THE LONDON GAZETTE, lOra MAY 1960 3313 Ronson Products Limited, Norham Road, West Millbank, London S.W.I. Chirton, North Shields. Scott and Fyfe Limited, Nelson Street, Tayport, Fife. PETROLEUM (PRODUCTION) ACT, 1934 H. & A. Scott (Limited, South Grove Mill, Lower The Minister of Power hereby gives notice that, in Pleasance, Dundee. accordance with (the provisions of the above Act and Smedlow Limited, Staley Mills, Millbrook, Staley- of the Petroleum (Production) Regulations, 19-35. as bridge, Cheshire. amended, he has granted to BP (formerly D'Arcy) Thomas Smith & Co. (Stornoway) 'Ltd., Inaclete Exploration Company (Limited, Britannic House, Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. Finsbury Circus, (London E.C.2, extensions to two Smith's Potato Crisps Limited, Caister Road, Great licensed areas. (Details of the 'licensed areas, which Yarmouth cover areas of .184 square miles in the counties of S. Smith & .Sons ('England) Ltd., Kingsditch Lane, Northumberland and Durham and 143 square miles in Swindon. the county of Northumberland were published in the Spalding & Valentine (Rayon) "Ltd., Pitalpin Street, London Gazette of 8th June 1956. (Details of the Dundee, Angus. extensions are given in the (Schedule below. The Hugh Stevenson & Sons Ltd., Pollard Street, boundaries are described by reference -to the 1 inch. Ancoats, Manchester 4. Ordnance Survey maps. Swan, Pratt & Company Ltd., Factory Road, Maps showing the boundaries of the areas may be Hinkley, Leicestershire. inspected on application ito the Minister of Power, Sykes & Tunnicliffe Ltd., 'Sharp Lane, Almondbury, Petroleum Division, Thames House South, Millbank, 'Huddersfield. London S.W.I. John J. Tatham Limited, Manholme and Stoodley iBridge Mills, Todmorden, Lanes. SCHEDULE The Tayside Floorcloth Co. Ltd., Tayside Works, Original Licensed Area—154 square miles in the Newburgh, Fife. counties of Northumberland and Durham. T. S. Tetley Limited, Folly Hall Mills, Wibsey, Extension—An area of approximately 14 square Bradford 6. miles within the seaward -limit of the territorial Thomson 'Shepherd & Co. Ltd., Seafield Works, •waters adjoining the County of Durham. Taylor's Lane, Dundee. From a point on the coast near Whitbum. (Grid Luke Thornber iLtd., Dean (Mill, Plumbe Street, Reference 414620) the boundary .follows a straight line Burnley. eastwards -to a point within three miles off-shore Tulketh Spinning Company (Branch of Lancashire (460620), thence south to a point approximately two & Yorkshire Tulketh Group Limited), Tulketh Mill, 1 Balcarres Road, Preston. and a half miles off-shore (460560), thence south- Turner Brothers Asbestos Co. Ltd., Brook Mill, High westwards to a point on the coast near Ryhope Street, 'Leigh, Lanes. (41753'!), and thence the coastline northwards to the Van Den Berghs & Jurgens Limited, Stork Margarine point of commencement near Whitburn. Works, Bromborough Port, Birkenhead. Original Licensed Area—143 square miles in the J. A. Weir iLimited, Forth Paper Mills, Kilbagie, by county of Northumberland. Alloa, Clackmannans'hire. J. Wilson & Co. (Cedar Works) Limited, Lower Extension—An area of approximately 49 square Withington, Macclesfield, Cheshire. miles within the seaward limit of the territorial The Woolly Mill Company Limited, Ford Mill, waters adjoining (the counties otf Northumberland Langholm, Dumfriesshire. and Durham. Worcestershire County Council, Westhill Nursery, From a point on the coast just south of Newbiggin Hagley Road, Stourbridge. by the Sea (Grid1 Reference 3il0870) the boundary The Workington Iron & Steel Co. (Branch of the follows a straight line eastward® to a .point about two United Steel Companies Ltd.), Moss Bay, Work- and a half miles off-shore (350870), thence straight lines ington, Cumberland. south-eastward's between the following points within three miles off-shore (350870, 370800, 420700, 460650) thence south to a point within three miles off-shore (460620), thence west to a point on the coast near MINISTRY OF POWER Whitburn (414620) and thence the coastline north- wards to the point of commencement south of Thames House South, Newbiggin by the Sea. Millbaek, London S.W.I. 10th May 1960. THE MHN5ES & QUARRIES ACT, 1954 MINISTRY OF HOUSING The Cod Mines {Firedamp Drainage) AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Regulations, 1960 The Minister of Power in- accordance wfah the pro- Welsh Office, visions of section 142 of, and Part I of the -Second Cathays (Park, Cardiff. Schedule to, the above Act, hereby gives notice that he proposes to make General (Regulations under section STATUTORY ORiDERS {SPECIAL 141 of the Act, entitled the Coal Mines (Firedamp (PROCEDURE) ACT, 1945 Drainage) -Regulations, 1960. The Regulations, which will apply to mines of coal Notice is hereby given in pursuance of subsection (1) and -will' come into force on 1st July 'I960, govern of section 2 of the Statutory Orders ^Special Pro- the collection' of firedamp before it (has been diluted cedure) Act, 1945, that it is the intention of the by the ventilation of .the mine and its safe disposal. Minister of Housing and (Local Government to lay They do not apply to systems which consist merely before Parliament the Brecon (Amendment of Local of a pipe placed in a roadside pack for the purpose Enactment) Order, 1%0, made by him on 22nd April of collecting firedamp which has accum-ufhated behind 1960, under section 303 of the Public Health Act, the pack and conveying it to a point in the road 1875, section 317 of the Public Health -Act, 1936, and where it can be discharged safely. section 13>1 of the Food and Drugs Act, 1955, as The Regulations make .provisions -governing the having effect by virtue of the Statutory Orders (Special drilling of boreholes, the installation and construction Procedure) ((Substitution) Order, 1949. of stand pipes, pipe ranges and exhausters, the con- P. L. Hughes. struction and -use of exhauster houses and calorimeter rooms and the conditions under which firedamp is discharged from a firedamp drainage system. Copies of the draft (Regulations may be purchased MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT (price 4d.) from H.M. Stationery Office at the addresses shown on the last page of this Gazette. Any Berkeley Square House, London W.I. objection with respect to the draft Regulations must be made in writing to the Minister of Power, Thames Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 House South, Milbank, (London S.W.l, before 1st The Minister of Transport hereby gives notice that June 1960, and must state: he proposes to make an Order under section 49 of (a) the specific ground of objection ; and the above Act authorising the stopping up of a length (&) the omissions, additions and modifications asked of footpath at Moel-Ddiwyd, Llanfihangel, Mont- for. gomeryshire, in order to enable development, consisting Alfred M. Rake, An Under Secretary. of the building of a 3-day dutch barn to be carried.
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