No. 80 1751 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l*IE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 22 AUGUST 1974 Land Taken for Road and for the Use, Convenience or Land Taken for Road in Block I, Maungatautari Survey Enjoyment of a Road in Block V, Marotiri Survey District, District, Waipa County Taupo County DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General DENIS BLUNDELL, G '.>Vernor-General A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Edward A PROCLAMATION Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Edward the First Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road and Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zealand, shall vest 'in the Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the of the County of Taupo as from the date hereinaf_ter Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road and shall vest mentioned and the land described in the Second Schedule in the Chairman, Councillors and Inhabitants of the County hereto is hereby taken for the use, convenience or enjoy­ of Waipa as frcm the date hereinafter mentioned; and I ment of a road; and I also declare this ·Proclamation shall also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and take effect on and after the 22nd day of August 1974. after the 22nd day of August 1974. FIRST SCHEDULE SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT SCHEDULE ALL those pieces of land situated in Block V, Marotiri Survey District, described as follows: SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT A. R. P. Being ALL those pieces of land situated in Block I, Maungatautari 1 3 36.6 Part Tihoi JC Block. Survey District, described follows : 0 0 4.5 Part Kakaho Stream bed. as As shown on plan M.O.W. 27524 (S.O. 46842) deposited A. R. P. Being in ·the office of the Minister of Works and Development at Wellington and thereon coloured yellow. O O 10 ) 0 0 8.3 ~ Parts Lot 'D', D.P. 2423; coloured blue on plan. 0 0 2.9 J SECOND SCHEDULE 0 0 21 Part Lot I, D.P. 3033; coloured yellow on plan. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT g g }.5 } Parts Lot 2, D.P. S. 5410; coloured sepia on plan. ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre 3 roods 9.1 perches, situated in Block V, Marotiri Survey District, being part As shown on plan M.O.W. 28028 (S.O. 469.86 deposited Tihoi 3C Block; as shown on plan M.O.W. 27524 (S.O. in the office of the Minister of Works and Development 46842) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington and thereon coloured as above mentioned. and Development at Wellington and thereon coloured yellow, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ edged yellow. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ this 6th day of August 1974. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 31st day of July 1974. [L.S.] F. M. COLMAN, [L.S,] F. M. COLMAN, for Minister of Works and Development. for Minister of Works and Development. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 35/473; Hn. D.O. 27 /0/50) (P.W. 34/4174; Hn. D.O. 20/7 /87) 1752 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE No. 80 Land Taken for Public Buildings of the General Government of the Executive Council, hereby appoint you the said Russell in the City of Auckland Talbot Feist, Gordon Harold Andersen, and John Joseph O'Dea to be a Commission to inquire into, report upon, and make recommendations upon the storage and distribution of motor spirits and ancillary products within New Zealand, DENIS BLUNDELL. Governor-General with particular regard to the following matters: BY HIS DEPUTY (a) The extent of competition in the wholesaling and RICHARD WILD retailing of motor spirits and ancillary products, and whether in the public interest steps should be taken A PROCLAMATION to modify the present practices in the industry, and PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Edward any legislation relating thereto: Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zealand, (b) The efficiency of the present distribution of motor hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the spirits and ancillary products, and any specific Schedule hereto is hereby taken for public buildings of the changes that you consider necessary to improve the General Government; and I also declare that this Proclama­ efficiency of tho industry: tion shall take effect on and after the 22nd day of August (c) The changes in patterns and terms of trade which hrve 1974. taken place in the wholesaling and retailing of motor spirits and ancillary products, with particular refer­ ence to consumer demand, density of retail outlets, hours of trading, credit facilities, and development SCHEDULE of highway service stations: (d) Any changes which have taken place in the service NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT rendered to the consumer, and whether any further Au. those pieces of land situated in the City of Auckland specific changes are now seen to be desirable: described as follows: (e) The reasonableness or otherwise of the costs, gross A.· R.. p, Being profits, and net profits achieved or incurred by whole­ salers and retailers of motor spirits and ancillary 0 0 14.63 Part Lot l, D.P. 8842. All certificate of title, products: (370m2) Volume 228, folio 20. (f) The extent and manner in which overseas interests 0 0 17.83 Lot 3 and part Lot l, D.P. 8842. All certificate influence the supply, storage, and distribution of motor 2 (4Sl m ) of title, Volume 228, folio 17. spirits and ancillary products within New Zealand: 0 0 19 Part land on D.P. 1343, being part Allotments 10 (g) The motor spirits price-fixing structures and procedures (480m2) and 11, Section 7, City of Auckland. All at wholesale and retail level: certificate of title, Volume 102, folio 83. (h) The steps, if any, which in the light of the findings O O 3S Lot 2, D.P. 8842. AH certificate of title, on the preceding terms of reference should be taken (88S m 2) Volume 466, folio 28. in the public interest to achieve the most economic, O O 1.43 Part Lot 1, D.P. 8842. All certificates of title, socially desirable, and equitable means of distribution (36 m 2) Volume 228, folio 18 and folio 19. of motor spirits and ancillary products- North Auckland Land Registry. and generally to inquire into and report upon such other Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ matters arising thereout as may come to your notice in General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, the course of your inquiries and which you consider should this 16th day of August 1974. be investigated in connection therewith, and to report upon any matters affecting the premi,es which you consider should [Ls.] F. M. COLMAN, be brought to the attention of the Government, and in par­ for Minister of Works and Development. ticular, to report your opinion whether any additional legisla­ Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! tion is necessary and the scope of the same: (P.W. 22/149/1; Ak. D.P. 6/2/0) And with the like advice and consent I do further appoint you the said RUSSELL TALBOT FEIST to be the Chairman of the said Commission: And you are hereby authorised and empowered to take into account in your inquiries any information obtained by or supplied to the said Committee of Inquiry into the Distribution of Motor Spirits and Ancillary Products appointed on the Commission of Inquiry into Distribution of Motor Spirits 10th day of May 1974 by the Minister of Trade and Industry and Ancillary Products pursuant to sect1 on 13 of the Trade and Industry Act 19S6 : And for the bettef enabling you to carry these presents into effect you are hereby authorised and empowered to make DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General and conduct any inquiry under these presents, in accordance with the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908, at such times ORDER IN COUNCIL and places as you consider expedient, with power to adjourn from time to time and place to place as you think fit, and To all unto whom these presents. shall come, and to: so that these presents shall continue in force and the inquiry RUSSELL TALBOT FEIST, Esquire, of Wellington, Barrister may at any time and place be resumed although not regularly and Solicitor; adjourned from time to time or place to place: GORDON HAROLD ANDERSEN, Esquire, of Auckland, Trade And you are hereby strictly charged and directed that you Union Secretary; and shall not at any time publish or otherwise disclose, save to JOHN JOSEPH O'DEA, Esquire, of Dunedin, Company Director: me in pursuance of these presents or by my direction, the GREETING: contents or purport of any report so made or to be made WHEREAS it is expedient that inquiry should be made into the by you or any evidence or information obtained by you in storage and distribution of motor spirits and ancillary products exercise of the powers hereby conferred upon you t:xcept within New Zealand for the general purposes of recom­ such evidence or information as is received in the course of mending what changes are necessary and what things should a sitting open to the public: be done for promoting the economic development of the And it is hereby declared that the powers hereby conferred distribution industry and the service to and protection of the shall be exercisable notwithstanding the absence at my time consumer, and matters incidental thereto: of any one of the members hereby appointed so long as the And whereas you the said Russell Talbot Feist, Gordon Chairman or a member deputed by the Minister of Trade and Harold Andersen, and John Joseph O'Dea were, pursuant to Industry to act in his stead and one other member are present section 13 of the Trade and Industry Act 19S6, appointed and concur in the exercise of the powers: on the 10th day of May 1974 by the Minister of Trade and And using all due diligence, you are required to report Industry to be a Committee of Inquiry into the Distribution to me in writing under your hands not later than the 31st of Motor Spirits and Ancillary Products: day of May 197S your findings and opinions on the matters And whereas it is now expedient that the said Committee aforesaid, together with such recommendations as you think of Inquiry should be reconstituted a Commission of Inquiry fit to make in respect thereof.
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