INISTERS OF THE ITURGY M L PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT The Most Reverend Gregory Michael Aymond Fourteenth Archbishop of New Orleans CONCELEBRATING PRELATES: Most Reverend Alfred C. Hughes Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre Most Reverend Dominic Carmon, S.V.D. ORDINANDS Emile George Noel III Garrett Michael O’Brien Kyle Joseph Sanders Kurt Russell Young DEACON OF THE GOSPEL Deacon Daniel Green DEACONS ASSISTING THE ARCHBISHOP Deacon Travis Clark Deacon Colin Braud ASS FOR THE RDINATION OF RIESTS M O P VESTING CLERGY Reverend James N. Caime, S.J. (Emile Noel) Reverend Patrick Wattigny (Garret O’Brien) Reverend Kyle Dave (Kyle Sanders) Saturday, the Second of June Reverend Philip Landry (Kurt Young) Two Thousand and Twelve Ten O’Clock in the Morning MASTER OF CEREMONIES Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis King of France Reverend Monsignor Kenneth J. Hedrick New Orleans, Louisiana ASSISTING MASTERS OF CEREMONIES ORDER OF MASS Reverend Warren Cooper Reverend John Nhan-Tran Deacon David Warriner Deacon Jesse Watley INTRODUCTORY RITES PROCESSIONAL SERVERS Stand Ian Bozant Paul Clark All Creatures of Our God and King Michael Dykes Timothy Hedrick Matthew Johnston Emmanuel Priva Ramil Reborusa Kenneth Smith Timothy Trahan Chris Zavackis EADERS R Katie Sanders Mark Thomas GIFT BEARERS Kathy Noel Brian O’Rourke Craig Sanders Harriet Sanders Gary O’Brien Tammy O’Brien Steven Young Ann Young MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Notre Dame Seminarians SAINT LOUIS CATHEDRAL CHOIR Mr. Dreux G. Montegut, Director LITURGY OF THE WORD RITE OF ORDINATION Sit Sit FIRST READING ISAIAH 61:1-3 CALLING OF THE CANDIDATES Those to be ordained are called to stand before the Archbishop and the assem- RESPONSORIAL PSALM bly. In leaving their place among the deacons, they enter now a transitional phase and a transitional space in their journey to the Order of Presbyter. Psalm 84 PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES In dialogue with the Archbishop, testimony is offered that these candidates have received and embraced formation for this important ministry in the Church and that we find them prepares and ready to live the life of priestly service. ELECTION BY THE BISHOP AND CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE Hearing and accepting this testimony, the Archbishop calls these men to ordination. The members of the assembly, God’s priestly people, affirm, support and, as the Church, join in with the Archbishop’s call with applause. HOMILY The Archbishop breaks open for the candidates and for all in the assembly the SECOND READING 1 PETER 5:1-7 Word of God as we heard it in the Scriptures and shares insights into the opportunities and challenges ahead for these men called to the priesthood. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Stand PROMISES OF THE ELECT The elect rise and stand before the Archbishop who questions all of them together. They promise to offer their lives in service to the Church. They also promise obedience to the diocesan bishop, to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, to live as a celibate, to preach the Gospel in word and deed, and to foster his spiritual growth as a leader among God's people. EXAMINIATION OF THE CANDIDATES Having heard what is expected in priestly service, these men respond with full and free consent before God and the Church. PROMISE OF OBEDIENCE Called for service to the Church and participating in the ministry of the GOSPEL LUKE 22:14-20, 24-30 Archbishop, these men continue to show their resolve to serve by making a promise of obedience to the bishop of this diocese now and in the future. Kneel LITANY OF SUPPLICATION The elect prostrate themselves before the altar as a sign of their submission to the will of God as the choir and congregation sing the Litany of Supplication invoking the help of God and the saints upon the elect and the Church. By your In- car -na - tion, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. By your Death and Re- sur-re-ction, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. By the outpouring of the Ho-ly Spi - rit, Lord, del - liv - er us we pray. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Be merciful to us sin - ners. Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Govern and protect your Ho - ly Church, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Keep the Pope and all the Christ, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy. ordained in faithful ser - vice to your Church, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Bless these cho-sen men, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Bless and sanctify these cho-sen men, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Bless, sanctify, and consecrate these cho-sen men, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Bring all peoples together in peace and true har - mo - ny, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Comfort with your mercy the troubled and a - fflic - ted, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Strengthen all of us and Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. keep us in your ho - ly ser - vice, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Saint Mich - ael, pray for us. Jesus, Son of the liv - ing God, Lord, we ask you hear our prayer. Holy angels of God, pray for us. Saint John the Bap - tist, pray for us. Saint …. pray for us. Saint …. pray for us. All holy men and wo - men pray for us. Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us. Christ, gra - cious - ly hear us. Christ, gra - cious - ly hear us. Lord, be mer - ci - ful, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. From all e - vil, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. From ev- ’ry sin, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. From ev - er - last - ing death, Lord, de - liv - er us we pray. LAYING ON OF HANDS AND PRAYER OF ORDINATION LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST The heart of the ritual now takes place. The Archbishop lays his hands upon the head of each of the elect in silence. This ancient ritual expresses the invocation PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS of the Holy Spirit and the granting of authority and responsibility. The Archbishop then offers the prayer of ordination to the Order of Presbyter. Sacerdotes Domini All respond “Amen” to this prayer. PREFACE ACCLAMATION Then all are seated. INVESTITURE WITH THE STOLE AND CHASUBLE After the prayer of ordination, the newly ordained are visibly incorporated into their new order of service as another priest helps them remove the vesture of a deacon and they wear, for the first time, the vesture of priests. The stole is a symbol of the clerical state. The chasuble is worn over the stole and is a symbol of the virtue of charity to which all are called. ANOINTING OF HANDS This anointing with Sacred Chrism becomes a sign of the sanctifying ministry of a priest in service to his people. HANDING OVER OF THE BREAD AND WINE The sacramental ministry of the priest at the altar, “in persona Christi,” is high- lighted as, for the first time, the newly ordained receive the gifts of the people that will be transformed, by his ministry, into the Body and Blood of Christ. FRATERNAL KISS This final gesture of incorporation into the priestly life is shown as the candidates are welcomed into the Order of Presbyter first by the Archbishop and then by their brother priests. MYSTERY OF FAITH LAMB OF GOD AMEN LORD’S PRAYER COMMUNION HYMN CONCLUDING RITES At That First Eucharist ANTIPHON IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Salve Regina RECESSIONAL Go Make of All Disciples COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION FOR CATHOLICS All Creatures of Our God and King As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when we receive Holy Text: St. Francis of Assisi 1182-1226; William H. Draper 1855-1933; Original text by Francis of Assisi; Communion. We are encouraged to receive Communion devoutly and frequently. In order to be tr. by Draper; Public Domain. Tune : LASST UNS ERFREUEN; LM with alleluias; Geistliche Kirchen- properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and gasange; Harm. by Ralph Vaughan Williams Public Domain. normally should have fasted for one hour. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to re ceive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave Psalm 84 reason where there is no opportunity for confession. In this case, the person is to be mindful of Text: Thomas J. Porter b. 1958; Psalm 84:2,3,4,5-6; para. By Porter; © 1987, GIA Publications, Inc. the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon Tune: Thomas J. Porter b. 1958; © 1987, GIA Publications, Inc. as possible (Code of Canon Law, canon 916). A frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all. Litany of Supplication Excerpts from the English translation of Roman Pontifical © 2010, International Commission on English FOR OUR FELLOW CHRISTIANS in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. We welcome our fellow Christians to this celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. We pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit in this Eucharist will Mass of Renewal draw us closer to one another and begin to dispel the sad divisions which separate us. We pray Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal © 2010, International Committee on English that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ’s prayer for us “that they may in the Liturgy, Inc. Musical setting: © GFTSMusic Publishing Company, Inc.
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