International Festival of the Voice 2009 18 - 26 April, Wroclaw, Poland HARMONIC ACCORD: ENCOUNTERS THROUGH SONG SPOTKANIE W PIESNI´ 2 Giving Voice 11 stanowi specjaln edycję festiwalu; Giving Voice International Festival of the Voice współorganizuj go Center for Performance Research Contents z Walii oraz Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego we Harmonic Accord Wrocławiu.Tegoroczny festiwal odbywa się w ramach Venues & Access - 2 obchodów Roku Grotowskiego 2009. Encounters through Song Przez 7 dni Wrocław będzie go´scił niespotykan ró˙znorodno´s´c tradycji Giving Voice 11: A festival of extraordinary voices from around the world including those from: Armenia, Austria, głosowych całego swiata:´ Armenii, Austrii, Korsyki, Gruzji, Gwinei, Iranu,Włoch, Harmonic Accord - 3 Corsica, Georgia, Guinea, Iran, Italy, Kurdistan, Mongolia, North America, Palestine, Poland, Kurdystanu, Mongolii, Ameryki Północnej, Palestyny, Polski, Sardynii, Serbii, Sardinia, Serbia, Spain, the Ukraine and Wales. Hiszpanii, Ukrainy oraz Walii. Calendar - 4 Poprzez dzielenie się ideami oraz praktyk w ramach ró˙znych warsztatów, How to Create Giving Voice springs from a strong events programmed for the Year of our questions embrace: aesthetics; pokazów i dyskusji, festiwal gromadzi praktyków, nauczycieli, teoretyków, belief in the voice’s ability to Grotowski 2009 in addition to this technique; the culturally specific; uzdrowicieli zainteresowanych prac z głosem, którzy niekoniecznie mieli Your Own Experience - 4 communicate beyond language and special edition of Giving Voice, matters of repertoire; archaism and the okazję do spotkania na drodze swej praktyki. Workshops - 5 - 14 cultural difference, and that working information of which may be found on relationship of tradition to innovation with the voice can allow people, from www.grotowski-institute.art.pl. and mutation; collectivity, polyphony Temat festiwalu - Spotkanie w pie´sni - wywodzi się tak˙ze ze wspólnych dla CPR wherever they come, to enjoy and and chorus; legacy and legitimacy. i Instytutu Grotowskiego, zainteresowa´n pie´sniami i tradycjami pie´sniarskimi, Talks and Presentations – 15 & 16 The theme of this edition - Encounters value the riches of difference as well as a w szczególno´sci zawartym w pie´sni oraz w spiewie´ jako spotkaniu Through Song - springs also from But above all Giving Voice: Harmonic Evening Performances the recognition and celebration of a potencjale wyra˙zania i zbli˙zania ludzi. Spotkanie to dokonuje się nie tylko w mutual and long-held interests of CPR, Accord is simply about ethos, and common humanity. sferze muzyki i na pograniczu kultur, ale jest tak˙ze zdarzeniem o charakterze and presentations - 17 - 24 the Grotowski Institute - and its encounter with others through song; introspekcyjnym i wspólnotowym, w którym uwa˙zny akt spiewania´ oraz Giving Voice is an established biennial associate theatre company,Teatr ZAR - the festival brings together many konieczny akt słuchania mog pomóc nam zrzuci´c wyjałowion z wra˙zliwo´sci Booking Information - 25 international event mounted in Wales on the ‘inspiration’ of song and extraordinary voices from around the by the Centre for Performance traditions of song, and in particular the world.We are delighted to welcome powłokę codzienno´sci i poł czy´c się na nowo z samymi sob . Jest powrotem The Centre for Performance dozród ´ ła, powrotem do dz´więku. Research (CPR). It aims to advance the expressive and connective potential of back some voices returning to Giving Research, Grotowski Institute appreciation and understanding of the song and the act of singing as Voice, and also the many who are new Pytania, jakie zadajemy sobie w poszukiwaniu teatru z ducha muzyki, expressive voice and celebrate its encounter. Encounter that is not only to the festival and who include those obejmuj – cho´c tak˙ze wykraczaj poza - estetykę, technikę,okre´slone przez and Festival Sponsors - 26 - 27 many and varied manifestations across musical and intercultural, but encountered by Teatr ZAR on their kulturę kwestie repertuarowe, relację tradycji i innowacji, wspólnotowo´s´c, time and culture. Sharing ideas and introspective and communal, where expeditions in search of living sources polifonię, dziedzictwo i prawowito´s´c. practice through workshop, the attentive act of singing and of traditional music, some unknown Rok 2009 jest dedykowany Jerzemu Grotowskiemu.Tegoroczna edycja opiera performance, and discussion, the necessary act of listening can help us outside their ethnographic context. się na inspiracji płyn cej z bogatej i pionierskiej pracy Grotowskiego nad festival brings together those - shed the de-sensitised skins of In addition to a feast of performances, pie´sni i głosem w pracy aktorskiej. performers, teachers, scholars, healers - everyday life, and vitally re-connect us concerts and presentations, there will who have an interest in the voice but to ourselves, to others, and to the Informacje o festiwalu, a tak˙ze innych wydarzeniach odbywaj cych się w be a wide array of workshops and work who may not necessarily meet in the present through connecting with the sessions, offering the opportunity to ramach Roku Grotowskiego 2009 znajduj się na stronie usual course of their practice. past; to re-source, re-sound, re-sonate. www.grotowski-institute.art.pl encounter particular forms of singing Harmonic Accord: Encounters It may be - as asserted by two other practically (the texture, harmonies, through Song is a special edition of voice pioneers, Alfred Wolfsohn and melodies and demands), as well as Giving Voice hosted by the Grotowski Roy Hart - that ‘the voice is the muscle training and practical work on voice Institute in Wroclaw, Poland.The year of the soul’.Despite an increasing focus support and release. WROCLAW Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego 2009 marks several important on the ‘visual’in contemporary theatre Join us for an uplifting and Rynek-Ratusz 27, 50-101 Wroclaw Lower Silesia’s historic capital,WROCLAW is one of anniversaries of the Polish theatre and performance practice, there is a resounding compendium of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Poland. Tel./fax (0048) 71 34 34 267 director, Jerzy Grotowski , and, in growing interest in the performance performances, voice workshops, Situated at the foot of the Sudety Mountains, upon tribute, our aims of resourcing and body being ‘all ears’ (listening, Tel./fax (0048) 71 34 45 320 talks, seminars and lecture- the Odra River and cut through by its numerous resounding in this edition take receiving, sourcing), working beyond demonstrations. Meet with other tributaries and canals, it is an exceptional city of 12 Email: [email protected] inspiration from Grotowski’s profound and with ‘the tyranny of the eye’ voice enthusiasts and artists from - performances - discussion workshops - presentations islands and over one hundred bridges.The city has Web: www.grotowski-institute.art.pl. and pioneering work on song and the (taking, mis-taking, habitualising). In around the world. a vibrant cultural scene, its theatre tradition www.rokgrotowskiego.pl voice in action.There are many other seeking theatre out of the spirit of music, enjoying worldwide renown. Several low cost airlines fly direct to Wroclaw from GIVING VOICE - FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM All donations received will be divided a host of international airports. Frequent bus equally to the following charities: services link the airport to the city centre which Autism is one of the most significant but least researched has an extensive bus and tram network.Wroclaw is developmental disorders, characterised by various symptoms: Autism Speaks (UK): a leading autism research foundation investigating the causes and biological also very well connected by road and rail. significantly, impairments in social interaction and communication; about a third to a half of individuals with autism mechanisms of autism. For further information on the city of Wroclaw do not develop enough natural speech to meet their daily Autism Cymru (Wales) promotes the please visit www.wroclaw.pl communication needs. Autism imposes an extremely heavy establishment of high quality services for people financial and emotional burden on those affected and those who with autism spectrum disorders in Wales. care for them, and many families become socially isolated. The Foundation for Children ‘Help on Time’ Please support the GIVING VOICE CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN (Poland): a nationwide programme of care for WITH AUTISM. There will be an opportunity to make cash disabled children with the aim to rescue their A large print or audio version donations during the Festival, or you can send donations via lives, bring them back to health, support their of any publicity material is Paypal to ‘[email protected]’; (or contact CPR by that email or education, improve their difficult economic on +44 (0) 1970 622133 for alternative donation methods). situation. available on request. 3 THREE DAY WORKSHOP one workshops, of different arange can choose from You for are that the workshops butnote that evening, chosen workshop,your and theperformances the workshop onfrom the talks following booked for: ontheday/s all events to thatinclude access available are Carnets Festival ground-breaking presentations. thefull festival, attend unable to are If you 1-and3-day changing performance, andhear witha leadingteacher inaworkshop immerseyourself 19 -26April: allevents to access moneygiving you for value canseealife- you eachday good exceptionally offers Carnet Festival
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