F. No. 8-21/2016-FC Sub: Diversion of 297.38 ha. Reserved and un-Class forest land in 15 villages of TalukaBhuj and 7 villages of Taluka-Nakhatrana of District Kutch for setting up of Wind Power Project in favour of Srijan Energy System Pvt. Ltd., Bhuj-Kutchh, Gujarat. The State Government of Gujarat vide their letter no. FCA- 1016/10-01/16/S.F -33/F date 29.06.2016 submitted a fresh proposal seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Section- 2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 297.38 ha Reserved and un-Class forest land in 15 villages of TalukaBhuj and 7 villages of Taluka-Nakhatrana of district Kutch for setting up of wind power project in favour of Srijan Energy System Pvt. Ltd., Bhuj-Kutchh Gujrat. The facts related to the proposal as contained in the State Government’s letter dated 29.06.2016 are given below in the form of factsheet: FACT SHEET 1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 297.38 ha Reserved and un-Class forest land in 15 villages of Taluka Bhuj and 7 villages of Taluka- nakhatrana of district Kutch for setting up of wind power project in favour of Srijan Energy System Pvt. Ltd., Bhuj- Kutchh Gujrat. 2 Location: State Gujarat District Kutch-Bhuj 3. Particular of Forests i. Name of Forest Division West Division – Kutch- Bhuj Forest Division. ii. Area of Forest land for Diversion 297.38 ha iii. Legal Status of Forest land Section – 4 & Section - 20 iv. Density of Vegetation Density 0.1 in this area. v. Map Enclosed at pg. 429-431/c 4. Species-wise (scientific names and 17494 Nos. of trees are enumerated. Species wise and girth diameter class wise enumeration of class wise enumeration list and abstract of trees are given trees (to be enclosed) in case of and placed in file at pg.395/c. irrigation / Hydel project Aniyar, Bordi, Deshibaval, GandoBavalGangeti, Gorad, enumeration at FRL, FRL – 2 meter Gugal, harmo, JaarKaniyal Karen, Kerdo, Khejdo, and FRL – 4 also be enclosed. Kundariyo, Neem Pinjaro, RagatRohindo, Sargvo, Vingo (Pg. 395 /c) 5 Approximate distance of proposed 7.65 Km away from the Charidhandh Conservation area site for diversion from boundary of (Pg.1(b) forest 6. Whether forms part of National No Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Corridor etc. (if so, the details of the area the comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed) 7. Whether any rare/ endangered/ No unique species of flora and fauna found in the area if so, details thereof. 8. Whether any protected No archaeological/ heritage site/ defense establishment or any other important monument is located in the area. If so, the details thereof with NOC from competent authority, if required. 9. Whether the requirement of forest Yes land as proposed by the User Agency in col.2 of Part-I is unavoidable and bare minimum for the project. If no, recommended area item-wise with details of alternatives examined. 10. Whether any work in violation of No the Act has been carried out (Yes/ No). If yes, details of the same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still under progress. 11. Whether clearance under the No, the wind power project is not included in the list of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 projects requiring Environmental Clearanceas per is required? Ministry’s Notification dated 27.01.1994 and 14.09.2006 (pg. 105/c.) 12. Details of Compensatory Afforestation Scheme: (i) Details of non-forest area/degraded An area of 312.72 ha. of Govt. waste Land has been forest area identified for identified .The details are availableat pg.399/c. compensatory Afforestation its distance from adjoining forest, number of patches, size of each patch. (ii) Map showing non-forest/degraded Enclosed at pg. 401/c forest area identified for compensatory Afforestation and adjoining forest boundaries. (iii) Detailed compensatory The detailed Scheme of CA is placed in file atpg. 403-405/c Afforestation scheme including Time schedule – 10 years species to be planted implementing Shrub land: 79.30 ha. (plandtation of Salvador a sp. 25%. agency time schedule, cost structure Sisyphus mauritiana. etc. Scrubland: 74.00 ha Capparis 25%, Euphorbia 25% at the distance of 10 ftx 10 ft. Grassland: 74 ha short heighted grass like cymbopogon, cress a lamp will be raised. Open patch :- 74 ha ( in this patch, whatever natural growth is occurring should be left as it is but invasive species like P. Juliflora etc. should be removed regularly. Species composition :- Cymbopogon sp., Zizyphus sp., Capparis sp., Euphorbiasp, Salvadora sp. (iv) Total financial outlay for Rs. 80628639 compensatory Afforestation scheme. (v) Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis Ratio is not given, however, the detailed benefit is given and may kindly be seen at pg. 41- 45//c (vi) Employment Potential During the construction approximately 400 persons During operation and maintenance work or continuous nature – approximately 100 persons. (vii) Phased Reclamation Plan NA (viii) Certified from competent authority The suitability certificate is given by DCF,West Division regarding suitability of area Kutch-Bhuj and available at pg. 415/c. identified for compensatory Afforestation and from management point of view (to be signed by the concerned Deputy Conservator of Forest). 13. Site Inspection report of The DCF Site inspection Report in the prescribed format is enclosed (to be enclosed) especially as pg. 397/c highlighting facts asked in col.7 (xi), (xii) 8 and 9 above. 14. Copy of Catchment Area Treatment Not applicable. (CAT) Plan for the project enclosed? 15. Division / District Profile:- (i) Geographical area of the district 4565200 Sq.Km. (ii) Forest Area of the district 213945.8181 Ha (iii) Total forest area diverted since 106.1850 Ha/13 Cases 1980 with number of cases. (iv) Total Compensatory Afforestation stipulated in the district /division since 1980 on (a) Forest land including penal 184.88 ha compensatory Afforestation (b) Non-forest land 106.19 ha (v) Progress of compensatory Afforestation as on 30.06.2015. (a) Forest land including penal 184.88 ha compensatory Afforestation (b) Non-forest land 106.19 ha 16. Compliance on Scheduled Tribes A total no. of 22 FRA certificates(detail has been prepared and Other Traditional Forest and placed in file at pg.939/c) for an area of 298.29 ha. has Dwellers (Recognition of Forest been given alongwith gram sabha resolution. The Rights) Act, 2006 compliance on FRA is available in file at pg.109-393/c. 17. Specific recommendation of the The SIR of DCF is available at 397/c. It is reported in SIR by DCF that the land required by user agency is 301.30 DCF for acceptance or other-wise of the proposal with reasons. ha.,whereas proposal is for an area of 297.38 Ha Forest land. Recommendation DFO Recommended. (Pg.25 /c). CCF Recommended subject to site specific study regarding threat 18. and mitigation measures (Pg. 27-31 /c). Nodal Officer Recommended (Pg. 33/c). State Government Recommended (Pg. 35/c). 2. Site Inspection Report: The Site Inspection Report (SIR) for this proposal was carried out bySh. S.K.Bhandari, CCF, Regional Office, Bhopal. The report (Pg.933-938/c) is reproduced below: i. Legal status of forest land proposed for diversion Reserved Forest and un-classed forest: 297.38 ha ii. How the land proposed for diversion is to be utilized? The land will be utilized for construction of roads and installation of wind mills. iii. Whether the proposal involves any construction of building (including residential) or not? No. iv. Total cost of Project at present: Rs 1859.00 crore. v. Wildlife: Whether the forest area proposed for important from Wildlife point of view or not: NOC from the CWLW is diversion is available. vi. Aerial distance from the nearest Boundary of any protected area:The project site is located within 10 km radius of Chari-Dhandh Conservation area. vii. Vegetation a. Important species seen during the site visit: Prosopisjuliflora, Acacia tomentosa, Zizphusmauritiana, Acacia nilotica, Grewiatenax, Acacia senegal, Commiphorawightii, Acacia leucophloea, Salvadorapersica, Nerium, Capparisdedidua, Prosopis cineraria, Premna, Azadirachtaindica, Tecomellaundulata, Moringaoleifera, The vegetation is having stunted growth due to arid conditions. Growth is stunted and bushy. There is hardly any soil as rocky out crops could be seen almost everywhere. b. The canopy density 0.1 in this area. It was informed that no threatened or endangered species of flora and fauna are found in the area. c. Trees to be felled: Total no. of trees proposed to be felled : 17494 Total no. of trees felled upto 60cm: 16985 Total no. of trees felled above 60cm : 509 viii. Effect of removal on the general ecosystem in the area :- The proposed forest land is spread over 22 villages and removal of tree growth is along the road network that will connect the proposed wind mills. Hence the effect of removal of tree growth will be insignificant compared to a situation where the tree growth to be removed were in a concentrated area. ix. Background of the proposal: The information provided here is based on the discussions and the note given during the site visit. In the past 2 decades there has been substantial development in the generation of electricity through unconventional methods like by harnessing wind energy and also through the sun light. Conventional methods of generation of electricity are using the scarce, costly & fast depleting natural resources i.e. fossil fuels wherein not only its utilization is creating pollution but also in transportation to its end use through rail or road the pollution gets added to the environment.
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