
ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES SOCIALES ET POLITIQUES INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES SUD-ESTEUROPtENNES . JA ir-u TOME XVI 1978. N° 1(janvierMars) Etudes byzantines Economie et société Thèmes et styles EDITURA ACADEME! REPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA www.dacoromanica.ro Comité de rédaction M. BERZA membre correspondant de l'Académie de la République Socialistede Roumanle rédacteur en chef ; ALEXANDRU DUTU rédacteuren chef adjoint ;EM. CONDURACHI, A. ROSETTI, membres de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie H. MIHAESCU, COSTIN MURGESCU, D. M. PIPPIDI, membres correspondants de l'Académie dela Répu- blique Socialiste de Roumanie ; Al. ELIAN, VALENTIN GEORGESCU, FR.PALL, MIHAI POP, EUGEN STANESCU La REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES parail 4fois par an.Toute commande de l'étranger (fascicules ou abonnement) sera adressée a, 70116, ILEXIM, Departamentul Export-Import Presa, P 0. Box 136-137, télex 11226, BucureFti, str. 13 Decembrie n° 3, Romania, ou a ses représentants a l'étranger La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues, etc.) envoyés pour comptes rendus seront adressés à l'INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EURO- PEENNES, Bucarest, sectorul 1, 71119, str.I.C. FRIMU,9, téléphone 50 75 25, pour la REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES Les articles seront remis dactylographiés en trois exemplaires. Les collaborateurs sont priés de ne pas dépasser les limites de 25-30 pages dactylo- graphiées pour les articles et de 5-8 pages pour les comptes rendus. EDITURA ACADEMIEI REPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA 71021, Calea Victoriel, n° 125, teléphone 50 76 80, BucurwiRorninla www.dacoromanica.ro u_uI -i- ETUDES _. ______ 1111011 $1111ES TOME XVI 1978 Janvier Mars N° 1 SOMMAIRE Études b yzantines DIOR SEVCENKO (Dmnbarton Oaks), Agapetus East and West :the Fate of a Byzan- tine "Mirror of Princes" 3 MILAN SESAN, Les thèmes byzantins à l'époque des Comnènes et des Anges (1081-1204). 45 STELIAN t3REZEANU, La fonction de l'idée d'imperium unicurn chez les Byzantins de la première moitié du XIII' siècle 57 SEBBAN PAPACOSTEA, De Vicina a Kilia. Byzantins et Génois aux Bouches du Danube au XIV' siècle 65 Économie et société PAUL CERNOVODEANU, Les échanges économiques dans l'évolution des relations routnano-turques (XV` XVIII0 siècles) 81 131STRA CVETKOVA (Sofia), Les tahrir defterleri comme sources pour l'histoire de la Bulgarie et des pays balkaniques 9E Thèmes et styles DAN IONESCU, Le Baroque a l'Est. Terminologie et réalités d'art (I) 105 STEPHEN DAVIES (London), The Wheel of Fortune : The Picture and the Poem 121 Les études sud-est européennes et leur histoire ANDREI PIPPIDI, Pour l'histoire du premier Institut des Etudes Sud-Est Euro- péennes en Roumanie, I 139 Notes brèves Informations nouvelles concernant les villes portuaires des Bouches du Danube au Moyen Age (Oclavtan Iliescu) ; Pendentif de plomb avec inscription (Xle siècle)I Silvia Baraschi); Des vestiges roumains àSigtov (Valentin Antonov) . 157 Comptes rendus ALEXANDRU SUCEVEANU, Viata economicil In Dobrogea roman6, secolele I-1II (Andrei Aricescu); I. A. MEDVEDEV, BH3BHTili1eltlli1 rymaim3m XIVXVBB. (II. 3Itheiescu); EQREM CABEJ, Studime etimologjike nd fushé té shqipes (II. Alilaiescu); C. TH. DIMARAS, NeocXX-qvcxòg 8tctcpoycLap.6ç (Cornelia Papacostea- Danielopoliz); VENETA RASEVA-BOJINOVA, BnytutaTa Ha BeueTa BoTeHa paaHaana aa BOTeBOTO eemeitc.rno (C. Velichi ) 165 Notices bibliographiques 177 Livres recus 191 REV. ETUDES SUD-EST EUROP., XVI, 1, P 1-192, BUCAREST, 1978 www.dacoromanica.ro Etudes byzantines AGAPETUS EAST AND WEST: THE FATE OF A BYZANTINE "MIRROR OF PRINCES"* IHOR gEk'ENKO (Dumbarton Oaks) In 1711, AnseImo Banduri published his I mperium Orientale. Along with several Byzantine works of prime importance, this book included a minor piece : the seventy-two Hortatory Chapters by Agapetuswith a Latin translation. Banduri's text was repeatedly reprinted, and it is still the standard edition of the Chapters. About their author, Banduri had this to say : Now, concerning Agapetus, the author of the present small book, who claims to have been deacon of the Most Holy Great Church of God, that is, of Saint Sophia, and who, judging by his manner of speech and style, was a Greek,I have nothing to report.2 Today, two hundred and sixty-seven years later, we have even less to say about Agapetus as a person. The study of the manuscripts of the Chapters which was carried out at the beginning of this century revealed that the designation of Agapetus as Deacon of the Great Church * In a slightly shorter form, this paper was originally delivered at the First Confe- rence of l'olish and American Historians held at Niebor6w (Poland) in May of 1974. For basic bibliography on Agapetus, and the analysis of his Hortatory Chapters, cf. Thor SevC'enko, "A Neglected Byzantine Source of Muscovite Political Ideology", Harvard Slavic Studies, 2 (1951), 141-79 (this was reprinted in M. Cherniavsky, ed., The Structure of Russian History... [New York, 1970], pp. 80-107), and Patrick Henry, "A Mirror for Justinian : the Ekthesis of Agapetus Diaconus," Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 8 (1967), 281-308. To the bibliographical references contained in these two articles, add D. Downey, Constantinople in the Age of Justinian (Norman, Okla/ioma, 1960), pp. 49-52; B. Rubin, Das Zeitalter Justinians, I (Berlin, 1960), pp. 171. 427-29; Ihor Seveenko, "On Some Sour- ces of Prince Svjatoslav's lzborruk of the Year 1076," Orbis Scriptus, Festschrift fur Dmitrij Tschffewskij zum 70. Geburtstag (Munich, 1966), pp. 723-738; F. Dvornik, Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy: Origins and Background, II (Washington,1966), esp. pp. 712 15 ; Repertorium Forth= Htstortae Medii Acvi, II (1967), p. 141; G. Downey, Justinian and the Imperial Office [= Lectures in Memory of Louise Taft Semple, Second Series] (Cincin- nati, 1968), esp. pp. 12-16; W. D Schmitt in Studta Byzaritina, 2 (1973), 17 and 23; R. Romano, "Un' medita parafrasi metabizantina della Scheda regia di Agapeto Diacono," Atli dell' Accadernia Pontaniana, Nuova Serie, 22 (1973), 1-15 (with bibliography); Ihor SevZenko, LjubomudriBij Kyr" Agapit Diakon : On a Kiev Edition of a Byzantine Mirror of Princes, Supplement to Recen zija, Vol. V, No. 1 (Fall-Winter 1974) (several parts of this essay are reproduced in the present article); cf. also zdem, ibidern, Vol. V, No. 2 (Spring-Summer,. 1975), 57. 2 Anselmus Banduri, Imperium Orientate..., I (1711), p. iv (Pracfalio): De Agapeto autem huius libelli auctorc, qui se Sanclissimac Dei Magnae Ecclesiac, hoc est, Sanctae Sophiae, Ditzeonum pro fitetur, el quern oratio et stylus Graecurn fuisse arguunt non est quod &cam. REV. ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPXVI, 1, P 3-44, BUCAREST, 1978 www.dacoromanica.ro 4 SHOR SEVCENCO 2 of Saint Sophia occurs only in one branch of the tradition 3. Thus, the link between Agapetus and Saint Sophia, may be the reflection of a later conjecture, rather than of the original circumstance. We are thus left with the acrostic we find woven into the Chapters for information on our author. A reliable source of information, since it is so entwined with the body of the work itself, that it cannot be a later addition, it states that Agapetus was a Deacon and that the person addressed was an emperor by the name of Justinian 4. That this emperor was the great Justinian (527-565), rather than Justinian II (685-695; 705-711), can be gathered from chapters seventeen and thirty-four, both of which imply that the emperor being addressed reached the pinnacle of power only after holding other offices. This was precisely the case of Justinian I, whereas Justinian II was born to the purple and was crowned emperor at the age of sixteen, perhaps even fourteen, in 685 at the latest 5. Even with the identity of the emperor thus settled, doubt might arise as to the epoch in which Agapetus lived, since all of the numerous manuscripts of the Chapters close to ninety of them were listed in 1906, but their n.umber is close to one hundred are late in date, most of them belonging to the fifteenth, sixteenth and eighteenth centuries6. 3 A. Bellomo, Agapeto diacono e la sua Scheda Regia (Bari, 1906), esp. pp 10-41 (locu- tion of Saint Sophia only in "Category HT" of manuscripts). Bellomo's book should be read along with the devastating review by K. Prachter, Byzantinische Zeitschril 1, 17 (1908), 152-64, who calls our author Deutobold Mystifizinski (p. 162). 4 Cf., e.g., the title of Palatinu.s Graecus 228, fol. 261t :To therotahl kai easebestaf basilei hèmön Ioustinianò Aya petos elachistos diakonos. 5 Cf. Agapetus 34, translated by James White (1564) [this translation will be used throughout the article ; for exact title, cf. note 32 below] : "So thou most famous Emperor", albeit thou hast obtayned governaunce after governaunce, and is come to the highest honor. On Justinian II's youth and accession to the throne, cf. C Head, Justinian II 01 Byzantium (Madison, Wisconsin, 1971), pp. 21, 27. 6 The following tabulation has been made on the basis of Bellomo (as in note 3 above), pp. 13-14. If we discount the Florilegia, and the five manuscripts ambivalently described by Bellomo as "antico", we obtain the following distribution : the earliest extant and quasi- completemanuscript of Agapetus' text, Palatinus Graecus 228, is attributed, perhaps too optimistically, to the thirteenth century ; it is only one to be given so early a date ;six manus- cripts come from the fourteenth century ; thirty-two from the fifteenth ; thirteen, from the sixteenth ; one from the seventeenth ; at least three, from the eighteenth ; and twenty (from Athos) are attributed to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries The sum total of manus- cripts known to Bellomo in 1906 was eighty-two, plus six fragments. However, his list is far from complete. To give but one example, it omits the nine to twelve Agapetus manuscripts which are kept in the Library of the Romanian Academy of Sciences ;all of these manus- cripts are of the eighteenth century, and some of them offer a translation in modern Greek, or a commentary.
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