THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1833, VASHON ISLAND NEWS-RECORD 5 Mre, Anna Dowling and famlily went ROBINSON ASKS FARM major commodities within the new on the Island excursion to Bremerton | BURTON NEWS ITEMS AGENCIES BE COORDINATED farm act have been taken by the mems- on the Fourth, | Mrs. A, Hunt bers of the proposed state advisory Island News of Interest Plans for close cooperation between commitiee. Besides those mentioned, The Heath family on Tuesday en- Mra, John P, Watson and daughter the state department of agriculture, members of the proposed committee Mrs, agricultural Prior, state supervisor Mr, and Mrs. Carl Edensword, of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Hansen and tertained Mr. and John Bauer, are here from Wenatchee for a couple the extension service and are Dr. Robert Knott, home, the agricultural station in of dalry and livestock, Olympia; O, Santa Barbara, Calif, arrived three children, of Olympla, spent the Donald Richmond and James of weeks at the Taylor experiment A. and Mr, Mrs, the administration of the new farm Adams, manager of the North Paclfic announced on the Fourth for a short Fourth with Mr. Hansen's mother, of Walla Walla and un-‘ SBeattle, discussed Grain W, Dabney adjustment Spokane, visit with Mr, Edensword’s sister, Mrs, Mrs, Katheran Hansen, Elmer and Harrill, of The Burton Bervice Garage changed act were In a Growers, Inc,, and July selling recent conference Pullman hetween E. Meyer, manager of the Federal John Metzenberg and famlily, hands Ist. Ed Woods to at In- Digby Willlams, Walter J, Robinson, newly appointed termediute Credit bank, Spokane, Mrs. Nelile Edensword of Tacoma | state director of agriculture; F. E, “The primary purpose of the Mr, and Mrs, Joe Dawson spent the spent SBupday with Mr, and Mrs, John COVE, OEDARHURST AND | new delightfully Balmer, director of the extenslon ser- state department of agriculture will be Fourth with Mrs, Dawson's sister, Mrs, Metzenberg, | OOLVOS ITEMS | Mrs. Emma Grover was surprised with full of com- vice, and E, ©, Johnson, director of the to secure the closest possible cooper- H., C. and family, a house Oronander experiment station and dean of the ation between federal, state and loeal Mr. Will Bmith, who nas been in Mrs. Haugen, Jen Hansetch, and the pany for several days last week and college of agriculture, Directors Robin- agricultural agencles so that the the Beattle General Hospital during Misses Borg, Agnes and Janet Haugen over the week-end. A nlece, Mrs, re Mrs. Bruce Brinton of Colby lpentl son Balmer are two of five men covery of agriculture may be hastened the month of June, following an oper- spent last week at their beach home Clarence Brown and four children and the first of the week visiting the proposed to Beeretary Wallace by Gov- and benefits of the farm adjustment home ation for goliter, returned home July 1, at Cederhuret, came up from San Francisco, two folks, | grandsons, John and Lew Lovegren, ernor Martin to function as a state act made avallable to as many farmers S, | were down from Bellingtiam, and Mrs, advisory committee In the application of the state as possible”, declared Mrs, Earl SBample and son of Welser, Miss Bolzer and Mr, Charles An- Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Hlersch, of Port Henry Stewart and two came of the new federal farm legislation, Director Robinscn, Idaho, and her mother, Mrs. Ripley of derson from Beattle spent the Fourth children Orchard, spent the Fourth with the from Seattle at the same time. All The three state agricultural agencles Beattle, Mr, Mrs. O, with the Frank White famlly, FOR CLASS FOREST home folks, Dorothy and visited and J. to coordinate their efforts so that BALE--FIRST 4 Allen are returned to thelr several homes this plan and mill wood. us about visit Denny last Friday. See here for their annual summer Mr, and Mrs. Charles Matthews, Mr. week, all benefits of the farm adjustment quantity prices. England and with their grandparents, may be made available to Washington Mrs, D, A. Croan recelved word and Mrs, Walter Van Dusen, and Mrs. Petersen [{74 Miss Mary of is farmers. The state department of Monday morning of the death of her Moore and children were visitors at Nicholson Seattle Mrs, D, 8, Fitzpatrick and Mrs, Fay a guest of Mrs, C, G, SBwanson for two agriculture expects to itself WHEN YOU WANT LUMBER BEB sister, Mrs. Lula Westall, who passed the J. 8. Davis home for the Fourth. concern Sundberg about it. With England Shallenberger the F, L. weeks, largely with regulatory and coordinat- will entertain away in n Seattle hospital after a long & Petersen, -14 and T. club with a one o'clock ing phases of act, the extenslon lunch- llness, Mrs, Block and Mrs. Fulton, enjoyed the educational program econ at the latter's home at Newport the holiday with their son and daugh- It is pretty well understood now from service with the Rebekahs notices and local application, and the experi- on Tuesday, July Ilth. All Matilda Holdahl is spending the ter respectively, Mr. and Mrs, Fred from Washington and in the daily papers ment station with the assembling of are invited. week in Seattle with Mrs. Johnsonh, n Bloek, that two cent postage, ISLAND ELECTRIC SHOP agricultural statistics, and sister of Mrs, E, F, Agren, effective July Ist, applles to local first information Lighting Fixtures Electrio research vital to the act, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Mr. and Mrs, Hand, Rev, L, E. Baker class mail only—on the Island, it County ex- Appliances offices are serving as local Chepman and famlly visited Mr, and Mrs, Ken Johnson and son of High- and Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Har- would mean from post offices which tension WIRING clearing houses for all information re- Mrs. Louis Rodda. line, Calif, are visiting Mr, and: Mrs, rington and Mr. Gerald Harrington, have rural or star routes the postage Phone Red 151 Vashon garding the new legislation, A. B, Pinkham at Vashon Heights, Miss Loulse Kent, Mr, Willlam Daut to and from the home offices is two Definite steps to bring Washington’s Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rodda and Mr, of Seattle, Mr, and Mrs, Code and Miss cents—beyond the home office, the and Mrs. Harris Ward spent the Mr, Whipple is spending the Fourth Code of Vanccuver, celebrated both three cent rate applies. Fourth on a fishing trip up Hood's with his family, who have taken a the 4th and Mrs. Charles Kent's birth- Mr., Mrs, Canal, place at the North End. This is the day at the latter's beach home at and R. E. Hiltz and son, first time Mr, Whipple -hes been able Cedarhurst, Donald, are here from Denver, Colo,, Mrs. W. D. Garvin spent the Fourth to be on the Island. for a visit at the Poirson home, Bathing with the Van Wert family in Brem- Miss Kathryn Troughton of Seattle C erton. - Mrs. Sue Gates, accompanied by Mr, was a house guest at the home of Miss Mrs. Dwight Redman arrived July 1, month's and Mrs. Charles Robinson and Mr, Marjory Kent from Tuesday to Satur- for a stay at her summer cot- New Millinery for Mermaids ! Miss Joyce Harmeling has returned Robinson's mother, spent the Fourth day. tage on Burton beach, rom a week’s visit with Mrs. Guy of July at Bremerton, visiting Mrs. H, Miss Alice Staples left for irnisee in Tacoma, 'E. Truax, her sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Long and family Sunday —Every mermadd of the surf will want Wenatchee to visit cousin for visited at the W. C. Lewis beach home a some You never saw such original designs time. s, ore. Sunday. and beautiful arrangements of color as arc ready to choose from among our The article in last now Dr. and Mrs, J. B. Chapman and week's News- new stock of bathing caps. You can Record by Norman Edson, anent the family from Seattle visited Dr, Chap- match any costume and add to its beauty. bus service, was by all man’s sister and family, Mr. and Mis. appreciated Our bathing caps are made of pure rubber who depend on for Charles Kent, the bus transpor- —they don't tear when you put them on., tation. If who drive their own W people We cardially invite you to inspect this ® cars would let their friends use the More? e Mr, and Mrs. Fred Karnes and Miss line, bus, instead of offering free rides, that i Bonnie Jean of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Pequot Sheets Ruby QGriffin and three children, Mrs. would be another step forward to put World renowned Pequot | the bus service paying 0 3 George Walls' sister and her mother, on a basis and Sheets, same quality the e would, if explained to the friends, world over, size 81 by 99 % Mrs. Barney and nephew George cause no ill feeling. g Real value at one or a o Lamon spent the week-end and holi- PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST R c dozen day with Mr. and Mrs, George Walls BURTON, WASH. & & & PHONE RED 1091 and family, E&%&&& 2 2 COIL SPRINGS . $3.95Up ¥ DID YOU EVER STOP % ~"GN * By Edson R, Waite . PT. LINOLEUM 30c Sq. Yd. The George McCormick and Deb R RSB AR AR R RN R R T * Harrington families spent the 4th at MATTRESSES, 40-Ib. : J. B. Powell, editor and Publisher of Point Richmond in Kitsap county. feltcotton . $3.95 the Shanghal (China) Review, says: 3-PIECE EARLY AMERICANBEDROOM SET, well made, *“An American citizen is able to re- Mrs.
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