OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIST OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES OFFERING MBA COURSE S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 1. 1053 A.V. College of Arts, Science, 60 Commerce,Gaganmahal, Hyderabad -500 029. 2. 1077 DeccanSchool of Management, 180 Near Darus- salam, Nampally, Hyderabad – 500 001. 3. 1077 DeccanSchool of Management, 60 MHM Course Darul Salam, Near Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001. 4. 1111 Kasturba Gandhi PG College for Women, 120 West Maredpally, Secunderabad – 500 026. 5. 1117 LoyolaAcademyDegree & PGCollege, 60 (Autonomous) Old Alwal, Secunderabad – 500 010. 6. 1157 PragathiMahavidyalayaP.G.College, 60 4-3-148, Hanuman,Tekdi, KundaSwamy Lane, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad 7. 1168 R.G.R.SiddhanthiCollege, 120 703, Bolton Road, Opp.Tivoli Gardens, SecunderabadContt. 8. 1170 RG KediaCollege of Commerce, 180 Esamiya Bazar,KachigudaSt.Road, Hyderabad – 500 002 9. 1173 RishiUBRP.G.College for Women, 120 Opp.JNTU, Kukutpally , Hyderabad - 500 072. 10. 1174 S.D.SignodiaCollege of Arts & Com. 60 &P.G.Centre, Charkaman,Hyderabad – 500 002. 11. 1175 S.N.VanithaMahavidyalayaCollege for 120 Women, Exhibition Grounds, M.J. Road, Nampally Hyderabad– 500 001. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 12. 1189 SardarPatelCollege, 60 Padmarao Nagar, Secunderabad. 13. 1204 St.Ann'sP.G.College for Women 60 P.G.Centre, Santoshnagar,Mehdipatanam, Hyderabad 500 028. 14. 1206 St.AnnsP.G.College for Women, 120 3-2-55/1,Mallapur, Hyderabad- 501 507. 15. 1214 St.Joseph'sP.G.College, 120 5-9-12106, King Koti, Hyderabad - 500 029. 16. 1238 Villa Marie P.G.College for Women, 120 6-3-1089, Rajbhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad – 500 082. 17. 1245 VivekanadaSchool of P.G.Studies, 60 Srinagar Colony Road,Punjagutta, Hyderabad – 500 073. 18. 1251 Wesley P.G.College, 360 145, Mc Intyre Road, . Secunderabad-500 003. 19. 1301 AMSSchool of Informatics, 60 O.U.Campus Road, Hyderabad – 500 007. 20. 1302 Aurora’s P.G.College-MBA) 300 (formerlyAurora’s Management and Research Academy) 12-125/1 to 10, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad – 500 013. 21. 1303 Aurora’s P.G.College (MBA), 300 (formerly Church P.G.College-MBA) Peerzadiguda (V), Uppal, Ranga Reddy Dist. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 22. 1304 Aurora’s P.G.College (MCA), 60 (formerly Church P.G.College-MCA) Peerzadiguda (V), Uppal, Ranga Reddy District. 23. 1305 AvanthiP.G.College, 180 No.16-11-741/B/1/A, Mooarambagh, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad – 500 036 24. 1306 Basaveshwara Institute of Information 60 Technology, V.V.HostelBuilding, Barkatpura, Hyderabad – 500 027. 25. 1307 Bharat P.G.College for Women, 180 Opp.Tourist Hotel,Kachiguda, Hyderabad – 500 027. 26. 1309 Holy Mary Institute of Technology 180 &Management, Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Ranga Reddy District. 27. 1311 Holy Mother P.G.College, 240 7-107, Balapur, RCI Road, Kesavagiri Post, Hyderabad - 500 005. 28. 1312 Malla Reddy Institute of Management, 240 Maisammaguda, Dullapally, Via Hakimpet, Secunderabad - 500 014. 29. 1313 Matrusri Institute of P.G.Studies, 120 16-1-486, Saidabad, Hyderabad– 500 059. 30. 1314 MESCO Institute of Management & 90 Computer Science, 13-5-741, Mustaidpura, Karwan Road, Hyderabad– 500 006 31. 1315 NavabharathiCollege of P.G.Studies, 180 Building No.37, Burton Road, Bolaram, Secunderabad. 32. 1316 Presidency School of Management & 120 Computer Sciences, 19-3-1090, Jahanuma, Hyderabad – 500 053 S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 33. 1317 PrincetonP.G.College of Information 120 Technology, (formerly Princeton P.G.College-MCA) 3-9-29, Sharada Nagar, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. 34. 1318 PrincetonP.G.College of Management 180 (formerly Princeton P.G.College-MBA), 3-9-29, Sharadanagar , Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. 35. 1319 PriyadarshiniCollege of Business 180 Management, (formerly PriyadarshiniP.G.College-MBA) Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar (M), Ranga Reddy District. 36. 1320 PriyadarshiniCollege of Computer Science 180 & Research, (formerly PriyadarshiniP.G.College-MCA) BatasingaramVillage, Hayathnagar (M) Ranga Reddy District. 37. 1321 Sai SudhirP.G.College, 120 B-8/2, Electronic Complex, ECIL X Roads, Hyderabad– 500 062. 38. 1322 Sri InduP.G.College, 180 Vaidehinagar, Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad. 39. 1323 Swamy Vivekananda P.G.College, 90 (Mahboob College premises), Patny Centre, Secunderabad - 500 003. 40. 1325 Aurora’s P.G.College-MCA, 300 (formerly Information and Research Academy of Aurora) Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. 41. 1401 Al-Quarmoshi Institute of Business 120 Management, 18-11-26/7, Jamal Banda, Barkas, Hyderabad – 500 005. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 42. 1402 AmjadAliKhanCollege of Business 180 Administration, 8-2-249, Road No:3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034. 43. 1403 Anwar-Ul-Uloom College of Business 300 Management, 11-3-918, New Mallepally, Hyderabad – 500 001. 44. 1404 Apollo Institute of 45 MHM Course HospitalAdministrationApolloHospital Campus, 45. 1405 BadrukaJubilee Hills, College Hyderabad PG Centre, -500 033. 60 Kachiguda, Hyderabad - 500 027 46. 1406 BharathiyaVidyaBhawans Vivekananda 120 College of Science, Humanities & Commerce, Sainikpuri,Secunderabad - 500 094. 47. 1407 David Memorial Institute of Management, 120 12-13-1275,Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500 017. 48. 1408 Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Institute of 120 Management & Technology, Baghlingampally, Hyderabad 49. 1410 HyderabadSchool of Management, 120 Bandlaguda, Hyderabad. 50. 1411 Institute of Computers & Business 120 Management (ICBM), Upperpalli,Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030. 51. 1412 MANTRASchool of Business Management, 120 Sy.No.8 & 9, Southend Park, Mansoorabad, L.B.Nagar,Hyderabad. 52. 1413 Moghul College of Business Management, 120 Bandlaguda, Near Chandrayangutta X Rd, Hyderabad - 500 005. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 53. 1415 Pendekanti Institute of Management, 120 (VasaviCollege of Engg Campus), 9-5-81, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad -500 0 31 54. 1416 RBVRRCollege for Women, 120 (Autonomous) 3-4-527, Narayanguda, Hyderabad– 500 027. 55. 1417 Shadan Institute of Management Studies 180 for Boys, Khairtabad, Hyderabad – 500 004. 56. 1418 Shadan Institute of Management Studies 180 for Gilrs, 6-2-978, Khairtabad, Hyderabad 500 004. 57. 1419 ShahjahanCollege of Business 120 Management, 6-3-1177/A, 38 7 42, KundanBagh, Begumpet, Hyderabad. 58. 1420 V.V.College of Arts, Comm. & Science 120 &PG.Studies, Jambagh,Hyderabad - 500 095. 59. 1421 AndhraYuvathiMandaliSchool of Business 60 for Women, Barkatpura, Hyderabad. 60. 1422 CSI Institute of P.G.Studies , 180 East Marredpally, Secunderabad. 61. 1423 St.Martin’sInstitute of Business 120 Management, Dhulapally,Secunderabad. 62. 1424 St.Pious X PG (MBA) College for Women 120 Snehapur Colony, Nacharam, Habsiguda, Hyderabad. 63. 1501 AnwarulUloomCollege of Computer 60 Studies, New Mallepally, Hyderabad. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 64. 1509 ManpowerDevelopmentCollege 180 Opp.Kushaiguda Bus Depot, Moulali, Secunderabad. 65. 1511 Pulla Reddy Institute of Computer 60 Sciences, Recommended only Near Dundigal Air Force Academy, for 60 for the year 2012-13 Hyderabad. 66. 1512 R.B.V.R.R.Institute of Technology, 60 Kandaswamy Lane, Abids, Hyderabad. 67. 1515 Shadan Institute of Computer Studies for 240 Boys, Khairatabad, Hyd. 68. 1516 Shadan Institute of Computer Studies for 240 Girls Khairatabad, Hyd. 69. 1601 ChaitanyaBharathi Institute of 120 Technology, ChaitanyaBharathi Post, Gandipet,Hyderabad – 500 075 70. 1605 ISL Womens Engineering College 120 (formerly Islamia College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Bandlagauda, Hyderabad. 71. 1606 StanleyCollege of Engineering & 60 Technology for Women, Chapel Road, Abids, Hyderabad. 72. 1607 MethodistCollege of Engineering & 60 Technology, Abids, Hyderabad. 73. 2121 Aristotle P.G.College, 120 Chilkur, Moinabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dist. 74. 2122 Aurora’s P.G.College-MBA, 300 (formerly Aurora’s Management & Research Institute, 16-11-741/B/1/A, Moosarambagh, Hyderbad S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 75. 2125 EinsteinCollege of Business Management 180 (formerly Einstein P.G.College-MBA), Nadargul, Saroornagar (M), Ranga Reddy District - 501 510 76. 2126 VishwaVishwani Institute of Technology 60 Change of name of the Thumkunta, Shameerpet Mandal, College from 2013-14. Ranga Reddy District. 77. 2128 HyderabadPresidencyCollege, 240 Sy.No. 116-118, Behind Seven Tombs, Puppalaguda, Rajenderanagar, Ranga Reddy District. 78. 2129 Aurora’s P.G.College-MCA, 300 (formerly Information and Research Institute of Aurora) 16-11-741/B/1/A, Moosarambagh, Hyderabad. 79. 2130 KarunaP.G.College of Business 180 Management (formerly KarunaP.G.College-MBA) Koheda Road, Mangalapally (V).Ibrahimpatnam (Mandal), Ranga Reddy District. 80. 2131 KingstonP.G.College, 120 Cherlapally Village,Ghatkesar Mandal, Ranga Reddy District. 81. 2132 KRR Institute of Information Technology, 60 Ghatkesar (Village and Mandal), Ranga Reddy District. S.No Code Name of the College Intake Remarks 82. 2135 Mother Teresa College of Management & 240 Computer Applications (formerly Mother Teresa P.G.College- MBA), NFC Nagar,Ghateskar, Ranga Reddy Dist. – 501 301. 83. 2137 Mother Teresa P.G.College, 180 NFC Nagar, Ghatkesar, Ranga Reddy District. 84. 2138 MRM Institute of Management, 240 Chintapallyguda,Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy District. 85. 2139 Noble P.G.College, 120 Nadargul (V), Saroornagar (M), Ranga Reddy Dist. 86. 2142 Aurobindo Institute of Computer Sciences 180 (formerly Olive P.G.College-MCA) Chintapallyguda, Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy Dist. 87. 2143 Aurobindo College of Business 180 Management (formerly Olive P.G.College-MBA), Chintapallyguda (V),Ibrahimpatnam
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