How many 4G LTE smartphone GBs EU28 operators sell for €35 - July 2016 - 26% (27 out of 102) of EU28 operators sold during July 2016, for €35 or less, 4G LTE smartphone plans that included at least 20 GB. 11% (11 out of 102) of operators sold for €35 plans with unlimited GB volume allowance. - The European Commission proposed wholesale data roaming cap of €8.5/GB was higher than the domestic retail price/GB charged, during July 2016, by 75 out of 102 EU28 operators. - In markets with less MNOs (3 vs. 4) and more so in markets where no disruptor operator is present EU's big telecom operator groups offer 8 to 20 times less GBs for €35. Rewheel / Digital Fuel Monitor public research note, 13th July 2016 4G LTE smartphone GBs EU28 operators sell for €35 - July 2016 4G LTE SIM-onlly unlimited (>1,000) minute & SMS smartphone plan per operator¹ that for €35 or less includes the most GBs LV-BITE-BITE Unlimited LV-Tele2-Tele2 Unlimited PL-Play-Play Unlimited LV-TeliaSonera-LMT Unlimited LT-BITE-BITE Unlimited FI-DNA-DNA Unlimited FI-Elisa-Saunalahti Unlimited FI-TeliaSonera-Sonera Unlimited UK-Hutchison-3 Unlimited IE-Hutchison-3 Unlimited PL-Orange-Orange Unlimited EE-Tele2-Tele2 60 GB FR-Iliad-FreeMobile 50 GB DK-Telenor-Telenor 40 DK-Hutchison-3 40 GB EE-Elisa-Elisa 30 SI-TelekomAustria-Si.Mobil 30 GB UK-Telefonica-O2 25 GB EE-TeliaSonera-Telia 24 NL-Tele2-Tele2 24GB SE-Hutchison-Hallon 22GB FR-BouyguesTelecom-BouyguesTelecom 20 FR-Altice-SFR 20 DK-TDC-Telmore 20 LT-Tele2-Tele2 20 SE-Tele2-Tele2 20 SI-TelekomSlovenije-TelekomSlovenije 20 GB DK-TeliaSonera-Telia 15 UK-BritishTelecom-BT 15 LU-POSTLuxemburg-Post 15 LU-Orange-Orange 15 GB AT-Hutchison-3 13 SI-Telemach-Telemach 13GB LT-TeliaSonera-Omnitel 12 AT-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 12 GB PL-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 10 PL-Polkomtel-Plus 10 FR-Orange-Sosh 10 DK-TDC-YouSee 10 HR-Tele2-Tele2 10 Operators with same GB allowance are listed by lower price first IT-VimpelCom-WindItaly 10 LU-Proximus-Tango 10 IE-Eircom-Meteor 10 AT-TelekomAustria-yesss 10 AT-TelekomAustria-bob 9 GB UK-BritishTelecom-EE 8 GB UK-Vodafone-Vodafone 8 IT-Hutchison-3 8 HR-TelekomAustria-VIP 8 ES-Orange-Amena 7 GB IT-TelecomItalia-TIM 6 GB NL-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 6 SE-Telenor-Telenor 6 AT-TelekomAustria-A1 6 RO-Vodafone-Vodafone 6 RO-RCS-RDS-DigiMobil 5 GB LU-LuxemburgOnline-LuxemburgOnline 5 DE-Telefonica-Base 5 NL-Vodafone-Vodafone 5 RO-Orange-Orange 5 NL-KPN-KPN 5 BE-Libertyglobal-Base 5 FR-Orange-Orange 5 IE-Vodafone-Vodafone 5 RO-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 4 GB DE-Telefonica-O2 4 ES-Vodafone-Vodafone 4 SE-TeliaSonera-Telia 4 CY-Primetel-Primetel 3 GB HR-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 3 PT-Altice-MEO 3 ES-Orange-Orange 3 PT-Vodafone-Vodafone 3 CZ-Vodafone-Vodafone 2.5 GB ES-Telefonica-Movistar 2.5 SK-PPF-O2-PPF 2 GB CZ-PPF-O2-PPF 1.5 GB CZ-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 1.5 DE-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 1 GB HU-Vodafone-Vodafone 1 PT-Nos-Nos 1 DE-Vodafone-Vodafone 1 SE-Hutchison-3 0.5 GB HU-Telenor-Telenor 0.5 SK-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile 0.5 BG-Max-Max BG-Telenor-Telenor BG-BulgariaTelecom-Vivacom BG-TelekomAustria-Mtel ES-TeliaSonera-Yoigo SK-Orange-Orange IT-Vodafone-Vodafone BE-Proximus-Proximus BE-Orange-Orange €35 did not buy a 4G LTE unlimited CY-MTN-MTN (>1,000) minute & SMS plan MT-Go-Go EL-DeutscheTelekom-Cosmote EL-WindHellas-WindHellas CY-CYTA-CYTA EL-Vodafone-Vodafone MT-Vodafone-Vodafone HU-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile MT-ApaxParnters-Melita Have not yet launched 4G SI-T-2-T-2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Gigabytes ¹MNO main brands. For MNOs where a sub brand sold more gigabytes for €35 both the operator main brand and sub brand are included in the comparison Prices 9 to 12 July 2016 ²Plans with unlimited data volume were assigned a finite volume of 60GB. 60GB was the highest finite volume sold for €35 in EU28 dfmonitor.eu © REWHEEL 2016 all rights reserved | www.rewheel.fi | www.dfmonitor.eu | [email protected] | +358 44 203 2339 How many 4G LTE smartphone GBs EU28 operators sell for €35 - July 2016 2 The Commission proposed wholesale data roaming cap of €8.5/GB is much higher than domestic retail GB prices The EC wholesale data roaming cap of €8.5/GB is higher than the domestic retail price/GB charged by 75 out of 102 EU28 operators - July 2016 Operator fully allocated¹ retail price/GB of 4G LTE unlm (>1000) min & SMS plans that for €35 include the most GBs LV-BITE-BITE € 0.28/GB (unlimited GB for €16.67)² LV-Tele2-Tele2 PL-Play-Play LV-TeliaSonera-LMT FR-Iliad-FreeMobile € 0.40/GB (50GB for €19..99) LT-BITE-BITE FI-DNA-DNA FI-TeliaSonera-Sonera FI-Elisa-Saunalahti € 0.45/GB (unlimited GB for €26.90) UK-Hutchison-3 IE-Hutchison-3 PL-Orange-Orange EE-Tele2-Tele2 € 0.50/GB (60GB for €30) EE-Elisa-Elisa DK-Telenor-Telenor DK-Hutchison-3 SI-TelekomAustria-Si.Mobil UK-Telefonica-O2 EE-TeliaSonera-Telia SE-Hutchison-Hallon FR-BouyguesTelecom-BouyguesTelecom € 1.25/GB (20GB for €24.99) FR-Altice-SFR DK-TDC-Telmore LT-Tele2-Tele2 NL-Tele2-Tele2 SE-Tele2-Tele2 LT-TeliaSonera-Omnitel DK-TeliaSonera-Telia PL-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile SI-TelekomSlovenije-TelekomSlovenije PL-Polkomtel-Plus UK-BritishTelecom-BT LU-POSTLuxemburg-Post LU-Orange-Orange BG-Max-Max AT-Hutchison-3 FR-Orange-Sosh DK-TDC-YouSee SI-Telemach-Telemach HR-Tele2-Tele2 AT-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile UK-BritishTelecom-EE LU-Proximus-Tango IT-VimpelCom-WindItaly IE-Eircom-Meteor UK-Vodafone-Vodafone AT-TelekomAustria-yesss AT-TelekomAustria-bob ES-Orange-Amena IT-Hutchison-3 RO-RCS-RDS-DigiMobil HR-TelekomAustria-VIP BG-Telenor-Telenor LU-LuxemburgOnline-LuxemburgOnline DE-Telefonica-Base IT-TelecomItalia-TIM € 5.00/GB (6GB for €30) BG-BulgariaTelecom-Vivacom NL-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile SE-Telenor-Telenor AT-TelekomAustria-A1 RO-Vodafone-Vodafone RO-Orange-Orange NL-Vodafone-Vodafone RO-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile NL-KPN-KPN BE-Libertyglobal-Base FR-Orange-Orange BG-TelekomAustria-Mtel DE-Telefonica-O2 € 6.87/GB (4GB for €27.49) IE-Vodafone-Vodafone ES-TeliaSonera-Yoigo ES-Vodafone-Vodafone SK-Orange-Orange SE-TeliaSonera-Telia EU wholesale cap € 8.50/GB 0.85 €cent/MB = IT-Vodafone-Vodafone CY-Primetel-Primetel €8.5/GB HR-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile BE-Proximus-Proximus PT-Altice-MEO BE-Orange-Orange ES-Orange-Orange € 10.98/GB (3GB for €32.95) PT-Vodafone-Vodafone CZ-Vodafone-Vodafone ES-Telefonica-Movistar SK-PPF-O2-PPF CY-MTN-MTN MT-Go-Go CZ-PPF-O2-PPF CZ-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile EL-DeutscheTelekom-Cosmote EL-WindHellas-WindHellas CY-CYTA-CYTA EL-Vodafone-Vodafone MT-Vodafone-Vodafone € 26.67/GB (1.2GB for €32)³ DE-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile € 31.45/GB (1GB for €31.45) HU-Vodafone-Vodafone PT-Nos-Nos DE-Vodafone-Vodafone € 34.99 (1GB for €34.99) HU-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile SE-Hutchison-3 HU-Telenor-Telenor SK-DeutscheTelekom-T-Mobile MT-ApaxParnters-Melita SI-T-2-T-2 Have not yet launched 4G €0 €5 €10 €15 €20 €25 €30 €35 €40 €45 €50 €55 €60 €65 €70 ¹Operator fully allocated retail price/GB = Tariff monthly retail price incl. VAT divided by GB volume allowance ²Plans with unlimited data volume were assigned a finite volume of 60GB. 60GB was the highest finite volume sold for €35 in EU28 Prices 9 to 12 July 2016 ³The fully allocated price/GB for operators where the lowest available plan was higher then €35 is the fully allocated price of the next highest (than €35) plan dfmonitor.eu For detailed analysis of the considerable market distortion that the Commission’s proposed wholesale data roaming cap will create see our July 2016 premium research note1, titled “The EC proposed wholesale data roaming cap of €8.5/GB is much higher than domestic retail prices across most EU states”. 1 http://www.dfmonitor.eu/insights/2016_june_premium_eu_data_roaming_wholesale_cap/ © REWHEEL 2016 all rights reserved | www.rewheel.fi | www.dfmonitor.eu | [email protected] | +358 44 203 2339 How many 4G LTE smartphone GBs EU28 operators sell for €35 - July 2016 3 In markets with less MNOs (3 vs. 4) and more so in markets where no disruptor2 operator is present EU's big telecom operator groups offer 8 to 20 times less GBs for €35 In markets with less MNOs (3 vs. 4) and more so in markets where no disruptor¹ operator is present EU's big telecom operator groups offer 8 to 20 times less GBs for €35 70 4G unlimited min & SMS smartphone plan per operator¹ with most GBs for €35 65 60² 60 Orange 55 20 x more GBs 50 45 Deutsche Telekom 40 12 x more GBs 35 Telefonica Vodafone 8 x more GBs 30 Gigabytes 8 x more GBs 25 25 20 15 15 12 10 10 10 8 7 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 4 3 4 3 3 4 5 2.5 1.5 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 ¹Mobile-only (e.g. Hutchison ) and mobile-centric (e.g. Tele2) operators that do not sell fixed BB in most of their ts markets . Prices 9 to 12 July 2016 ²Plans with unlimited data volume were assigned a finite volume of 60GB.
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