HERALD________________ GLEN COVE ______________ Gazette tasty summertime swimmers dive in New year, entertaining for a cause new principal Page 15 Page 9 Page 3 Vol. 26 No. 33 August 17-23, 2017 $1.00 Bike and Legislator Build is back! seeks opioid We caught up with Valerie Angulo, far left, who has just completed warning signs a cross-country bike journey. Angulo and her teammates Emily Guy Glen Cove woman who lost husband: and Gabe Planas stopped on Colorado’s Trail Ridge Road in bill is ‘a step in the right direction’ Rocky Mountain National Park. Story, By ERIK HAWKINs, DANIEllE you or someone you know has a Page 8. AgoglIA and NAKEEM gRANt problem with addiction, you can [email protected], dagoglia@liherald. call 1-877-8-HOPENY.” com, [email protected] They would be printed in English, Spanish and Haitian Courtesy Valerie Angulo Nassau County Legislator Creole, and would be provided by Delia DeRiggi-Whit- the county if request- ton, a Democrat ed by a pharmacy. from Glen Cove, Pharmacies that introduced legisla- he more do not comply with tion on Aug. 7 that we can the law would be she and her fellow t A Glen Cover looks back fined $100 for a first Democrats hope do to educate o f f e n s e , a n d w i l l h e l p c u r b the public on $500 for subsequent Irma Berkley, 88, takes stock of the changes in her city prescription opioid offenses. addiction and over- the dangers, “This notice might doses. seem like a small By DANIEllE AgoglIA the city and her life in it. She the children have today,” she said, especially of Under the Phar- step, but it can have a [email protected] was born in one of only two though she does now have an macy Opioid Notice prescribed or big impact,” DeRiggi- houses where the McDonalds iPad. “We didn’t have a lot of Law, which is now a Whitton said at a Irma Berkley gazed out the and CVS are now on Glen Street. money, but nobody else did, so-called ethical bill, all pharmacies news conference. “In second-floor window of the Glen Her father, Bill Stehling, either, so none of us really knew in Nassau County drugs, the better just the few moments Cove Senior Center at the bus- helped build the first Glen Cove that we were poor. But we had a would be required you stand waiting at tling Monday-morning traffic on High School, where the middle great time.” to post prominent off we will be. the pharmacy coun- Glen Street. She school is now. Her She reminisced about playing signs warning of ter to pick up a pre- thought about a time cousin William Cocks in fields reached by dirt roads the dangers of opi- CHARlEs lAVINE scription for either when there wasn’t a was the first city that are now Midwood Place and oid addiction, or State assemblyman yourself, your child parking lot and rows ExclusivE judge. Valentine Avenue. “We would go else face fines. or family member, of shops across the Berkley described out into the woods and we would The signs would this notice might give street. She tried to living Glen Cove as rural climb the trees,” Berkley read, “Medications containing you pause and remind you that recall what her sister when she was grow- trEAsurEs recalled. “We would play out in opioids are addictive and subject these prescription drugs need to might have looked out ing up. She lived with the streets. We would play base- to abuse. Use opioids only as be taken with care and moni- on from that same Part three her family for 10 years ball in the streets if we had no directed by your physician. If window nearly 100 of a series on Cedar Swamp field near us.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 years ago, when her Ro a d , ab ove t h e Children flew kites, played a family lived in an Orchard neighbor- variety of sports, and at night apartment in the building before hood, next to an old Polish shined flashlights into cars Irma was born. Church (now closed). The Steh- along Midwood Place, a.k.a. Berkley, 88, could easily lings then moved to McGrady Lovers’ Lane. declare herself a Glen Cove his- Street, where Berkley lives today. She can still remember walk- torian. She has a sharp memory, “We were outside all the time ing home from school with friends, and effortlessly recalls details of — we didn’t have the things that CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 2 Marijuana dispensaries setting up shop Two medical marijuana dispensaries coming to Nassau County By BRIAN STIEGLITZ, DANIELLE AGOGLIA, Assemblyman Charles Lavine, a Demo- Harris explained. “There is some evi- sano said. “As a state legislator, I don’t feel and NAKEEM GRANT crat from Glen Cove. “It’s being regulated dence that marijuana might have harmful that we’re supposed to be approving laws [email protected], [email protected], in our state, and it’s going to help a sub- neurological effects and, quite clearly, that are in direct violation of a federal [email protected] stantial number of people.” behavioral effects in chil- law and the doctors who issue the certifi- But not all are quick to dren and adolescents.” cations. We’re begging for a problem.” Five medical marijuana dispensaries embrace medical marijua- Harris noted that while Assemblyman Ed Ra, a Republican will open in New York, with two to come na. “As we are seeing in hile she doubts practitioners from Franklin Square, is also concerned to Nassau County, according to an Aug. 1 other states, legalization has would prescribe marijuana about possible violations of federal law, announcement by the State Department caused some practitioners W medical for children outside of but he sees the potential benefits of add- of Health. and licensed agencies to pre- marijuana will unusual situations, children ing more dispensaries. “People probably The objective in adding five more dis- scribe medical marijuana could abuse their parents’ aren’t going to drive over an hour to get to pensaries to the existing five is to for the most trivial condi- be prescribed prescribed medications. a dispensary,” Ra said. “It’s clear that increase accessibility to medical marijua- August 17, 2017 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2017 — GLEN COVE 17, August tions and are using marijua- Marijuana joins other pre- what was out there in terms of dispensa- na, alleviate the cost burden for patients na for situations in which for adults, the scribed medications as part ries was not adequate to cover the by encouraging corporate competition its efficacy hasn’t been community has of SAFE’s “Lock Up Your demand. Additional dispensaries make a and create more marijuana products, established,” said Dr. Sha- Meds” initiative. lot of sense.” department spokesman Howard Zucker ron Harris, psychologist and to be alerted to Assemblyman Michael According to the National Conference wrote in a release. executive director of Glen Montesano, a Republican of State Legislatures, New York allows Fiorello Pharmaceuticals and PalliaT- Cove SAFE. potential abuse from Glen Head, said that he the distribution of medical marijuana at ech NY will receive licenses to distribute SAFE, Substance Abuse by youth. could not support marijua- dispensaries, but ingested doses cannot in Nassau County. Also coming to New Free Environment, is a pub- na dispensaries because contain more than 10 milligrams of THC, York will be New York Canna, Valley lic-private community part- DR. SHARON they violate federal law. Doc- and the product cannot be smoked. Agriceuticals and Citiva Medical. nership that provides alco- tors, he said, cannot pre- As of Aug. 1, there were 25,736 patients “We’re gauging the situation as we go,” hol- and drug-prevention HARRIS scribe marijuana for medi- certified for medical marijuana treat- said Gov. Andrew Cuomo, adding that the services. It is the only certi- Executive director, cal use. They can, however, ment. That number has increased by need for more dispensaries came with the fied substance abuse-preven- Glen Cove SAFE offer “recommendations” or 10,744, or 72 percent, since March, when increasing number of certified patients tion agency in Glen Cove, “referrals” under the feder- the Department of Health added chronic since New York legalized medical mari- emphasizing intervention al prescription prohibition. pain as an eligible condition, according juana in 2014. and education. “At any given time, the to Zucker. “My opinion is that we are doing the “While medical marijuana will be pre- federal government could step in here None of the registered organizations right thing, and there is a need for this scribed for adults, the community has to and prosecute anyone and everyone will grow cannabis on Long Island, and dis- particular type of drug,” said State be alerted to potential abuse by youth,” involved with these dispensaries,” Monte- pensaries’ locations have yet to be disclosed. 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