JAN 2 6 195Jj l _ SECTIONS — P*® $ New Jersey's 7 Garden State's 7 Best Historical Best Chamber of Societies Commerce 1. Pascack 1. Ridgewood 2. Newark 2. Wyckoff 3. Trenton 3. Campgaw 4. Paterson 4. E. Paterson 5. Hackensack 5. Paterson 6. Bergen 6. Hackensack 7. Bayonne 7. Trenton VOL. 11 NO. 4 Entercd as Second-Class Matter WALDWICK, N. J. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1951. Trade Mark Registered $2 YEARLY — 5* COPY Urge Probe of Grand Jury Associations & Certain Law Firms inState The Ramsty High School students and faculty had a Waldwick Mayor and Borough Council To Meet Jersey Parade Asks very enjoyable assembly program on Friday, January 12, in the Tonight To Act On Mony Items On The Agenda Driscoll To Sift Ramsey High School auditorium, when the Cliff Clefs, an in­ Mayor and Borough Council meets tonight in local mu­ strumental and vocal group from Lehigh University, presented nicipal building on Prospect Street, near Franklin Turnpike. Rumors in N. J. a musical program. Mayor William E. Ward will preside. Varied items of interest The Cliff Clefs, under the are said to be on the agenda for discussion and consideration. leadership of Mr. George Ganz, For the past several weeks ^ Many persons have been sang a variety of songs. The ugly rumors have been in cir­ Zamore Donates Club hailing the remarks of a coun­ performance included old and culation in many parts of New To Highlands League cilman for giving the insurance Mayor Ward Urges new songs, piano duets and se­ work to local insurance agents Jersey with the clamor for a Waldwick Highlands Com­ lections by the combination of and brokers. Reports of many possible investigation to deter­ Support of March munity Association has ac­ piano, electric guitar and committees will be submitted. mine if the existence of vari­ ous Grand Jury Associations is cepted the offer of Burgess V. string bass. Special committee on bus sit­ David Ryerson of Wyckoff, of Dimes in Boro legal or illegal. Zamore to donate the lumber uation is expected to render who graduated from Ramsey Some persons claim it is per­ mill building on Sheridan Av­ its findings, it is believed. Support of citizens of the High School in 1948, was a fectly proper while others enue, Waldwick, as a clubhouse Borough in the March of Dimes member of the organization. claim that because most of the on Decoration Day when the campaign has been enlisted by He accompanied the group on Franklin J. Shuart members are often called upon park and playground project Mayor William E. Ward in the the piano in several numbers. Named Chairman Of to serve as grand jurors as will also be completed. It was following proclamation: The first 1951 meeting of the Local Zoning Board “Repeators” the associations also disclosed that Mr. Zamore “Whereas, the disease of in­ Ramsey High School Hi-Y Club of such nature may be consid­ will also furnish the proposed fantile paralysis rages in many was held Wednesday evening, ered more or less as a union clubhouse at his expense. Franklin J. Shuart, of 39 cities of our nation each year, January 10, at the home of Franklin Turnpike, Waldwick, leaving in its wake hundreds, and at times certain master­ minds who may be lawyers may At the meeting of the organ­ Craig Losche of Mahwah. was unanimously elected even thousands, of stricken Final plans for the clubs use undue influence with them ization last Thursday night at Chairman of the Waldwick men, women and children, Waldwick Boro Hall, an opin­ winter sports trip to Holiday Board of Zoning Adjustment for the benefit of their clients. many of them crippled for life, ion vote wTas taken on whether Hills, a Y.M.C.A. resort lo­ Wednesday night in the Coun­ If such facts are substantiated and to include other Zamore home- cated at Pawling, N. Y. were cil Chamber of the Municipal by executive investigation then “Whereas, the National owners from across the high­ made. This resort offers oppor­ Building of Waldwick. all grand jury association Foundation for Infantile way in the Association. There tunities for much snow fun, Robert Wegner was named should be abolished. Paralysis by assuring care and were seven for the .plan and ice skating, skiing, motion pic­ executive secretary. Building The officers and directors of treatment for all victims of 102 opposed. The school bus tures, dancing and parties. •^Inspector Charles Jackson, who such grand jury associations poliomyelitis and by carrying situation came up for discus­ Members who will partici­ resigned as Chairman of the on its great program of re­ may be very sincere and hon­ sion and it was decided to have pate in the trip are: Donald Zoning Board to accept the new est but unknown to them cer­ search for the prevention and an emergency meeting with the Gini, Gerry Crothers, Kevin job was the installing officer possible cure of this virulent tain law firms or their repre­ parents to consider the offer Ryan, Ralph Manosca'lco, Gray for the occasion. disease, has earned the over­ sentatives may make deep in­ roads and with the coopera­ of another bus owner. Gildersleeve. Mr. Shuart is one of the best whelming gratitude of the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gini. and tion of certain political leaders known realtors in Bergen American people, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cantillon the word may go around and County. He is in partnership “ W h e r e a s, the March of truth corhes out, special appro­ will make the trip as sponsors. with George Passione under Dimes, conducted annually by around to bring about consci­ priations are made to compen­ the trade name of Waldwick the National Foundation will ously or unconsciously undue sate such so-called ex-convicts Realty Exchange with offices be held January 15 to 31, 1951. influence. Many murder cases who had been either framed or Spiegel Elected at 39 Franklin Turnpike. “Therefore, be it resolved remain unsolved. Many other sent to prisons through false Executive of U. S. that all citizens are urged to crimes remain unsolved and legal technicalities. Home Builders Group for the sake of fair play and School Board Cuts cooperate with the March of Dimes in Waldwick, to deposit justice the Jersey Parade is A certain lawyer, for in-' Another honor was given to Teachers Salaries their gifts in the white collec­ presenting this matter to Gov. stance, has been leader of a the New Jersey Home Builders tion boxes resembling an iron Alfred E. Driscoll with the certain political party for years Association last Tuesday night, At the public hearing on the lung set up by the committee hope that he may see his way and all the members of a coun­ January 23 at the National As­ 1951-1952 school budget last in stores and other public clear to satisfy himself if there ty tax board have been recom­ sociation of Home Builders’ Thursday night in local school places, or to send them to the is any merit in the rumors and mended by him and appointed Convention in Chicago, when house, no objections were local chairman of the March if so inaugurate a sweeping in­ by the various governors on E. M. Spiegel, prominent New raised. The budget will be of Dimes, Mrs. George Christ­ vestigation and let the chips good faith but whenever that Jersey builder, was unanimous­ voted on February 13, 1951. man.” fall where they may. lawyer appears before the said ly elected Vice President of the A bill of $5,740 from Archi­ Judges are appointed county board or he sends his National Association of Home tect of Metuchen was received through political leaders and representatives to appear be­ Builders. *-and an additional item for en­ Six Candidates File most of them happen to be fore such tribunals on behalf Spiegel has long been active gineering and other expenses For 3 Posts On Boro shrewd lawyers who are al­ of his clients he always wins in the Association’s activities was added and the Board de­ Board of Education ways out to work for the ben­ the cases. A showmanship act having served for the last two cided to ask the architect for is staged by the lawyer or his years on its powerful Execu­ Mrs. Frances Perry of Wald­ efit of their clients. The Jersey itemized statement on this $1,- agents and all the tax commis­ tive Committee, and as a Na­ wick Avenue and Henry A Parade wishes to recommend 000 before considering pay­ sioners in the end wind up by tional Director, in addition to Spies of Hopper Avenue have that all high judges with all ment on the entire bill. giving decisions in favor of the acting as Convention Chair­ officially filed petitions for re- due respect to their sincerity, School Trustees disclosed lawyer’s clients. Such events man again this year, and is election to the Waldwick Board honesty and integrity be elect­ they had met Wednesday night are sad blows to honest and credited with directing the of Education. Mrs. Frances ed by the voters of the state to authorize the acceptance of sincere people and such a largest builders’ convention in Perry is finishing .out a one and not be appointed and that bids for construction of a^six lawyer-leader should be placed its history, having a record at­ year term and prior to that way they may not feel obli­ room addition to the public before a firing squad and shot tendance of over 16,000.
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