1 PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com 2 Volume 1(2), 2015 State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh Compiled by Vipin Chandra Sharma ENVIS Coordinator/Director, GBPIHED Dr. P.P. Dhyani Editorial Board G.C.S. Negi S. Sharma R. Joshi P. Sirari ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development (An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi) Kosi-Katarmal, Almora-263 643, Uttarakhand 3 State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh situated in the north eastern part of India is 83,743 sq km in area and has a long international border with Bhutan to the west (160 km), China to the north and north-east (1,080 km) and Myanmar to the east (440 km). It stretches from snow-capped mountains in the north to the plains of Brahmaputra valley in the south. Arunachal is the largest state area wise in the north-eastern region, even larger than Assam which is the most populous.It is situated between latitude 26° 30' N and 29° 30 ' N and longitude 91° 30' E and 97° 30' E. Bio-geographically it is situated in the Eastern Himalayan province, the richest bio-geographical province of the Himalayan zone. The entire territory forms a complex hill system with varying elevations ranging from 50m in the foot-hills and gradually ascending to about 7000m, traversed throughout by a number of rivers and rivulets. The State is very well known for representative, natural, unique, and socio- economically important biodiversity. The richness of life forms i.e. the flora & fauna that occur in these forests presents a panorama of biological diversity with over 5000 plants, about 85 terrestrial mammals, over 500 birds and a large number of butterflies, insects and reptiles. There are 01 Biosphere Reserve; 02 National Parks and 8 Wildlife Sanctuaries in this State. Itanagar is the capital of Arunachal Pradesh and located at an altitude of 530 meters above msl. Source: http://arunachalpradesh.gov.in/glance.htm 4 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 Preface The majestic Himalaya, which breezes life into all inter-dependent components of ecological systems and environment, needs to be better understood. Particularly, availability of 'data' helps in turning simple 'opinions' into 'facts'. And then, analysis of such data-based facts assist in revealing present patterns and making future projections. Realizing this fact, through this new publication series of "ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology" is an attempt to collect, collate and synthesize available data/information on different aspects in the Indian Himalayan region. The past and present status quo of various interlinked components such as demography, socio-economy, literacy, land, water, climate, natural resources reveals crucial cues about the past planning status, current pace of development, and future growth prospects. In India, there exists a number of specialized government agencies and departments which collect and compile such datasets and make available in large volumes through various sources. Treating each Himalayan State as one independent planning entity, and a compilation of these diverse theme-specific datasets in a condensed volume is likely to be more useful for a wide range of information seekers, users and stakeholders. In the above context, "ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology" at G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development has prepared this issue on "Arunachal Pradesh". This publication covers temporal trends across important segments, e.g., demography, literacy, land, water, agriculture, horticulture, forest cover, protected areas, weather profiles, etc., which would help in crucial decision-making and policy planning proactively. I'm sure; this series of information booklets would be useful for comparative understanding of environment and developmental status of the Himalayan States and meeting the broader societal and environmental objectives in the region. I feel extremely happy in putting forward this publication and urge the valuable readers to provide comments and views so as to enable us further strengthen the forthcoming issues on other states of IHR. I take this opportunity to thank all colleagues in the Institute, particularly the ENVIS team for their valuable contribution and MoEF&CC for their generous funding support. The critical review of this issue by readers will guide us to further improve other similar publications in future. (P.P. Dhyani) Director G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development 5 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 From the Editorial Desk Augmentation of authentic data base on physical, biological and socio-economic aspects of the Himalayan mountains has always been challenging and fascinating to academicians, researchers, planners and policy makers, implementing agencies, particularly when this region is viewed internationally as data deficient. Authentic data base is not only important for generating fundamental knowledge base but also crucial for making policies and developmental planning. "ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology" of this Institute has been given a task by the MoEF&CC, Govt. of India to compile such a data base for the Indian Himalayan states. Therefore, a modest beginning has been made in the present publication series highlighting the state of Arunachal Pradesh by collecting, collating and compiling secondary data base available with various secondary sources. In this series first such publication was brought out for Himachal Pradesh early this year. ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology will bring out such publications on other states of Indian Himalayan region in coming years. We hope that readers will find this compilation a useful reference for baseline information. Suggestions to improve this publication series are always welcome. Editorial Team 6 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 CONTENTS Social Education Health and Family Welfare Climate Land Water Agriculture Horticulture Livestock Forests and Protected Areas Minerals and Petroleum Industry Road and Transport Miscellaneous 7 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 Fact Sheet –Arunachal Pradesh Location Geographical Area [2011] 83,743 km 2 Latitude 26° 28' N to 29° 30 ' N Longitude 97° 30' E to 97° 30' E Demography Population [2011 -Census] Total 1,383,727 persons Males 7,13,912 Females 6,69,815 Rural 1066358 Urban 317369 Decadal Growth Rate [2001-2011] 26.03 Density (per Km 2) [2011] 17 Females per 1000 Males [2011] 938 Birth Rate (per 1000) [2013] Total 19.3 Rural 20.8 Urban 13.8 Death Rate (per 1000) [2013] 5.8 Rural 6.7 Urban 2.7 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000) [2013] 32 Rural 36 Urban 14 More Information of Census for Arunachal Pradesh Administrative Structure [2011] State Capital : Itanagar No. of Districts : 17 No. of Tehsils : 188 No. of Sub Di stricts : 188 No. of Blocks : 149 No. of Districts Panchayats : 14 No. of Village Panch ayats : 1639 No. of Intermediate Panchayats : 136 No. of Villages : 5589 8 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 No. of Towns : 27 No. of Parliament Constituencies Lok Sabha : 2 Rajya Sabha : 1 No. of Assembly Constituencies : 60 Development Indicators Per Capita Income [2014 -15] : Rs. 96199 Literacy [2011] : 65.38 % Male : 72.55 % Female : 57.7 % Forest Dat a [2013 Assessment Forest Cover Total : 67321 km 2 Very Dense Forest (VDF) : 20828 km 2 Moderate Dense Forest (MDF) : 31414 km 2 Open Forest : 15079 km 2 Recorded Forest Area Total : 51541 km 2 Reserved Forests Area : 10723 km 2 Protected Forests Area : 9779 km 2 Un -classed Forest Area : 31039 km 2 Protected Areas and Conservation Sites No. of Wild Life Sanctuaries : 11 No. of National Parks : 2 No. of Biosphere Reserv es : 1 No. of Tiger Reserves : 2 Others Average Rain Fall (2013) : 2042.9 mm State Animal : Mithun ( Bos frontails ) State Bird : Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) State Flower : Foxtail Orchid (Rynchostylis retusa) State Language : English and loc al Dialects Major Rivers : Dibang, Dri, Mathu, Ithun, Emra & Talon Source : http://arunachalpradesh.gov.in/; http://www.censusindia.gov.in; http://arunachalpradesh.nic.in/ SRS Bulletin Sept., 2013, Volume 48 No-2,Office of the Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Health Family Welfare Statistics in India 2013, Directorate of Economics & Statistics of respective State/UT Statistical Year Book, India 2015’Central Bureau of Health Intelligence 9 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol. 1(2), 2015 Social 1.1: Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) at Current Prices, Arunachal Pradesh (A.P.) 1.2: Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) at Constant Prices 1.3: Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) at Current Prices 1.4: Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) at Constant Prices 1.5: Per Capita Net State Domestic Product (PCNSDP) at Current Prices 1.6: Per Capita Net State Domestic Product (PCNSDP) at Constant Prices 1.7: Human Population and Growth 1.8: Decennial Population, Sex Ratio &Growth Rate 1.9: District wise Administrative Profile of A.P. 1.10: Number (Lakh) and % of Population below Poverty Line 1.11: District wise Population 1.12: Human Development Index 1.13: District wise Child Population in the Age Group 0-6 1.14: Number of Districts, DRDAs, Zila Parishad, Blocks and Villages 1.15: District wise Tribal Population (ST) 1.16: District wise Literates Population 1.17: Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions 1.18: Panchayats and Elected Representatives in the Three Levels of Panchayats 1.19: Estimated Crude Birth Rates (CBR), Crude Death Rates (CDR) and Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) by Residence 10 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology, GBPIHED, Almora State at a Glance: Arunachal Pradesh, Vol.
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