‘ -i’- v> A ■■ ■. V. • \ ' vv' - j ,'I - . .. " . ^ ' ■ S.t - C"- X: NET PRESS RUN THB WEATHER -Pnccaat » r U a weather aarcaa. AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULATION Mew fiavra • for the Month of March, 1929 5 , 3 2 6 r-1 r; Showers tonight; Friday showen Member of the Aodit Bnreaa of r .J ■ followed by fiilr. Clreolatlons ' • 5/ : Tjr. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLII., NO. 163. (CUsslfled Advertising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTEH, THURSDAY, APRIL 2^.1929. RICH DOCTOR STILL HOPES At the End of Elinor^s 26-Hour Hop CONGRESS SCORES MSSING.TEAR OFSETHING NAVALPARITY ROUGH AND READY <s i ' WITH^TAIN “BIMHAMT DEBT^OBLEM DRY AGENTS’ ACTS Police Make Known Dr. German Delegates Confer If Not the Expected Agree^. Brancati Has Been Miss-i With Chairman Young on ment Will Be Rejected by POURS APISH Deeds of Dry Agents Keeps INTO RADIATOR ing Since November; "Salvage Methods” Which Congress, Leaders Say; Treasury Department in AndThen the Trouble Starts $225,000 Also Gone. May Help Some. Our Position. for Manchester Green Man; Hot Water and Irritates Trout Cost Him $3.50. Washington, April 25— Any new Congressmen; Sen. Bing­ New York, April 25.— “ I will Paris, April 25.— There were In­ Henry Nevers, employed by naval agreement, growing out of William Cowles of Parker come to your office— I and others— dications today that Dr. Hjalmar the discussions before the League street, went fishing yesterday ham Raises His Voice . to each of whom will skin you alive, Schacht, chief of the German dele­ of Nations, must provide absolute and among the trout he caught gation to the reparation conference, was one six inches long. He because you are a brute and a pig.” equality between the' United States has still another card that he had was pretty proud of that trout Criticize Coast Guard; With this note, scrawled in an and Great Britain or it will meet and instead of keeping it with illiterate hand in Italian, and a .32 not yet played to help along the rejection by the Senate, It was in­ negotiations toward a possible set­ the rest of the string placed it Others Protest. caliber bullet as their only tangible dicated today. in a separate pail. Having a tlement. The American overture, made clues. Assistant District Attorneys After 2fi long, weary hours in. the air, while she swung la wide circles over Roosevelt, Field, Long is­ little business to do and the Dr. Schacht held a long confer­ land. Elinor Smith, the “ flying flapper” of Freeport; L L. brought her Bellanca monoplane to earth after through Hugh S. Gibson, at Geneva, r^4lEtor of his automobile Sylvester Eyan and George Deluca, ence with Owen D. Young, chair­ met with general approval aptohg today prowled through'the musty establishing a new endurance flight record for wonjen. Spectators and field oCacials surged about the plane lUja^fng wli«n he went to take Washington, April 25.— Con­ man of the committee of experts, to greet the 17-year-old champion and here you see Ijer- leanlijg from tho six-passenger cabin ship as it taxied Senatorial leaders but all groups interior of the old Gouverneur Mor­ Ihb' trip,' he' reached for the gress showed signs today of becom­ over “ salvage methods.” to a stop. * For the last six hours she had flown with a disabled stabllzer and had to exert all her strength were agreed that the final accord, pail, forgetting the trout and ris mansion overlooking Long Is­ Afterward Dr. Schacht announc­ if any is reached, must provide ing irritated over the rough-and- land Sound, seeking some connec­ on the hand controls to hold the heavy craft on its co urse. She bettered the previous record by more than poured It In with the water. A ed that he and Sir Charles Addis four hours. parity between the American and few minutes later he realized ready use of firearms In prohibi­ tion between the threatening letter plan to leave for Berlin on Tuesday British navies. The old Irreconcil­ and the present whereabouts of the his mistake' and he turned up tion enforcement. to attend a meeting of the board able group joined with their ancient at the Depot Square filling sta­ Congress is dry, sternly so poli­ mysteriously missing Dr. Charles of the Reichsbank to discuss certain foes, the League of Nations advo­ Brancati— if the millionaire Italian tion with, a boiling radiator. tically, but the increasinj number phases of the reparation issue. They cates, and the World Court adher­ The trout had prevented the of “ incidents” wherein enforce­ be still alive. expect to return to Paris on Thurs­ ents, In affirming this American Back in the sinister maze that NINE DAYS IN BOAT, proper flow of the water and It ment officers have been too quick day with their report. NAMESCHAn position. closes the mystery— as baffling as was necessary to take the radi­ with their trigger-fingers has start­ Various “ salvage me“(;hods” to The lone dissenting voice was ever brought forth by the facile ator apart to pick out ‘ the ed a backfire of public sentiment aid the experts in bridging the dif­ raised by Senator King (D) of boiled fish in pieces. It cost pen of Poe or Doyle— lurks the ferences between the allied terms which is daily making itseli somewhat shadowy form of one OVER PROTEST Utah, a “ Little Navy” leader, who him $3.50 for the work. felt in the form of protests from and the German offer are being dis­ 11 SAILORS RESCUED declared parity should not he an Luigi Romano, for whom the miss­ constituents. Even Dry Congress­ cussed privately. issue in naval disarmament agree­ ing persons Bureau and the Bronx Expected Rate Raise men are sensitive when their con­ district attorney’s office are also ment. King, however, has long News that the Reichsbank had OEOmCRATS maintained this stand In his “ Lit­ stituents begin to complain. searching. advanced its rediscount rate to 7 Cook Dies on Eve of Rescue; tle Navy” battles, only to go down TOWN MAY BE The U. S. Coast Guard and Cus­ Missing Since Nov. 1. 1-2 per cent was received here GIRLS IN ENGLAND toms patrol are coming in for se­ Dr. Brancati, a graduate of Co­ to defeat in the Senate. early in tlie afternoon, but it had Not Rendy Yet vere criticism on Capitol Hill. It lumbia Medical College and promi­ been expected and thus caused no began with the shelling and sink­ nent in Italian fraternal circles, has Men Were Without Food Senator Conroy, of Hartford, While approving the American surprise. MAY MARRY AT 12 overture. Senatorial leaders held ASKEDTOBUY ing of the Canadian schooner “ I’m been missing since November 1 last, Alone” 200 miles at sea, it increas­ although his disappearance was re­ Dr. Schacht refused to comment the belief that foreign governments upon his conference with Chairman or Water for Nearly a Says Politics Figured in are not ready yet for further dis­ ed when shots were fired at the vealed only yesterday. Since his Norwegian fruit boat Juan; when departure— voluntarily or otherwise Young and his proposed trip to Ber­ armament but that publicity on the STH^HOOIS lin, saying: American offer may for^fe a success­ the waterfront of Miami was raked — from the gloomy mansion, about Week. Effort Being Made to Change Report of Judiciary Com­ with machine gun fire; when $22-5,000 of the physician’s funds “ I have not a moment to talk ful conference in the near future have been withdrawn from broker­ now. I may have more to say later.” due to pressure upon the govern­ Stuyvesant Fish’s yacht was hoard­ age firms by persons presenting au­ Belief that the Germans are plan­ Law to Make It Six­ mittee on Police Court Job ments by world opinion. ed in New York harbor; and' the ning concessions was strengthened New York, April 25.— Tossed The Irreconsilable camp particu­ Three of Four Parcels Offer­ latest episode, the shelling of the thorizations bearing the missing about for nine days in an- open man’s alleged signature. by a brief statement by a member larly advocated a naval parity be­ American coal collier, T. A. D. Becoming alarmed at Dr. Branc- of the German delegation to Inter­ dory, eleven men, one of them teen. tween the United States and Great ed to District by Cheney Jones, hasn’t helped matters any* Hartford, April 25. — Senator Britain. Senator Moses (R ) of ati’s protracted and unexplained ab­ national News Service. He sail': dead, of the New Bedford schooner Officer Dismissed “ It certainly is not impossible Thomas J. Conroy, of Hartford, New Hampshire, who succeeded The Treasury Department has sence, Ernest Brancati, the physi­ Jaimes E. Coburn were picked up | London, April 25— Strenuous ef- cian’s brother, went to the Bronx that the conference may assume a made an attack on the judiciary Senator James A. Reed (D) of Brothers in Reality Are endeavored to Soothe'ruffled Con­ district attorney’s office a month new aspect upon Dr. Schacht’s re­ early today 2 50 miles north of Ber- j forts are under way here to change comniittee’s report favoring the ap­ Mo., as leader of the bloc, had this gressional feelings announcing cryptic statement: “ I’m for parity” . ago. He revealed the physician turn from Berlin.” muda. The shipwrecked men were the present laws governing the age. pointment of Nathan A. Schatz as Town Propositions. that the officer responsible for the had been annoyed by “ black hand” French financiers, who have, been Senator La Follette (R ) of Wis­ machine gunning of the Miami wa­ rescued by the crew of the steam at which couples may marry.
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