Prsrt Std. U.S. Postage PAID Bend, OR Permit No. 473 Volume 31, No. 2 OCTOBER 2008 Official Publication of the Oregon State Snowmobile Association www.oregonsnow.org P.O. Box 6328 Bend, OR 97708 A Message From Your President John Vogel, OSSA President Summer maintenance on the snow cats is pretty close to being done by now and trail clearing is underway. I had some pictures sent to me from Denny Farwell in reference to humor out of Toll- gate Trail Finders (see pictures inside).All of us working together is what makes Oregon’s program a huge success. OSSA has pur- chased a new snow cat for Sisters Sno-Go-Fers and relocated some other equipment. Things have been a little smoky around here in Hood River and on top of Mt. Hood with the Gnarl Ridge fire. The fire has con- sumed many board feet of lumber (150 cords per acre) in some riding areas and now is burning in the Wilderness area. The fire is being fueled by down timber (heavy underbrush) and beetle kill trees, which could have been avoided if the Forest Service had been aloud to manage its forest. Idaho Media Ride I am challenging the current OSSA members to sign up one new family membership this season. If each member would sign by Mike Lancaster avaned through Boise and up the Pine to spend the night. up one new member this year, it would take our family member- scenic and twisty Idaho 55 to the From Warm Lake we rode up ship to 3, 050. Think of the potential growth five years from now The Idaho Department of Ashley Inn in Cascade, Idaho. to Landmark which was built by if everyone helped in getting more people to join our OSSA fam- Parks and Recreation and the After checking in and getting set- the CCC back in the thirties. It ily. Department of Commerce tled in our rooms the Idaho State had snowed over night and there OSSA is again this year raffling a 2-place trailer (drive off/drive invited snowmobile publishers Snowmobile Association spon- was plenty of untracked powder on) to fund our Legal Action Fund. Kent Lisko of Kastle West and editors to visit the Cascade sored an excellent catered meal in the meadows around Land- Distributing and OSSA are splitting the cost in donating a brand and McCall area for 3 days of and a presentation by the state mark to play around in. Land- new 2009 Triton XTD11-101 2-Place trailer. Kent has strongly snowmobiling and exploring the officials and the local club mem- mark has an airstrip and cabins supports the efforts of OSSA and recognizes the need to raise recreation opportunities in the bers on snowmobiling in the used during the summer by the funds to fight and defend the many legal challenges our State Payette valley region during the Cascade area. Forest Service. We ate lunch Associations may face. Don’t miss your chance to win this top middle of March 2008. Thursday morning we ate a inside one cabin. Which actually rated trailer and help support our Legal Action Fund. Contact your Larry and I traveled from very good continental breakfast seemed colder inside versus out- club President, District Director, or your District Director-at-Large Bend to Boise early on Wednes- in the Ashley Inn. Ashley Inn's side. From Landmark we started to get your tickets. The more you buy, the better your odds of win- day morning and stopped by version of continental is not the off on the 36 mile ride over to ning. Hartman Inc. in Nampa to visit usual hotel skimpy coffee and Yellow Pine. It was good trail We need to stay involved with our forest service recreational with Tom and see his shop. After danish. The breakfast included ride with some excellent scenery personnel and the process being presented at the travel manage- a brief stop and long detour do it yourself waffles and wide and some wildlife, a moose ment meetings. When it comes to road decommissioning, we need around a fatal accident on the variety of cereals, oatmeal, toast, hanging out on a river bank to make sure snowmobile trails are not going to be affected by any interstate we made it to the Idaho and fruits. After breakfast the under a tree and fresh wolf tracks closures. If a road is to be decommissioned, it can still be main- Parks and Recreation building on media group headed out from along side the trail. tained for recreational travel (OSV, OHV, Skiers, mountain bikes, the east side of Boise. After a Cascade up the Warm Lake Road We made it to Yellow Pine etc). brief meeting with the organizers to the snow park. From there we of the trip everyone involved car- were going to ride over to Yellow See Idaho Media on Page 15 to help our Legal Fund and per- attention of land managers and Peggy Sez... haps win a brand new Triton decision makers affecting your by Peggy Spieger Trailer. We appreciate the contin- riding area. OSSA Executive Director ued support of Kastle West Dis- Know what is happening in tributing. your local Forest. Attend land The snowmobile clubs are hav- use meetings. Get acquainted Kent Lisko, Kastle West Dis- ing their kick-off meetings, din- with your District Ranger and tributing, is again supporting the ners, pot-lucks and BBQ’s to start Forest Supervisor and their recre- OSSA Legal Fund by providing a the season with fellowship and ation staff. Meet new Forest Ser- Triton XT11D-101 2-Place enthusiasm. Trail clearing is vice personnel and let them Trailer to be given away on underway and all sno-cats should know all the positive things Valentine’s Day, February 14, have their routine maintenance snowmobilers do to help the for- 2009. Tickets are $2.00 each, completed and be ready for the est and benefit all winter recre- three for $5.00, or a book of six snow. Let’s make it our goal this ationists. for $10.00. All money goes to year to increase club and OSSA Plan now to attend the OSSA the Legal Fund so that we will be membership. Invite a friend to a Convention at the Riverhouse in OSSA Convention in Bend prepared to defend your riding club event. Be sure that your Bend on January 16-18, 2009. areas. Tickets are available from club meetings are FUN and not Snowmobile rides will start on See page ?? your local club, any OSSA Direc- gripe sessions. Vice President Tuesday, January 13th. There tor, or from the OSSA office. Vera Riser is also our member- will also be a grooming seminar For Information & Also, if you are willing to help ship chair; contact her for ideas to on Saturday afternoon on in- sell these tickets, please let me attract new people to our group. A Registration Form know. This is a good opportunity strong organization will have the See Peggy Sez on Page 4 Page 2 OREGON SNOWMOBILE NEWS www.oregonsnow.org www.ORSnowmobileNews.com OCTOBER 2008 quite frequently this season. You should be receiving your sport of snowmobiling. to preserve, protect, and enhance You can find us at: dues notice along with the Calen- • To help preserve and promote the sport of snowmobiling. www.wb7okx.com/snowdrifters. dar of Events in your mail within our natural resources. OSSA was formed in 1972 by a Thanks and hope to see you on the next few days. I hope to see • Assist in search and rescue small group of snowmobilers the trails! you at the upcoming barbecue missions. concerned about our sport. The Pray For Snow! that will kick off the 2008-2009 • The ability to enjoy snowmo- Association saw a need for better, Editor’s Message snowmobile season! biling activities as a family and at A Message From the safer, and more scenic trails and by Ray Gibson, Editor Benefits of Club & OSSA a price reasonable for doing so. recognized the public demand for Hello Snowdrifters and wel- President • Helping provide a trail a better trail system. Safety come to our first “Drifter” of the by Keith Blackman Memberships groomer. Certification classes are sched- season! We are looking forward Well, here it is September (Taken from OSSA Website) • Helping to discourage bad uled throughout the state to pro- to one of the best years ever and already and I can’t believe how • Cooperative enjoyment in snowmobiling practices. mote safe snowmobiling. Our hope the snow is plentiful this fast the summer has gone by. We club activities, rides and play • Assistance in formulating and snowmobilers build snow shel- year (preferably, not on my roof)! had a cold spring which I know days. conducting youth driver educa- ters for the enjoyment of all win- I have been working on our made the summer seem shorter, • Assistance through club tion clinics. ter recreationists. We provide web page and now have the but at least we had a beautiful membership in formalizing legis- • Promote sanitation and non- representation for legislative online version of our “Schedule summer. I hope things have been lation for snowmobiles. littering in all areas used for issues at the state and national of Events.” Plus in “Upcoming going well for you and I look for- • Learning new areas to ride snowmobiling. level. OSSA promotes safe, Events”. I have also added to our ward to visiting with you during and familiarity with areas through • Serve as a catalyst in service responsible snowmobiling and “Club Rides” with all the infor- our upcoming snowmobile sea- joint rides.
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