OUTPOST The North West Region Newsletter www.marshals.co.uk/north Congratulations to Peter Preston-Hough and Andy Holley for their extremely successful organisation of this year’s Training Weekend. SPRING HAS SPRUNG - TIME FOR THE NADLINGS TO COME OUT!! CHAIRBEING’S SPRING SHOWERS Just a brief re-visitation of our training weekend. It was good to see so many of you. I just wish those of you who weren’t there had been. I hope that all of you who had the opportunity to do so did take part in the practical fire extinguishing exercises. Training prepares you for the “real thing”. Facing a vehicle fire FAST & FURIOUS can be a bit of a buttock-clencher but, if you are familiar with handling and operating an This is a film franchise. It is a fantasy. It is extinguisher, getting the job done is almost certainly NOT a template for driving to and from Oulton Park (or indeed, any circuit any- second nature. Do not miss any opportunity to where!). We are not Vin, Dwayne or Michelle. practice this fundamental marshalling skill. We are members of the BMMC making our Please remember that training gives you the way to high-profile motorsport venues. As solid foundation upon which you build your individuals, we represent all of our colleagues experience. in the eyes of local residents and other road On a lighter note, you will see in this Outpost users. one of our outstanding 2015 award winners. We all need to remember that speed limits The highlight of our training weekend is pre- are imposed for a purpose. We are driving senting awards in recognition of the dedicat- through other people’s towns and villages. ed commitment demonstrated by our They are entitled to a peaceful, safe local members. Our winners really do deserve to environment. Open road speed limits have win, and yet their achievements reflect won- probably been set because people have died in derfully on all their colleagues. accidents. We do not want any BMMC mem- bers to join that number. North West Region – the Northern Power- house. Please remember that locals, and other road users, know exactly where we are going (even Mike Cadwallader if you are not displaying your BMMC badge [or wearing your orange overalls. Doh!]). We are not anonymous strangers. We can be traced to the circuit Please, please drive to and from circuits with consideration for others. Frantic overtaking followed by slamming-on brakes to avoid a head-on by elbowing back into the queue tar- nishes the reputation of all marshals every- where. Don’t do it. Mike Cadwallader NW Chairman 2 Training Bulletin Those of us that attended the Oulton Park Training Days will remember our reaction to a short video of an incident during the 1977 South African Grand Prix. Motor sport in the 1970’s was a dangerous game. F1 cars were supremely powerful, but lacked the safety features we take for grant- ed in the modern era. As marshals we want to keep the race In a most horrible and bizarre accident, Tom running, but before going out on track, ask Pryce was cresting a rise at Kyalami and was yourself: unable to dodge a teenage marshal running across the track to attend a small fire on Renzo Zorzi’s Shadow. Jansen van Vuuren, the 19 year old marshal was killed instantly after being hit at 170mph. A car hitting plastic debris might result in a The fire extinguisher he was carrying puncture. A car hitting a marshal would have smashed into Tom’s head, injuring him fatally. a different outcome, with unthinkable conse- Everyone who saw the video clip clearly un- quences for both marshal and driver. derstood the message that crossing a live The key lesson is that crossing a live track at track should only be done in very exceptional a race meeting, speed event or kart circuit circumstances. should only be done in very rare circumstanc- Roll forward 39 years to Round 1 of the BTTC es, where there may be a risk to life. A safety at Brands Hatch, Car 14 ran wide exiting car or race stop is usually available within Graham Hill bend making heavy contact with minutes to neutralise the track to deal with the Arco barrier on Cooper Straight and slid the incident. along the grass towards Surtees. While mar- This training bulletin is not to criticise our shals were dealingwith the car, the safety car colleague at Brands Hatch, but to make sure was deployed but didn’t pick up the pack im- we have thought and planned what we are mediately. going to do in the rare event we should need Some plastic debris was lying on the track and to cross a live track. the following pictures show what happened There is nothing we do on circuit that is next, to quote the commentator “Oooh that worth getting injured for. was brave”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL If you have not renewed your membership then this will be the last Outpost you will receive. Also you will be unable to access the club website and volunteering database. 3 BMMC NORTH REGION AWARDS 2016 They both appear to be true motorsport fans Part 1 as Heather’s treat for her birthday in 2008 During our recent Training Weekend at Oul- was a weekend at Croft to watch the BTCC. ton Park, a selection of North Region mar- During that meeting the couple visited the shals were recognised for their outstanding BMMC recruiting tent and Andy realised that service – both last season and, in some cases, becoming a marshal would be the next best over many years. In the next editions of thing to racing. Outpost we will be telling their stories. Heather was unsure whether her husband was BELLINI TROPHY: MARSHAL OF THE looking to have a hobby of his own as she YEAR – HEATHER ROBERTS: dedicates a great deal of time to the Girl Guide movement but when she asked if he would mind her joining him on the banks, Andy thought it was a great idea. As well as sharing their love of cars, it allows the couple to spend more time together. Taking up the life in orange is a decision Heather never regretted. There are many aspects to the hobby she enjoys, especially having a laugh with the large circle of new friends she has met. There is also the oppor- tunity to see the racing at close quarters and help drivers when they get into trouble. “I'm really enjoying developing my skills as a train- ee IO at the moment,” says Heather, “I’m building the confidence now to stand back and let the marshals on post deal with situations, whilst also having the confidence to lead them when needed.” Over the years Heather has undertaken a Many of the qualities listed in the citation wide variety of roles - incident, flagging, IO, were evident in the effervescent answers Post Chief, even a stint in Race Control cover- Heather gave when interviewed for this ing the radio for Track Limit infringements a piece. Her love and enthusiasm for marshal- couple of years ago (that was a challenge due ling really came across. to the antics of the Mazda MX5 drivers who A life-long car person – she used to help her were competing!). None of the roles fulfilled Dad perform maintenance on the family’s stand out as a favourite because she has fun Austin Allegro Estate as a primary school- whatever she does at the circuit. She has aged child – she grew up to marry another become a regular at Oulton Park and Anglesey petrol head called Andy who always wanted to but has also ventured to Donington Park and take up motor racing but the couple joked Silverstone on occasion. that they would be bankrupt within a month if A highlight of Heather’s marshalling career he did so! (Possibly this is not so far from the to date was when she and Andy were asked to truth given the high costs of motorsport!) cover for Margaret Simpson as Chief Marshal 4 at one of the Anglesey meetings last year. with a great bunch of marshals, singing to Roberts recalls, “Although it brought added keep our very wet and wind-blown spirits up… pressure, the support I received from Tom Doing Post 3 for the Fun Cup last year and Dooley and the rest of the clerks/marshals, having to push-start a car that was facing the especially on the day, was great.” At times wrong direction in the dark with help from she has also been called upon to handle the Rob Lee. This is when my now infamous cry of signing-on of marshals. This is something she "Make it work" was born!... being PC on Post 15 relishes as it provides the opportunity to see for the 2CV 24hr was a great challenge too, all her marshalling friends. The task of fit- but I'm probably best known there now for ting everyone in around the circuit is like getting confused in the thick fog of the Ty completing a giant puzzle. Croes sprints last year where I was so disori- When asked about the best post to work on, entated and still have the clerk's last call Heather lists just about all of them! “I have ringing in my ears as I put in the urgent call fond memories from many posts,” she enthus- from "Target Out" instead of Rocket Out! (I es,“ Druids was where I met my now exceed- now have a mug bearing that name!) ingly good friends Linda & Mason Wheeler “Generally, I've yet to find a bad post at any who it turned out live only a 5 minute walk circuit I've marshalled at.
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