4B Tuesday, September 7, 2021 ALTON TELEGRAPH CLASS 01 090721 The Telegraph SURE, LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS AT FIRST I WAS A LITTLE TAKEN ABACK BY THE WHOLE PEEING STANDING UP THING. BUT I TAUGHT HIM TO THROW A STICK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF ILLINOIS AND NOW HANGING OUT WITH HIM Storage Express will IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF HEARING THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY. hold public auctions M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , — EINSTEIN CIRCUIT MADISON adopted 12-09-10 ending on I L L I N O I S Notice is hereby given I L L I N O I S SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 JUVENILE DIVISION COUNTY, ILLINOIS that on October 5, 2021 to satisfy liens held on at 10:00 AM Central REQUEST OF: SANDRA L. delinquent accounts TO: ANY AND ALL UN- IN THE MATTER OF THE KUKAROLA KNOWN FATHERS AND TO ESTATE OF Time an allocation located at the below ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- hearing will be Case No: 21MR696 properties and ending CERN conducted regarding at the assigned times. BERNICE V. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION – The auctions are held IN THE INTEREST OF: STUPPERICH, the case of Denise R. R E Q U E S T F O R N A M E ALEXIS CORBIN, MADA- DECEASED. Oemig, as Personal C H A N G E ( A D U L T ) online at www.storage LYNN CORBIN AND MI- NO. 2021-P-321 treasures.com. CHAEL MIDDLETON JR., Representative for the There will be a court date on MINORS Estate of Douglas T. my request to change my CLAIM NOTICE Hazelberg, deceased, name from SANDRA L. 715 S Moreland Ave, CASE NUMBERS: 18-JA- Notice is given of the KUKAROLA to the new name Bethalto, IL @ 9:00 211, 18-JA-212 AND 18-JA- death of Bernice V. vs. ABB, Inc., et al., of SANDRA L. WILLIAMS. AM CST: 213 Stupperich, of Alton, Case No. 20 L 50. The court date will be held on NICK E SHOOK Illinois. Letters of Office Jeffrey Hazelberg and SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 9:00 a.m. at 155 N. Main 301-266 were issued on August 6, all interested parties Street, Edwardsville, Madis- 21-0685 8/31 9/7 Take notice that on AUGUST 2021, to Kitty Stupperich, may appear via ZOOM o n C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s , i n 23, 2018, a petition was filed 329 Goulding Street, East on said date or may C o u r t r o o m T B A . under the Juvenile Court Act Alton, Illinois 62024, as 8220-916879 by Thomas A. Haine in the contact Peter D’Angelo 21-1184 8/23 8/30 9/6 LEGALS Independent of Maune Raichle Circuit Court of Madison Administrator whose County entitled "In the In- Hartley French & Mudd, STATE OF ILLINOIS terest of ALEXIS CORBIN, attorney is Samuel A. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MADALYNN CORBIN AND Mormino, Jr., Mormino, LLC., prior to the THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIR- EDWARDSVILLE, MADISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS MICHAEL MIDDLETON JR." Velloff & Snider, P.C., hearing at CUIT CASE NUMBERS: 18-JA- 3517 College Avenue, (314) 241-2003. To MADISON COUNTY REGIONS BANK, 211, 18-JA-212 AND 18-JA- Alton, IL 62002. 2 1 3 , A L E X I S C O R B I N , attend the hearing via DEMETRA PARKER, Plaintiff Plaintiff, MADALYNN CORBIN AND Claims against the estate ZOOM: Please follow and vs. MICHAEL MIDDLETON JR., may be filed in the office below instructions: JONATHAN PARKER, De- minors, and that on SEPTEM- of the Clerk of the Circuit fendant UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN A. UNDER- BER 21, 2021 at the hour of One tap mobile: US: Court at Madison County +13126266799,,848692 WOOD, DECEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIEN- 1:00 PM or as soon there- Courthouse, 155 North Case Number: 20D476 HOLDERS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF JOHN A. UNDER- after as this cause may be Main, Edwardsville, Illinois 14896#,,,,*137689# or WOOD, DECEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIEN- heard, an adjudication/dispos- +13017158592,,848692 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION HOLDERS AGAINST THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DE- ition hearing on a petition to 62025 or with the Notice is given you, JONATH- VISEES OF JOHN A. UNDERWOOD, DECEASED, UN- terminate parental rights will representative, or both on 14896#,,,,*137689# AN PARKER, defendant, that KNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF PEGGY L ZIMMERMAN, be held upon the petition to or before March 2, 2022, Meeting URL : this cause has been com- DECEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS have the children declared to and any claim not filed on https://us06web.zoom menced against you in this AGAINST THE ESTATE OF PEGGY L ZIMMERMAN, DE- be wards of the court under court asking for Divorce and CEASED, UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS that Act. The court has au- or before that date is .us/j/84869214896?pw other relief. Unless you file AGAINST THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF thority in this proceeding to barred. Copies of a claim d=dWNYM2FSWFJya1 your response or otherwise PEGGY L ZIMMERMAN, DECEASED, UNKNOWN HEIRS take from you the custody filed with the Clerk must UyZDZBeDJvUX file your appearance in this AND DEVISEES OF TOMMY D. UNDERWOOD, DECEASED, and guardianship of the be mailed or delivered to cause in the office of the Cir- UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE minors, to terminate your par- the representative and to BPZz09 cuit Clerk of Madison County, ESTATE OF TOMMY D. UNDERWOOD, DECEASED, UN- ental rights, and to appoint a the attorney within 10 Meeting ID: 848 6921 Courthouse, Edwardsville, KNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE guardian with power to con- 4896 Illinois, on or before the 8th UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF TOMMY D. UNDER- sent to adoption. You may days after it has been day of September, 2021 at WOOD, DECEASED, KARIN BOURISAW, KARL S. SAND- lose all parental rights to your filed. Passcode: 137689 11:30 a.m., a Divorce and BERG, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JANETTE E children. If the petition re- Dated: 8/23/21 Join by telephone- For other relief may be granted as MICHELS AKA JANETTE E. KAHL, DECEASED, UNKNOWN quests the termination of your higher quality, dial a prayed for by the plaintiff. CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF parental rights and the ap- BY: JANETTE E MICHELS AKA JANETTE E. KAHL, DECEASED, pointment of a guardian with number based on your Thomas McRae UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND LIENHOLDERS AGAINST THE power to consent to adoption, Samuel A. Mormino, Jr. current location. DIAL: Circuit Clerk UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF JANETTE E MICHELS you may lose all parental 06196239 US: +1 312 626 6799 or 8220-917431 AKA JANETTE E. KAHL, DECEASED, JAMES B. MICHELS, rights to the children. Attorney for Petitioner 21-1195 8/23 8/30 9/7 ERICA L. MICHELS, SIDNEY L. KAHL, DALLAS R. ZIMMER- (SEAL) 3517 College Avenue +1 301 715 8592 or +1 MAN, JODI KAYE ZIMMERMAN, TAMMIE LEA BLEVINS, THOMAS McRAE Alton, IL 62002 929 205 6099 or +1 346 TRAVIS WILLIAM ZIMMERMAN, SEAN C. BUTLER, KARA N. Clerk of the Circuit Court 248 7799 or +1 669 900 VETTER, REILLY A. UNDERWOOD, TIMOTHE W. UNDER- 8220-917436 (618) 465-2541 WOOD and TRACI R. PITCHFORD, 21-1197 8/23 8/30 9/7 21-0708 8/24 8/31 9/7 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Defendants. Meeting ID: 848 6921 CASE NO. 21-CH-137PROPERTY ADDRESS: LEGALS 4896 652 BOWMAN AVE Passcode: 137689 EAST ALTON, IL 62024 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 3RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE BY PUBLICATION MADISON COUNTY - EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS 21-0538I 8/24 8/31 9/7 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown Heirs and Devisees of John Plaintiff, A. Underwood, deceased, Unknown Claimants and Lienholders -v.- Against the Estate of John A. Underwood, deceased, Unknown PAUL STROUD et al LEGALS Claimants and Lienholders Against the Unknown Heirs and De- Defendant visees of John A. Underwood, deceased, Unknown Heirs and 2019CH000451 Devisees of Peggy L Zimmerman, deceased, Unknown NOTICE OF SALE CITY OF STAUNTON Claimants and Lienholders Against the Estate of Peggy L Zim- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judg- merman, deceased, Unknown Claimants and Lienholders ment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 101 W PEARL ST Against the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Peggy L Zimmer- March 10, 2020, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, STAUNTON, IL 62088 man, deceased, Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Tommy D. will at 11:00 AM on September 27, 2021, at the Administration Underwood, deceased, Unknown Claimants and Lienholders Building, 157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, ED- WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Against the Estate of Tommy D. Underwood, deceased, Un- WARDSVILLE, IL, 62025, sell at a public sale to the highest known Claimants and Lienholders Against the Unknown Heirs bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: and Devisees of Tommy D. Underwood, deceased, Unknown LOT 48 IN SECOND ADDITION TO GRAINEY PLACE, A SUB- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Heirs and Devisees of Janette E Michels aka Janette E. Kahl, DIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF deceased, Unknown Claimants and Lienholders Against the Es- SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 8 WEST OF tate of Janette E Michels aka Janette E.
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