Assessment methodology 46 4.5 Assumptions, gaps and uncertainties 53 5. Stakeholder engagement 55 5.1 Introduction and approach 55 5.2 Stakeholder engagement undertaken to date 56 5.3 SEA-specific consultation 58 5.4 Future engagement activities 63 6. Assessment of the proposed strategy 65 6.1 Introduction 65 6.2 Population, health and economy (Objectives 1 to 3) 66 6.3 Material assets (Objectives 4 and 5) 82 6.4 Biodiversity (Objective 6) 88 6.5 Soils, geology and geomorphology (Objectives 7 and 8) 102 6.6 Land use (Objective 9) 109 6.7 Water and hydromorphology (Objective 10) 112 6.8 Climate (Objective 11) 116 Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page ii SEA Environmental Report 6.9 Historic environment (Objective 12) 121 6.10 Landscape and visual amenity (Objective 13) 131 6.11 Summary of the predicted effects of the strategy 139 6.12 In-combination effects with other plans and proposals 145 6.13 Proposed implementation and monitoring 150 7. Alternative options considered 161 8. Conclusions, recommendations and next steps 172 8.1 Conclusions and recommendations 172 8.2 Related assessments 176 8.3 Next steps in the SEA process 177 References Glossary List of Tables 2.1 SMP policies for the strategy area 2.2 Short listed options, the six leading options subject to stakeholder and public consultation, and those selected as part of the strategy proposals 2.3 Summary of coastal flood risk management proposals in each zone in the short, medium, and long term 2.4 Details of strategy proposals in short, medium, and long term 2.5 Initial design for the two principal scenarios included within the strategy approach – used as the basis for this assessment 3.1 Topics considered in this SEA 3.2 Key characteristics of the strategy area at present and in the future, and key issues constraints, and opportunity relating to the proposed strategy 4.1 Summary of topics/receptors scoped in (refer to Appendix H for full details) 4.2 Proposed SEA objectives and assessment criteria 4.3 Aspects used to consider and describe the identified effects of the proposed strategy and options 4.4 Criteria used to determine the significance of the identified effects of the proposed strategy and options in terms of the SEA objectives 5.1 Short-listed leading options consulted on in 2017/2018 5.2 Summary of scoping feedback received and actions taken 6.1 Summary of predicted effects 6.2 Assessment of in-combination effects with other plans and proposals 6.3 Proposed implementation and monitoring framework 7.1 Alternative options considered during the development of the strategy and the reasons for not taking forward as part of the strategy proposals 8.1 Summary of significant effects List of Figures (within report) 1.1 The strategy area, which extends from Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point 2.1 Zones identified within the strategy area 2.2 Combined flood hazard map of East Lindsey areas at risk of flooding from breaching of sea defences in 2115 for a flood with a 0.5% annual chance of occurring (ELDC, 2018) 2.3 Beach nourishment locations and volumes over the last two decades 2.4 Stages undertaken to develop the strategy 2.5 Criteria used for the high level appraisal of the long list of options 2.6 Overview of strategy delivery Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page iii SEA Environmental Report 5.1 Summary of feedback from the November 2016 stakeholder workshops regarding potential approaches 5.2 Summary feedback from the summer 2017 stakeholder events regarding the six leading options 5.3 Summary feedback from the February-March 2018 public drop in sessions regarding the six leading options 6.1 Beach transects sampled as part of the 2017 Lincshore ecological monitoring survey programme (Source: Environment Agency, 2018) 6.2 Location of 2.4 m beam trawls for the 2017 Lincshore ecological monitoring programme (Source: Environment Agency, 2018) List of Plates 2.1 Saltfleetby – Theddlethorpe Dunes (Zone A) 2.2 Skegness – North Bracing beach, promenade and flood wall (Zone B) 2.3 Gibraltar Point (Zone C) 2.4 Flooding at Mablethorpe in 1953 List of Appendices A Habitats Regulations Assessment • Stage 1 Likely significance test • Stage 2 Appropriate assessment B WFD strategic preliminary assessment C Options appraisal and criteria D Strategy proposals - assessment assumptions E Baseline data sources used F Environental baseline description G Environmental baseline plans G.1 Statutory biological and geological conservation sites G.2 Non-statutory biological and geological conservation sites and priority habitats G.3 Habitats of Principal Importance G.4 Land use G.5 WFD water bodies and Protected Areas G.6 Designated historic environment assets G.7 Historic landscape classifications G.8 Designated heritage assets G.9(a-d) Non-designated heritage assets (strategy area and Zones) H Topics/receptors scoped in I Stakeholder engagement: additional information J Scoping feedback and responses K Heritage method statement L Landscape visualisations Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page iv SEA Environmental Report List of abbreviations Term Meaning/Definition AEP Annual Exceedance Probability ALC Agricultural Land Classification AOD Above Ordanance Datum AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AQMA Air Quality Management Area CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science DCO Development Consent Order Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DAS Discretionary Advice Service EA Environment Agency EC European Council EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIFCA Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority ELC European Landscape Convention ELDC East Lindsey District Council EU European Union ER Environmental Report FCERM Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management FCRM Flood and Coastal Risk Management FDGiA Flood Defence Grant in Aid FLO Fisheries Liaison Officer FRMP Flood Risk Management Plan GEP Good Ecological Potential GES Good Ecological Status GLLEP Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership HECAG Humber Estuary Coastal Authorities Group HEO Historic Environment Officer HER Historic Environment Record HLC Historic Landscape Characterisation HRA Habitat Regulations Assessment IFCA Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority LBM Lincolnshire Beach Management LCA Landscape Character Area LCC Lincolnshire County Council LGS Local Geological Site LRO Lincolnshire Research Observatory LSE Likely Significant Effect LWS Local Wildlife Site LWT Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries MCZ Marine Conservation Zone MMO Marine Management Organisation MoD Ministry of Defence MPS Marine Policy Statement NE Natural England NERC Natural Environment Rural Communities NNR National Nature Reserve NPPF National Planning Policy Framework OM Outcome Measure PDZ Policy Development Zone RBD River Basin District RBMP River Basin Management Plan RCA Regional Character Area Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page v SEA Environmental Report RCZA Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment RIGS Regionally Important Geological Sites SAC Special Area of Conservation SCD Scoping Consultation Document SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation SMP Shoreline Management Plan SP Strategic Policy SPA Special Protection Area SPZ Source Protection Zone SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest TKES Triton Knoll Electrical System TKOWF Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm WFD Water Framework Directive Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point Strategy Page vi SEA Environmental Report 1.
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