Agenda – 1 Adoption of minutes : The minutes of State Level Bankers’ Committee meetings held on 29.06.2011 was circulated to all members. In this connection, a letter for amendment has been received from Reserve Bank of India , Guwahati, (for opening of bank branches in 4 centres covering 6 blocks) as under : The SLBC had discussed in details the strategy for coverage of unbanked blocks in Arunachal Pradesh and extensive mapping of these blocks to existing branches, new branches,BCs etc, was carried out in the meeting . While efforts taken by the SLBC to meet the target of coverage of unbanked blocks by March’2012, is much appreciated, it may be pointed out that a one time exercise had already been carried out to identify centres, i.e. ‘ Agreed List’ of centres , to be included under RBI Subvention scheme and the scheme applies only to the 12 centres drawn up for the state of Arunachal Pradesh, viz. Mariyang, Gensi, Riga, Pongchao, Wakka, Pakke Kessang , Taliha, Rumgong, Chiyangtazo, Khimyang , Yupia and Mechuka . The house may discuss on the issue. Since no other request for amendment has been received, the house may adopt the other aspects of the said minutes. Agenda – 2 Follow up action on the decisions of the SLBC meeting dated 29.06.2011 (last meeting) No. Action to be taken Action by Action taken 1. SLBC Meeting to be All Banks/ SLBC Members Advised all the members invariably be participated accordingly. by all decision making authorities 2. Govt of Arunachal Pradesh Concerned departments, Govt departmemts may to discourage keeping their Govt of A.P. appraise the house. funds with those banks whose performance in priority sector lending is negligible. 3. Implementation of crop Deptt of Agriculture / Deptt Concerned department may insurance scheme in A.P. of Finance , Govt of A.P. appraise and discuss on the . issue. 4. Target under ACP and NABARD / KVIC. No revised target is received. PMEGP (2011-12) to be Representatives of NABARD / revised . KVIC may appraise the house. 5. Land possession certificate Concerned deptt, GoAP./ Specimen of land possession from Gaon Bura duly SLBC Convener Bank certificate ( placed in page No 6 certified by the BDO as per 16 , 17 ) submitted to simplified model of Assam concerned deptt for their to be introduced for examination & approval. House Agricultural loan. may discuss on the issue and Clearance from Panchayat approve. Raj department to be obtained in this regard. 6. All 34 identified unbanked GoAP/ RBI/ BSNL/ Banks Status report placed in page blocks of A.P. to be No . 19 , 20 covered by banks by March’2012. 7. All the 6 (six) RSETIs to be Concerned deptt , GoAP/ To be discussed. Status report set up by March’2012. Deputy Commissioners of placed in page No . 13 the districts/ Banks 8. To have clear signal from RBI/ BSNL/ Banks satellite for VSAT, South Easr direction should not have any obstruction. Setting up of VSAT will be freeof cost. 9. Reimbursement of cost of Commissioner (RD) / Not yet reimbursed. Bills training incurred by SBI- DRDA , Yupia , GoAP. submitted to the P.D. Yupia RSETI, Doimukh for and to the Commissioner, training to BPL Candidates Rural Development, GoAP, by DRDA , Yupia to SBI. Itanagar. To be discussed. 10. Check List to be sent to Convener Bank on behalf Check List has been submitted sponsoring Agencies to of all Banks . to the Govt department for have the documents onward submission to all the complete in all respects. Sponsoring Agencies. Agenda - 3 Development in Banking operation in the state : 7 Deposit : There is decrease in aggregate deposits by Rs. 133.38 crores during the quarter ending June’11 over the March ’11 level which works out to 2.50 % decrease . Advances : There is increase in aggregate advances by Rs. 14.78 crores during the quarter ending June’11 over the March’11 level which works out to 0.83 % increase . C D Ratio : CD Ratio has increased from 33.71 % as on March’11 to 34.86 % as on June’11. The following banks have registered a marginal improvement in CD Ratio during the quarter : SBI ( 25.11 % - 26.76% ) , BOM ( 9.67 % - 16.11% ) , Vijaya ( 3.67 % - 5.24 %) , Union ( 16.90 %- 19.47 %) , Canara (13.17 % - 16.69 %) , BOI ( 0.00 % - 19.66 %) . Allahabad ( 0.46 % - 7.15 %) Syndicate ( 26.64 % - 27.56 %) CBI ( 15.88 % - 17.91 %) OBC ( 0.00 % - 4.66 %), IDBI ( 212.34%- 236.06 %) In case of all other banks CD Ratio during the quarter June ’11 has decreased over last quarter ( March ’11 ) . The following banks with less than 20 % CD Ratio, must implement their strategies urgently. 1. Vijaya Bank- 5.24 % , 2. CBI – 17.91 % , 3. BOB - 17.53 % , 4. ICICI Bank ( 0.23 %) , 5. Allahabad Bank ( 7.15 %) . 6. Axis – 14.48 % , 7. PNB – 7.71 % 8. Union – 19.47 % 9. BOM – 16.11 % 10. BOI -19.66% 11. OBC – 4.66 % 12. HDFC- 16.66 % 13. YES Bank – 0.00 % 14. Canara – 16.69 % (a) Total No. of Banks operating in the state : 22 (b) No. of Banks with CD Ratio less than 20% : 14 © No. of Banks with CD Ratio less than 30% but 20% and above : 3 (d) No. of Banks with CD Ratio less than 40% but 30% and above : 2 ( e) No. of banks with more than 40 % : 3 Bank wise position of deposits , advances and CD Ratio are given in page No . 24 8 The district wise position of comparative CD Ratio as on 31.03.2011 and 31.06.2011 are given here under: Business figures as CD Ratio Rs in crores on 30.06.2011 Sl Name of No Deposits Advance As on As on Position of Last date No. district . of s 30.06.11 31.03.11 formation of meeting ba of SSC of SSC nk 1 Tirap 6 137.99 36.29 26.30 22.56 2 Changlang 7 174.42 42.20 24.19 19.15 3 W/Kameng 8 294.24 73.44 24.96 23.95 4 Tawang 5 441.97 30.91 6.99 6.80 5 D/Valley 2 17.54 4.37 24.92 23.91 6 L/D/Valley 4 100.62 24.62 24.46 20.21 7 E/Ka meng 3 59.34 37.41 63.05 65.34 8 Lohit 10 254.10 84.77 33.36 28.95 9 Anjaw 1 17.93 3.77 21.05 19.44 10 P/Pare 37 2795.23 770.68 27.57 28.06 09.07.10 10.11.10 11 U/Subansiri 4 111.84 41.30 36.93 33.83 12 L/Subansiri 8 130.81 68.00 51.99 40.11 19.03.10 13 K/Kumey 3 13.16 7.31 55.62 57.68 14 E/Siang 10 258.48 84.80 32.81 30.63 15 W/Siang 11 321.06 115.33 35.92 33.17 16 U/Siang 5 67.79 15.16 22.36 21.13 ** SSC (Special Sub Committee) is to be formed in the district where CD Ratio is below 40% and action to be taken . Summary of CD Ratio (Analysis) : • CD Ratio of all banks is 34.86 % , against RBI norms of 60 % . 9 • CD Ratio more than 60 % in 1 districts. • CD Ratio more than 40 % & below 60 % in 2 districts. • CD Ratio below 40 % in 13 districts . • CD Ratio below 20 % in 1 districts viz. Tawang ( 6. 99 % ). Priority sector Advances : Positive growth of Rs. 27.04 crores recorded during June ’11 quarter over March ‘11. The percentage of growth is 2.93 %. Bank wise position of priority sector Advances is given in page No . 26 of this booklet. Agenda – 4 : Agricultural Advances Positive growth of Rs. 2.48 crores recorded upto June’11 over March ’11 , The percentage of growth is 0.63 % . Bank wise position of Agricultural Advances is given in page No . 27 of this Booklet. Flow of credit to Agriculture : Agricultural advances at the end of June ’11 are Rs. 88.30 crores , which is 6.13 % (RBI bench mark is 18 %). And including RIDF of NABARD, Agricultural advances is Rs. 393.87 crores , which is 21.74 % of total advances . Net increase in agricultural sector during April’11 to June ’11 is Rs. 2.48 crores. Outstanding (Rs. % of Agr. In crores) Advances 30.06.2011 Crop Loan 29.43 33.33 Term Loan 58.87 66.67 Total 88.30 10 Growth during the quarter March ‘11 to June ’11 (2011-12 ) Total increase Rs. 2.48 crores Crop Loans (-) Rs. 0.78 crores Term Loans Rs. 3.26 crores New Loan sanctioned Crop Loans Rs. 3.59 crores Term Loans Rs. 8.51 crores Total Rs. 12.10 crores Target for KCC during 8970 the year 2011-12 No. of new KCC issued 656 Cumulative position of 16146 Nos. KCC issued Crop Loan recovery % -- 26.83 Agri Loan Recovery % -- 26.68 Bank wise performances under Crop Loans and KCC are furnished in page No . 30 and 37 respectively . Agricultural Loan outstanding and recovery performances are placed in page No 27 . Agenda – 5 : Review of performance under ACP 2011-12 Comparative position Rs. In crores Partculars As on June ‘2010 As on June ’ 2011 Target for the year 116.81 193.97 Achievement 19.28 26.50 Percentage 16.51 14.00 Summary segment wise : Rs. In crores As on June’ 2010 As on June’ 2011 Sector Target Achievement % Target Achievement % Agri 69.02 3.79 5 112.00 12.10 11 Industry 14.25 1.46 10.2 21.65 3.83 18 Services 33.54 14.02 41.8 60.32 10.58 18 11 Major Banks with low achievement percentages are as under : Bank No.
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