Annual Report 2018 年報 目錄 Contents 簡介 Profile 2 組織摘要 Corporate Information 4 董事及行政人員個人資料 Biographical Details of Directors and Executives 6 董事長致辭 Chairman’s Statement 13 行政總裁致辭 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 16 董事會報告書 Report of the Directors 25 企業管治報告 Corporate Governance Report 29 獨立核數師報告書 Independent Auditor’s Report 38 綜合收益表 Consolidated Income Statement 45 綜合全面收益表 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 46 綜合財務狀況表 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 47 綜合權益變動表 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 48 綜合現金流量表 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 49 財務報表註釋 Notes to the Financial Statements 50 補充財務資料(未經審計) Supplementary Financial Information (Unaudited) 209 總分行及附屬公司 Bank Offices and Subsidiaries 222 Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 2 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 簡介 Profile 招商永隆銀行(「本行」)創立於一九三三年,是香港 具悠久歷史華資銀行之一,素持「進展不忘穩健、服 務必盡忠誠」之旨向社會提供服務。 本行成立初期規模只屬銀號,隨著戰後香港經濟環境 的演變,本行亦日趨成長,逐步拓展現代化銀行業 務,為工商業的發展和社會繁榮獻出一分力量。 二○○八年招商銀行成功併購本行,本行正式成為招 商銀行集團之一員。二○一八年招商銀行收購本行十 周年,本行更名為招商永隆銀行。 招商銀行於一九八七年在深圳成立,是中國第一家完 全由企業法人持股的股份制商業銀行,經過多年的努 力,截至二○一八年十二月底招商銀行已是一家擁 有資產總額逾人民幣6.74萬億元、機構網點1,800多 家,股份在中國上海和香港兩地均有上市的全國性優 秀商業銀行。 招商銀行與本行今後將進一步深化協同聯動,積極構 建跨境金融服務平台,向客戶提供更優質完善的產品 和服務。 Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 3 CMB Wing Lung Bank (the “Bank”), founded in 1933, is among the oldest local Chinese banks in Hong Kong. The Bank has at all times followed its motto of “Progress with prudence, service with sincerity” in providing personalised and sincere service to customers. Originally established as an indigenous Chinese bank, The Bank developed and expanded as Hong Kong underwent a remarkable economic transformation after the War. The Bank has since established itself as one with contemporary outlook and comprehensive services, catering to the needs of the business community and playing a part in the generally vibrant economy of Hong Kong. China Merchants Bank successfully took over the Bank in 2008. The Bank has become a member of China Merchants Bank Group. The Bank changed its named to CMB Wing Lung Bank in 2018, which marked the tenth anniversary of acquisition by China Merchants Bank. China Merchants Bank was incorporated in Shenzhen in 1987 as the first share-holding commercial bank wholly owned by corporate legal entities in China. After years of effort, China Merchants Bank, now listed in Shanghai, China and Hong Kong, has transitioned itself into a leading national commercial bank with total assets over RMB6,740 billion and operating over 1,800 banking business outlets by the end of December 2018. China Merchants Bank and the Bank will further strengthen the collaboration and foster the establishment of a cross- border financial service platform so as to offer a wider range of quality products and services to customers. Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 4 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 組織摘要 Corporate Information 董事會 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 董事長 Chairman 田惠宇 TIAN Huiyu, MPA 副董事長 Vice-Chairman 李浩 LI Hao, MBA 董事 Director 朱琦 ZHU Qi, MSc 許世清 XU Shiqing, PhD 劉鈞 LIU Jun, MBA 張誠 ZHANG Cheng, MBA 彭家文 PENG Jiawen, BEcon, BCS 朱江濤 ZHU Jiangtao, MSc * 周光暉 * CHOW Kwong Fai Edward, JP, BA, FCA, FCPA, FHKIoD * 劉二飛 * LIU Erh Fei, MBA * 郭琳廣 * KWOK Lam Kwong Larry, SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA * 王启新 * WANG Qixin, MBA * 張仁良 * CHEUNG Yan Leung Stephen, BBS, JP * 獨立非執行董事 * Independent Non-executive Director 秘書 Secretary 朱侃儀 CHU Hon Yee Iva, BA(Hons), MCG, ACIS, ACS 管理委員會 Management Committee 朱琦 ZHU Qi, MSc 許世清 XU Shiqing, PhD 劉鈞 LIU Jun, MBA 馮學鋒 FENG Xuefeng, PhD 戰略委員會 Strategy Committee 田惠宇(主席) TIAN Huiyu (Chairman), MPA 朱琦 ZHU Qi, MSc 彭家文 PENG Jiawen, BEcon, BCS 劉二飛 LIU Erh Fei, MBA 郭琳廣 KWOK Lam Kwong Larry, SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA 王启新 WANG Qixin, MBA 薪酬與考核委員會 Remuneration and Appraisal Committee 郭琳廣(主席) KWOK Lam Kwong Larry (Chairman), SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA 李浩 LI Hao, MBA 張誠 ZHANG Cheng, MBA 周光暉 CHOW Kwong Fai Edward, JP, BA, FCA, FCPA, FHKIoD 王启新 WANG Qixin, MBA 張仁良 CHEUNG Yan Leung Stephen, BBS, JP 提名委員會 Nomination Committee 郭琳廣(主席) KWOK Lam Kwong Larry (Chairman), SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA 李浩 LI Hao, MBA 彭家文 PENG Jiawen, BEcon, BCS 周光暉 CHOW Kwong Fai Edward, JP, BA, FCA, FCPA, FHKIoD 王启新 WANG Qixin, MBA 張仁良 CHEUNG Yan Leung Stephen, BBS, JP Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 5 審計委員會 Audit Committee 周光暉(主席) CHOW Kwong Fai Edward, JP, BA, FCA, FCPA, FHKIoD 彭家文 PENG Jiawen, BEcon, BCS 朱江濤 ZHU Jiangtao, MSc 劉二飛 LIU Erh Fei, MBA 郭琳廣 KWOK Lam Kwong Larry, SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA 張仁良 CHEUNG Yan Leung Stephen, BBS, JP 風險委員會 Risk Committee 張仁良(主席) CHEUNG Yan Leung Stephen (Chairman), BBS, JP 彭家文 PENG Jiawen, BEcon, BCS 朱江濤 ZHU Jiangtao, MSc 周光暉 CHOW Kwong Fai Edward, JP, BA, FCA, FCPA, FHKIoD 郭琳廣 KWOK Lam Kwong Larry, SBS, JP, LLM, FCPA 劉二飛 LIU Erh Fei, MBA 行政人員 EXECUTIVES 執行董事兼行政總裁 Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer 朱琦 ZHU Qi, MSc 執行董事兼總經理及風險總監 Executive Director, General Manager & Chief Risk Officer 許世清 XU Shiqing, PhD 執行董事兼總經理 Executive Director & General Manager 劉鈞 LIU Jun, MBA 總經理 General Manager 馮學鋒 FENG Xuefeng, PhD 財務總監 Chief Financial Officer 張頌強 CHEUNG Chung Keung, MSc, MBA, FCCA, CPA, FRM 資訊科技總監兼營運總監 Chief Information Officer & Chief Operating Officer 王志強 WANG Zhiqiang, MSc 助理總經理 Assistant General Manager 陳健卿 CHAN Kin Hing, MBA, LL.B. (Hons), ACIS, ACS 宋麗華 SONG Lihua, MSc 和心 HE Xin, MBA 註冊行址 REGISTERED OFFICE 香港德輔道中45號 45 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong 核數師 AUDITORS 德勤●關黃陳方會計師事務所 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 執業會計師 Certified Public Accountants Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 6 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 董事及行政人員個人資料 Biographical Details of Directors and Executives 董事會 Board of Directors 田惠宇先生 Mr TIAN Huiyu, MPA 董事長 Chairman 二○一五年五月起為本行董事長。招商 Mr Tian has been the Chairman of the Bank since May 2015. He is the 銀行股份有限公司(「招商銀行」)執行 Executive Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of China 董事、行長兼首席執行官。上海財經大 Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (“CMB”). He obtained his bachelor’s degree 學基建財務與信用專業大學本科畢業, in infrastructure finance and credit from Shanghai University of Finance 哥倫比亞大學公共管理專業碩士學位, and Economics and his master’s degree in public administration from 高級經濟師。二○一一年三月至二○一 Columbia University. He is a senior economist. He has been the business 三年五月任中國建設銀行零售業務總監 executive of retail banking at the head office and general manager of 兼北京市分行主要負責人、行長;二 Beijing Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB”) from ○○六年十二月至二○一一年三月歷任 March 2011 to May 2013. He served consecutively as deputy general 中國建設銀行上海市分行副行長、深圳 manager of Shanghai Branch of CCB, head and general manager of 市分行主要負責人、行長;二○○三年 Shenzhen Branch of CCB from December 2006 to March 2011, vice 七月至二○○六年十二月任上海銀行副 president of Bank of Shanghai from July 2003 to December 2006 行長;一九九八年七月至二○○三年七 and vice president of Trust Investment Branch of China Cinda Asset 月任中國信達資產管理公司信託投資公 Management Co., Ltd from July 1998 to July 2003. He is currently 司副總裁。現任招銀國際金融控股有限 also the Chairman of CMB International Capital Holdings Corporation 公司董事長、招銀國際金融有限公司董 Limited and CMB International Capital Corporation Limited, the Vice- 事長、招聯消費金融有限公司副董事長 Chairman of Merchants Union Consumer Finance Company Limited 以及中國銀行間市場交易商協會監事 and the Chairman of Board of Supervisors of National Association of 長。 Financial Market Institutional Investors. 李浩先生 Mr LI Hao, MBA 副董事長 Vice-Chairman 二○○八年十月起為本行董事,二○一 Mr Li has been a Director and the Vice-Chairman of the Bank since 五年七月起為本行副董事長。美國南加 October 2008 and July 2015 respectively. He obtained a master’s degree 州大學工商管理碩士,高級會計師。一 in Business Administration from the University of Southern California 九九七年五月加入招商銀行任總行行長 and is a senior accountant. He joined CMB as Executive Assistant 助理,二○○O年四月至二○○二年三 President of the Head Office in May 1997. He was the General Manager 月兼任招商銀行上海分行行長,二○○ of the Shanghai Branch of CMB from April 2000 to March 2002. He 一年十二月起擔任招商銀行副行長,二 has been an Executive Vice President of CMB since December 2001, ○○七年三月起兼任財務負責人,二 and the Chief Financial Officer since March 2007. He has served as an ○○七年六月起擔任招商銀行執行董 Executive Director of CMB since June 2007, and the First Executive 事,二○一三年五月起擔任招商銀行常 Vice President of CMB since May 2013. He obtained a master’s degree 務副行長。工商管理碩士學位,高級會 in Business Administration and is a senior accountant. He is also the 計師。現任招商基金管理有限公司董事 Chairman of China Merchants Fund Management Co. Ltd., the vice 長、深圳市招銀前海金融資產交易中心 chairman of Shenzhen CMB Qianhai Financial Asset Exchange Co. Ltd, 有限公司副董事長、招聯消費金融有限 a Director of Merchants Union Consumer Finance Company Limited, the 公司董事、中國支付清算協會副會長、 Vice President of Payment & Clearing Association of China, Director 中國證券投資基金業協會會員理事及兼 and Vice President of Asset Management Association of China, and a 職副會長及中國互聯網金融協會理事。 Director of National Internet Finance Association of China. Annual Report 2018 CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited 招商永隆銀行有限公司二○一八年年報 7 朱琦先生 Mr ZHU Qi, MSc 執行董事兼行政總裁 Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer 二○○八年九月及十月分別為本行行政 Mr Zhu has been the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director 總裁及執行董事,現亦為本行主要附屬 of the Bank since September 2008 and October 2008 respectively. He 公司董事。中南財經大學統計學碩士研 also sits on the board of principal subsidiary companies of the Bank. 究生學歷,高級經濟師。現任招銀國際 He obtained a master’s degree in Statistics from Zhongnan University 金融有限公司及香港中資企業慈善基金 of Finance and Economics and is a senior economist. He is a Director 有限公司董事。於二○○八年十二月至 of CMB International Capital Corporation Limited and The Hong Kong 二○一九年一月為招商銀行副行長。於 Chinese Enterprises Charitable Foundation Limited. He had been the 一九八六年至二○○八年在中國工商銀 Executive Vice President of CMB from December 2008 to January 2019. 行工作,歷任中國工商銀行香港分行副 He had worked in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of
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