Subscriber's Address NIT THE COWL TICKETS PROVIDENCE TODAY I COLLEGE VOL. XXIX, No. 13 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MARCH 8, 1967 EIGHT PAGES New Services Offered Controversial Election; By Counseling Center Congress Stand Upheld Controversy arose over the further recommended that the one of the candidates was on The Counseling Center has an• 7. Maintenance and transpor• eligibility of the Student Con• amendment make provision spe• "disciplinary probation" was not nounced that, in cooperation tation during treatment or train• gress president-elect, Monday, cifically for disciplinary proba• discovered at the time of the with the State of Rhode Island ing. when the fact came to light that tion, mental instability and a election. The Congress rules Department of Education Di• 8. Tools, equipment, licenses, Mr. Dunphy is presently on dis• criminal record as disqualifying concerning elections state that vision of Vocational Rehabilita• or initial stocks and supplies to ciplinary probation. factors for candidacy. a candidate must have a 2.0 in• tion, many services shall be start a client in a small business. The charge of ineligibility At the Student Congress meet• dex and a personal record ap• available to Providence College 9. Help in placement in a job was investigated by the acting ing the validity of the election proved by the Office of Student students who are legal residents commensurate with the indi• chairman of the Ways and was upheld unanimously on a Affairs. This has been tradition• of Rhode Island. vidual's physical and mental Means Committee and the Ex• voice vote. However, later in ally understood to mean a can• Any or all of the following capacities. ecutive Board of the Student the meeting Paul Giannelli, Con• didate cannot be on DP at the services are available to any Congress. It was discovered that gress president, who had been time of elections, and it seems 10. Follow-up to ensure that student who is a legal resident the problem laid with a clerical the client and employer are sat• of Rhode Island and who has a error in the office of Student isfied with the placement. Each physical or emotional condition Affairs which approved the can• which may in some way affect client is followed for at least didacy of Mr. Dunphy. thirty days after he starts a job. his adjustment to school and/or The matter when brought to work. Services can be furnished the administration's attention Services that the division of without cost to the client or his was passed to the Student Con• Vocational Rehabilitation can family. The other services are gress for final decision. Fr. provide: paid for to the extent the client Haas expressed the opinion that 1. Medical Diagnosis (general cannot pay for them. the election was valid; however, medical exam, specialist exam, The following are examples he recommended that the Stu• etc.: a complete medical work• of the types of conditions which dent Congress amend its consti• up is offered to determine the would make a person eligible. tution to clearly define the nature and extent of the disa• (Continued on Page 3) qualifications of a candidate. He bility). 2. Medical treatment (surgery, psychotherapy, hospitalization, etc.: any treatment which may possibly reduce or eliminate the Psychology Program disability is offered to each client). 3. Artificial limbs, hearing aids, artificial eyes and other Established at P.C. prosthetic appliances can be After many years of consider• ment, and since that action, purchased where indicated. ation Providence College has more important progress has 4. Individual counseling and finally established a Psychology been made. According to Fr. guidance along with psychologi• Department, which will initiate Lennon there are three main cal testing to assist the client in its full scale program next Sep• problems in founding any de• making a vocational choice. tember. The need for a depart• partment once the money is ob• tained — faculty, curriculum, 5. Training to attain the voca• ment was recognized long ago and students. In order to solve tional choice (tuition for college, when other departments and these problems the Committee trade school, business school, on students urged its formation. of Studies made an initial step the-job). But the problem had always of appointing Mr. Lacey Corbett The big winner, Ed Dunphy, newly ele Student Con• been allocating the necessary 6. While in training he can chairman of the department. gress President. —COWLfoto by FRED LUMB money. Last year, the new ad• pay for board and room, books Since the appointment, the com• absent for the vote, arrived and obvious why such a rule would ministration took the initiative and supplies, other training ma• mittee and the chairman have read the following statement: be upheld. to create a Psychology Depart- terials. worked together to find solu• The purpose of this letter is to Because of a combination of tions for the problems. After publicly state my conviction con• an alleged legal technicality and the main problems are solved, cerning the recent election for a secretarial mistake, the can• other problems remain such as Student Congress President. Be• didate is permitted to hold of• Jerome G. Gurlund expanding the research facilities cause of a mistake in the Office fice. I know that if this fact and obtaining office space. of Student Affairs, the fact that (Continued on Page 4) A five member-faculty for Will Speak at P.C next year has already been named. In addition to the Rabbi Jerome S. Gurlund of and a member of the board of professors teaching here now, Rev. Joseph McCormack Temple Sinai in Cranston will Chaplains of the Family Court Mr. Corbett and Mr. Edward speak at the college on March of Rhode Island. Brennan, the department will Dies after Year Illness 15 at 1:30 p.m. in Albertus 100. include Dr. Richard Lambe, Dr. The Rev. Joseph S. McCor• entered the Dominican Order. His subject will be "A Jewish Theodore Bozack, and Mr. Al• mack, O.P., former chairman of He was ordained at Somerset, View of Christian Messianic bert Jurgela. All five are pro• the theology department at Ohio, in 1939. He received the fessional consultant psycholo• Prophecies." Providence College, died Satur• degree of Licentiate of Sacred gists as well as experienced The Rabbi will represent day at Our Lady of Fatima Hos• Theology in 1942 from Catholic teachers. Dr. Lambe and Dr. The Jewish Chautauqua Society, pital after a year's illness. He University and in 1943 received Bozack have received their doc• an organization which endeavors was 52. the degree of Doctor of Sacred torate degrees from Brown Uni• to create a better understanding Theology from the College of versity and Mr. Jurgela is A member of the Providence of Jews and Judaism through the Immaculate Conception, presently doing doctoral studies College faculty since 1952, he education. He will be sponsored Washington, D. C. at Boston College. Mr. Corbett was considered one of the lead• on the campus by the Theology pointed out the department's ing Dominican theologians in Afterwards he taught briefly Department. diversity in the various areas of the East. at Dayton University in Ohio Rabbi Gurlund received his psychology. Dr. Lambe is an ex• When he first became ill Fa• and at Mount Mercy College, B.A. Degree from Brooklyn Col• perimental psychologist; Dr. ther McCormack was preparing Pittsburgh. From 1943 to 1946 lege in 1952. He did graduate Bozack has studied child psy• for his "ad gradus" examination Father McCormack taught at work at Johns Hopkins and the chology intensely; Mr. Jurgela's for the degree of Master of the Dominican House of Studies University of Cincinatti. The specialty is counseling; and Mr. Sacred Theology, the highest in Washington, D. C, and from Rabbi was ordained at the He• Corbett and Mr. Brennan have academic degree the Dominican 1948 to 1951 taught at the Dom• brew Union College—Jewish In• done much work in clinical psy• Order can grant. inican House of Studies in Mel• stitute of Religion in 1958. re• chology. While at Providence he wasbourne , Australia. ceiving his M.H.L. Degree. considered popular with students He was born May 20, 1914, Although the actual curri• and had been moderator of the in New York City, a son of the The former associate rabbi at culum is still to be voted upon, Student Congress and of the late Michael and Bridget (Tan- Temple Beth El in Providence Mr. Corbett thinks that the core Delta Epsilon Sigma national sey) McCormack. Survivors in• has served as chaplain at Quon- curriculum for psychology Catholic honor fraternity chap• clude two brothers, John and set Point and the University of majors will demand thirty hours ter. Michael McCormack, and a sis• Rhode Island. He is a member research and a thesis will be He received his AB. from ter, Mrs. Mary Foster, all of of the Board of Directors of the (Continued on Page 3) Providence College in 1934 and New York. Big Brothers of Rhode Island I 2 THE COWL, MARCH 8, 1967 Congress and the Candidate So now we're on the other side of the The importance of this cannot be MEMO- fence. minimized by leaning upon the "crutch" Up until now it has been we, the stu• of a legal technicality concerning dents of the college who have thrust out semantics. The candidate in question FROM THE EDITOR accusations of "fraud" and "evasion of knew from the start his true status, if I the issue" in describing administrative the rest of the students did not. Several weeks ago, the Student Congress of Providence response to our demands.
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