The NCAA News Official Pu bl’ Ica t ion of the National Collegiate Athletic Association December 15, 1993, Volume 30, Number 45 Research group to study concept of I-A playoff mirtcc, and Thomas W..Jernsredt, C’I‘ conmittcr will make recom cliicf OpClXlillg ofliccr of thr nlcildatiolls IO tllc N(:AA Prcsi- N(:AA. Other indivicluals m:ly l)c dents (~oniniissioii, Executive added to tile group, whicll will br (:omiriiucc ;itd (~OUII~ il 11exl sum- ;Sslrd by NCAA staff. mer. TllrJoinr Policy ISo~rl, wllic h is .l‘hr N(:AA mrmbt-r-ship tomlrtl cochairccl by~Jo*t-ph N. (:ro\vlcy, tllr.Joiiit Policy I?oa~d at tllc 1993 NC%4 prcsidcilt ;III~ prcsidcnt of (:onvention. Ir includes the SC:AA the I:nivrrsily of Ncv;~tl;i. :Intl Adniiiiis~rntivr (~oniniittee (miii- Grcgoly M. St. L. O’Bricii, cllilir Of pow1 of 111~ NCAA ~m3itlc~~l, SC<- the N<:AA I’rcsidrms ~:oniniissioll I ctaiy-(i c;isui C’I mid the tlii CC divi- :n~d chaiiccllor of‘t11c I:llivcGry of sion vie r-presidents), and lhc of- NCW O~IC;I~IS, itI>I)rC,vCd establish- tic-rrs of 11w N(‘PLA Prrsidents (:om- nitmt dthr~ I-cscaich gr01q) 10 gath rnissioll. Gautt named new Top Six secretary-treasurer finalists f+Clllic c’ (;auIt. ;IS\O( 1.11ccolllm cligit)lr for reeledion to the position. selected Illib\ioii(.i of Ihr Hi!: Eiglll (:o11- The appointment was made by 1crcilc.c. h.ls I,cctl selcr?cd ;Is lhc N(:.AA Atlmi~lis~l;ili\c~ (:on- ‘l&is yc;lr’s fall liiialists li)r the NC AA SCCIC- Iiiitlrr ;tl its DccCrlllxT5 iiicctillR in NCAA Td;iy’~ Top Six ;IWN~S t;lly-~r~asurcl~ Kansas (:ity, Missouri. include two fi)otb;ill s&indouts who for the Gautt was alq~ointed Rig Eight will face each other- in thr Federal l~crii;~iiidei- of assistant commissioner in 1!)7!) and Express Orange Howl and four vol- rl1c. 1C1’111\ ‘,I ‘IIL bxs p1~0111olc~d 10 ;Issoci;tlc co1w leyball stars who have led their rtl by NCAA inissioiler iii 19X3. Among llis respecli\~c Ic’:uiis 10 postsmsoii coiw Exccutivr tiutics are cdur;tliolt, eligibility, petition. I)il~cctoi‘-c.lec‘l rulrh i~ltc1-~~r~li~li0~lS ancl coiilpli- (;cdf-ic W. alicc, ;Idmillislration of 111~.Big DmlpS’)I. bight’s d~rtg-resting p~~og~xnl, .111d (;aun will t-nforccrncnl. scn’r lhl~ollgll Gfl Ull (:urrently, Gautt chairs the the 1995 NCAA Convention and will not be See Gautt, page 18 ) Deregulation package Tllc f;tlI Iloinillcc.\ art loralmll playc~s .fr(a\. K. /Jll,t-1.1s 01 11lr zeros in on recruiting IYlli\.cl sir) of‘ Ne1)1 ilhk;l. I.illc 0111, and KCnncth J. Alcxandcr~ of Thus ts thP jifih in. a series of .six brrship when a package of pro- Florida Statr Lliil\u-sity and vollcym arttckspreviewing th &is&ion to bu posals per-raining to recruiting is Ml playcrs.lulic 1:. 15rcniiici~ of dir acted upon at the NCAA Cunvmtion considererl al the 1994 (Zonvcn- Uiiivcrslr\~ of‘ (:aliloriiia, Los .JanuaT 8-12, 1994, in San Antonio. rion. Angeles; Kittic Ilallcr of the This installmtntjbatum thupropo.ralr Twelve of thr I4 proposals in Uiiivcrsit!, of Southcini (:alifoi iiia; includml in lhu awarMmpmses/ama- the package are included in the Katy L.~Jamryson of the Linivcrsity tpnrism and rfcruiting groupings. recruiting grouping of proposed of Texas at Austin, end Amy M. legislation (the other wo proposals Sulliv;irl of Wisllingtoll 1 iilivcl sity A multiyear effort by the NCAA are included in the Presidena (:om- (Missouri). Legislative Review Committee to mission grouping and were re- Sdrc tiou is based 50 pen ~111 011 “derrguulate” the N<XA Manual will gel its first test from the mem- See Legislation, page 18 ) See Winners, page 24 b N In the News W On deck Comment 4 n In a guest editorial, Washington State Univer- December 15 Interpretations Committee, Dallas sity athletics director Jim Livengood says that Interpretations December 15-18 Division I Women’s Volleyball schools con embrace and control the achievement Committee minutes Committee, Madison, Wisconsin of gender equity: Page 4. Basketball statistics December 16-17 Special Committee to Review Student- n A project designed to increase sponsorship of Institutional Athlete Welfare, Access and Equity, men’s and women’s rifle programs is improving Salt Lake City secondary infractions that sport’s prospects for keeping its NCAA cham- Administrative pionship: Page 8. December 16-19 Men’s Volleyball Committee, Madison, Committee minutes Wisconsin n The NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Corn- NCAA Record mittee selects sites for the 1997 Division I Men’s January 3-6 National Youth Sports Program Livengood Basketball Championship: Page 8. Committee, Key West, Florida Page 2 The NCAA News December 15, 1993 TheNCAANew s u/Ilf 9--u-w EiEB~L A weekly summary of major activities within the Association Committee approves Schedule of key dates Advisory committee pool of peer reviewers for December and January developing recommendations ‘In 1 1-member I’rcsidcnts Commission Advisory Cbnimittce on Ethical lSc~h:lvior irt <:ollcgc Atlllctlcs is in rhr proc c’s\ of clc,vc.l- aping 2 srt 01 rrc~omrnriIdatioils to pi~rciit 10 Ihe I+%&-nls (:omlnission ;i1 tlic I;ittcr’s SJilrltt;ly rrlccting in San Antonio. All mem- hers 01 thr comniiltr~ will rcvicw ;III~ ;‘p prove lilt- ~ccoiillriciidatioiis bcforc they ;trc ;innouncctl pblirly. DECEMBER plianceforms designees and Divisions II ond RECRUITING Ill conference commissioners. Men’s Division I basketball l-1 1 ._... ._._..____. Evoluation period. JANUARY 12-3 1 ._._.___...._._.._. .._. ._._.. Quiet period. RECRUITING Women’s Division I basketball’ Men’s Division I basketball l-5 .._._.__._. ._._.. ._._. ._. Quiet period. 1- 19 _. __. _. _._. _. Quiet period. 61 1 _. .._._._.__._.___._.____. Evoluotion period. 20-30 .._._.._._.........._._.. Evaluation period. 12-13 Quiet period. Staff contact: Tcrl (:_ ‘1‘0~. 31 Quiet period. 14-1 8 _._._.: __._I._._. Evaluation period. 19-26. ._.___...__..._.._...__._._.._...__ Quiet period Women’s Division I basketball* 27-30 Evaluation period. 1-l 6 ._._._....._._........._....._.__._. Quiet period. 31 __.._...__:___...._.: ._.. :_:....: _...... Quietperiod. 17-24 __..__.__.._..._.__.__. Evaluation period. Men’s, women’s Division II basketball’ 25-3 1 ._..______.. Quiet period. Group formed to gather Quiet period to the date of the prospect’s ini- Men’s, women’s Division II basketball’ information about playoff tial hi h-school or two-year college contest Period between the prospect’s initial and final After til at, evaluation period high-school or two-yeor college contests: Division I football Evoluatlon aeriod l-23: Contact period, except for December 6 Big Eight’s Gautt selected Division I football (8 a m ) through December 10 (8 a m.) for 1 ._.. ._. .._. ._._._.._.. ._._ Dead period. as NCAA secretary-treasurer two-year college prospects and their educa- tional institutions [dead period). 2-9 _.______.___.__.._.___._.._..._..__.Contact period. 24-3 1 _._. .._.__...__._..._.. .._..._.._ Dead period. 1 O-l 2 _____._._____._._._.___._..__._._.Dead period. Division II football 13-3 1 (8 o.m.) _._. ____ Contact period. l-31 . Contact period, 3 1 (after 8 am.) __....._..._.__ _... Dead period. Division II football’ MAILINGS l-3 1 _..._..__.._...__.._..__.._..._..._ Contact period. 3 - Division I sofhvare mailina to those who .4 - submitted the 1993 dato using the software and those institutions that have requested the *See pages 1 1 1 and 1 13 of the 1993-94 1994 software. NCAA Manual for exceptions. Also, see pages 7 - Enrollment and persistence-rate disclo 1 14-l 15 for dead periods In other Dlvlslons sure software mailed to Divisions II and Ill corn- I and II sports. n Basketball participation Survey indicates women’s b&&ball pank lhal munufidur~ cd distribuk OK<- may be on long-term growth track ketbnll equ@ment. “Hmk~tball pluy by 6-l 1 12-l 7 18-24 25.34 35~44 45t 6-l 1 12-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 dS+ AGE GROUP AGE GROUP December 15, 1993 The N(:AA News Page3 w Briefly in the News n News quiz Player and fan form a bond 1. What pcrccntilgr of N(L4A institu I%Llc-knell Llilivcr sity loothall playcl John lions hnvc a St~Jti~ll~-;l~hiC’~~ advisoly Caldwell figured hc could riot make niuc h c ommittec oi- siliiilar poui1 on c’anb of a diffcrt-llc c on the siticlillrs :&ter- a kllcc ]JuS? (it) 34 percent; (I,) 4.5 prrc em; (c) injury ended 11is ~-;16on midway Il~ro~lgh the 50 ]KI‘C ~11; (d) 67 pr~rnl. I!)!13 c ;unl)aign. B~II hc W:LSwrong. 2. ‘I rut 01 f’;ilsr: Winona Statr <:aldwcll’s il!jtlly X-lually Ii;is ma& him a University junior l~lJlllliilg hack Dave hero ii1 Ihe ryes of ;I IO-yrar3)ld fail who Ludy holtis lhe collcgiatc rrcor-d f?i,l I~i~l~l~C~~C~IIO attClltI 13uckncll’s IlC>nlcCCJm~ career kickoff 1clr~r ’~~s hr touchdowlls.
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