The Weather assenvbly in a numbe'r-of timely Clei^ng and cooler tonkpit The VFW Auxiliary will meet St. Mary’s Episcopal Church choruses. ' _ ’ . with low In low 60e. Wedneedity tomorrow at 7:80 p.m.'. at the has scheduled choir rehearsals Bandsman Wallace Shauger, ■unny and pteneant;' high In up­ Poet Hoihe. Members are re­ to begin tomorrow. The Junior who was program chairman, per 70a. Thureday’e outlook,. Manohefter WA/TB16 will go on minded to bring items for the choir will meet at 6:80 p.m. and becoming cloudy agnln. a mystery ,rlde tomorrow. spoke on the topic, “ Are You in teacup auction which will be af­ the Senior choir at 7:46 p.m. at ■ The muslcsof bag pipes filled Focus?" Mancheuter^A City of Village Charm Weighing in at the Italian-Amer- ter the 'buelnesa niee'ting. meet in October. the church. This will be the last- loan CSUb will be from 6 to 7 the Youth Cenlar of the Salva­ Following the benedlcation by rehearsal with Steven Lowry. tion Army yesttelday ns Roger Capt. Lawrence Beadle, Ritchie p.m.- Mrs. James Desautels will The executive board of VOL. LXXXX, NO. 293 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) (Olaaetfled Adverttalng on Page 15) PRICE FIFTEEN CENT! Manchester Registered Ifuines New members are welcome. Ritchie played a ^ ^ ed ley of again played the bag pipes. MANCHESTER, CONN;, 1*UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 he inoharge of the program. Church Women United will Association will meet Wednes­ tunes for the opening egerclsee The program was arranged meet tomorrow at 13 ;80 p.m. at day at 7:30 p.m. in the doctor’s^, xl^nchester Lodge of Masons of the Sunday School Ralij^pay by Bandsman and Mrs. Shauger. Daughters Of liberty, LiOU, the home of Mrs. Edward Ooss dining room of Manchester wilKmeet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. program. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in of 123 Helalne Rd. - Meirtorial Hoepltal. Mrs. Vera at thVMAsonlc ’Temple. After a Recitations were presented b; Orange Hall, weather permit­ Dormer will speak on “ Reach short l^Jness meeting Friend­ Lori McCurry, Cathy and Sandra Post-Freeze ting. Ciib Pack 112 is sponsoring a tor Recovery," a program for WANTED ship L od ^ xO* Masons will ex­ Mackenzie, Sharon Bell and registration for boys Interested women who have had a emplify the Entered Apprentice Jeremy Rogers. Late Model B n wott B oon The ways and means otlmmit- in Joining the pack tonight at 7 mastectomy. Mrs. Dormer is a Gunman Shoots degree. A socl^ .hour with re­ < Mrs. David D’Alessandro and VLL BE IN TOMQRHOW8 HBBALDl Views Asked tee of the MemchMtOr Junior in th^ Washington School oafe- recovery volunteer. freshments will follow. • Bullets Slew Attica Hostages, Women’s Club wilpmeet tonight teria. Boys should be between her daughter, Sherry, accom­ USED CARS panied the children in song on at 8 at the hoipO of hfrs. Law­ eight and 10 years of age and -Manchester. Square Dance Top Prli Paid rence ^oon of^iass R e^ ood Rd. The Loyal Circle of King's their guitars. y By President accompcmled by a parent. Club will sponsor a series of For All Daughters has canceled . its The' Young People's Bapd, es! Police Pair In worksheqM beginning tomorrow a n ew service By MICHAEL J. REILLY The executive board of the and also on Sept. 21 and 38 from meeting scheduled for tonight at conducted by Bandmaster R. CARTER CHEVR( 7:4S. Members Will meet at Douglas Bell, played several center for fROFESSIONAL Volunteer League of the Luts 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Waddell C O .. INC. WABHINaTON (AP) — Pres­ Junior Museum will meet to­ School. Ears Johnston, club call­ Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. items. Volkswagens! ident NUcOi after hearing bual- Medical Examiner Reports PIANO TUNING morrow at 0:1B a.m. at the niu- er, will be the Instructor. The Center St. to pay respects to Scripture versos were recited 1229 Main St. neae oppoeltlon to any poot- Massachusetts by thovTeen Bible group, and D R rm u on oN b o o k s seum. meeting Is open to all Interest­ Mrs. Carrie Conant Johnson, a Phone 649-5238 freeae wage board without gov­ FOR ALL INSIRIXMBINTS ed area square dancers. member. Songster Karen Krlnjak led the ernment participation. has EAST BROOKFIELD, Mass. sachusetts Turnpike aq a sus­ ATTICA, N. Y. (AP)— WARD KRAUSE pect In the robbery of a bank In County medi­ Manchester Auxiliary. Child called farm leaders In to dis- (AP) — Two policemen were The Monroe SU-MM cuee hla economic pkxjgram. shot and wounded seriously Canton, Conn. cal examiner said today &0d Family Services executive P,o lice charged Stephen board will moot tomorrow at The President says he will today by a man they picked up that all nine hostages kill­ consult with all concerned fac­ McDonough, 23, of Farmington, 9:30 a.m. for coffee and at 10 for questioning, ed at Attica state prison tions about what will follow the Conn., with the shooting of the. for a business meeting at the The man was captured by during the four-day upris­ One HOUR wage-pride-rent' freeze. Ho al­ trooper. He. still IS being Child and Family Services office state police 40 minutes after ing di^d of gunshot ready has had separate ses- sought. at 110 Main St. the shooting. He hEid fled the alona with labor and business The two wounded men, Spen­ wounds ^ scene In the wounded officers’ Dr. John F. Bdland said, leaders, and will meet with cer Police Chief Robert H. w nT im m cruiser, but abandoned that and "There were no cut throats or The religious education board Parker Jr., *and patrolman TNI MOST IN DNV 01IANIN9 oongressional representatives ran into woods when ho was any kind cf muUlatloti.’’ of Second Congregational Friday, Richard H. McEvoy were taken Church will meet tonight at 7:30 halted at a roadblock. to the Worcester City Hospital. The bodies of two m<m pris- Businessmen, wrtio spent two Troopers Converging on the p.m. at the church. .—- The hospital later reported cners were found today,* unoffi­ hours In conference with Nixon scene went Into the woods and cial sources said, bringing the Monday, rejected the position brought the man out. both men in serious condition I Edgar Circle of South United total dead to 40. set forth last week by labor with bullet wounds In their ab­ Methodist Church will meet to­ He was taken to the There was no immsdlats sx- that anti-inflation controls bo Brookfield State Police bar­ domens and chests. They were morrow at 0:1S a.m. at Susan­ taken to the shock room at first planaUon of how' the gunshots nah Wesley Hall. supervised by a board of labor, racks where he was booked as were fired, from where or by business and public representa­ Richard J, Und, 26, of Woon­ and later were transferred to .the Intensive car»surgical unit, whom. tives. socket, R.I. Police said specific According to all official re­ the hospital spokesman said. James Roche, chairman of charges were being prepared. ports M!onday,' the only guns Parker Is 46, MoEvoy, 26. the board of General Motors, The scene of today’s shooting rebel prisoners were carrying . The shooting occurred only OftSEEMODELma told newsmen he and the 10 Is only a few miles from whore were gas projectUe guns. Most an hour after state police had other business leaders who met a state trooper, Francis Rear­ of them were armed with clubs, broadcast an alert to all police m U J ^ ML SEEVlOE with Nixon do not want such a don, 41, was shot and wounded firebom bs and makeshift ME W* MIDOEA VPKB* nongovernment board. by a man he halted on the Mas- (Sqe Page Eight) knives, officials said. M M m w a a r o B D Com plel* George Meqny, president of Heme RemocMIng the AFLrCIO,- meanwiille was telling the House Ways and Related stories on tbs AtUoa I Prison confrontation appear on FuMy Insured Means Committee of his sup­ port for the tripartite panel. He Page 17. Fast Sendee atoo renewed his stand favoring Sen. McGovern Rescued \ an excess-profits tax and criti­ Read■# Herald_ , o C A U ^ - 2 S 4 2 CNG is offering these $6.00 value indoor-outdoor Airguide by converting your present furnace to gas. You can rent the cized most of Nixon's new tax From Hail of Rocks in Viet The bodies of the nine hos­ (Beo B4xwna b or Speotatty) proposals and plans for an In­ tages and prisoners who died Advertiseineiits burner unit tor a low monthly c W g e . It you’re not completely vestment tax credit renewal. L , *• earlier In the clash ware taken thermometers to all Luckies living on a CNG gas line who By GEORGE ESPER satisfied, CNG will refund every eeqt of rent you paid during '"rtie proposal before you," to the Monroe County msdioal get a tree home heating survey before Oct. 31,1971. Call your Meany said, “ Is a giant raid on SAIGON (A P)— Sen. George McGovern was rescued examiner. Carl Lzipo, a super­ ge^ heating contractor or CNG in Hartford (525-0111) or New the first full year. And don’t forget the indoor-outdoor ther­ the federal Treasury that would by U.S. military police and Marines tonight from a hail visor In the examiner's office, said the hostages died, of gun­ Britain (224-9157).
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