Chandigarh Transport Undertaking Time Table of Ctu Bus Services Operation Local & Try-City Routes – Depot No-Ii, Iii &

Chandigarh Transport Undertaking Time Table of Ctu Bus Services Operation Local & Try-City Routes – Depot No-Ii, Iii &

CHANDIGARH TRANSPORT UNDERTAKING TIME TABLE OF CTU BUS SERVICES OPERATION LOCAL & TRY-CITY ROUTES – DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses No. 1 1A Maloya New Colony to Maloya New Colony via Dadu 05.25 AM to 18.50 hrs 35 42.8 4 Majra village , DM Bridge, Dhanas Lake K/Lahora Bridge, Mins. PGI, 15 Mkt, 16 Mkt, 17/16, ISBT-17, 18 Mkt, 19 Mkt, 27 Mkt, 28 Mkt, CTU W/shop, R/Stn, R/Crossing, Kala Gram, H/B, Manimajra, Indira Col., M/Town, M/Complex, R/Crossing, G/Mkt, SGGS-26 College, 7 Mkt., 8 Mkt., 11 Mkt, OPD PGI, K/Lahora Bridge, Dhanas Lake, DM Bridge, Dadu Majra Village. 2 1C Maloya New Colony to Maloya New Colony via Dadu 05.40 AM to 18.30 hrs 35 42.8 4 Majra Village, DM Bridge, Dhanas Lake, K/Lahora Bridge, Mins PGI, OPD, 11 Mkt. 10 Mkt. 9 Mkt., 8 Mkt, 7 Mkt, SGGS-26 College, G/Mkt., R/Crossing, M/complex, M/Town, Indira col. Manimajra, H/B, Kala Gram, R/Crossing, R/Stn. CTU W/Shop, 28 Mkt. 27 Mkt. 19 Mkt. 18 Mkt. 22/17, 16/17, 16 Mkt. 15 Mkt, PGI, K/Lahora Bridge, Dhanas Lake, DM Bridge, Dadu Majra Village 3 2A MANI MAJRA TO MANI MAJRA Via – Indira 05.40 AM to 20.30 hrs 20-25 38.3 6 Colony, M.M. Town, M/Complex, R/Crossing, Sec- Mins 28/26 G. Mkt, 19/7, 18/8, 22/17, 16/10, 15/11, PGI, Khuda Lahora, S/P Barrier, Dhanas, DMC, CTU Workshop, Sec-25/38, 25/24, 24/15, 23/16, ISBT-17, 18/21, 19/20, 27/30, 28/29, Elante Mall, Colony No.- 4, CTU Workshop, R/Station, R/Crossing, H.B. Chowk. CHANDIGARH TRANSPORT UNDERTAKING TIME TABLE OF CTU BUS SERVICES OPERATION LOCAL & TRY-CITY ROUTES – DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses No. 4 2C MANI MAJRA TO MANI MAJRA Via –H.B. Chowk, 05.30 AM to 20.20 hrs 20-25 38.3 6 Kalagram, R/Station, CTU w/shop,Colony.No-4, Mins Elante Mall, Sec-29/28, 30/27, 20/19, 21/18, 22/17, 16/23, 15/24, 24/25, 38/25, CTU w/shop, DMC, Dhanas, SP Barrier, K.Lahora, PGI, 11/15, 10/16, ISBT- 17, 8/18, 7/19, 26/28 G.Mkt. R/Crossing, M/Complex, M.M. Town, Indra Colony. 5 4A ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 via 43/44, 35/34, Aroma, 22/17, 6.45 AM to 16.50 Hrs 25-30 31 4 16/17, R/Garden, 16/10 Hospital, OPD, PGI, K/Lahora, Mins S/P/Barrier, Dhanas, DMC, CTU Depot-III. 38west, Maloya, Ph-6, Old Barrier, Frenko Hotel, Badeheri Chowk, 40/41, 41 mkt, 42 mkt. 6 4C ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 via Sec-42 mkt, 41mkt, 41/40, Badheri 7.00 AM to 17.05 Hrs 25-30 31 4 Chowk, Frenko Hotel, O/Barrier, Ph-6, Maloya, 38west, Mins CTU Depot-III, DMC, Dhanas, S/P/Barrier, K/Lahora, PGI, OPD, 10/11, 10/16, 17/16, ISBT-17, Aroma, 34/35, 44/43. 7 5A Ram Darbar to Ram Darbar via Sec-47 mkt, 46/47, 5.40 AM F/ISBT-43 to R/D 15 33.9 8 31/32, 30/29, 27/28, 27/26, 19/7, 18/8, 17/9, 16/10, 6.00 AM to 19.45 Hrs Mins 15/11, PGI, Uni., 15/14, 24/25, 37/38, 40/38, 39/38west, Maloya, 39, 40, 41, 42 mkts, ISBT-43, 44, 45, 46, 47 mkts, Ram Darbar. CHANDIGARH TRANSPORT UNDERTAKING TIME TABLE OF CTU BUS SERVICES OPERATION LOCAL & TRY-CITY ROUTES – DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses No. 8 5C Ram Darbar to Ram Darbar via Sec-47 mkt, 46, 45, 44 5.30 AM F/ISBT-43 to 15 33.9 8 mkts, ISBT-43, 42, 41, 40, 39 mkts, Maloya, 38/39, 38/40, R/Darbar on 5.50 AM to Min 38/37, 25/24, 14/15, Uni., PGI, 11/15, 10/16, 9/17, 8/18, 19.35 Hrs 19/7, 26/27, 28/27, 29/30, 31/32, 47/46, 47 mkt. 9 7A New Maloya Colony to New Maloya Colony:- via Maloya 06.00 A.M to 19.30 hrs 30 36 4 38 west , 38 Mkt, 37 Mkt. 36/37, 41/42, Sec-42, ISBT-43, from New Maloya Colony Mins 43/44, 35/34, 34 Mkt, 33 Mkt, 32 Mkt, 31 Mkt, to New Maloya Colony Ramdarbar, Indl., Tribune Chowk, Sec-29, Sec-30, Sec-20, 20.00 & 20.30 New Maloya Sec-21, Aroma, 22/17, 22/23, 23 Mkt, 24Mkt, 24/25, Colony to ISBT-43 38/25 Light Point, sec-38 West / Light Point, Maloya and vice versa. 10 7C New Maloya Colony to New Maloya Colony via Maloya 05.40 A.M. to 19.10 hrs 30 36 4 Sec-38 West Light Point, 25/38, 25/24, 24 Mkt, 23 Mkt, from New Maloya Colony Mins 23/22, ISBT-17, Aroma, 21 Mkt 20 Mkt. 30 Mkt. 29 Mkt , to New Maloya Colony Tribune chowk , Ramdarbar, 31 Mkt. , 32 Mkt, 34 Mkt, 19.40, 20.10, 20.40, 21.10 24/35 , 44/43, ISBT-43, 42 Mkt, 41/42, 37/36, 37 Mkt, 38 New Maloya Colony to Mkt. 38 West, Maloya and vice versa. ISBT-17. 11 9A Mansa Devi to Mansa Devi Via M/Majra, H.Board, 06.00 AM Phase-11 to 30 37 4 R/Cross., 28/26G/Mkt. 27/26, 27/19, 30/20, 32/33, Mansa Devi Mins 46/45, 50/49, 64/63, 68/67, Sec-67, Mandikaran Houses, 20.30 hrs (Last) Mansa Devi to Phase-11, Mohali Sec-66 P/Chowki, Ph-11, Jagatpura, 47 outer, R/Darbar, Ind.Area Ph-2, Trib.Chowk, 29 Nursery, 28 P/Pump, CTU w/s, R/S, R/C, H.Board, M/Majra CHANDIGARH TRANSPORT UNDERTAKING TIME TABLE OF CTU BUS SERVICES OPERATION LOCAL & TRY-CITY ROUTES – DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses No. 12 9C Mansa Devi to Mansa Devi Via –M.majra, H.B Chowk, 06.05 AM Phase-11 to 30 37 4 R.Crossing, R.Station, CTU W/Shop 28 P.Pump, Indl. Area Mansa Devi. Mins ph-1, Tribune Chowk, Indl. Area Ph-2, Ramdarbar, Outer 20.45 hrs (Last) Mansa Devi to Phase-11, Mohali. 47, Jagatpura, Ph-11, Police Chowki Sec-66, Mandikaran Houses, Sec-67, 67/68, 63/64,49/50, 45/46, 33/32, 20/30, 27/19, 26/27,26/28, TPT/C, R.Crossing, H.B.C,Manimajra 13 28A ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 :- Via Sec-43/44, Sec-35/34, Aroma, 6.15 20.45 Hrs 30 25.7 3 Sec- 22/17, 16/10, OPD, PGI, Khuda Lahora, IRB Camp, (Last) upto PGI Mins S.P. Barrier, Dhanas, Dadu Majra, Sec-25/38, 24/37, Kissan Bhawan, Sec-35/36, Sec-43/42. 14 28C ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 :- Via 42/43, Sec-36/35, 37/24, 06.00 AM to 20.30 hrs 30 29.7 3 38/25, CTU w/s, Dadu Majra, Dhanas, S/P Barrier, IRB, Mins Khuda Lahora, PGI, OPD, Sec- 10/16, ISBT-17, Aroma, Sec-34/35, Sec-44/43. .(vice versa) 15 239A ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 via ISBT-43, 43/44, 35/34, 22/21, ISBT- 08.25 A.M. to 16.25 hrs 30 23.2 3 17, 17/18, 9/8, 9 mkt, UT.Sectt, MLA Flat, H/Cout, Pb.Civil Mins Sectt, 3/2, PEC, N/OPD, PGI, 15/14, 24/25, 37/38, 41/40, 41mkt, 42mkt, ISBT-43 16 239C ISBT-43 to ISBT-43 via ISBT-43, 42, 41 mkts, 40/41, 8.15 AM to 16.15 Hrs 30 23.2 3 38/37, 25/24, 14/15, Uni., PGI, N/OPD, PEC, Pb.Civil Mins Sectt, H/Court, MLA Flat, UT.Sectt, 17/16, ISBT-17, Aroma, 34/35, 44/43. CHANDIGARH TRANSPORT UNDERTAKING TIME TABLE OF CTU BUS SERVICES OPERATION LOCAL & TRY-CITY ROUTES – DEPOT NO-II, III & IV AS ON 26.02.2020. Sr.No Route Description of Routes Time Frequency Length in KM No. Of Buses No. POINT TO POINT 17 2B PGI to Pkl Bus stand via OPD, PEC, 10/16, 17/16, ISBT- 08.20 AM from PGI 35-40 22.4 4 17, 17/18, 8/18, 7/19, 26/27, 26/28 G/Mkt, CTU to P/Kula Mins Workshop, Railway Station, Railway Crossing, Kalagram, 13.55 hrs from P/Kula to PGI (Last) H.B. Chowk, 09/16, 10/15, 11/12 (vice versa) 15.10 hrs PGI to H. Board (Last) 18 2D PGI TO IT Park VIA - Via- New OPD, 10/11,10/16,ISBT-17, 08.10 AM ISBT-17 to IT 35 21 4 8/18, 7/19, 26/27, Grain Market, CTU Workshop, R. Park Mins Station, R. Crossing, H.Board, Manimajra, Indira Colony, 13.45 hrs upto Sector-22/17 Kishangarh.

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