U The Florida Alligator ci. 0, yJrl r p fri Albert The Original Returns From Exile Hootenanny Tonight Hootenanny! Tomorrow night, Jimmie Rodgers, Josh 'From the campus of the University of White and Family; the 'Tarriers, Hoyt Florida." Axton, Joan Myers and comedian Jackie It starts at 8 o'clock tonight as Florida Vernon will star. Gym becomes a TV studio and thousands Doors close for the evening performan- of U!' students turn into "stars." ces at 'd:45 p.m. both nights and at 4:45 One of the nationally-televised show's p.m. for the two afternoon dress reher- main features is the closeups of the stu- sals. - dent audiences it entertains all over the The original Albert the Alligator, UF's nation. mascot, was hauled here by truck from A few UJE-ers have already been caught his home at Ross Allen's Reptile Ranch on video t ape. Hundreds of students in Ocala for a special TV sequence with, gathered around cameras on the Plaza of the program's emcee, Jack Linkletter. - the A m e r I c a s yesterday as Hootenanny He spent a few minutes out on the lawn stars taped the show's first outdoor in the Plaza before handlers put him sequences. back in the truck for his journey back Tonight's show will feature Johnny Cash, 1om e. Jo Mapes, Bob Gibson, Leon Bibb, the Albert I was turned out to "pasture" I Johnson Family, the Coventry singers and at Ocala two years ago and was replaced ALERT TUSSLES comedian Adam Keefe. by a smaller reptile, Albert II. .W 'ih handlers yesterday on the Plaza of Anmericos while being used in connection with the TV Hootenanny program. Alber t was brought here from Ocola for the Fliming. UiFDrhVer Discover<Po ~S by Caolyn Johnston> New ParEking Rules Johnson Plans tions and emerged confused from start tomorrow. T E R the batl],e but much By ANN CA the wiser. vEarly yesterday morr' dri:- State of the Union Over 2:00 warnIng tickets were versity entrances as Patrc~men Bewitched, bothered and bewil- handed oi it by campus police for were inspecting stickers and cx- WASHINGTON (UPQ)-President Johnson put the final touches dered UF drivers yesterday col- illegal p~ rking but a lesser num- planning the new regulations. One yesterday on hIs State of the U-'ou message, rw'w virtually completed, lided he ad - o n with the ber was expected to be awarded officer literally had to Jump out and summoned business anid Iik. loaders to the White house to solicit university's new traffic regula- today. The $1 "real things" of the way as an Irate coed nearly their support for the new year's goals it will embody. ran him down. Looking tanned and relaxed after a 12-day holiday at his Texas anch, the President made last - minute changes in the anrntal 71essa40 tpain eance as sertaries $ he will deliver Detore A Joint 1~ and clerks headed for their jobs. * session of Coqgress at 12:30 p.m. itutio "loke prttygood,' ETHElMSSAGE mnay bethe according t mpspolice chief shortest in 20 year., shorter than the one of Inss than 3,000 words A AEven th patrolmen admnitted that Franklin D. Roosevelt deli- A that little disturbances occurred. vered befog. Congress in. 1934. g "Most drivers were angry when Johnson conferred for 90 mb,- they found they had to walk " tes yesterday with Secretary of state Dnan (See TRAFFIC Page 7) Husk and Uefenze S- cretary Robert S. McNanmaraover defamse und foreign policy aspects Tickets Going of the address. H. also called lin Senate Democratic Leader Mike Only a small supply of dress Mansfield to goover the document. reh',arsul tickets are left for %-e Wbrn Coon.s reconvenes to- ABC's Hootenanny shows to- day for its 1964 aessioc, Johnson day and tomorrow, Lyceum U will review the message in detail -r Ie | I Ir tin A[' i Hootenanny Boss Fry To Speak Tells of Success r SI liii,.!,9 h l Itviitidig itivirsiti.s S. hi., . "'i 'I IjipJrr.t to tjieit' Ait, 'A tp.rfo(ru [i*' T-y ribit .i Iiy 4IL't Ihldt nIidtlueli pI IIiJpl itgijien~rth in Ilha sllI'+ss hlumiblV tiral foE t.nr mhLit' lii 'ii lih Al t&'tevismtfd prov ram liui IuILt thep H uIIl tIpig rf th' show ir may mliii for 1hrze 51h0w'! yout nful, eAmy -gotn1Wrni- or tour. This Is ba!i oii the prt- protess&)r cf hIAIIOSOPhV ol I , a.*, I ack I ,ikietter. duction clew,"' I inkletter sil. at Colgite 1)ivinrty School, lj , M i olette r, the son of television other problems are caused by Ai zt, vice thancridor.wisi o personality Art Linkletter and a the inacessibility of many of the vererari of show business him- small college townig whirh Ho- Son, p1 ofessor of syStPem 'ti, self for 15 years, has breen anchor teinanriy' visits and the great tech - logy it Drew Uiniver sity, iit I - man for the bilk singing program nic al difficulties of coverting a Nithin A. Scott, Thsistait . sInee its begi mning in Aprl, 192. college gymnasium Into -k teLe- lessor of theology and1 lhi +thjh 4 lie is on campus this week for vision studio, he said. JACK LINKL ETTE R at the (niversity of (hi 4') i- the t aping of the show to night and Here to produce the show are vinity School. Iom steppe inyse ifrnlor row night in Florida (y m - about 40 producers, photographers Here from ABC are Pete Otto, a Topics fol the ,eek tjh iii when sophomflrt Ru'sell ~Pr na sum. and technicians Irom ABC and Dai- production supervisor; Bol, Arm- elude ''The Doctrine of Mi .t 2 hut they weit "'The cameras train Oh the and- kar Productions as well as the 30 broster, technical superv isori lull lost his car keys, the Bible", Religion Enacruu,,, lerice and people get some sort performaers. Degenh ardi, technical director; out to help him. SNew Age"', 'The Vision of NI Parks, 951 S.W. 11th St., told of vicarious enjoyment from see- The productIon nrew has been Paul Finelli, lighting supervisor; in Contemporary Literitut q2 log the audie nc. or t dc vis itn." on campus preparing ror thetaping Gene Macyick, and Mike Stints- police he lost his keys during "The State of C ritteisin T ic Christmas vacation. He said he he said. since Saturday. lavsky, stage manager, Amlongl 'Is Religion Today the En ii when the "As for the performers, many others. was looking for them Faith''' are new to the business and most From Dankar Productions are Chajuiel 12 television viewers police found him on the roof of are very cooperative. Delta Delta Delta sorority. Biit pro- Dick Lewine, producer;GarthDei- can viewtonight'sshow at 2:30p.m. Other highlights include 01>n Parks will appear in court His blemns do arise in the production trich, director; Pat Pleven, as- Sunday afterncaon,Jan. 19, and Wed- cert of religious music by the afternoon on a trespassing charge of a show of this type because sociate producer and Jim Gannon, nesday's show at the same hour University of Florida music Ic- after posting $100 bond. the talent is undisciplined as far coordinator. Feb. O. partment and an orginal drama 'The people vs. Socrates'' by Dr. Didier Graeffe, professor of humanities. Vernon Swartsel of Mt. Dora is student chairman of the Re- ligion-in-Life committee whose members include Bob Mounts, Jdin Weber, Linda Gertner and Anie Chipley, Gainesville; Nancy Mm- mc, Coral Gables; David Echols Decatur, Ga.; Susanne Hungate, Miami; and Marlene Posner, Miami Beach. Prof Writes Dairy Book Dr. James U. Wing, ISSOQIaI dairy husbandman wit the Agricul- tural Experiment Station, is the author of anewbook entitled" aIy Cattle Management." Published by the Reinhold Publ lishing Corp., it covers prim I- ples of management form natural reactions and phsyiological prin- ciples to their application iin de- termining actual business policy. Spring Deadline Jan.e 17 Deadline for spriuig General Elections candidates is Friday, January I'?, at 5p.m. in the office WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS VOCATION ? of the student body treasurer i the Florida Union, Bill DecrOve, secretary of the interior, an- Young scientists and engineers "gong places" investi- communications design * reliability/maintainabitity nouneed Monday. Candidates must have a2.O over- gate a variety of challenging engineering avenues engineering * reconnaissance systems - amplifier and all average, be a member in gcod before selecting one best suited to their goals. And computer systems * microwave components design - standing of th. University, and a they look for a professional climate with lots of indi- electromagnetic interference control * electronic sys- member of the college or school vidual recognition and advancement opportunity. It tems analysis * telemetry and tracking * trajectory they represent. you are charting your career along this course, let analysis * manufacturing red * industrial engineering Students who would like to work Ling-Temco-Vought be your guide. * technical administration .clus many others,. as election offcials at the rate of 159 an hour on election day should Atone of the nation's most versatile contributors to For a closer look at the numnemus career directions come in for an intfrviOW In r0012 the aerospace, military electronics and communica- available with Ling-Temco-Vought, ask your Placemeit 311 of the Florida Union frmm tions sciences, LTV can offer you a personalized moute Office for our brochure describing LTV projects and to 5 p.m. .mtil Jaw-ay IS. to an exciting and rewarding future in such areas as products, then schedule an appointment with our Electon ofcamust ,r t Ut) ~\ P grCkalg#NI newiS Dump Site Re quest Commig Sought (le ,iIr]Itr 411011N Vu indl two it totali req ledt will irk lude Paink nis .
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