QUESTIONS RELATING TO AFRICA 155 S/8731. Letter of 6 August 1968 from Turkey. CONSIDERATION BY SPECIAL S/8732. Note verbale of 1 August 1968 from Paki- COMMITTEE OF TWENTY-FOUR stan. S/8734. Note verbale of 30 July 1968 from Norway. Special Committee on Situation with Regard to Im- S/8735. Note verbale of 5 August 1968 from Syria. plementation of Declaration on Granting of Inde- S/8736. Note verbale of 31 July 1968 from USSR. pendence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, meet- S/8738. Note verbale of 7 August 1968 from Byelo- ings 580-582, 584-590. russian SSR. A/7200/Rev.l. Report of Special Committee, Chapter S/8740. Letter of 26 July 1968 from Chile. VI. S/8743. Note verbale of 8 August 1968 from Ukrain- ian SSR. CONSIDERATION BY S/8744. Note verbale of 7 August 1968 from New GENERAL ASSEMBLY Zealand (concerning action by Western Samoa). S/8751. Note verbale of 5 August 1968 from Poland. GENERAL ASSEMBLY——23RD SESSION S/8752. Letter of 12 August 1968 from Senegal. Fourth Committee, meetings 1758-1760, 1762-1772, S/8754. Note verbale of 15 August 1968 from Singa- 1775-1779. pore. Plenary Meetings 1707, 1710. S/8757. Letter of 20 August 1968 from Brazil. S/8775. Note verbale of 13 August 1968 from Israel. A/7200/Rev.l. Report of Special Committee on Situ- S/8776. Note verbale of 23 August 1968 from Canada. ation with regard to Implementation of Declaration S/8779. Letter of 27 August 1968 from Belgium. on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries S/8786 and Add.1-4. Report of 28 August 1968 by and Peoples (covering its work during 1968), Secretary-General in pursuance of resolution 253 Chapter VI. (1968) adopted by Security Council on 29 May A/7202. Report of Security Council to General As- 1968, meeting 1428, and addenda to report, dated sembly, Chapter 6. 25 September, 10 October and 1 and 27 November A/7377/(S/8920 and Corr.1). Letter of 6 December 1968. 1968 from USSR transmitting statement by Tele- S/8791. Note verbale of 23 August 1968 from Aus- graph Agency of Soviet Union (TASS). tralia. A/C.4/706 and Add.l. Requests for hearings. S/8792. Letter of 29 August 1968 from New Zealand. A/C.4/L.908. Afghanistan, Algeria, Burundi, Came- S/8795. Note verbale of 30 August 1968 from Mon- roon, Ceylon, Democratic Republic of Congo, golia. Cyprus, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indo- S/8809. Note verbale of 30 August 1968 from France. nesia, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, S/8811. Letter of 9 September 1968 from Luxem- Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Mali, bourg. Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, S/8221. Letter of 18 September 1968 from United Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi Kingdom. Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, S/8824. Note verbale of 12 September 1968 from Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Republic, United Ghana. Republic of Tanzania, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia, S/8827. Note verbale of 6 September 1968 from Zambia: draft resolution. Malta. A/C.4/L.908/Rev.l. Afghanistan, Algeria, Barbados, S/8838. Note verbale of 23 September 1968 from Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Madagascar. Ceylon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, S/8853. Note verbale of 9 October 1968 from Den- Cyprus, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Guy- mark. ana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, S/8897. Letter of 14 November 1968 from Secretary- Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, General (transmitting resolution 2383 (XXIII) Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Mali, Mau- adopted by General Assembly on 7 November 1968, ritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, meeting 1710). Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sene- S/8913. Letter of 2 December 1968 from Portugal. gal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, S/8915 and Corr.1. Letter of 25 November 1968 from Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Libya. United Arab Republic, United Republic of Tan- S/8920 (A/7377) and Corr.1. Letter of 6 December zania, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia, Zambia: revised 1968 from USSR (transmitting statement by draft resolution, adopted by Fourth Committee on TASS). 25 October 1968, meeting 1772, by roll-call vote of S/8954. Report of Committee established in pursuance 87 to 2, with 16 abstentions, as follows: of Security Council resolution 253(1968) of 29 May In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bar- 1968. bados, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi,.
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