University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 8-1985 Wavelength (August 1985) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (August 1985) 58 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/73 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • NEW ORLEANS MUSIC MAGAZINE THE STORY OF A REBEL AND HIS BIKE. ~ ( r. r. 4 I I I l PEE·WEE HERMAN Pee-wee~ 116 AD~etnlltle An ASPEN FILM SOCIETY I ROBERT SHAPIRO Production PEE-WEE HERMAN • PEE-WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE arstarring ELIZABETH DAILY • MARK HOLlON • DIANE SALINGER· JUDD OMEN music composed by DANNY ELFMAN executive producer WILLIAM E. McEUEN written by PHIL HARTMAN & PAUL REUBENS & MICHAEL VARHOL produced by ROBERT SHAPIRO and RICHARD GILBERT ABRAMSON directed by TIM BURTON [l]lr-="DOLBV~STERE0==""11® FROM WARNER BROS. ~ A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COM PANY IPGIP'MEifTALGtBIUSYRSTEI-.1 lllloiEL£CTIDT!tPTIIU w C) ...sw ..... -..t... AIIItloht•"-'-~~'""-'""YNOT•turr-.E-~® The Adventure Begins Friday August 9th at a Theatre Near You. • • • r< '/JIV{)I(a JAU '' #/ . I .NA-Y k/OT .BE 1?.6C.Of?[J (({JJ, . THe 011/0~(£ J'ltL£ ISSUE NO. 58 • AUGUST 1985 f>U1111H<£ f'HE CR.t0/1 FOR. Of COURSE. t!JSPIR. ttJb f-IlS VERY R:W oF HIS' wl'm not sure. but I'm almost positive. GRfftiEST CUS101AcRS IJR.t that all music came from New Orleans ... SltLt .... fiWI}Rt 0 F !HE Ernie K-Doe, 1979 /MfORTIJNT RolE I MY IN Features ~-6VSUR!N&1HitT tli£i 6f.l Jazz Fest Cutbacks . .. ........... ,..18 '1fR~IFIC OE~ R.L. Burnside ................... 21 AI 'RcCO!W RCi'I/S .. .. Paris ............................23 History ofLouisiana ...............24 ·· · ·ANO 1/ow FOR. 1H£ Columns 2NP JlcAR IN ARDW, !l's August News ... .. ................ .4 'RtCOR.V RON's It's AI/ Music ...................... 6 New Bands ......... ..............8 ~/.oFF Caribbean.' .. .................... 10 Film .... ..... ................. 12 r IJIVOPl£ I Rare Records .................... 14 ~AlL. Video ...... .. ........ ... ....... 14 Reviews ......... .......... ...... 16 August Listings ..... ... ........ .. 30 Classifieds .... ........ .. ...•. .. 33 Last Page ....................... .34 ~ {' ~ . ,.IN l='lfC~ ~ w.. Cover by Kevin Combs fiE :S SU( H It NtC E "" .Mmlbzrot GU'I1NA-1 HtU GIIJE NeiWC:Sfk YoU ?'OJ ti/EN 'fHO ~ P1bti1JM-r, Nauman S. Scott. Ultor, Connie Atkinson. Seaior Editor, Bunny Man~!<'* >. Offlct Monoatr, Diona Ro.. nb<ra . 'l)pt/ Layoul, DaluZJtnnt Ent<r· pri$t>, Jon N""'hn. Dlslrlbulloa, Gtnt Scanomuuo, Joe Torczon. C...lrlbuton, YOIJ'RE NO! IHS WIFE ... Mark Bmaham, Carlos Boll, Gary Boulard, Lou Btrnry, R.U. Eddy, Macon Fry, evrr<E~ Carol Gniady, 'llld Jonts, Arlhur Ntad, Jon N""'lin, Ric Ohvier, 01ana ROltn· ~ ~ ~ btra. Kalamu ya Salaam, Shepard Samuels, Gent Scaramuuo, Hammond Scou, RON's /tNICE GOY. - Almost Slim, Kt11h 'IWIIchtll, Nancy Weldon, William D. Whnt. lli>wltngth is published monthly '" New Orleans. ll:ltphon<: (504) 895·2342. ~ ~k-~. Mail sub•cnptions, addrtn chanaes 10 Wavelt/lgth, P.O. Box 15667, New Orleans, LA 70175. Subscnphon rat< IS $12 ptr year. Fo~ian S20 ptr year (sur· ra,-.). Fust class subscnptions, $28 per year (domtstic and Canada). AO airmail Ill< II S40 per year (0Vtr$tl$). The tntirt contents or Wavelength a~ copyri&hltd Cl 1985 llilvtltnllh. Bad: !'sue' art a ...· a•lablt by wnung co Back Js;\ue~ . P.O. Box 15667, New Orleanl, LA 70175. &Qu<e or a hmntd supply, back i"uts •~ a,·ailablt for S4 ta<h. Pit&>< allow a r...,. wttks for proct,.ina and dtliVtrY of ordtn. New Sub>rib<n: Pkast allow up to"" 'Atek\ for receipt of fint i\sue due to our small, non-<"om­ puterued )Ubscnp110n department, F-11n cu>IOmtn may pay by I.M.O. orthtck drawn on a U.S. bank. Btcau>< or aorbnan1 bank prO<:«s.na charats, -.e cannot accepc checks in Canadian dollars 514-9444 oc o1Mr rort•an currtncy, or ch«ks drawn on a (orti&n bank. Subscnbcn mu\t noury us Immediately or any chance or address. tr notification 1> not =<1'-.d, ma,anntu<ntto 1ncorr<C1 old add~ v.1ll not b< ~placed. U.S. customcn mu't include ZIP code. Tickets for Storyville special events available at Record Ron's THE ADVANTAGES OF RECORDING AT SEA-SAINT: Harrison 3232 32 input console Studer 24 track tape machine (30115 ips) E DGE MCI 24 track tape machine Two Eventide Harmonizers BPPBBrlng at: Three Digital delays, from Lexicon & U rei Two Plate Reverbs & Lexicon Digital Reverbs AUGIESDELAGO Sea-Saint RECORDING STUDIO, INC AND ALL FOR ONLY New Orleans, LA 70112 ( 504) 949-8386 $70PERHOUR AUGUST 1985/WAVELENGTH 3 Publications .,.MIX IS AN INVALUABLE IDOL to anyone who records music on a regular basis. Be you a musician, engineer or fan, Mix tills you in on technical and artistic sides of audio, video and sound reinforcement. Each month Mix has a different listing, such as Recording Studios of the Northwest. Or Northeast, Southeast, etc. Mix ads keep you up on the latest gear, almost too much information to digest. A must for studios and studio oriented musiciaDS; Write to Mix magazine, 2608 Ninth St., Berkeley, CA 95710 . .,.CLOWN-THEATRE GAZETTE IS DEDICATED 10 THE PROPOSITION that clowns are actors too, and should be taken seriously, except when they are working, at which time you should laugh. Published by If Every Fool, Inc., Clown-Theatre Gazette is atwo-page newsletter informing clowns and other interested parties of the activities and goings-on and doings of other clowns. Write to Clown-Theatre Gazette, Aaron Watkins, editor, c/o Cultural Council Foundation, 625 Broadway, NY, NY 10012 . .,.RIVER BEND REPORTER IS A PRO-NUKE NEWSLETTER published by the Public Affairs Department of Gulf States Utilities in St. Francisville. Articles concern the River Bend nuclear facility as well as upbeat items showing goodwill toward the nuclear industry. Write to Bill Benedetto, Dept. of Public Affairs, Gulf States Utilities, St. Francisville, LA. I'm sure they would love to hear some opposing points of view, heh heh. ...CAN ANYONE BE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE FUTUREP. Adventists think they can. SIGNS OF THE TIMES is the voice of the Seventh Day Adventists. Articles cover subjects such as: How can we handle our fears? The word that turned the world upside down (agape), and, to stay almost current, Fitness and the Family. To get Signs ofthe Times and hundreds of other pieces of religious junk mail (the mailing lists you'll get on with this one... oy!), write to P.O. Box 7000, Boise, ID 83707. Only $6.50 for 12 filled issues! -Mark Bingham CL EANEO. co II ni1WFISH TAILS ' -~ Mason Runner Rochester handled the contract negotiations; he called me after he heard about the CBS deal. He's -w~ handled some rock bands before Signs With CBS like Joe Walsh and Doug Sahm. It fter months of speculation, took a long time to finalize the Anegotiations and interrogations, details - I mean the contract is 39 Mason Ruffner has signed a record­ pages long. We had to get the ing deal with the mighty CBS budget worked out and find a pro­ record label. Accordi~g to Ruffner, ducer and choose a recording stu- the contract calls for one album, di0. " and an option on at least two more. Ex-rock 'n' roller Rick Derringer "The guy who·really got the ball (his current production credits an hour, roughly nine pounds of rolling was John Birge:• said Ruf­ include "Like a Surgeon" by Weird meat. The peelers are paid by the fner, pausing while thumbing AI Yanchovich) will oversee the Happy Tails pound. through a Rolls Royce catalog. session which will be recorded in Anyone can sell crawfish to the "He's really not an A&R person, he Bogalusa at Studio In The Country. Co-op. The Co-op is selling bait works in CBS' accounting depart­ "I'm hoping that we can finish To You· and nets at the lowest price in the ment. A guy who had had some hits up in less than two weeks:• added area. The Co-op's goal is stabiliza­ with them a few years back, Steve Ruffner. ''I've never cut an album he next time you buy a bag of tion of crawfish prices. With profits Forbert, had told him about me. before so I don't completely know Tcrawfish tails, check the label. divided evenly amongst members, "Birge was down here in March everything about it. We might add a After two strikes against the craw­ the Co-op is looking to avoid the on vacation and stopped by the piano track to a few numbers. I'd fish dealers, fishermen started the typical situation where the fisher­ Absinthe Bar to see us. He said he like to use Katie Webster maybe Louisiana Crawfish Producers man sells to a buyer for 25-30 cents liked what he heard, and asked me when we're up in New York [both Association, out of which came the a pound and the buyer drives down to send him a demo tape. I didn't Ruffner and the Texas Boogie Acadiana Fisherman's Co-op. To the road and sells the same crawfish even have one at the time but I put a Queen will be appearing at the become a member, fishermen paid a for up to a dollar a pound. tape together ir. about a week. Lone Star this month]:' $2,000 entry fee which helped pay The Co-op hopes to get a larger "They really must have liked it According to Ruffner, the as-yet to set up the Co-op's own process­ boiler, more peeling stations, a because they started calling me just untitled album (it was being ing plant in Henderson.
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