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London, 5 Arshad SH, Hide DW. Effects of environmental factors on George Newnes Ltd, 1905. the development of allergic disorders in infancy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992; 90: 235–241. DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00149408 Pre-immigration screening for pulmonary tuberculosis From the authors: and the clinical diagnosis prevails. Thus, in most cases, this is the immigrant’s first life-time exposure to radiography. The authors thank BHUNIYA [1] for his interesting comments on our article published in the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Most industrialised countries use a combination of CXR and [2]. Tuberculosis (TB) screening policies are influenced by the TST to screen immigrants originating from high-TB-incidence structure of the national TB programme, the existing financial countries [12–15]. The Israeli TB screening policy in Addis resources, the expertise of available professionals and the sense Ababa, Ethiopia includes both of these methods for the of apprehension expressed by the local population in the host detection of LTBI and PTB. The Israeli screening process country. employs additional measures to support those instruments and to augment the validity of the entire process, such as The aim of our study was to evaluate the unique screening physical examination and symptom questionnaire for each process performed in Ethiopian immigrants arriving in Israel, immigrant. In addition, the follow-up is resumed while the and to share our experience with the ERJ’s readers. immigrants are housed in the designated absorption centres The tuberculin skin test (TST) is considered the preferred method and are tested for the second-step TST. Medical follow-up is for screening latent TB infection (LTBI) in immigrants originating provided by a nurse at these centres during the first few years from countries with high rates of TB [3–5]. This method can of acclimatisation in Israel. potentially detect all patients with LTBI [6] in a simple, HIV tests are performed for the Ethiopian immigrants only inexpensive and sensitive fashion. The merits of this instrument after arrival in Israel. Israeli immigration laws are unique, and are increased when the physician considers the patients’ age, allow immigrants of Jewish descent to be naturalised in Israel previous TB exposure and past BCG vaccination in addition to upon arrival, and provided with all social benefits including the TST results. The interpretation of the TST using those national health insurance. Therefore, HIV-infected immigrants additional data increases the specificity of the test [7]. are entitled to follow-up and therapy when indicated. The Chest radiography (CXR) is considered the preferred test for right to immigrate to Israel is unrelated to the health status of the immediate detection of radiological findings suggestive of the immigrants, and there is high social sensitivity in Israel to active pulmonary TB (PTB) [8]. The reliability of CXR depends any bureaucratic barriers for the homecoming of Jews. on the experience and interpretative skills of the reader [9], However, because HIV may stigmatise this a priori margin- knowledge of the sex and HIV status of the patient [10] and the alised population of immigrants, we prefer to perform HIV quality of the film. In addition, it can detect abnormalities testing in Israel in a non-coercive manner only after arrival. compatible with previous TB infection. Therefore, some This way, the immigrants are reassured that no pre-arrival experts recommend this instrument for screening immigrants medical condition deprives them of the anticipated home- originating from high-TB-incidence countries for LTBI [11]. coming. We do, however, test for TB prior to immigration, as the mycobacterium may infect otherwise healthy individuals As for the interpretations of the CXR, readers should be aware during air travel to Israel and immediately thereafter. The that the same team consists of three radiologists, who are results of TB screening performed previously in Ethiopia are working in the same hospital and have performed this task for compared with the HIV tests conducted in Israel to compose a nearly 7 yrs, while decreasing their inter-observer variability. comprehensive evaluation of each individual. As for the individual risk of radiation while performing CXR, the literature does not see or prove risk to the diagnosed Finally, isoniazid resistance was diagnosed in less than 5% of patient if it is performed within the indication of screening or the PTB immigrants. Therefore, we assume that the relatively future treatment. It is also known that CXR is not commonly low isoniazid resistance and the relatively low risk for side- c performed in Ethiopia for this low-income and rural people, effects of the therapy, as well as the high cost-effectiveness of EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL VOLUME 33 NUMBER 3 701 the current regimen, are superior in comparison to alternative Netherlands Tuberculosis Association (KNCV) Working preventive therapy options. Nevertheless, consistent evalua- Group. Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 765–775. tion of drug sensitivity tests is imperative in an ongoing 6 Menzies D. Screening immigrants to Canada for tubercu- evaluation of this decision. losis: chest radiography or tuberculin skin testing? CMAJ 2003; 169: 1035–1036. In conclusion, our study is based on valid material and on 7 American Thoracic Society, Centers for Disease Control, actual circumstances, and its outcome can provide some Treatment of tuberculosis and tuberculosis infection in evidence to yield of screening of potential immigrants from adults and children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149: Ethiopia, and hopefully from other African countries. 1359–1374. 8 Marhez C, Bangala Y, Bady P, Zellweger JP. Active " Z. Mor*, Y. Lerman#, and A. Leventhal*,+ screening for pulmonary tuberculosis by chest x-ray *Public Health Services, Ministry of Health, +Braun School of among immigrants at the Swiss border. Swiss Med Wkly Public Health of Hadassah and the Hebrew University, 2007; 137: 649–654. 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Tuberculosis surveillance in immigrants 5 Broekmans JF, Migliori GB, Rieder HL, et al. World Health through health undertaking in western Australia. Int J Organization, International Union Against Tuberculosis Tuberc Lung Dis 2000; 4: 232–236. and Lung Disease, and Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis 15 Richards B, Kozak R, Brassard P, Menzies D, Association Working Group. European framework for Scwartzman K. Tuberculosis surveillance among new tuberculosis control and elimination in countries with a immigrants in Montreal. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2005; 9: low incidence. Recommendations of the World Health 858–864. Organization (WHO), International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) and Royal DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00149908 Left ventricular dysfunction in patients with interstitial lung diseases To the Editors: advanced lung diseases and estimated that 6% of them had LV failure, in particular patients with primary pulmonary hyper- The paper by PAPADOPOULOS et al. [1] describes the failure of tension and Eisenmenger’s syndrome. However, in a patient systolic left ventricular (LV) function in patients with group with interstitial lung diseases (ILD) the proportion was idiopathic lung fibrosis (IPF). lower and reached 3.6%. Not much is known about LV systolic and diastolic function failure in IPF patients or its influence on rates of survival.
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