Timeline / London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 1 Timeline London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 1919 4/1919 Formation of Famous Players Lasky British Producers Limited 7/1919 Arrival of Albert A. Kaufman (production supervisor) Arrival of Richard Murphy (scenic artist) and others 8/1919 Arrival of Eve Unsell (head of scenario) 10/1919 Purchase of lease on building to be converted into studio 11/1919 Arrival of Milton Hoffman (general manager) 1920 2/1920 Appointment of Mde Langfier in Paris to run wardrobe department 3/1920 Arrival of Adolph Zukor 4/1920 Arrival of director Hugh Ford 5/1920 Opening of the studio 5/1920 Filming of The Great Day (May-June) 5/1920 Major Bell promoted to studio manager 6/1920 Arrival of Jesse Lasky 7/1920 Major Bell to America for three months 8/1920 Appointment of Robert James Cullen as assistant director 8/1920 Filming of The Call of Youth (August - September) 9/1920 Filming exteriors of The Call of Youth in Devon 9/1920 Eve Unsell returns to America 9/1920 Arrival of Margaret Turnbull, Roswell Dague (Scenarists) & Robert MacAlarney (General Production Manager) 10/1920 Arrival of Major Bell & director Donald Crisp 10/1920 Milton Hoffman returns to America 10/1920 Major Bell appoints James Sloan (Assistant Manager) 10/1920 Filming Appearances (October - December) 10/1920 Arrival of Paul Powell 11/1920 Trade Show The Great Day Trade Show The Call of Youth 12/1920 Filming The Mystery Road (December – May) Exteriors on the Riviera (December -February) Interiors February - May 1921 1921 1/1921 Filming of Princess of New York (January - March) Exteriors on the Riviera (January) 1/1921 Arrival of Mary O’Connor (scenarist) 2/1921 Appointment of Alma Reville as floor secretary to Donald Crisp 4/1921 Appointment of Alfred Hitchcock in charge of art titles 5/1921 Filming Dangerous Lies (May - June) 5/1921 Arrival of director John Stuart Robertson 6/1921 Trade show Appearances Trade show Princess of New York 6/1921 Filming Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush (June-Sept) Davild Powell and Mary O’Connor return to America 8/1921 Arrival of director George Fitzmaurice 8/1921 Arrival of Thomas Jefferson Geraghty (supervising editor) 8/1921 Filming London exteriors for Three Live Ghosts 6/8/21 8/1921 Filming exterior shots for Perpetua in France 13/8/21 9/1921 Trade show Dangerous Lies Timeline / London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 2 9/1921 Donald Crisp, Robert MacAlarney, Roswell Dague and Margaret Turnbull all return to America 9/1921 Filming interiors shots for Perpetua 10 September - 15 October 1921 9/1921 Filming Three Live Ghosts 10 September - 15 October 1921 10/1921 Trade show The Mystery Road 10/1921 Filming The Man From Home from 22 October - end December 10/1921 Filming Spanish Jade 29 October - end December 10/1921 Cutts and Wilcox film The Wonderful Story 11/1921 Trade show Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush 12/1921 Filming exteriors of The Man From Home December 1921 12/1921 Filming exteriors of Spanish Jade December 1921 / January 1922 1922 2/1922 Thomas Geraghty, George Fitzmaurice and Ouida Bergere return to America 3/1922 John Stuart Roberston returns to America 3/1922 Trade show Three Live Ghosts 3/1922 Cutts films Cocaine (through April) 5/1922 Trade show Perpetua 5/1922 Trade show of The Wonderful Story 5/1922 Trade show of Cocaine 5/1922 Jesse Lasky visits London on a European tour 6/1922 Trade show The Man From Home 6/1922 Cutts and Wilcox casting for Flames of Passion 7/1922 Me Marsh arrives to star in Flames of Passion 7/1922 Cutts films Flames of Passion (through August) 7/1922 Formation of Graham-Wilcox Productions Ltd 8/1922 Trade show Spanish Jade 9/1922 Cutts films Paddy the Next Best Thing (through November) 11/1922 Trade show Flames of Passion Late 1922 Hitchcock works on Mrs Peabody (Number Thirteen) 1923 Early 1923 Hitchcock works on Always Tell Your Wife Early 1923 Formation of Balcon-Saville-Freedman 1/1923 Trade show of Paddy the Next Best Thing 3/1923 George Pearson films Love, Life and Laughter 3/1923 Victor Saville leaves for trip to USA to secure Betty Compson 4/1923 Cutts films some scenes of Woman to Woman 5/1923 Trade show Love, Life and Laughter 5/1923 Betty Compson arrives in London 5/1923 Cutts films Woman to Woman (through June) 6/1923 Squibs MP (interiors at Craven Park) 7/1923 Squibs MP (interiors at Islington) 8/1923 Cutts films The White Shadow 8/1923 Balcon visits America 9/1923 Trade show Squibs MP 10/1923 Squibs Honeymoon (interiors at Islington) 10/1923 The Money Habit (interiors at Islington) 11/1923 Trade show of Woman to Woman 12/1923 Trade show Squibs Honeymoon 1923 1/1924 Pearson writes script of Reveille on the Riviera 1/1924 Trade show of The Money Habit 2/1924 Pearson films Reveille at Craven studios then Islington (through March) 2/1924 Dissolving Balcon-Saville-Freedman 2/1924 Trade show of The White Shadow Timeline / London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 3 2/1924 Formation of Gainsborough Pictures (Cutts & Balcon) 3/1924 Myron Selznick, Marjorie Daw & Alice Joyce arrive in London 3/1924 Filming The Passionate Adventure (March / May) 6/1924 Filming Human Desires (interiors Islington / exteriors Paris) 6/1924 Balcon & Selznick visit Berlin & UFA 6/1924 Herbert Wilcox filming Decamaron Nights at UFA (June / July) 6/1924 Jesse Lasky visits Europe & London 7/1924 Clive Brook arrives in America & travels to Hollywood 7/1924 Trade show Reveille 8/1924 Trade show The Passionate Adventure 9/1924 Cutts, Hitchcock & Reville arrive in Berlin to film The Blackguard (September / December) 11/1924 Jane Novak arrived in Berlin from New York 1925 1/1925 Trade show Human Desires 1/1925 Early production on The Prude’s Fall 2/1925 Trip to film exteriors /scouting on The Prude’s Fall 3/1925 Filming The Prude’s Fall at Islington 4/1925 Trade show The Blackguard 5/1925 Cutts films The Rat (May – July) 6/1925 Hitchcock & Reville arrive Munich to film The Pleasure Garden 8/1925 Charles Lapworth joins Gainsborough as Editorial director 9/1925 Trade show The Rat 9/1925 Hitchcock & Reville back in London for 4 weeks (September) 9/1925 George A. Hopton appointed General Manager of Gainsborough 9/1925 Cutts begins work on Sea Urchin 9/1925 Wilcox films Nell Gwyn at Islington (through December) 9/1925 Wilcox signs to the newly formed British National Pictures 10/1925 Cutts filming exteriors in Paris for Sea Urchin 11/1925 Cutts films Sea Urchin at Alliance studios (completed by December) 11/1925 Gainsborough’s deal with Lawson-Harris Productions and Lee-Bradford Corporation 11/1925 Balcon appoints W.J. O’Bryen to handle story selection 10/1925 Hitchcock in Munich to film The Mountain Eagle (there by 1/10/25) 10/1925 Negotiations with Carlyle Blackwell to join Gainsborough 10/1925 Inaugural meeting of the Film Society (25/10/25) 11/1925 FBI & CEA findings regarding legislation 11/1925 Gainsborough contract for 6 pictures in USA 11/1925 Adrian Brunel produces 5 short Burlesques 12/1925 Gainsborough produce 6 Steve Donoghue racing shorts 12/1925 Announcement that Hitchcock’s next film would be The Lodger 1926 1/1926 Wilcox in New York to promote Nell Gwyn 1/1926 Hitchcock & Reville return to London from Germany 1/1926 Brunel Burlesques released 1/1926 First Donoghue Racing film released 1/1926 Formation of Piccadilly Pictures and Piccadilly Studios 1/1926 Gainsborough agrees to buy the Islington studio 1/1926 Balcon buys the Islington Studios 1/1926 Wilcox and JD Williams begin construction of studio at Elstree 2/1926 Trade show Sea Urchin 3/1926 Trade show Nell Gwyn 3/1926 Trade show Pleasure Garden 2/1926 Hitchcock casting The Lodger 2/1926 Ivor Novello signs contract with Gainsborough 2/1926 Balcon takes on George A. Cooper as director Timeline / London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 4 3/1926 Balcon & Lapworth in New York (through April) 3/1926 First National Pictures offer a deal to Balcon 3/1926 Hitchcock begins filming The Lodger (through April) 5/1926 Cutts films exteriors of Triumph of the Rat in Paris 6/1926 Hitchcock to start on Huntingtower 6/1926 Cutts films Triumph of the Rat in the Islington Studios (June-August) 6/1926 Gainsborough announce The Silent Warrior with Blackwell for Cutts 7/1926 Private screening of The Lodger 7/1926 Hitchcock given contract by BNP 7/1926 Re-organisation of Gainsborough Pictures with Balcon and Carlyle Blackwell as joint managing directors on the commercial and production side Cutts no longer on the directorate and Lapworth leaves 7/1926 Angus Macphail joins Gainsborough? 8/1926 Cutts takes final exteriors of Triumph of the Rat in Dieppe 8/1926 Cutts begins on the Rolling Road 8/1926 Balcon negotiates deal with Noel Coward – announces filming Easy Virtue 8/1926 Rumours that Cutts will make a film with Lily Damita 8/1926 Balcon asks Brunel to make Apres La Guerre / Blighty 9/1926 Cutts films exteriors of the Rolling Road in Devon 9/1926 Trade show The Lodger 9/1926 Trade show Triumph of The Rat 9/1926 Mr Lee from Lee-Bradford USA visits 10/1926 New film Apres La Guerre / Blighty announced 10/1926 Cutts films interiors of the Rolling Road (through early December) 10/1926 Cutts filming The Rolling Road in Great Yarmouth 11/1926 Brunel begins filming Apres La Guerre / Blighty 12/1926 Balcon secure rights to The Queen Was in the Parlour and The Vortex 12/1926 Ivor Novello signs another contract with Gainsborough for 1/1/27 – 1/9/27 12/1926 Cutts goes to Berlin to film The Queen Was in the Parlour (finished by end
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